You responded to the training beautifully. :laughtwo:
I'm here for you Keith. Take a deep breath. I know exactly how you feel. It won't last long, because now you're going into the actual healing stage and you're going to be amazed and filled with wonder instead. :battingeyelashes: :love: We're all lab rats here Keith, and unfortunately, they didn't leave us a trained research technician or a plan to work from, other than what's been cobbled together by the sweat and tears of the lab rats that went before us. Kinda maddening, isn't it?

Fortunately, we can proceed and experiment without any concerns of hurting our loved ones. The only side effect you might have trouble with is euphoria, and there are ways to overcome that.

You're fighting tumors. That takes high THC. The recommended mix is 2:1 THC:CBD for treating tumors, so I recommend right off the top that you plant something with at least 20% THC.

The ratio you're suggesting, is this specific to this disease? Everything I've paid attention to in my free fall wanderings suggests the 2:1 THC:CBD. There's so much information out there I have to fall into top opportunist form and dive right in, expecting forces of intuition to guide me, and they most often do. CBD would most certainly be called for here, because that many tumors are going to cause major inflammation, and nothing hits that or the related pain better than CBD. But I know of no strain that'll give you high CBD as well as 20% or higher THC and it's the THC that does the heavy work of clearing tumor cells.

The traditional approach is to combine the strains together to get one oil that meets your needs. You've already done that. So, what to do with it, eh? I want to do some research on the disease before we go to work on the particulars of the protocol. Can you direct me to any sites you've found most helpful? Send me links by PM. I'll do some digging and then we can sit down and hammer something out.

You're probably going to start with tacking anyway, and it'll preceed any suppositories, so you can start that now. Have you familiarized yourself with tacking? I can't deal with it myself, but I also lack the motivation of a serious disease. Cajun suggested that you put the tack on a small piece of bread and place it under the tongue if tacking is problematic. The "no swallowing" rule still applies. The guys who man the tacking thread can best help you with tacking. Start small and build up gradually. Try for three tacks a day at first. Those small tacks you do before a dose help get the system primed for the major cannabinoid load coming up. You've prepared for pre-dosing to promote competitive inhibition? Have you taken any steps to demethylate?

I know, it's a lot, but only because it's new. I assure you, a man of your intelligence will catch on quickly.

My personal choice would be to start with capsules. Chewey and I are trying to make sense of the BioBomb recipe we have, because we suspect it's overloaded with carrier oil, but the basic concept of mixing CCO, carrier oil (I'd suggest olive in your case) and lecithin gives you tremendous bioavailability. Lecithin is strongly suggested for protecting the nerves, which appear to be significantly under stress with this particular malady, so if he's not taking lecithin now, I'd look into that. Capsules may be where you want to begin to get serious. I'm assuming he gets regular labs done? You start and after a time you get tested. You look at the test results and adjust accordingly.

If this is treated as aggressive tumor eradication you're probably going to need suppositories to get the quantity of cannabinoids in there. So you're looking at all three approaches, IMHO. You have the ability to begin tacking right now. You can easily make a small batch of capsules, say with half a gram or one fourth a gram so you don't end up with too many that you won't need because you'll be making them stronger. After you get the dose high enough you switch to getting the majority of the cannabinoids through suppositories. However, if you're on capsules and the labs come back positive, why mess with success? Suppositories aren't everyone's favorite method of administration. We don't hesitate to use them when we need to, but let's not jump there prematurely, you know what I mean?

So, send me any relevant links and give me a day to look into neurofibromatosis type 1, to see what special concerns we need to take into consideration. Fear not Kieth. I have absolute faith in your ability to get this done. You've simply attached too much emotion to it. Man, can I understand that! :laughtwo: In a minute you'll breathe easier and it'll clear. Then you'll be able to see how easy and basic and life-affirming what you're undertaking is. Get excited Keith. Your life just changed.

And Keith..... seriously....... you couldn't be a bother. This is what I do. Make use of me. :hug: :love:

I found an interesting site that I believe will help with making my tincture, better.Introduction I prefer to use the liquid lecithin however. I see an experiment in my future.
Hi folks,

Sorry to interrupt but i wanted to share another little successful story in the hope it will help others.....

I sent 50 caps to a guy who suffers with chronic IBS. His world has been turned upside down with this condition, not to mention the amount of prescription pills he has to take which doesn't really help the condition..

The caps were made from my favourite breeders, CBD Crew and their Critical Mass (Awesome strain folks, don't be fooled by the 1:1. Load a bowl and it packs a mean punch)

I made the caps using Flax seed oil (No lecithin) at 20:1 ratio to be dosed 4 x per day. By day 4, all symptoms had gone.... As if by magic....

He only had 12.5 days worth. He has been off the oil for over a week now, and guess what......... It hasn't return as of yet :)
That brings a huge smile to my face :)

Keep up the amazing work Sue. You and Cajun were here for me in my hour of need, I'll never forget that :) I'm passing on all my knowledge (and oil!) and helping others turn their lives around. Sam would be so proud :circle-of-love:
I found an interesting site that I believe will help with making my tincture, better.Introduction I prefer to use the liquid lecithin however. I see an experiment in my future.

Thanks so much for the link. :high-five: Please share the experiment with us when you get to it MightyMouse. I haven't been as enamored with tinctures as I expected I would be, but I have a hyper system and I may simply need a higher octane. :laughtwo:
Hi folks,

Sorry to interrupt but i wanted to share another little successful story in the hope it will help others.....

I sent 50 caps to a guy who suffers with chronic IBS. His world has been turned upside down with this condition, not to mention the amount of prescription pills he has to take which doesn't really help the condition..

The caps were made from my favourite breeders, CBD Crew and their Critical Mass (Awesome strain folks, don't be fooled by the 1:1. Load a bowl and it packs a mean punch)

I made the caps using Flax seed oil (No lecithin) at 20:1 ratio to be dosed 4 x per day. By day 4, all symptoms had gone.... As if by magic....

He only had 12.5 days worth. He has been off the oil for over a week now, and guess what......... It hasn't return as of yet :)
That brings a huge smile to my face :)

Keep up the amazing work Sue. You and Cajun were here for me in my hour of need, I'll never forget that :) I'm passing on all my knowledge (and oil!) and helping others turn their lives around. Sam would be so proud :circle-of-love:

This is the kind of news we all live for. Great to hear. :hug: :love: I wish we had some way to really compare the capsules with lecithin against the ones without. I'd like to be able to determine if one was working more efficiently. As long as they're healing I'm ok with it, but this working blind drives me a bit nuts some days.
It seems no matter where I go I'm on the lookout for things that might make oil production go more smoothly. One of my challenge points is getting everything pressed good and tight. Today, wandering through TJMaxx in full opportunist mode I stumbled upon this lemon press.


First off, I love the stainless bowl. If I can find a small one that'll fit into the other side - getting really excited here guys :laughtwo: - I can make it a better press.

This one has a superior grip to the others. I can see how this could work perfectly with the coffee filter full of plant material folded over and sitting in there. It's the perfect size for what I'm doing. I tend to make small batches. I think it'll work as is, but if I can score a small bowl...... I'll take some measurements and find one in the rain forest where my Prime account gets it to me almost overnight. So spoiled. :battingeyelashes:


It ran me $13. I paused, thought about the process and bought it without another thought. I'll let you know how it works.
It seems no matter where I go I'm on the lookout for things that might make oil production go more smoothly. One of my challenge points is getting everything pressed good and tight. Today, wandering through TJMaxx in full opportunist mode I stumbled upon this lemon press.


First off, I love the stainless bowl. If I can find a small one that'll fit into the other side - getting really excited here guys :laughtwo: - I can make it a better press.

This one has a superior grip to the others. I can see how this could work perfectly with the coffee filter full of plant material folded over and sitting in there. It's the perfect size for what I'm doing. I tend to make small batches. I think it'll work as is, but if I can score a small bowl...... I'll take some measurements and find one in the rain forest where my Prime account gets it to me almost overnight. So spoiled. :battingeyelashes:


It ran me $13. I paused, thought about the process and bought it without another thought. I'll let you know how it works.

:thumb: and .. sent you an email Sue... :love:
Nice tool but don't press too hard or it will rip the filter. It might be a good idea to press it over/into a 2nd coffee filter just in case the one you're pressing breaks! ;)
Nice tool but don't press too hard or it will rip the filter. It might be a good idea to press it over/into a 2nd coffee filter just in case the one you're pressing breaks! ;)

I'll do that, although I was thinking of using silkscreen silk or a paint strainer instead of a second paper coffee filter. Not sure how that'd work, but it seems to me it should be fine. I was considering cutting a piece that'd fit inside the press that the coffee filter with plant material sat into, or wrap the coffee filter in an envelope of the silk and set it in place.
I'll do that, although I was thinking of using silkscreen silk or a paint strainer instead of a second paper coffee filter. Not sure how that'd work, but it seems to me it should be fine. I was considering cutting a piece that'd fit inside the press that the coffee filter with plant material sat into, or wrap the coffee filter in an envelope of the silk and set it in place.

Search the online "jungle" store for "Almond Milk Bag" :winkyface:
I'm here for you Keith. Take a deep breath. I know exactly how you feel. It won't last long, because now you're going into the actual healing stage and you're going to be amazed and filled with wonder instead. :battingeyelashes: :love: We're all lab rats here Keith, and unfortunately, they didn't leave us a trained research technician or a plan to work from, other than what's been cobbled together by the sweat and tears of the lab rats that went before us. Kinda maddening, isn't it?

Fortunately, we can proceed and experiment without any concerns of hurting our loved ones. The only side effect you might have trouble with is euphoria, and there are ways to overcome that.

You're fighting tumors. That takes high THC. The recommended mix is 2:1 THC:CBD for treating tumors, so I recommend right off the top that you plant something with at least 20% THC.

The ratio you're suggesting, is this specific to this disease? Everything I've paid attention to in my free fall wanderings suggests the 2:1 THC:CBD. There's so much information out there I have to fall into top opportunist form and dive right in, expecting forces of intuition to guide me, and they most often do. CBD would most certainly be called for here, because that many tumors are going to cause major inflammation, and nothing hits that or the related pain better than CBD. But I know of no strain that'll give you high CBD as well as 20% or higher THC and it's the THC that does the heavy work of clearing tumor cells.

The traditional approach is to combine the strains together to get one oil that meets your needs. You've already done that. So, what to do with it, eh? I want to do some research on the disease before we go to work on the particulars of the protocol. Can you direct me to any sites you've found most helpful? Send me links by PM. I'll do some digging and then we can sit down and hammer something out.

You're probably going to start with tacking anyway, and it'll preceed any suppositories, so you can start that now. Have you familiarized yourself with tacking? I can't deal with it myself, but I also lack the motivation of a serious disease. Cajun suggested that you put the tack on a small piece of bread and place it under the tongue if tacking is problematic. The "no swallowing" rule still applies. The guys who man the tacking thread can best help you with tacking. Start small and build up gradually. Try for three tacks a day at first. Those small tacks you do before a dose help get the system primed for the major cannabinoid load coming up. You've prepared for pre-dosing to promote competitive inhibition? Have you taken any steps to demethylate?

I know, it's a lot, but only because it's new. I assure you, a man of your intelligence will catch on quickly.

My personal choice would be to start with capsules. Chewey and I are trying to make sense of the BioBomb recipe we have, because we suspect it's overloaded with carrier oil, but the basic concept of mixing CCO, carrier oil (I'd suggest olive in your case) and lecithin gives you tremendous bioavailability. Lecithin is strongly suggested for protecting the nerves, which appear to be significantly under stress with this particular malady, so if he's not taking lecithin now, I'd look into that. Capsules may be where you want to begin to get serious. I'm assuming he gets regular labs done? You start and after a time you get tested. You look at the test results and adjust accordingly.

If this is treated as aggressive tumor eradication you're probably going to need suppositories to get the quantity of cannabinoids in there. So you're looking at all three approaches, IMHO. You have the ability to begin tacking right now. You can easily make a small batch of capsules, say with half a gram or one fourth a gram so you don't end up with too many that you won't need because you'll be making them stronger. After you get the dose high enough you switch to getting the majority of the cannabinoids through suppositories. However, if you're on capsules and the labs come back positive, why mess with success? Suppositories aren't everyone's favorite method of administration. We don't hesitate to use them when we need to, but let's not jump there prematurely, you know what I mean?

So, send me any relevant links and give me a day to look into neurofibromatosis type 1, to see what special concerns we need to take into consideration. Fear not Kieth. I have absolute faith in your ability to get this done. You've simply attached too much emotion to it. Man, can I understand that! :laughtwo: In a minute you'll breathe easier and it'll clear. Then you'll be able to see how easy and basic and life-affirming what you're undertaking is. Get excited Keith. Your life just changed.

And Keith..... seriously....... you couldn't be a bother. This is what I do. Make use of me. :hug: :love:

High Sue,
I tried to PM you the information, but I haven't reached the level of "Poster Boy" yet!
Would it be better to post the description in here or via PM?
He is not worried about sharing his medical condition as long as I don't out him by name. Please let me know your desire.
Thank you Sue!

I found an interesting site that I believe will help with making my tincture, better.Introduction I prefer to use the liquid lecithin however. I see an experiment in my future.

I finally got time to go check this site out and there's much to be excited about. First off, there's a good explaination of what lecithin brings to the table and then just reading through the process got me thinking about a number of different things.

It's interesting to discover that the alcohol plays a central part in the formation of the liposomes. We need to take this into consideration.

Using a blender is out of the question, but I was thinking a small ultrasonic might work to form the liposomes. What we're doing is very different from the encapsulation of massive amounts of Vit C. We're working in much smaller volumes. I'm not certain about the temperature control mentioned. I believe this is to ensure that the lecithin granules would be properly dissolved. I don't think it applies here.

What does seem to apply is the process of agitating (which causes heat), cooling in the refrigerator and then repeating that process many times over a short period. I'm assuming this gives the liposomes time to develop. In our case, not being able to agitate with a blender, this step may be more important. This is why I was thinking the ultrasonic might be a valuable tool. The agitation is what increases the formation of the liposomes.

Interesting, and much to think on. Previous to reading this well-thought out process I was under the impression that one couldn't create liposomes in a home setting, to find someone who proved that yes, indeed, you could. I got really excited when I was reading this. My spidey sense was tingling like mad and my heart was beating a bit faster. :laughtwo: We may be on to something here. It's definately something we need to explore more in depth.
High Sue,
I tried to PM you the information, but I haven't reached the level of "Poster Boy" yet!
Would it be better to post the description in here or via PM?
He is not worried about sharing his medical condition as long as I don't out him by name. Please let me know your desire.
Thank you Sue!

You need to do 50 posts in order to send PM. Go and say hi in a few journals or greet new members.. and there you are :)
I finished listening to my course on treating depression and anxiety with cannabis, and I have to say, this was the first course I was disappointed in. For someone who professes to be a specialist in cannabis medicine with over 20 years working with veterans, it was shocking to me that I knew more than he apparently knew about the dosing of cannabis to treat these maladies.

How is this even possible? There's this deep-seated bias in the medical community against cannabis and it flavors everything they do. This obviously isn't all doctors working with cannabis, but I'm continually shocked, for instance, at the misinformation about CBD, and how the capsules we all take so much for granted apparently are being completely overlooked by the medical "professionals." I've yet to hear anyone in one of these courses even hint at the importance of lecithin in edibles and how it can potentially be a game-changer. It's like we're living some alternate reality.

It's not like we're the only community making these capsules. Go anywhere online and you'll find recipies we all share openly. It's not like anyone's trying to hide it. So why are the "professionals" ignoring it?

I'm having a hard time digesting this and coming away with a sense of equanimity. I've been at this for hours. I need to go to bed and give it another listen tomorrow. Maybe I'm missing something. I come away from this one feeling more isolated. When the lab rats are better informed................
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