Staker's 2017: SSSDH, Killer Purps, Dolato, Candyland & Breeder's Test Grows

Looks great man!
The 55gal drum/pump/water wand setup has served me well for many years. Even if the scale of the grow is smaller, it's kickass not to have to daily mix nutrients for sure. Ofc, organic growers get stiffed as it's hard to pump teas through evenly & even worse trying to keep that shit equally oxygenated & mixed, not to mention the joys of fermentation :ROFLOL (But hey, if you can't feed plants with it, maybe after distillation it can be bottled & sold to tourists as whiskey?) (And now, time for a rambling dissertation, pre-morning coffee) .
I've got a buddy who micromanages his nutes. Full Custom Organic. Then salts. Then half & half. Canna. House & Garden. GenHydro. And amendments. A fucking wall FULL of pretty bottles. Boost this, Bloom that. Rhizo blah blah. Tonic hurr durr. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Y'know, he gets about 40pp of empirical data per grow, and golly gee whiz his weed often finishes less than stellar-go figure eh? ...and I can sum it up in a sentence: "Nothing works better than keeping it simple." I shit you not.
Noobs reading this, take note: This isn't rocket science. I know it seems like it, but there's an industry making hundreds of millions of dollars a year simply by overcomplicating cannabis cultivation. A first time grower can get absolutelfuckingwonderful results by using GenHydro Floralicius Liquid, BLOOM ONLY (Lucas Formula style) and NO OTHER ADDITIVES AT ALL. Do I grow this way? No. I custom mix my own juice. But I understand plant nutrition in relation to cannabis cultivation so I don't have to. But demystifying the cloying nutrient industry & their shitty tricks (I'm looking at you, Advanced Nutrients, you wankers) is something that needs to happen from time to time.
Geesh, I should write friggin' poetry. On bathroom walls.
Staker, as always, looking drool-worthy. Espresso shot time or I might meander into politics-and none of us want that to happen ..


Very much agreed. ☕ I tried the micromanagement, and have returned to sanity. So easy to water/feed now.
Lets me focus on other things. Strain refinements. Light and air improvements. Better signalling through flower.
Lots more to learn. Politics is comedy gold right now. I have started watching the "News" again, instead of Comedy Central. :volcano-smiley:

Sen. McCain's Ambien commercial was very well done I thought. :rofl:

Side note:
The new U2 Joshua Tree expanded release is seriously, seriously GOOD.

Is that their cover art lol, I'm buying!
UPDATE: Connoisseur Genetics (CSG): SSSDH#2 Day 16 of 12s

She was looking like she was set, so I forgot she was so young, and I pruned her up a couple lowers since the clone took. I wouldn't normally recommend doing that at this age. ;) Didn't phase her, she's right on target looking real tight. She is going to want some food soon - she's just a touch depleted after the stretch. I'm going to have to feed, but she's a light a feeder, so I think I'm going to drench with Ca, and then with EWC as her first two drenches then hit her with some tea later. She's not that big, and there's still lots of soil she hasn't even dug into yet. I'll use the foliar to prop her up so she doesn't slip.

What a great plant to grow, she's something to watch. :love:


If it's not immediately obvious, I have a small bias for sativa leaning plants. :rofl:

For sativa high, the #1 pheno girl is among the very best plants I've ever grown, specifically looking for euphoric properties, and I don't think I could place one higher. Took some time to cure though before it came together, but boy when it did, it just clicked. Another bias I have is when I really like the high, and feel like I have a strong connection with the plant, I love growing them all the more. :Namaste: I'll be growing every seed out. :love:
Connoisseur Genetics (CSG): ECSDH#2 Day 21 flower

A kissing cousin to SSSDH - a double dose of ecsd fused in a wide eye'd grin with the SSH.

My darling. She looks like she will have the rounded top buds, which are screamers. If I nail her, I'm in for a treat.

She's different to grow than her sharper sister, a more indica influence seemingly, but don't let that fool you. She's backcrossed to the ECSD clone, which just may be my favorite strain of all time. She's a short bush, about 32" from soil at her tallest, in a 7 gal. No signs of hunger yet, but she's slower than her quick cycling, fast drinking, yet light feeding cousin. She builds some nice ones though. :love: So delicate too. I'm going to stake her up soon. I wasn't high enough, so I forgot to get close ups. :)

:Namaste: BL, and thank you for the kind words, and astute observation. I live for the details, but didn't really notice or acknowledge the uniformity, until you pointed it out. :high-five:

Maybe because I feel like I'm home again - grow wise. It's just a comfortable feeling. Like I can do anything, if that doesn't sound too conceited. It's not that though. It's just that I think I understand the plant well enough, that changing things in or out, no longer changes the process in my head, just the specific inputs, so I'm not worried about crashing and burning. :) I'm still :wood: though just in case lol.

Just got back from the store with some EWC and some goodies to bubble. I hit the TahStar and ECSDH with doublecalciumfish drenches, at 18 days after the flip. SSSDH got hers at 16 days. Now that I have the stuff for tea, so I can feed them soon, but they are still not quite there. Even though it's organic, I'm going to feed light, so they dig into the rest of their pots, and don't get puffed out with too much N. :thumb:
Stunningly​ beautiful plants. So full of life they look dreamy.

They are looking pretty dam good. I'm hoping to get them a little better, now that the stretch is over. I'll spend the next two weeks filling them up with some love, and will then leave them to it really. Speaking of stretch lol

UPDATE: In House Genetics (IHG): Tahoe Star (Sensi Star x Tahoe OG) Day 21 of short light (pics from yesterday)

Wow, what a beast. She's about 54" from the floor. Big huge mits. Good but not great vigor. Tahoe usually brings vigor for me, and it's here, but I can't quite get her to where I want, health wise. Buds though, look like they will be wesome, and that's what we're growing here for sure.

I just took a bunch of those big fans, blocking the secondaries. She's a little pale, so she's getting fed first. First run with her, but that's not unusual around here. It's rare that I grow a second run, or even more so a third. Don't know much about them, but I've been liking the smoke on that Dolato enough to really be looking forward to this. Hey, it's NOT cookies!! :thanks:



Hope all your gardens are planted full, and your jars are overflowing. :Namaste:
I love those top down shots. Can really see the health of the plant then. :thumb:
Yeah looks definitely like an OG pheno, but branchier. Good job on fimming right there, could be grown in scrog probably with these multiple colas. Mix sounds pretty good. I'm trying Sensi Star BTW, but I'm having a lot of problems in HB soil. Even OGs were easier :laughtwo: :passitleft:
I love those top down shots. Can really see the health of the plant then. :thumb:

Great to hear, thanks brother. Let's me know what to focus on. If there are photos wanted, I would be happy to take them. Hopefully, there will be some flowers swelling soon enough. Can't wait to see what they will do. :high-five:

Yeah looks definitely like an OG pheno, but branchier. Good job on fimming right there, could be grown in scrog probably with these multiple colas. Mix sounds pretty good. I'm trying Sensi Star BTW, but I'm having a lot of problems in HB soil. Even OGs were easier :laughtwo:

She does look like like a stretchy Tahoe. :passitleft:
Some longer nodes, and branches from the Star, like you said. Stigmas are looking very sativa, so I'm hoping that the Star brings something to the effect.

I was just checking on your girls earlier. I can't seem to get this one where I want either. I was reading your thought processes and certainly appreciated the insight.

I think you're on to something with they way she wants N. Mine's only half SS, but she's showing me that she's not getting enough N too. I know you're in the brix, so I don't know if any this will help, even if it works for this SS cross, but here's what I'm hoping will help this one to better health.

Even though she looks very OG, I'm going water her like a fast cycling/metabolism sativa (SS). I'll move her toward more frequent watering, but not really drenching her completely every time, so she dries faster, increasing the frequency of oxygen and N fixing cycles. My thinking is that she prefers to do her own N fixing from watering, over the organics in the pot. I'm already doing that with the SSSDH when I remember, so it'll be easy to just put them on the same schedule (me forgetting lol). I'll hit them with a few L of water, every other day if I can, and then fully drench them once in a while. The mix she is in is highly aerated, so it's very suitable for this. I'll foliar every four days, and water every two - like 30 seconds of tropical rain for a dry Punto. ;) :Namaste:
Too hot to harvest yesterday, so...

DK's Texberry is coming down tonight :)
Chem & Berry Duet will go to flower - which has Devil's SSD and CSG ChemDxCookies in it.
Purple Dream is perking up and might actually make some buds worth seeing.
TahStar is a bit N deficient, but I think I can get her shining if kept on drier side, but watered more often.
ECSDH2 is spot on
SSSDH2 is right there too.

Chop pics when the lights go on :cheer:
HARVEST: DK's Texas Blueberry (Texberry) 67 days flower

Lots here to love. Strong berry smell, and sweet pine, with a burnt earthy wood smell, and trailing astringent/ammonia. Really smells great. She was a peach to grow, no issues, produced well for only 3 feeds. I could have defoliated more, and I'm sure she would have probably been a house record for me, but she was kinda hard to work on because of the 10g and the space it took. All a great learning experience, and I think she turned out really well. Haven't yet tried her, but I'm about to shortly. :volcano-smiley:


The Zen pot, SSD and ChemDxCookies - anyone guess which is which?


Peace friends, the world is stranger every day. :Namaste:
That texberry looks like my kind of plant. Awesome work CS and DK!!

Thanks brother, you should get some, I can hook you up ;)

Really easy grow, fed 3x with <600ppm each feed, ~wks 3,5,7.
No stims, boosters, or funny crap, and she's about a HP I'd guess & super dense. :thumb:

Great growing brother. May those buds wrap in a nice blueberry snuggi.
Man everything has that wonderful Carestaker shine , gorgeous.

Thanks DK for the great work. She was fun and really easy and I appreciate that lol. She'd drying now, hanging whole. Should have some nugs to try tonight for snuggi time. I've been using a pen late night, filled with indica, so I'm getting used to having some late night. This will fill my needs perfectly. :Namaste: Looks like you have a new tester too my friend. Happy daze.
Man, time sure flies. It feels like that just went into flowering not long ago. Congrats brother! What a gorgeous plant!

Love how a new plant will pull me through time, in a pleasant haze. She was pretty awesome. The whole house reeeeeks, she's smelling real strong while hanging dry. Making some tea now. :)
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