Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Bet they got some hella parties going on down that ways tonight....

I was having my own party that day...

Man... those green 1.5gal grow tubes really need to finish and get the hell outta town. The 5gals are good for 4 days between waterings... but the 1.5gal tubes cut that 4 days in half.

Awesome to see whats going down here. :thumb:
After seeing this I'll definitely be getting a QB setup. I've been checking out alibaba and there seem to be some real deals there. I was thinking of a 480w set up for a 4'x4' setup. Do you know what chips you have in your QBs?

I went with the FoTop kit. I see they also have the LM301B versions of their boards as well.
Not sure which is technically best... I assume mine are now out dated tho... I think the 301Bs are the newest flavor.
That’s real upgrade. And the space looks really clean and tidy. I guess you’ll be pumping some serious weight now!
It looks great Tead! :thumb:

Like Conradino said, I like the way the whole thing looks so flexible and tidy and clean. To see the panels edge-on makes everything look light and airy - so different from hoods and ducting, etc, or a bunch of heavy thick boxes strapped to the ceiling.

How are they performing for you so far?
You'll probably increase your yields with the increase in pot size..... To me,, the more roots/more buds............ Looks good... Keepem Green
I went with the FoTop kit. I see they also have the LM301B versions of their boards as well.
Not sure which is technically best... I assume mine are now out dated tho... I think the 301Bs are the newest flavor.
The kit I was looking into uses the LM561c
Compared to the LM301b the diodes are nearly identical in all data points. Only about 2lm difference at max efficiency.

The room looks amazing :thumb:
That's a room full of goodness gracious will ya look at that !!!!!!!.

Rooster prints in the garden.... always nice.
I got 2 rooms going now... about to open a second bloom space. Apparently my calculations were off.
Original plan... 1ea 10x20 bloom, 2ea 10x10 veg.
It's looking like the one 10x10 veg room can feed the original bloom space along with another 10x10 space.

Looking real good!

Indeed. I want to walk across the veg room canopy!

That’s real upgrade. And the space looks really clean and tidy. I guess you’ll be pumping some serious weight now!

Amazing what happens when one put's one's mind to the task at hand ehhh?
I'll be super curious to compare finished weight between the 1.5gal and 5 gal.... should be dramatic.

To see the panels edge-on makes everything look light and airy - so different from hoods and ducting, etc, or a bunch of heavy thick boxes strapped to the ceiling.

Oh gawd. Originally I was planning for hoods and ducting. This is just so much better in SO many ways.

How are they performing for you so far?

Great. Fast, but I'm growing them much bigger in the 5gals, so veg time is increased. No numbers yet... the machine is still ramping up.

Dang. Looks like a Christmas tree farm only without the Christmas trees.

The only reason I'm doing this is to compete with Wood's damn poolside trees. There will be trees... right now I'm working on some Mardi Gras trees.
Side story...
Around here, when Christmas ends, it's not time to take the tree down, it's time to decorate it with purple, green, and gold for the Mardi Gras season. Crazy fun.

You'll probably increase your yields with the increase in pot size..... To me,, the more roots/more buds............ Looks good... Keepem Green

Speak of the Devil...
I can't agree with you more. I can now grow plants big enough to live in a 5gal pot. I damn sure gettin my tree on!

Which do you find yourself preferring most? The 1.5g or the 5g?

I'm a shootin for some monster plants.... done with the small garden and it's smaller pots. They're a great fit for a 5ft tall garden.

Wow those 5gals are huge! Going to be insane in a month or two!

Not huge yet... but things are ramping up.
Growing the indicas larger has been catching my eye lately. The change from a 1.5g to 5g in the stubby little girls leads to bushy monsters. Not tall, but broad and so damn thick.
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