Suggestion About Contest Rules

To Everyone:

I like to win things as much as the next person, lol - and the thought of getting a chance to try the Blue Planet Nutrients and Sierra Natural Science lines of products, which I've heard are both awesome (I've already tried the RAW Rolling Papers - they're awesome too!), is nice...

I've already been lucky enough to win the MotM contest twice since I've joined. I notice that the other nominees have yet to win even though they are all very helpful here. So after thinking about it, I'd like to withdraw my name from consideration.

Please make sure to vote - but please vote for someone other than me.

And thanks to Blue Planet Nutrients, Sierra Natural Science, and HBI International (RAW Rolling Papers) for being kind enough to both help support our fine site and also donating some of your wonderful products to the winners of our contests!

As it should be and I feel the same.

Once a person wins Member, Nug, or plant of the month... that member should be ineligible to win the monthly contests for the rest of the year but be included in the year in voting(nug and plant of the year).
Re: Member of the Month - July 2011

I thougth I read somewhere in the rules that anyone who wins one of the monthly contests wasn't eligible for 6 months, I thought that was fair.

I thougth TS's bowing out this month was very humble. Obviously some of us have more knowledge and time to help newbies, which I being one am very greatful for, the fact that TS wanted to give someone else a chance at winning shows what a wonderful sport he is. Not B.S.

That being said, I do believe in fair play...If your nug/plant is better than any other submitted then you should win. IMHO the 6 month thing just gives the rest of us a chance.

Re: Member of the Month - July 2011

That being said, I do believe in fair play...If your nug/plant is better than any other submitted then you should win. IMHO the 6 month thing just gives the rest of us a chance.

I think the 6 months only applies to the Member of the Month contest. I think you can submit a Plant or Nug every month and win every month if you have the best entry. It would be nice to be able to spread the love around more, but I think the rules are fair.

The biggest issue I think is that too few people know about these contests. With thousands of members, we only have 33 votes so far. Captain Kronic should be beating me by at least 100 points :).
:focus:please My Friends:focus:

All respect to any suggestions made, we do like the feedback, but it's heartbreaking to see good friends get tense.

I would like to take a moment to explain our rationale, since there are good points to be made on both sides of the issue.

Essentially, it might be more fair to prevent previous winners from reentering the contests for a period of time, but this has to be balanced against the decreased participation that would result.

We've been through periods, though not recently, where we really needed to improve the quality and quality of entrees so its true that we may have a bias against restrictions.

That said, we feel we've arrived at the right balance by limiting only the reentry for Member of the Month to once per six months. This, because the Member contest is inherently more subjective and popularity oriented than the Nug or Plant contests are. Also, when the decision boils down to more or less variety of green porn, it's an easy decision.

To the staff, the goal of the Plant and Nug contests is about the quality of green;) We want these things to be fun, and for the membership base to have a chance to see as much of the "best of the best" as possible.

Also, we struggled even when we made the decision to allow sponsoring, for fear that this might add excess competitiveness, since we were raising the stakes by adding prize packages.

This public service announcement is just meant to let our friends know the background why our contest policies evolved as they did;) Please feel free to comment, in our feedback forum, with any suggestions you may have for the site, we do value your feedback, but please help me get this thread back on track ;)


I thought this explained it makes good sense the way 420 has set up these contests and I think the prizes are cool too.

I'm not complaining at all, IMO the staff here has thought this thru and tried hard to make it as fair as possible and still promote a good competition.

Someday maybe I'll have a nug or plant I think could compete with those I see here. It's all suppose to be fun and informative. The prize is just icing on the cake.

:bravo: to the staff :bravo:

You're do a great job.:yahoo:

That does explain it. The staff simply moved my post to this forum yet I feel I need to elaborate to squash out any fires that may still be smoldering.

The only reason that I even made the suggestion is because it is my contention that if a person lives near a medical MJ dispensary, has a top end camera, and knows how to take a good picture..... they can win nug of the month 5-7 times per year with the way things are set up. This provides a nice, easy way for the quick thinker to load up on free prizes from the sponsors if you ask me.

Tell me this.... What's the point in having the same member win nug of the month 6 or 7 times out of any given 12 months? Why would anyone think that this would increase contest participation? IMO, it prevents people from entering.

I'm not 'complaining' I have only entered 1 POM contest, been nominated for 1 MOM contest, and am currently in my 3rd NOM contest in almost 3 yeras here, so I'm not someone who enters thee contests over and over, loses, and is bitter because of it. I simply made suggestion.

Plant and member of the month are a little different animal because in POM the plant entered is by the grower, although the 1 win per year rule could be applied here as well..... and MOM is a nomination thing.... so my suggestion is aimed mostly at the nug and plant of the month contests However, it could apply to all three.

I hope this clears up any questions anyone may have.

Good growing everyone.
I hadn't even considered that the NOTM wasn't grown by the member. I think the submission should be from a member's grow, not something they picked up at their local dispensary. I have some solid dispensaries very close by that have some very nice, frosty nugs. I guess I could go buy an 8th, take a pic submit it, win a bunch of freebies and then enjoy the meds. A win-win for me.

How about they amend the prizes for NOTM to just the rep points. No freebies. Or require that the entry be from a documented grow journal to prove the member has actually produced the nug. It's almost akin to downloading a Beatles song and then passing it off as your own original work. I think any type of contest should be the evaluation of an individual's effort. If the effort here is photographic skills, then I guess it's ok.

Or maybe change the title of the contest to "Best Photograph of a Nug, that you may or may not have actually grown, bought or Smoked"
I hadn't even considered that the NOTM wasn't grown by the member. I think the submission should be from a member's grow, not something they picked up at their local dispensary. I have some solid dispensaries very close by that have some very nice, frosty nugs. I guess I could go buy an 8th, take a pic submit it, win a bunch of freebies and then enjoy the meds. A win-win for me.

I hadn't realized you didn't have to grow the nug you entered. Must be I didn't read all the rules that carefully...But I hadn't seriously considered entering either, I didn't feel like any of the nugs from my first grow could compete with what I saw here.

I think it should be a nug you grew, not a nug you bought. Especially because of the prizes given. If it's a nug you bought the prize should go to the dispensory, Not who took the photo.

Maybe a tweak or two in the rules should be made...that being said, I'm going to re-read them right now.

I must have missed the post in the MotM thread that where a staff-member mentioned that these "contest structure discussion posts" were being moved to their own thread;). Although I'm glad to see that they were so moved (to keep the contest thread about the candidates), I almost missed this thread.

My (long-winded) thoughts:

As it should be and I feel the same.

Once a person wins Member, Nug, or plant of the month... that member should be ineligible to win the monthly contests for the rest of the year but be included in the year in voting(nug and plant of the year).

I thougth I read somewhere in the rules that anyone who wins one of the monthly contests wasn't eligible for 6 months, I thought that was fair.

AfaIK - at least with MotM, it is (still) set up so that a member is ineligible for six months after winning. Which I'm cool with. I mean, in theory, a member could be so helpful that he/she might manage to "qualify" each and every month for a year - and (again, in theory) win every time. SERIOUSLY unlikely, of course. I don't support the six-month rule to prevent such hypothetical wonders from pulling off a grand-slam; if such a person existed and played in our sandbox I'd be willing to heap all the honors upon them that they deserve... Although I would be saddened for what such a state would infer for the, err, call it "general level of helpfulness of the rest of the membership."

But the reason that I DO support such a rule is... Well, for me it's like this: I approach these contests like I do political races. I'd vote for my best friend - IF he/she happened to meet the requirements and be (IMHO) the most qualified candidate. I'd also vote for someone that I couldn't stand if they were the most qualified candidate. To me, MotM should be a standout in one or more of certain areas. I look at the list of candidates and ask myself, "How helpful was that person during the month in question?" Also: Did he/she go above and beyond to further the stated goals of this site? Make new members feel welcome (which might include "working" in the Introduce Yourself" forum, but it's something that is seen all over the site)? Help "da newbies" (we all benefit from help - but with those new to growing, the usefulness of cannabis for medicinal purposes, forums in general, et cetera... the impact of such help is perhaps greater)? Keep the peace and act as a voice of moderation between the members when things might otherwise start getting out of hand? And there's more - did the member seem to brighten people's day when they needed it (I probably don't weight that one as much as the others, although I still take it into consideration)? Did the member challenge other members, that is, make them think, either through (non-flaming) debate or through posting useful insights? Stuff like that. I try to not give any special consideration to the candidates effects/impacts (in regards to those things I just listed) on me than I do on their effects/impacts on other individual members. After all, it's entirely possible that the most-qualified candidate would be one who I have not personally interacted with in the period of time covered by the contest. I'll often review the candidates' post-history for that time period.

That's just the way that I do it. But I hope that most others have something similar in mind when they consider who to vote for. Unfortunately, for some (I suspect) that their personal feelings of friendship... or popularity, if you will... plays a part in their choice. Yes, a member who qualifies to win this thing is likely to be popular, but... Anyway, I'd hate to see a member repeatedly win just because he/she was the most popular member. And so I support the six-month rule. <SHRUGS>

I thougth TS's bowing out this month was very humble. Obviously some of us have more knowledge and time to help newbies, which I being one am very greatful for, the fact that TS wanted to give someone else a chance at winning shows what a wonderful sport he is. Not B.S.

Thank you for your kind words. But <COUGH> don't read too much into it, lol. Had one or more of the other candidates also been past winners, had there been less candidates (I would rather not see a contest with only one or two possible winners), had I been such an egotistical pr!ck that I felt that I was the clear winner of winners, had I gotten up feeling a little different that day... Who knows, I might be getting trounced by Captain Kronic right now too:). At any rate, I was grateful to be nominated, as I am when someone is nice enough to send kind words my way. And my excusing myself from this month's contest does not mean I'd automatically do the same if at some future point in time someone thought I was deserving enough to be nominated again (you never know, right?). It just felt like the thing to do at the time - so I did it.

I hadn't even considered that the NOTM wasn't grown by the member. I think the submission should be from a member's grow, not something they picked up at their local dispensary. I have some solid dispensaries very close by that have some very nice, frosty nugs. I guess I could go buy an 8th, take a pic submit it, win a bunch of freebies and then enjoy the meds. A win-win for me.

From the beginning of my time here I've felt that, while it's nice to look at fine jugs- err... nugs regardless of who grew them, the NotM nugs should be grown by the entrants. I don't think you should be allowed to grab your neighbor's wife and haul her down to the local "Best wife in town" contest, either. And to go buy one and enter it... Uhh, no. I can't vote for a bud that someone picked up at the corner store. It just doesn't seem fair and wouldn't (to me, at least) unless anyone could click a button and get a printed round-trip ticket to whichever dispensary happens to have the most visually-appealing buds that particular month along with a medicinal-use card (et cetera) for that state. I'll read what the members post when they enter buds. Sometimes they make it easy and state where they bought it. Other times it's unclear and I'll do a search to see if they've posted a journal or at least a picture of a plant that the bud might have come from. But since some people are paranoid and don't post such things, I have to assume that they are honest, that they really did grow it. Seems like just as it is unfair to reward someone for living near "Beautiful Bud Dispensary," it's unfair to penalize someone because they did not feel free to post documentation proving that they did, in fact, grow the bud. So... I don't know. I'd hate to see a requirement for them to do so.

How about they amend the prizes for NOTM to just the rep points. No freebies.

Thing is, if a member really did grow a bud that is voted a winner, I feel that that's worth a prize, whether it be points, prizes, or a combination. And since various sponsors seem to feel that the winners deserve to get the prizes that they have so kindly donated (thanks again, sponsors!)... I'm not going to disagree with them. I think it's nice. It's just... Maybe there is no perfect solution on this one. Just like the rest of 'em, vote with your conscience, try to do the best you can to pick the bud/plant/member/President that matches your criteria.

Or require that the entry be from a documented grow journal to prove the member has actually produced the nug.

See above for my thoughts. I strongly suspect that there are a LOT more members who have grows than the number who actually post them. Making that a requirement might end up decreasing the number of entrants who actually grew their own buds. In my book, it's hard (and wrong) to penalize one person for another person's actions.

Or maybe change the title of the contest to "Best Photograph of a Nug, that you may or may not have actually grown, bought or Smoked"

Well, you could... But that's awfully tacky, lol. I wouldn't if it were up to me.

Finally... I cannot remember if there is a MotY (Member of the Year) contest or not. I'd really like to see that, whether the prize was something unique in terms of the usual prizes such as a Volcano or Bloombox, or rather it was "only" some REP points, a fancy title, or just a, "Congratulations, you've won." Now I couldn't tell you whether I feel that the candidates for such a contest should be comprised of the winners from the previous 12 months, all the candidates from the previous 12 months, or open to the membership in general. Each has its merits. People helpful enough to win MotM, seems likely that they were helpful for more than just the one month. Same for all of the candidates. But since such a contest would cover an entire year, I could see someone who was not obviously "stand-out" enough to get nominated in any given month, but who has been helpful for the entire year (or significant portion of it). So I don't know on that part - but I'd like to see such a contest. Be nice to pick someone and thank them for doing so much for the site. After all, it's my favorite site on the Internet.
Thanks for clarifying a few of my points, although the last two were made almost tongue-in-cheek (certainly the renaming of the contest was).

I have seen entries mention that the price paid for the nug now that I look back on it. I think if they feel comfortable enough posting a picture of a bud here, then they should also feel comfortable posting a picture that supports they grew it. Like maybe, in a pile of similar buds (so unless you go out and buy an oz to win the contest, most likely you grew it). I wouldn't stipulate a method, let the entrant me creative in the way they do it.
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