Spike's Grow Room

1 of my plants- blue mystic
Is the taste blueberry-like? What's the smell/flavor like on those mystics? I love it when they are loaded with trichs everywhere. I had a Jack The Ripper with so many trichomes on the leaf stems they were like Velcro!
Is the taste blueberry-like? What's the smell/flavor like on those mystics? I love it when they are loaded with trichs everywhere. I had a Jack The Ripper with so many trichomes on the leaf stems they were like Velcro!
Its a spice taste that is fruity,the smell is that of a great dank smoke,awesome smell,potent and strong like a good tea smell.
The tri's are so plentiful that it all wants to stick together,I have to hold back from pulling the leaves apart as I want it to grow
as it would if I wasn't there.
Looking good, I love the last pic - looks like someone is sneaking up on the mystic with a knife, and it's bending away going, "Oh damn, get that away from me!!" ;)
Looking good, I love the last pic - looks like someone is sneaking up on the mystic with a knife, and it's bending away going, "Oh damn, get that away from me!!" ;)
yaa it does look that way,lol
I put them anywhere to get sun when they are in cups,otherwise they are under the 400 watter.
I'm glad your feeling and growing well.
Those trichs are mystical; and so many so early in flower.
How far along is she?
Ha, ha! That sounds like asking about a pregnant woman. When's the due date? Ha!
The clone and the AK48 are looking good too!
I like how the plants are among the dishes. It illustrates how cannabis should be an ordinary household item.
Keep 'em green and stay healthy my friend!
That is a ton of nice trim I see. And a lot of trichs for so early into flower. 3 weeks in maybe?
To tell the truth Tri and Lighter I'm not sure just how far along she is,but the tri's
are all still clear so shes got awhile yet,the smell is awesome,I can't wait to try some
but I will.lol
In a previous life I was a photographer or a wanna be,anyway I can't wait to try
some of the goods.Good smoke helps my back pain and my relaxation at times.
I can't wait for the day when I don't have to hide and worry about growing an
herb that is so beneficial to many folks.
Well my Bro is moving back up here from Mo.He will be living in a ,,well,,like a halfway house,,as he tends to use up
his pills in a very short time.So,,they watch him cause it all screws with his seizures,so to get the meds he has to
live there.I will grow more now as,,dank homegrown is the 1 thing that helps his seizures,,but if he gets tested that
may have to change.Anyway I think I'll start up 2 more an -- AK and a Widow.S
Well my bro,he is in a stress unit in mo. dont know all the details as for now he wont be
coming up here anymore.Hes having a hard time with life right now.And theres nothing
I can do as he has to work this out on his own.He abuses his prescriptions to the max
and now they know it ,,, so I dont know,ill pray for him and talk to him,but thats all
I love him but this he has to do on his own.
Guess this is my stress unit in here,telling you folks but those who know me,I took
care of my bro a long time.Yaa my 2nd grow was For My Brother
Spike69 said:
Well my bro,he is in a stress unit in mo. dont know all the details as for now he wont be
coming up here anymore.Hes having a hard time with life right now.And theres nothing
I can do as he has to work this out on his own.He abuses his prescriptions to the max
and now they know it ,,, so I dont know,ill pray for him and talk to him,but thats all
I love him but this he has to do on his own.
Guess this is my stress unit in here,telling you folks but those who know me,I took
care of my bro a long time.Yaa my 2nd grow was For My Brother

I'm familiar with your brothers history and all you and your mom have done for him (based on what you've shared here) and I'm saddened to hear he is still struggling with abusing his meds. I know family is important to you like it is for me, so I'm hoping he can get himself healthy soon. Hang in there my friend,

Hi GT,WELL MY BRO IS DOING OK THANK GOODNESS.Finally my Mom has been able to relax some,she's getting up there in age
and doesn't need stuff like this to worry about,anyway,I have got 3 plants going and getting cuttings from them to get a few more
going as the quality of these girls is so good I want to keep the strains around.During the winter,my back pain gets much worse and I
supply mom's bo with meds,he has a terminal liver disease and finds relief in a good smoke.Will update soon hope all is good with my
grow bro's.
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