Shizzy's Sophmore Grow

Can anyone explain to me why my threads are posted on cannabisculture dot hf something something
they claim themselves to be the author if my threads.....who the hell is it???
No ideas on the Aurora either......sad day for me....

Hang in Shizz! Sorry to hear about the Aurora. Hopefully she'll pull through.

I had a look over at Cannabisculture dot whatever, but couldn't find what you were talking about. That's just some weird shit.
That would piss me off if someone was pirating my journal. :smokin::hmmmm:

Why don't you send a 420 admin the link? See if they can do something about it.
Hey guys!!! Ok so a few things......first as much as I want to be more involved on a daily basis, I just dont have the time and then guilt sets in because I am not paying my friends proper attention so very sorry to anyone I am behind on. phone thing hasnt gone through so it is still harder to stay in touch. Finally I believe I am in for a fun year.....I have been busy building a greenhouse and in it I have one each of NL, OG Kush and Bubba 76 each in 15 gall smart pots, but in the center I have the piece de Aurora clone from the monster bud plant, in a 100 gall smart pot.....!!!
I am freaking excited my wife and I bought tons of organic veggie herb and flowers, which also contqin many plants which bring beneficials and repel the baddies and some, such as beans and lavender right in the 100 gallon with her. The beans fix nitrogen in the soil and the lavemder encourages essential oil production. Such an exciting time pics soon. Love you all!!
Happy belated 420!


Hell yeah! Cool on the outdoor greenhouse Shizzy. Sorry I haven't been around a lot lately, but sure hope things are going well for you. Sounds like you're plenty busy.

Hang in Shizz! Sorry to hear about the Aurora. Hopefully she'll pull through.

I had a look over at Cannabisculture dot whatever, but couldn't find what you were talking about. That's just some weird shit.
That would piss me off if someone was pirating my journal. :smokin::hmmmm:

Why don't you send a 420 admin the link? See if they can do something about it.

On it I would have never noticed but I googled my own journal title to find a quick link and low and behold the second lnk on the page is this www dot cannabisculture dot hanf dot ws or something hella strange like that.......

Then it shows my entire journal but says written by cannabis culture....
Hell yeah! Cool on the outdoor greenhouse Shizzy. Sorry I haven't been around a lot lately, but sure hope things are going well for you. Sounds like you're plenty busy.

X!!!!! Hell Xlr8 no worries my friend, thanks alot I am so excited....never thought the old lady would let me outdoors.
Well guess what I just did it then calmly went and talked to my neighbors....turns out they roast too!!!!!! Woot!!!
Thanks for keeping your eye out....all my good friends who are here but dont say much....again much love!!
Even though I am legal in my state you never know how people will act.

I find that much is hard for me to use in a sentence. so I dont say much much
I find that much is hard for me to use in a sentence. so I dont say much much

I agree 100% but in this case I have these giant plants in an extremely viewable area in fact every window in their house on the front side looks directly into my greenhouse. Lol.....felt right to just talk to them...its opened a new friendship for me.
Ok McLoadie getting worried now she is showing some issues with lower leaves now, here she is


Here's another photo

just looks like transplant shock to me. if that
dont MUCH think you have to worry too MUCH:)
Ok McLoadie getting worried now she is showing some issues with lower leaves now, here she is



I see another plant in the background, and it looks mostly of the same stature, she may be a little overwatered. That plant looks like it's growing rapidly by the apical shoots and lighter green growth at the top. The bottom leaves don't concern me so much....easy fix. IDK much, I don't even really understand how I do my figurin, but one course of action would be this; give her a half dose of a regular bloom nutrient, this will aid the roots just like a seedling if there was some damage during transplant. I do not think you broke the tap root, if this is a seed plant. After the bloom nutes I would water twice and then hit her with a 50 % veg nute mix, watch and see if the bottom leaves get real green and the green works its way to the top of the plant. I have always been organic, but I am really liking the way the synthesised nutes hit the plant faster. The quickest way to provide nitrogen is with clean urine....IMHO, 1 part urine ten parts water. Got any cloning liquid or powder?, I would put in 1 tsp/gal with any treatment you do, you can do that twice for good measure. Like fishy says, I don't think you have a bad problem, and anything I suggested will NOT hurt that plant. I don't think you have any deficiency, she's getting ahold of that new pot of soil. How much difference in the soil you put her in from the soil she was grown in prior to transplant? You know exactly what this plant has been through, look at everything, suggestions included, and I am sure you will come to the correct conclusion of how to get her rockin.
good weed shizzy!
yeah what Mc said:)
I see another plant in the background, and it looks mostly of the same stature, she may be a little overwatered. That plant looks like it's growing rapidly by the apical shoots and lighter green growth at the top. The bottom leaves don't concern me so much....easy fix. IDK much, I don't even really understand how I do my figurin, but one course of action would be this; give her a half dose of a regular bloom nutrient, this will aid the roots just like a seedling if there was some damage during transplant. I do not think you broke the tap root, if this is a seed plant. After the bloom nutes I would water twice and then hit her with a 50 % veg nute mix, watch and see if the bottom leaves get real green and the green works its way to the top of the plant. I have always been organic, but I am really liking the way the synthesised nutes hit the plant faster. The quickest way to provide nitrogen is with clean urine....IMHO, 1 part urine ten parts water. Got any cloning liquid or powder?, I would put in 1 tsp/gal with any treatment you do, you can do that twice for good measure. Like fishy says, I don't think you have a bad problem, and anything I suggested will NOT hurt that plant. I don't think you have any deficiency, she's getting ahold of that new pot of soil. How much difference in the soil you put her in from the soil she was grown in prior to transplant? You know exactly what this plant has been through, look at everything, suggestions included, and I am sure you will come to the correct conclusion of how to get her rockin.

McLoadie thanks so much my friend......I knew it was the damn soil. The soil is massively different and I even thought to myself, "Hey why dont I layer the top with old soil let her grab her roots and grow into the new stuff," but no.....I ignored myself. Thats ok however and the other plant in the background shoulda taken a nicer pic for y'all but yeah that is an amazing plant they are all anyways. Yeah shes a clone. :thanks:
rep for you.

And dammit Fishie....every freaking time I see your sig past few days I suddenly hear in my head all day, " Waiting for the train that goes home sweet mary......."
Joo know the rest.
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