Summertime Outdoor Adventure 09

Plants look great, I'm about to do my first outdoor attempt... Subscribed! :ganjamon:
Thanks man!I'll be watchin when you start!
Had a storm blow through with some 60mph+ winds yesterday.Hopefully no damage.Mother nature can scare the hell outa me sometimes.:peace:

Ok watchers of this grow.Here's an update.Played 27 holes of golf today,worn the hell out,was totally awesome!Ok,first up is Bertha.She seems to be doing ok,lemme know what you think.Btw,she's 4.5 ft. tall so far. ;)




Here's my 12/12 from seed,gonna be my carry over 1/8 till harvest.Grown in an aerogarden.Lookin and smellin tasty.Give it a month.:grinjoint:


Ok,that's it for now.Uploading pics with dial up so sucks.Rosa an Lil bit updates soon.Thanks for tuning in ya'll! ;)
Hello Minus, your plants are beautiful as is the moth. Never before heard of the critter. Big Bertha must be sweet to attract it. If Rosa waits by the gate, I won't be late for a date with that purdy lil thang. Lil Bit can come by too. BB got something going with a handsome flier.
+rep on the the big green bug
Thanks Propa Gator and Ms.Fox! I got a surprise today.I noticed two large leaves stuck together.I peeled them apart and when I did there was a huge spider nesting there.He friggin jumped out at me and scared the shit outa me!Lol.Spiders give me the creeps if they get too close.

@ Cherma,I hear ya man.Back then in MI redbud was dirt cheap at 25-35 a z all year long but the exotics like hawaiian and thai were always sold per g but hell,it was worth the cost. ;)

Update soon.Have a good day! :)

Your outdoor plants look gorgeous Minus...makes me want to bust out in song....
Born Freeee...
Free as the wind blows....
Free as the grass grows......

Thanks guys!Well,it's only about 100 degrees here today so I won't be taking any pics till I get some new batteries and it gets a bit cooler.Hopefully tomorrow.Bertha is in full bud mode now.Rosa is almost there and lil bit is on her way.From this point until harvest I'm going with straight grandmas molasses and water.We'll see what happens.Thanks for watching and I promise an update soon! ;)
That heat is BS. It was like that around here for weeks on end. It finally decided to start raining and cool down though. It doesn't seem like your plants mind the heat too much. Are they drinking a lot of water? I'm anxious to see those ladies take off.

I water every 3 days or so.Depends.
Well we got a break in the heat today but when I took a walk to check on Bertha she had sustained some damage due to lightning hitting a nearby tree.I think she'll be alright,we'll see.
Here she is:






You'll have to excuse the fogginess.The humidity was so high the lens kept fogging up.
Thanks for watching. :peace:
A little more of an update today.Ok,I went a bit pic crazy,it's all good.
Here is Rosa today at just under 4ft.:





Here is Bertha today at 5ft.:






I transplanted Lil bit into a pot and brought her back inside to finish as the critters were just too much for her to handle.I'll post a few pics when I get her right.

Thanks for watchin! ;)
Even the dog looks happy about how the plants are growing!!
Find myself hanging out for an outdoor grow again like yours.

Lol,that's my baby there.She's a very sweet dog,always happy as long as she's with her daddy. ;)
Her brother is in one of the other pics in this journal.
I am such a "dog" person.Had dogs since I was 2.
Mans best friend is an understatement.:smokin:
Glad you're likin the grow man,I'm hopin for a good finish!
Gotta remember that when they're gettin close just.....
Btw,just wanted to add that I'm missin brother Pan4.He's been afk for awhile.Hope he's doin alright!
For those wondering about the size of Bertha's stalk,here's a reference.I have large hands. ;)
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