The Anti-Journal Journal

Well they been curing for 9 days, think I will try at least one of them tomorrow.

Clone of Mother I sexed way back when (got 13-14 grams out of it I think):


and Dr StrangeBud (got about 4 grams off the weirdo ;) ):


Tried some of the Clone earlier (we are 98% sure it is Blue Widow, as that plant looked more like that than the Lemon Diesel which I'm guessing was Dr StrangeBud) I really liked it as had a nice high, so should be happy with Mother and the Clone (and Cronie Clones if they live) far as smoke/high goes. Not sure if I will try the other one tonight, only got about 4 grams off of Dr StrangeBud anyway so won't be around long
A few pics today (lights on, so one of them pink things ;) ) so just a slight update.

Mother and her Clone in Flower now, as bought a couple Clones at Dispensary and played Musical Grow Boxes again:


Da Chronie Clones got moved out onto floor and seedling heat pad:

Picked up the Gen. Org. Go Box the other day, that way I can try the Bloom Booster of theirs and all the other stuff in their BioThrive line. So everyone got Cal/Mag and trying the Bio Root stuff, going to hold off on other Nutes til next time, see how they do.
Mother and Clone in Flower:


And the Chronie Clone Gang (still unsure if one in Cup going to make it yet or not, others seem to be growing):

Quick update, finally got to where an old blind man can see some Pistils on Mother and Clone....."Pistol Packing Mama lalalalalala" ;) :rofl: ....Everyone got a drink of something yesterday, it just varied on who was in what stage ;)

Mother and her Clone:


And Da Chronie Clones:

Nobody in this thread thirsty yet, but pics of the Clone and Mother in Flower:


Mother should have decent yield if all goes right, as lots of bud sites in the canopy:

Time will tell lol but should get more than 20 grams or less that the early grow attempts ended up with.
Will start with Mother and Child that are in Flower pics and then move on to all the Scientific Mumbo Jumbo meets Legaleeze Lawyer Talk meets Doctor's Handwriting ;) :rofl:

Moving right along in Flower:


Chronie Clones were thirsty along with the PKF in my other thread, and 3 of the Chronies were ready to up pot anyway so did that before feeding. The other Chronie (runt having issues of the bunch) got put in the windowsill just because to hard to throw away still LOL One of them got put in with the PKF that I will more than likely put into Flower pretty soon (heck I don't even know what I'm doing until days after I do it :rofl:).

Now onto the highly accurate Science part ;) Two of the better looking Chronies decided it was time for the highly Scientific totally accurate no possible variables Double Blind (neither me or the two Participants were informed of which one was to be topped and which one got LST/HST) Study, the Feds should give me billions of dollars for this important Study ;) :rofl::rofl::lot-o-toke:. One topped and one trained:

Well, let's just scientifically see the traintop perform. Lol.

Cheers Urban. Hope all is well.

we hanging in there, hope all is well with you too

Just rocked out to Priest video on YT from 1983 US Festival Heavy Metal Day (we drove over 950 miles one way to go to that.......yeah I was crazy back then too ;) :rofl::rofl:

"Victim of Changes".......kinda cool seeing progress last 16 days:

Jan. 6th:

Jan. 10th:

Jan 15th:

Jan 18th:


I'll be all antsy next 6 weeks or longer, all paranoid of killing them ;) :rofl::lot-o-toke::smokin:
Looks like they are in good hands Urban.
Unless you screw it up. Lol.

Cheers brother.

Yep unpredictable just like an Airplane could crash into my house or an Asteroid or a Nuclear Warhead....anything possible ;) :rofl::rofl:
Thank you for undertaking such important scientific research! I'll definite write my congressman about getting this funded. :)

Well since you my Lobbyist I will make sure and give you the standard typical Washington cut of the funding so you can take them Congressmen to Hawaii and all the other usual "free perks" ;) :rofl::rofl:

Mother and Daughter got fed today with the GO Bio Thrive line up of Bloom/CalMag/Bio Bud/Bio Marine, see how that goes over and decide whether a just water feeding next time or not....decisions decisions ;)
we hanging in there, hope all is well with you too

Just rocked out to Priest video on YT from 1983 US Festival Heavy Metal Day (we drove over 950 miles one way to go to that.......yeah I was crazy back then too ;) :rofl::rofl:

"Victim of Changes".......kinda cool seeing progress last 16 days:

Jan. 6th:

Jan. 10th:

Jan 15th:

Jan 18th:

Jan 22nd:

I'll be all antsy next 6 weeks or longer, all paranoid of killing them ;) :rofl::lot-o-toke::smokin:

Bring this post over from other page along with a pic from today, not quite ready for water/food yet, maybe tomorrow or next day.....Buds are looking better every day:
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