
I wanted to wait to respond to this turn in your life. The brother-in-law was destined to be trouble.

You need to sleep on things for a few days. You have lots of options and you have brownie makings. Maybe a road trip. One of my daughters bought a 30 day pass on the Gray Dog to think some things through years ago. They are gone now. Amtrak has some kind of package. They even have internet.

You have to make some changes. You might as well jazz it up some.

Have fun, it will really piss off the shirttail relative.

heya sue,, listen to who knows best,, you,,

change is always good, eventually,, cheers sue,,
Thank you guys. It means more than you know. The landlord's leaning towards not renewing his lease. My BIL didn't take into consideration the deep and abiding friendship I've cultivated with the landlord and his wife over the past ten years of being an exemplary tenant. He's been a thorn in their side from the beginning and he was warned the last time that if it came down to a choice it wouldn't be good news for him.

If I can sleep tonight I'll be much better tomorrow. I have a lot more space in my living room now. :battingeyelashes: Geez, it's difficult to even crack a smile. I haven't been able to even take a hit, but you know what? That's exactly what I'm going to do right now. I have a little Tikal that'll make a sweet spiritual high. Just what I need right this minute.

It's scary knowing I'll run out. I now know the cost of that and I thought that was behind me. There must be something else I need to learn from this. It keeps repeating in my life. What message am I missing?

Awww guys, I'm a survivor. I'll cry about this today because the pain of loss and betrayal are still fresh wounds, but if we've learned nothing about me in the past year it's that I won't be able to stay down very long. I'm already questioning the indulgence of tears over something this temporary. I'll give everyone else all the time you need to recover but I'll insist I recover overnight. :laughtwo:

There we go. Back to laughter. Lol!

I've decided this is the perfect time to take the Green Flower Media course on treating insomnia with cannabis. That'll take my mind off this and focus me right back into study mode.

You're right Cajun, karma's gonna bite him bad. It already has. He won't understand the totality of that until tomorrow when he meets with the landlord. It's not gonna be pretty and I won't be there. I have a walking club that meets on Wednesdays and I won't be missing that to spend any time with my BIL. It's so sad though. He has no one now. No cares about him but me and I can't afford to. That hurts. His mother was counting on me. I did my best, and that's all I can do.

Life moves on.

You guys are such a comfort. I hate being needy and this left me feeling terribly vulnerable and needy. Fortunately, you are already trained to recognize that in me. :laughtwo: I'm heartened by the outpouring of love.
sue, while it sucks that you will run out, you have said yourself that it is merely recreational for you. the one silver lining in that. you won't lose out on meds. just think of the tranquility you get from learning, teaching others about the benefits to be had. you are a very helpful person. evil deeds cannot keep someone like you down for long.

now smile dagnabbit and give yourself big bloody hug!!!
sue, while it sucks that you will run out, you have said yourself that it is merely recreational for you. the one silver lining in that. you won't lose out on meds. just think of the tranquility you get from learning, teaching others about the benefits to be had. you are a very helpful person. evil deeds cannot keep someone like you down for long.

now smile dagnabbit and give yourself big bloody hug!!!

:laughtwo: By your command. Lol! I'll have you know I did just that. Haha! When our children were young Dale and I worked a stint for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History collecting fossils in the high Rockies. The only time I was away from my children while they were growing. During that time I trained us all to hug ourselves and pretend it was a hug from each other. I've always been a fan of hugs, even self-applied ones. One 20-second hug a day will keep you on an even emotional keel. That fact has always fascinated me.

Ask yourself, how many 20-second hugs do you get a day? Most people cut it way shorter. Not SweetSue. :laughtwo:
Recommended Reading


Not for the faint of heart.


Published in 2013, it includes listings of research papers supporting his conclusions and advice. It's a wonderful blending of western and eastern thinking on the art of healing and the use of cannabis to augment the healing path. Much more than simply a book on using cannabis.

It cost me less than $20 (using a Prime account, so no shipping). A worthy purchase IMHO, and I've only had time for a cursory glance through. I've already started rubbing infused oil into my hands to see what effect that might have on the psoriasis. The application of straight CCO has done a fabulous job of healing the worst patches.


I couldn't be happier with these results. There's still some thick tissue there that should just sluff off in time. The infused coconut oil may finish that job off. We shall see.


I'm amazed at the healing ability of the oil. Just amazed. Looking at them more closely I'll continue to use the straight oil for a while longer and supplement with the infused coconut oil. There're numerous dry patches along the knuckles that would benefit from the oil rub. Smells delightful too. :laughtwo:
Nis just gave me the green light to get the book!!! That's so cool!!! I love how much better your hand looks!

Since this is about concentrates, and you are still (hopefully) relearning to get the hang of dentures, I figured this is the place to share this with you.

Canna butter garbage noodles.
I boiled the noodles with garlic powder, salt, and dried minced onions. I used a finer mesh strainer to drain. Then in a bowl, I mixed fresh basil, fresh green onions, and fresh garlic chives (all from our garden) with some olive oil. Then added the noodles. Stirred well. Then melted about 2-3 tsp of the canna butter I made yesterday. Stirred well again. Put on the fine China (paper plates) then topped with salt and parmesan cheese. Sooo good, and fairly easy to chew. Here's a pic for you.

Nis just gave me the green light to get the book!!! That's so cool!!! I love how much better your hand looks!

Since this is about concentrates, and you are still (hopefully) relearning to get the hang of dentures, I figured this is the place to share this with you.

Canna butter garbage noodles.
I boiled the noodles with garlic powder, salt, and dried minced onions. I used a finer mesh strainer to drain. Then in a bowl, I mixed fresh basil, fresh green onions, and fresh garlic chives (all from our garden) with some olive oil. Then added the noodles. Stirred well. Then melted about 2-3 tsp of the canna butter I made yesterday. Stirred well again. Put on the fine China (paper plates) then topped with salt and parmesan cheese. Sooo good, and fairly easy to chew. Here's a pic for you.


Thanks Canna. You should share that picture on bapple's food thread in off topics. She'd enjoy having you join in there, if you haven't already. I don't cook often enough to be there much. I have some really good parmesean for a dish like that.

I didn't put the dentures in all day yesterday (hangs head in shame) so I'm keeping them in all day today. I got my Callanetics out of the way first, but today I want to try eating with them. It's no easy task. This looks like it'd be a good option.
Thanks Canna. You should share that picture on bapple's food thread in off topics. She'd enjoy having you join in there, if you haven't already. I don't cook often enough to be there much. I have some really good parmesean for a dish like that.

I didn't put the dentures in all day yesterday (hangs head in shame) so I'm keeping them in all day today. I got my Callanetics out of the way first, but today I want to try eating with them. It's no easy task. This looks like it'd be a good option.
I'll go over and post it there too. It hadn't crossed my mind. It should have though. We ate about an hour agi, and now I'm feeling it. It's a good stoney high. Now we will have to defoliate soon. Lol. This aught to be fun. Lol
My next experiment: let's see what effect the infused coconut oil will have on the patches of psoriasis on the sides of my feet. I'll be using the batch of coconut oil made with the CBD Critical Mass. Today was the first application.


Conventional medicine has no cure for psoriasis. I have patches on my face, along the side of my nose and dry patches on my forehead. I'll be treating those too, but it's the feet I'll track here. Can't show you my face and still be anonymous now, can I?
your hand looks great sue. awesome to see such an astounding result from this "highly addictive, harmful narcotic that's illegal" ...hehehe... I've always had really bad problems with dry cracking skin on my fingers. I wonder if the canna olive oil would do some goods. couldn't hurt eh. olive oil itself has great qualities in it. add the canna and it should really help.
your hand looks great sue. awesome to see such an astounding result from this "highly addictive, harmful narcotic that's illegal" ...hehehe... I've always had really bad problems with dry cracking skin on my fingers. I wonder if the canna olive oil would do some goods. couldn't hurt eh. olive oil itself has great qualities in it. add the canna and it should really help.

We can experiment together unforgiven. I've decided to start with the coconut oil infusion made with a higher THC ratio. Some of the patches in my eyebrows are painful to the touch and I applied that one yesterday by mistake and noticed an almost immediate reduction in pain. I'm thinking I might want to do three applications a day, staggering the oils, one high in THC, one higher in CBD. Hit it from all directions.

I've been challenged with scalp psoriasis for over two decades. It started with his first heart attack and has driven me to distraction ever since. If I can get these patches scattered around my body to heal I'll begin massaging it into the scalp and hopefully finally get that under control.

Think wonderful healing thoughts as you massage the oil in. See the skin clear and healed. Pull all the power of your endocannabinoid system into play. Let me know how it goes, ok?
hehehe I wonder if one massaged a bunch of oil into their scalp, could that be a fast track to a high? just made me think of the old comedy of cosby trying to gas up a sports car. cant find the cap, just pour it all over let it soak in. lmao
So sorry for your plight Sue, that just SUCKS! You are a better person than I, forgiving is the better and healthier thing to do with BIL. God bless you for trying to help him, I truly hope you are OK. I have a sister than has been banished from our family (justified IMHO) and it still hurts as I was always her advocate and peace maker. After many times of way over crossing the line, I cut the cord. Still not happy about it but had to forgive myself for cutting it. Prayers to you Sue.

Best Of Buds


So sorry for your plight Sue, that just SUCKS! You are a better person than I, forgiving is the better and healthier thing to do with BIL. God bless you for trying to help him, I truly hope you are OK. I have a sister than has been banished from our family (justified IMHO) and it still hurts as I was always her advocate and peace maker. After many times of way over crossing the line, I cut the cord. Still not happy about it but had to forgive myself for cutting it. Prayers to you Sue.

Best Of Buds



Thank you JB. You know how all things work together for good? It's turned out to be a good thing already. I was more stressed about maintaining a big grow than I realized. I'm much more relaxed and in the end I'll end up with a decent plant count anyway. Tead and I are talking about adding a couple hempy 2L plants off to the sides of the 20 gal. LOS no-tills.

Mental illness takes a toll. There's only so much one can do. In the end you have to watch out for yourself. The saddest part was that I'd finally found a strain that would work and he didn't care. It's the nature of the illness.
I can't offer you a link but Green Flower Media's offering a live streaming event next Tuesday (June 28) from 4-6 PST on

"How Cannabis Works In The Body".

I thought it might interest some of you. I'll be taking lots of notes, of course, and this already looks like one I'll purchase afterwards.
I'm putting together information on treating insomnia with cannabis and I was wondering if anyone would like to offer their favorite strains for sleep meds?
He's ill Tanja. He has uncontrolled bi polar disorder and anger achieves nothing. I'm feeling betrayed, but not angry. Now my daughter, she's angry, but she understands I can't stay angry at her crazy uncle. I can, however, move away from his sphere of influence.

The building we live in has two sides. My daughter and brother live in the other side and my brother's relocating to Dallas next month. There's a possibility I'll be able to take over his apartment. That'd be an easy shift from one apartment to the other.

In the end it'll turn out to be a good thing. He's been making my life challenging for many months and this is the second time he's turned on me - the only member of the family who insisted in staying in touch with him. I moved him into this building so he wouldn't be isolated and had someone to help when he got sick. I'd do it again to keep him safe. Well, maybe not now, but I have a hard time holding a grudge.

I'm sorry I made the angry face at your ex-BIL, Sue...I just get really protective of people I like. And you have done SO much to help me and give me the extra courage I needed to move forward and try to help my dad, well....I can't help but like ya, even tho we've never met and are miles and miles away. I understand mental illness is a BEAST and I wish no ill will towards anybody. It just ticked me off that he hurt the one person who still cares for him and is trying to help him. Just sucks, that's all. I hope that his betrayal hasn't hurt you TOO much and know that I'm sending you big hugs.:hug::hug::hug:

I hope everything works itself out for you and this little hiccup won't deter you from continuing all your wonderful work and efforts.
You truly are a GEM!:love:
I'm sorry I made the angry face at your ex-BIL, Sue...I just get really protective of people I like. And you have done SO much to help me and give me the extra courage I needed to move forward and try to help my dad, well....I can't help but like ya, even tho we've never met and are miles and miles away. I understand mental illness is a BEAST and I wish no ill will towards anybody. It just ticked me off that he hurt the one person who still cares for him and is trying to help him. Just sucks, that's all. I hope that his betrayal hasn't hurt you TOO much and know that I'm sending you big hugs.:hug::hug::hug:

I hope everything works itself out for you and this little hiccup won't deter you from continuing all your wonderful work and efforts.
You truly are a GEM!:love:

Good to hear from you Tanja. :hug: Any news to share about your dad? You've been on my mind a lot lately.
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