The Physicist's Indoor Soil Vanilla Frosting

G'mornin! :passitleft: Lots of sweet lookin buds there! Frosty is right. Stay safe and stay stoned! :ciao:
Thanks Fredwak! This Vanilla Frosting has a lot of hype so I am very excited to see the results. Thanks for stopping by! Happy growing!
Looking great Doc :passitleft:

Your into lasers, right? A few years ago I saw something on laser grow lights, very interesting. you know anything about that? Man lasers are some crazy stuff, they even use them to pick up on sound (laser microphone) for surveillance or whatever. Has to be a really interesting subject to get a PhD in.
Lasers are the result of probing nature at its smallest scales. In my lab we create clouds, make snow fall, and guide lightening all by using laser pulses in air. Its amazing what you can do with light.

I’ll check out the article, but my thinking is they just used a diode source at a narrow line and just used expansion and beam transport optics to distribute the spatial front of the beam evenly over the canopy. Thats what I would do at least.
I read the article, and indeed, they are basically ignoring the broad spectrum of LEDs and using the narrow bandwidth of cw lasers with beam delivery optics. Cw lasers put of roughly 0.2nm bandwidth just due to thermal broadening. While LEDs put out a fairly large spectrum unless you pay for expensive LEDs with specially engineering band gaps and cooling to beat down any thermal broadening or drift.
Lasers are the result of probing nature at its smallest scales. In my lab we create clouds, make snow fall, and guide lightening all by using laser pulses in air. Its amazing what you can do with light.

I’ll check out the article, but my thinking is they just used a diode source at a narrow line and just used expansion and beam transport optics to distribute the spatial front of the beam evenly over the canopy. Thats what I would do at least.

So do you think the addition of lasers with full spectrum LED would offer benefits? My first thinking is canopy penetration, probably in specific wavelengths.

Man, weather modification! Now we are getting into conspiracy and HAARP type stuff. I could probably chat with you all day about this stuff. I wish I had it in me to get back to school, A PHD in lasers definitely peaks my interest. How did you get into this field if you dont mind me asking and do you see any products coming out that the public could use? Laser tooth brush or something. Weather modification is really interesting but is it possible to use this for good? Like harvesting electricity from lightning? Or would it be more of a weapon where you can make like maybe super lightning or storms? maybe I'm just crazy.:lot-o-toke:

I imagine governments doing this, It would be an insane way to hold a country or state hostage. Comply or we will freeze out your crops or create a drought and make it rain lightning everywhere. We would have no idea too with how they have their black projects and such.

You are the first I've heard talk about weather modifications with lasers. You think you see a documentary on that or info on the news or something but I found out on 420mag :rofl:
So do you think the addition of lasers with full spectrum LED would offer benefits? My first thinking is canopy penetration, probably in specific wavelengths.

Man, weather modification! Now we are getting into conspiracy and HAARP type stuff. I could probably chat with you all day about this stuff. I wish I had it in me to get back to school, A PHD in lasers definitely peaks my interest. How did you get into this field if you dont mind me asking and do you see any products coming out that the public could use? Laser tooth brush or something. Weather modification is really interesting but is it possible to use this for good? Like harvesting electricity from lightning? Or would it be more of a weapon where you can make like maybe super lightning or storms? maybe I'm just crazy.:lot-o-toke:

I imagine governments doing this, It would be an insane way to hold a country or state hostage. Comply or we will freeze out your crops or create a drought and make it rain lightning everywhere. We would have no idea to with how they have their black projects and such
The issue with using lasers is wall power efficiency. To get light out of a laser, you have to give it light. And to make efficient blue light you have to harmonically convert it from far red down to blue which cuts ur efficiency by 75% alone. You use diodes or LEDs to “pump” a laser so while it would help to use the narrow linewidth, you would only be doing blurple and it would be massively inefficient. It would work certainly, but massively expensive, massive inefficiency.

I got into lasers because I was essentially born and raised in a laser lab. My dad was a physicist as well. I had my first laser when I was 5 years old haha an old gas HeNe. So lasers were just always in my family blood and life.

Climate control with lasers is a big deal these days, from protecting air ports to tall buildings and large infrastructures. While we can create clouds with lasers, clouds become a large static electricity bank, full of potential energy. I can use a laser create a conduction path in air via filamentation, and extract the lightening/static electricity out of the cloud and either store it (energy production), or direct it (weaponize it).

There is a couple groups working this summer in Greece on the “Laser Lighting Rod” project trying to extract the lightening out of clouds on a mountain top. Preliminary results are pretty amazing
Its pretty crazy what the public doesn’t know is going on. This is why I love R&D and my field, its a very small community. Not sure if there are any documentaries or youtube videos on this stuff but I will look. Mostly its just new publications to Optical Society of America (OSA) or Laserfocusworld will post an article when they publish it somewhere. But usually its word of mouth when they get first results for things like this, or if someone is going to pull a new record. Its always a race to be on the tip of spear for new laser tech
Clone Update:

Watered with 1mL/Gallon Mad Farmer Cal + Mag as the cubes were feeling pretty light compared to the non cloned cubes which still felt wet. That gave me the indication that they needed water. My tap water has cal mag in it but it doesn’t hurt to give a tiny microboost.

I removed the dome but keep them in their own tent for the next week or two at least monitoring humidity and temp. They seem to not bewilting after an hour so far.
AC Infinity 6” exhaust and intake fans are working like a charm. They turn off and on every 4-5 mins for about 30 seconds, long enough to change the air in the tent for the given volume. While maintaining 84-86F and 62-63% RH. Loving this so far, its dialing in nicely.
Climate control is hot topic, but you need multi kW average power, multi-Gigawatt peak power, ultra short pulse lasers. To date that is the hard part but myself included and many others are working on new tech to break that barrier down.
That’s a good sign your clones are standing up. If you see any wilting get the dome back on for a bit.
Thanks pw! I’ve been constantly checking on them, basically lost sleep last night running out to my shed constantly to check Should I air them at all? As in a little breeze or is that to much stress?
Its pretty crazy what the public doesn’t know is going on. This is why I love R&D and my field, its a very small community. Not sure if there are any documentaries or youtube videos on this stuff but I will look. Mostly its just new publications to Optical Society of America (OSA) or Laserfocusworld will post an article when they publish it somewhere. But usually its word of mouth when they get first results for things like this, or if someone is going to pull a new record. Its always a race to be on the tip of spear for new laser tech
Wow! I would have thought there would be a recording of the event and it being published to youtube or something. if you started a channel with videos of these experiments (if you can) you would probably make some money.

Man I should I sprung for the digital controlled AC fans. Nice setup
Most of the people in the community are pretty snobby lol. They get results and boast about it through their publications. A lot of military funding goes into this too so not all the details are usually released. So you have to either back calculate it and verify it yourself or disprove it which happens quite often.
I drove for a long time to get these two ladies after reading about them and searching for any place that may carry them. The description had me at “will bring out your inner philosopher”. I’d love to have this cross with a planet strain like Saturn Og, off to space I’d go. :roorrip:
I like how you talk bud :420::passitleft::lot-o-toke::hmmmm:
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