Spike's Grow Room

Good to hear things sound like they are going okay, Spike. Winter is tough on me, too. And just before it rains. I'm like a human weather station - I can always tell you when it's gonna rain!
Yes XL,things are better with my bro and he is getting some help.As you say about the weather it is the
main deal for how much pain I have and hopefully it will be like last winter which was mild.As other years
I have a few outdoor plants that a buddy takes care of and they are huge,so tall he's worried they will
fall over,I told him to brace them up as its too late to chop any off and too early too as the buds are forming.
anyway hope to get a good amt. from them 2.:thumb:
Hey Spike -

It's been a while and I'm just wanting you to know I'm thinkin' of ya, and hoping everything is going okay for you. Miss seeing your great pics and updates - you sure know how to grow and photograph some pretty plants. Much love buddy - take care, k?

All is good XL,i have a nice big bush growing(flowering) and some clones from her
really waiting for outdoor guy to come by with my portion of the grow.I had a taste
of some and its great,has a few seeds which is fine,that will be for next years crop.
I will get some pics in and thx for coming by.:Namaste:
some of my new smoke is bruce banner and is great for nerve and muscle pain
and a great smoke.
Bruce Banner? I know who that is, but is that a strain too or are you saying it's strong like hulk? ;)

Do you have a new strain? I'm always on the lookout for nerve pain benefits so I'd love to know what you have going!

So glad to know all is okay my friend!!
its a medical strain,its a cross og kush and strawberry diesel,a strong smooth smoke.
a new fav. of mine along with ww and blue mystic.oh yaa i love durban poison as my sativa fav.lol
its a medical strain,its a cross og kush and strawberry diesel,a strong smooth smoke.
a new fav. of mine along with ww and blue mystic.oh yaa i love durban poison as my sativa fav.lol

Hi Spike -

Wow that sounds good... I love OG Kush, and Strawberry Diesl sounds great - I'll bet that IS some great smoke! :high-five:
hey bud, long time. was looking for some old friends, i havnt been on for a year or more, i was waiting till i got to a legal state. everything looks great bro
i have often came to this sight for help in growing and to vent some of my lifes problems.i dont have many friends i can call or just talk to
about trouble in my life and i am hoping that the people i know through here can help.as i am typing this i am crying like a baby because of
what my ex son in law is doing to my grandchilds life.she is 7 turns 8 nov 10th and she is my life.mckenzie told her teacher today that she
cant go to school no more as her dad hates her mom and grandma and she is worried.this as i type is tearing my heart out cause to type it i keep thinking of it and i cry cry cry.her dad is rob and he has told her that next year she can live with him because my daughters job as
a student teacher ends-- and rob said --your mom wont have any money to take care of you----------oh shit this is hard.the pain that this little girl is going through is too much for me too handle.rob has also said to her your mom is a f_ _ _ _ ing bitch,for me to hear this makes me want to go and tear his head off.i need my head to be in the right place for me to help kenzie.what really hurts too is she loves her dad and wants to see him,but with the way he is and talks,i dont think she should.rob is bi polar-he does not work as he does not want to pay anything to kenzies mom.this all sounds like it should be so easy to tell the courts not to let him see her and im sure it would be but none of us can afford a lawyer and all this will take time and mean while she is getting more screwed up by robs actions.ohh im so mad and sad i dont know what to do,as more tears are now streaming from my already blood shot cried out eyes.--------pause.she wants her dad but yet,,ya know? its doing to much damage and not just her,her mom which of course is my daughter,her grandma and me are well as you can see,messed up.im divorced from her grandma but yet we are very close.i got this
news from her my ex and because of my closeness to kenzie she knew i would be a wreck and i am.it is taking all i have not to go over and take him apart.that would just hurt kenzie too.i think i know the way to deal with this,through the courts -- her teacher could even be a witness as to what kenzie tells her,,but this will all just hurt her too cause she loves her dad.but this or something like this has to be done.tell you the truth i dont even know if my daughter is gotten a legal divorce from him,,,,,,,,,,ahh geez.i am just so sad for kenzie that it is beyond anything i have felt before,oh my god this just kills me and now im crying again,man,,,,,,,
i dont know,yet i do know she cant see him anymore and if she wants to i will go with her, k i cant type no more,i got to just siiit
and figure stuff out anyway,,spike signing off
well im a little more level headed now and we have got her next visit with her father cancelled.with the way he talks to her at 7 years old is uncalled for,and hopefully i can chaperone the visits coming until something can be done by the courts.
I think i will sit down to a nice fatty now and relax as much as i can.spike
Hang in there Spike. That sounds awful and would be devastatingly hard to deal with. Kids should never be put in the middle. They should be protected, nurtured and loved. Period.

Glad you have found a more level head, and it sounds like you are handling this well, given the circumstances. You can always vent to me here or PM, I sure have to you... It's nice to talk sometimes when dealing with stuff that seems so furiatingly wrong, ya know? Love ya buddy, like I said - hang in there, k?

i woke up today and saw your note and i have tears again for your caring and kind words.i did not have a good childhood but i am determined to not let my child and grandchild to go through something this horrible from a man who does not know the pain and confusion hes causing to his own child.i don't know exactly how to handle this but with prayer and a clear caring heart and mind i will
figure out the proper way to proceed.Love you and thank-you.
Hey buddy!

I just wanted to drop by and say hi. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and that the holiday season finds you and your family as well as can be. Sure hope you are feeling good and that things got worked out with your granddaughter, etc. :)
Hi XL,yes all has worked out in the courts and granddaughter is great.hope you have a great Holiday season and your grows are all healthy.
I got a great amt. from outdoor grow this year,and my plants in the house are great.> Happy Camper here,lol Spike
Hey spike keep your head up brother! I'm not the best christian and some would call me a hypocrite because I grow and use this medicine but I like these verses and find them to be comforting to me and I hope they give you some peace of mind knowing their is someone bigger than us looking out for us.

psalms 34-17-18
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Romans 12:17-21

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Spike, I hope all is well buddy, but it sounds like you have some outside emotional stuff going on. You should see about getting a "Guardian ad Litem" for your grand daughter. Their only job is to look out for the minor child, go check that out with child services.

Kind regards
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too! :cheer:

I'm moving this to Completed Journals now.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
this grows done thank -you another going,truth thx--gods trichome still around I hope.

So good to hear from you Spike - hope you are doing fabulous brother!! :)
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