Tales From The Krip!

Frosty frostings.. MrK... your girls are coming along nicely.

if you have 2 mars 144 reflectors?? and you're doing this ^^^ thats pretty impressive. Another light will only help I'm thinking. Go for it... should work perfect. I'm running 1.5K in my flower room... never enough lights.
Frosty frostings.. MrK... your girls are coming along nicely.

if you have 2 mars 144 reflectors?? and you're doing this ^^^ thats pretty impressive. Another light will only help I'm thinking. Go for it... should work perfect. I'm running 1.5K in my flower room... never enough lights.

Thank you, Brother Bob! That is correct- two Reflector 144's. I've been pretty impressed with the Mars lights, especially considering their price. I like having multiple lights in the tent in case one fails, which does happen with LED's, and the two 144's are about perfect for the 4'x4'.

TBH, I was a little hesitant to add the third (non-sponsor) light simply because I thought it would be good to show what the two sponsor lights alone could do, but since this is NOT a "sponsored" grow (I paid for all the lights - NONE were gifted!) and, as you accurately point out, "never enough lights", I thought it would be better to see the potential of the plants rather than the potential of the lights! :rofl:

Temps seem fine, so the light is staying! :thumb:

1.5k is a lot of light! How big is your room, again?

If I recall, you run some Mars LEDs mixed with either HID or CMH, correct, or are you using the LEDs for veg, only? Have you tried a grow with straight LED's for flower?

PIC UPDATE - DAY #29 OF 12/12

A few days ago, one of the other growers noticed a pic of the Fruit Punch and commented that it looked like some of the fans were possibly yellowing. I assured him they were not and it was just the camera flash (which was/is true!).

Since giving the first CATs, Tut #1 has looked like some of the leaves were yellowing while checking under the LED's and I also noticed this showing up in many of the pictures which are taken in total darkness with just the flash (the only way I seem to be able to get a decent pic!).

I must have pulled a dozen or more of these "yellowing" fans, and every time I look at them in natural light, they look fine! Not sure why these plants suddenly look yellow in the pics or under the lights, but I assure all of you, it is just the lighting.

Here's one of those fans I pulled that looked like it was yellowing under the lights:

Here's the same leaf with the flash on (notice the back shadow):

Anyways, I'm not sure what's going on with the camera, but please ignore anything that appears to be yellowing cuz' they all look nice & green to me! :ganjamon:

Happy Harvests!

Sometimes that 'Off Yellowing' look is plants that are going to purple out nicely... They just don't look as dark green as the others and the contrast,, which will make it look yellow anyways...............
Sometimes that 'Off Yellowing' look is plants that are going to purple out nicely... They just don't look as dark green as the others and the contrast,, which will make it look yellow anyways...............

That would be nice, except...I'm not growing any purple strains! :hmmmm:

(actually, the Blackwater can qualify as purple, but that leaf is from Tut #1)

The two Tuts & Fruit Punch got their second CATs last night, the White Widow get her first, and, this morning, the Blackwater got her 2nd. One more CAT left for the Widow, then it's back to the TP/GE drenches until finish.

The buds are definitely starting to fill out and pack on some weight. The four Blackwater colas formed from the UBT are about 3' tall with buds staggered all the way up. They are all covered in resin and looks like it's going to be some very nice smoke.

Both Fruit Punch and Tut #2 have some very nice, fat colas, too. Tut #1's colas are much thinner, and for the most part, shorter, but there are a lot of them!

I did some trimming on the Tuts yesterday and it seems that floral smell may be getting somewhat "diesely" but need to check more closely today. The other three strains all smell fruity which typically is my preference.

More pics coming soon!

Happy Harvests!


For anyone growing with the Mars lights, Mars is having a picture contest and is giving away some nice lights to the winner.

You can contact @SmokeSara for information on how to purchase the Mars lights and here's the details of the contest on the Mars thread:

In order everyone can see this and participate in, I post again, and I think I can post again and again and again in every page. :D @Mr. Krip
"Okay, time to GIVEAWAY! :ganjamon::ganjamon::ganjamon:
In order to show more love and celebrate our 10th anniversary, :rollit: I applied the giveaway for all of you on :420:
How to Participant?
- Time: from Nov. 2th ~ 20th; Winner anounced on Nov. 22th.
- Post your buds pictures in Mars Hydro Thread which you think is the best!
- use tag #marshydrorock in your text.
- Over 50 growers attend, winner will get an upgraded Mars II 900
- Over 100 growers attend, winner will get one upgrated Mars II 1600
- Over 200 growers attend, winner will get one Mars Pro II 320
- Winner will be the one get the likes the most!

Are you ready? Come and try your luck here! :yahoo:"

Goodluck Everyone! :goodluck:

Krip, with the amazing plants your putting out using just the 2 144 reflectors, @SmokeSara should send you the latest and greatest to do a sponsored grow. That would make me very happy but sad too since we would not be able to post in each other's journals. I have the same 2 lights that I use in different situations, right now using for veg!

Krip, with the amazing plants your putting out using just the 2 144 reflectors, @SmokeSara should send you the latest and greatest to do a sponsored grow. That would make me very happy but sad too since we would not be able to post in each other's journals. I have the same 2 lights that I use in different situations, right now using for veg!


Thanks, Brother! It would be nice, but not necessary; and you can always post in this journal, my friend! :high-five:
I know, just saying, you'd be a great promoter for Mars! If you had a sponsored journal, rules are that we couldn't post in each other's journals.

Have a rockin day bud!


:hmmmm: Can't post, at all? Or, just can't post/mention the sponsors? It seems a little over-board if we can't even give a "good job", "check for pests", "go with 2ml/gallon", etc. and have to communicate by PM, only (assuming we can still PM! :rofl: ).
Not at all because we have links in our sigs so it's seen as trying to steal customers or something like that. I read through the rules (a couple times) before I started my journal. I'm certain we could pm.


Well, it would take a pretty nice light to get me to stop posting on your journal...or, at least a few CFL's! :rofl:

I've definitely noticed an increase in bud size and resin production since starting the CAT drenches and, with the way they all started frosting up pretty early, I'm hopeful it will continue.

There are way too many pics to comment on each one, but here's a quick look at the tent:

Here's a shot of Tut #1:

This is Tut #2:

White Widow:

Fruit Punch:

Some of Blackwater's HUGE cola's:

Some Miscellaneous Bud Shots:

Happy Harvests!


I've definitely noticed an increase in bud size and resin production since starting the CAT drenches and, with the way they all started frosting up pretty early, I'm hopeful it will continue.

There are way too many pics to comment on each one, but here's a quick look at the tent:

Here's a shot of Tut #1:

This is Tut #2:

White Widow:

Fruit Punch:

Some of Blackwater's HUGE cola's:

Some Miscellaneous Bud Shots:

Happy Harvests!


Dang krip! Them girls are getting nice and frosty! Starting to fatten up! Good signs and all looks great! Hope you are well !
That is super nice update:bravo:. Buds looks tight and frosty and soon they will get heavier too, :drool::drool::drool:. Oh damn, I cannot just post some "looks great" "fantastic" thing since they are also against rules for no meaning post :rofl::rofl: :laugh::laugh: Time to learn more native ways to express my thought. :nomo:

For anyone growing with the Mars lights, Mars is having a picture contest and is giving away some nice lights to the winner.

You can contact @SmokeSara for information on how to purchase the Mars lights and here's the details of the contest on the Mars thread:

Goodluck Everyone! :goodluck:

Thanks a bunch @Mr. Krip , you are the best! :circle-of-love:

I was doing some more pruning today in an effort to remove any of the smaller and lower growth and decided to check one of the White Widow buds under a scope. I couldn't get a pic through the scope, but here's a couple of pics of the bud I removed.

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