ok, a few hours later and here's a few pics of the process of filling capsules with the oil mixture.

First, float the oil mixing bowl in a hot water bath to warm the oil and make it easier to process.


Getting capsule machine loaded.


Syringe loaded and ready to go.


All done but what about the mess???


Wipe it out with a bit of tortilla and HATCH!


The finished product!


That sets up my wife for another 12 days...
Yep. all four grams. With that I mixed 16 CC's of Oilive oil and 4 CC's of lecithin...that equals 24 cc's... that will make 24 1 CC bio bombs ...

I'l do that later tonight and post pics.

Did you refrigerate it to let the lecithin encapsulate the CCO? I give it at least six hours, if not overnight. I made an infused oil today with lecithin added, and I'll leave it in the fridge overnight before making anything with it.

ok, a few hours later and here's a few pics of the process of filling capsules with the oil mixture.

First, float the oil mixing bowl in a hot water bath to warm the oil and make it easier to process.


Getting capsule machine loaded.


Syringe loaded and ready to go.


All done but what about the mess???


Wipe it out with a bit of tortilla and HATCH!


The finished product!


That sets up my wife for another 12 days...

Beautiful. Relief in capsule form. :hug: :love: You've come a long way Danolo.
I harvested two mite-infested plants yesterday. Although I hit the plants with spinosad before harvest, rubbing alcohol spray following harvest and then finished with a bud washing, I'm not confident that some egg wouldn't survive that treatment. I determined to process it into an infused oil, adapting from PsyCro's olive oil extraction process. I have no qualms about ingesting mite remains or eggs. They'll simply become additional nutrients. I let the plants hang to dry from the bud wash overnight and clipped all the blossoms off the branches this morning.

Today I got the Candy Cane processed. I read through the process a couple more times and decided that I could make some adaptations. I started out with 140 grams wet of the Candy Cane, all buds.


I melted 12 ounces of organic coconut oil and used the immersion blender to whirl it all together into a thick paste. Before beginning the cooking I stirred in 2 Tablespoons of liquid sunflower lecithin.


The smaller pot sits in a larger pot filled about halfway with Canola oil. The oil bath heats to a temperature that will decarb, where water won't.

The first thing that needs to happen is to boil off the water contained in the plant material. It won't get up to the temperature necessary for decarb until most of the water is removed. Using a low fire I carefully raised the temperature, shooting for 220 F. It takes continuious attention, stirring every five minutes or so.



It's a good idea to only fill the cook pot halfway, so it won't boil over when it gets to this point. I used a thermometer to keep the temperature between 220 and 230 for two hours. This is a labor-intensive oil. It has a satisfying, savory odor as it stews.


I'll admit, it got to this point and my stomach went into a knot, remembering the tragedy of my lost Dark Devil Auto harvest that boiled over and took me days to clean up.

There are times when the temperature would spike unexpectedly and I had to remove the small pot from the hot oil. In those instances I placed the small pot on some paper towels set on the trivet you can see behind the pot. The pot's sitting in oil, so this has to be done carefully.

By the time the two hours is over the water has boiled off and you're left with this beautiful oil. It'll sit in the fridge overnight.


I'll be processing the second plant tomorrow.

PsyCro takes a couple steps I didn't, and I refrigerate mine to get the anticipated benefit of the lecithin encapsulating the cannabinoids. I used coconut oil since I'll be using the oil for brownies.

My daughter will run out of her CBD meds before my next harvest. She's already out of capsules. I was generous with sharing some a few months ago, never expecting that I was running her short, running us short. It's been almost two months since my last CBD capsules. We'd attempted having her vape the small amount of Med GOM 1.0 she keeps on hand for breakthrough anxiety, but we've discovered that vaping doesn't give her the depth of relief capsules do. It makes me curious that there are clinicians suggesting you can control anxiety with vaping.

Having her run out is a worst-case scenario. She's started having panic attacks again, two within the past two days. She puts on this brave face and says "I've lived with this all my life Mom" but her mother watched her have that second attack in Walmart today, and the pain is deep. I swear I won't let this happen again. :straightface:

I'm going to make her a pan of brownies with this Candy Cane oil and see if they can offer her any workable relief. Candy Cane is 80% indica with a THC load around 10-15% and CBD at approx. 0.30%. Her sensitivity to THC makes capsules too tricky at this point, so my plan is to cut the brownies into bite-sized bits and work out a dosing schedule that relieves the anxiety without getting her too high. She's pretty much a lightweight and a pan of brownies that would last me a week will last her a month.

Sometimes the weight of being a caregiver is a little painful, isn't it?

I just KNOW that in a half hour or so, I'll be floating... That's my reward for making bio bombs!


Well....??? Did you get to go stratospheric? I certainly got a decent rush off the spatula I licked without thinking about it. :rofl:
Did you refrigerate it to let the lecithin encapsulate the CCO? I give it at least six hours, if not overnight. I made an infused oil today with lecithin added, and I'll leave it in the fridge overnight before making anything with it.

Beautiful. Relief in capsule form. :hug: :love: You've come a long way Danolo.

Refrigerate???? I didn't know... I let it sit on my desk for about 6 hours... didn't know it needed to be cooled.

Yes, I've come a long way... mostly thanks to you...

One thing we have noticed... In addition to the Bio Bombs, my wife uses vaporised cannabis daily (sometimes hourly) for pain. It seems like she just doesn;t get as high as I do. Yesterday, we vaporised some Lemon Sour Diesel and I was seriously impaired for a while, where she just continued with her day, humming along.. :)

I think its because her system is so filled with THC and CBD from the Bio Bombs, that that small additional doesn't have the same effect.
Ive read, on here likely, that you can saturate your cb1 and cb2 receptors by high levels of cannabis compounds over an extended period.

A regular break will reset things is the theory. I wonder too if she is taking more than she needs to? Not sure how to test that other than trying it out and see. You might be able to reduce consumption and costs with same results.

Does anyone have experience, and success, with a dosage reduction program?
Ive read, on here likely, that you can saturate your cb1 and cb2 receptors by high levels of cannabis compounds over an extended period.

A regular break will reset things is the theory. I wonder too if she is taking more than she needs to? Not sure how to test that other than trying it out and see. You might be able to reduce consumption and costs with same results.

Does anyone have experience, and success, with a dosage reduction program?

I've been through the Desentizitation Protocol, and I can testify that it works, but it take six days. You can keep tolerance levels at bay by switching strains periodically.

I don't get the impression that her tolerance level is a problem for her, just that Danolo gets more buzz for the buck.

Time for round two. This batch is 100 grams of Carnival in 1.5 cups of Coconut oil and 2 Tablespoons of liquid sunflower lecithin.


Ended up with 1.25 cups of infused oil.


I made the Candy Cane oil into capsules for the daughter. I figured it was worth a try. She's been experimenting with THC lately and finds she enjoys the euphoria more than she expected. I made up a three-day supply. By then we'll know if it's an acceptable switch for her. In researching the strain I find it treats all of her symptoms, just with higher THC than we've tried so far with her.

Hi Sue.

So you made oil using fresh bud? That's interesting and your recipe does look time consuming. Did you do it this way because of the mites or is this your normal way? I'm not very good with such labour intensive work. Do you think it would work in a crockpot, too? Do you have a link to PsyCro's olive oil extraction by any chance? I'm always interested in new recipes.

I hope the end result helps your daughter, poor girl. I wish I could help somehow but I'm short on anxiety meds right now, too and my anxiety isn't nearly as bad as your daughter's. ☹️

:hug::hug::hug::hug: to you and your daughter.


I harvested two mite-infested plants yesterday. Although I hit the plants with spinosad before harvest, rubbing alcohol spray following harvest and then finished with a bud washing, I'm not confident that some egg wouldn't survive that treatment. I determined to process it into an infused oil, adapting from PsyCro's olive oil extraction process. I have no qualms about ingesting mite remains or eggs. They'll simply become additional nutrients. I let the plants hang to dry from the bud wash overnight and clipped all the blossoms off the branches this morning.

Today I got the Candy Cane processed. I read through the process a couple more times and decided that I could make some adaptations. I started out with 140 grams wet of the Candy Cane, all buds.

I melted 12 ounces of organic coconut oil and used the immersion blender to whirl it all together into a thick paste. Before beginning the cooking I stirred in 2 Tablespoons of liquid sunflower lecithin.

The smaller pot sits in a larger pot filled about halfway with Canola oil. The oil bath heats to a temperature that will decarb, where water won't.

The first thing that needs to happen is to boil off the water contained in the plant material. It won't get up to the temperature necessary for decarb until most of the water is removed. Using a low fire I carefully raised the temperature, shooting for 220 F. It takes continuious attention, stirring every five minutes or so.

It's a good idea to only fill the cook pot halfway, so it won't boil over when it gets to this point. I used a thermometer to keep the temperature between 220 and 230 for two hours. This is a labor-intensive oil. It has a satisfying, savory odor as it stews.

I'll admit, it got to this point and my stomach went into a knot, remembering the tragedy of my lost Dark Devil Auto harvest that boiled over and took me days to clean up.

There are times when the temperature would spike unexpectedly and I had to remove the small pot from the hot oil. In those instances I placed the small pot on some paper towels set on the trivet you can see behind the pot. The pot's sitting in oil, so this has to be done carefully.

By the time the two hours is over the water has boiled off and you're left with this beautiful oil. It'll sit in the fridge overnight.

I'll be processing the second plant tomorrow.

PsyCro takes a couple steps I didn't, and I refrigerate mine to get the anticipated benefit of the lecithin encapsulating the cannabinoids. I used coconut oil since I'll be using the oil for brownies.

My daughter will run out of her CBD meds before my next harvest. She's already out of capsules. I was generous with sharing some a few months ago, never expecting that I was running her short, running us short. It's been almost two months since my last CBD capsules. We'd attempted having her vape the small amount of Med GOM 1.0 she keeps on hand for breakthrough anxiety, but we've discovered that vaping doesn't give her the depth of relief capsules do. It makes me curious that there are clinicians suggesting you can control anxiety with vaping.

Having her run out is a worst-case scenario. She's started having panic attacks again, two within the past two days. She puts on this brave face and says "I've lived with this all my life Mom" but her mother watched her have that second attack in Walmart today, and the pain is deep. I swear I won't let this happen again. :straightface:

I'm going to make her a pan of brownies with this Candy Cane oil and see if they can offer her any workable relief. Candy Cane is 80% indica with a THC load around 10-15% and CBD at approx. 0.30%. Her sensitivity to THC makes capsules too tricky at this point, so my plan is to cut the brownies into bite-sized bits and work out a dosing schedule that relieves the anxiety without getting her too high. She's pretty much a lightweight and a pan of brownies that would last me a week will last her a month.

Sometimes the weight of being a caregiver is a little painful, isn't it?

I would tend to agree with your conclusion. I know that it seems to take more for me to get high now that I'm using cannabis for medicine every day. I suppose you build up a tolerance somewhat.

However, it doesn't seem to do that with Sue and her brownies. Aren't they essentially the same recipe, same ratio of cannabis-infused oil/butter each time, Sue?

One thing we have noticed... In addition to the Bio Bombs, my wife uses vaporised cannabis daily (sometimes hourly) for pain. It seems like she just doesn;t get as high as I do. Yesterday, we vaporised some Lemon Sour Diesel and I was seriously impaired for a while, where she just continued with her day, humming along.. :)

I think its because her system is so filled with THC and CBD from the Bio Bombs, that that small additional doesn't have the same effect.
When "cooking" cannabis or reducing a tincture to oil, I always use a miniature crockpot. Its temp never gets over 230F and it's so much safer. I can locate the crockpot well away from the gas stove.

Sue: THX for the idea to use fresh material. What is the equivalent in dry/cured material? I'm looking ahead to my next grow which shall include the Critical CBD. My guess is that dried/cured to wet is 25%.

Oh, and I have been wondering, for edibles, anyway: Mites are mini-crustaceans and all they eat is cannabis. (Think mini snow crab) Would they not also add to the protein level of the product?

Now, I'm not saying don't treat for mites, cause they WILL eat up your show buds, but for leaves, trim and larfy buds, why stress out over a few adults and eggs? You cannot get rid of all of them, and I can't see tossing a whole crop if you're going to make edibles or oil.

Thinking outside the box, and ignoring the EWW factor. :laughtwo:
Hi Sue.

So you made oil using fresh bud? That's interesting and your recipe does look time consuming. Did you do it this way because of the mites or is this your normal way? I'm not very good with such labour intensive work. Do you think it would work in a crockpot, too? Do you have a link to PsyCro's olive oil extraction by any chance? I'm always interested in new recipes.

I hope the end result helps your daughter, poor girl. I wish I could help somehow but I'm short on anxiety meds right now, too and my anxiety isn't nearly as bad as your daughter's. ☹️

:hug::hug::hug::hug: to you and your daughter.


Thank you Hash Girl. :hug::hug::hug::hug: I gave her new capsules today. She'll start with one tonight. She noticed this morning that her toes didn't have that cozy feeling she'd grown fond of when she awoke this morning. Hopefully that will return by tomorrow morning. :battingeyelashes:

This is a link to my blog on PsyCro's Olive Oil Extraction. It has all the info in there as well as a link to the original thread.

PsyCro's Olive Oil Extraction

Yes, indeed, my brownies have been made consistently from the beginning and I've seen no tolerance buildup with them at all, now that you mention it. :laughtwo: I have no explaination for that, other than cannabis expresses in individual ways and I've been blessed with a consistent and workable tolerance level.

Things always work out for me. :battingeyelashes: :love:

When "cooking" cannabis or reducing a tincture to oil, I always use a miniature crockpot. Its temp never gets over 230F and it's so much safer. I can locate the crockpot well away from the gas stove.

Sue: THX for the idea to use fresh material. What is the equivalent in dry/cured material? I'm looking ahead to my next grow which shall include the Critical CBD. My guess is that dried/cured to wet is 25%.

Oh, and I have been wondering, for edibles, anyway: Mites are mini-crustaceans and all they eat is cannabis. (Think mini snow crab) Would they not also add to the protein level of the product?

Now, I'm not saying don't treat for mites, cause they WILL eat up your show buds, but for leaves, trim and larfy buds, why stress out over a few adults and eggs? You cannot get rid of all of them, and I can't see tossing a whole crop if you're going to make edibles or oil.

Thinking outside the box, and ignoring the EWW factor. :laughtwo:

I've always used a standard of 20%, but I underestimate every time, so 25% is probably closer to it. The original recipe was 500 olive oil and 400 grams of wet material. What I've been doing, for ease and because in our case fine measurement isn't a big concern, is to substitute 100 grams of dry material for the 400 wet and adjust proportions to what plant material I have on hand.

In this case I was planning on brownie oil, so I used a half cup of oil for each pan I planned to make from this batch. I came close to getting all of it out of the plant material. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I don't know if a mini crock would have been big for either of these batches. When the water boils off it foams up mightily. My first batch, the Candy Cane, had more water volume than the hempy Carnival did. It almost boiled over once when I turned away. For a smaller batch a small crock may have worked nicely. To be honest, I hadn't considered using a crockpot. I'm wondering if you could consistently keep the temperature at between 220-230 with one. I've never checked the temperature with mine.

Processing from fresh material was so easy when I allowed myself to relax that I wondered why it's not being done more often. I'm certain you're getting a different quality of oil, but different isn't necessarily less than. The idea in all extractions is to harvest the trichomes and bond them to the carrier oil. This process does that and decarbs at the same time. I can see how this is more potent than might be apparent at first glance. I did a lot of mixing while it cooked.
:hug: Sorry to hear about your daughter Sweetie :hug: I have made a fresh batch of cookies again and my husband nibbles on a quarter of cookie every 2-3 hrs and he is happy and relaxed all day. (he has about 2 cookies in a day)
:hug: Sorry to hear about your daughter Sweetie :hug: I have made a fresh batch of cookies again and my husband nibbles on a quarter of cookie every 2-3 hrs and he is happy and relaxed all day. (he has about 2 cookies in a day)

This is great news Birdie. At last his ECS is getting something close to what he needs. When you get further along growing and more established in a protocol for him this tumultuous time will become a distant memory.
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