TheDude1337 First Grow In Soil: 5 Strains

Amnesia Auto Photos
Somehow Amazon got my memory card to me this afternoon. I wanted to test it out by taking some photos of my Amnesia Auto. I haven't taken pictures in a long time, so please mind the poor lighting. I'll actually get everything setup tomorrow for proper photos, I just wanted to make sure my DSLR still works as it has been through quite a bit over the years. I also installed a small dehumidifier in the tent today, but I had to disconnect one of my intake fans to get an outlet. I'll have to get another extension installed tomorrow during the dark period. I hope my macro lens will be in Monday so I can get some better close-up shots. I think going forward I'll be taking more photos of the girls every day.

Pic's are nice. Very interesting lighting looks like a snowstorm hit
Day 55 Update
Girls will be getting some water this evening. The pots still feel like there is a bit of moisture in them, but I doubt it is enough to last the whole day. I need to find a way to plug in my 2nd intake fan again today. Even with the small dehumidified, the humidity level is getting near 60 during the night periods. I want that down to about 50. I think the added airflow will help bring it down. The Pineapple Kush seems to be a runt. She is stretching, but not at the pace of the other girls. I'd love it if she would add a few inches and start to spread out a bit more. The White Widow, and Euphoria plants are really starting to show their flowers.

Pineapple Kush
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White Widow
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Amnesia Auto
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Day 56 Update
Hard to believe I started germinating these seeds 8 weeks ago today. The Pineapple Kush is being a pain in my butt. I think I might give her a major defoliation tomorrow as no light is penetrating that canopy and she isn't stretching. The other girls all look good. The buds on the Amnesia Auto are getting larger every day. I watered them last night, and that will be the last time I give the Amnesia the liquid KoolBloom, I will be switching her to the powder on the next water (likely Tuesday or Wednesday). The White Widow looks like she has the potential to be my largest yielding plant right now. As of right now my guess for ranking plants in order of yield are White Widow - Critical - Amnesia Auto - Euphoria - Pineapple Kush. I will see how that prediction holds up over the next few weeks as these girls develop.

Pineapple Kush
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White Widow
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Amnesia Auto
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Day 56 Update
Hard to believe I started germinating these seeds 8 weeks ago today. The Pineapple Kush is being a pain in my butt. I think I might give her a major defoliation tomorrow as no light is penetrating that canopy and she isn't stretching. The other girls all look good. The buds on the Amnesia Auto are getting larger every day. I watered them last night, and that will be the last time I give the Amnesia the liquid KoolBloom, I will be switching her to the powder on the next water (likely Tuesday or Wednesday). The White Widow looks like she has the potential to be my largest yielding plant right now. As of right now my guess for ranking plants in order of yield are White Widow - Critical - Amnesia Auto - Euphoria - Pineapple Kush. I will see how that prediction holds up over the next few weeks as these girls develop.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Amnesia Auto
Way to go bro
Day 57 Update
Today was a rather quick day with the girls. I snapped a few photos in quick succession and got them back in the tent as soon as possible for some light. Last day of summer with the girls so I'll be heading to the park today to have some fun, and spending the evening in our pool before I shut off the heater. My macro lens should arrive by Wednesday, so expect a bit of a photoshoot once that arrives. I did some defoliation on the canopy for my Pineapple Kush today. I really need her to start spacing out a bit more as she is too dense and nothing under her tops seems to be developing.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Amnesia Auto
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Day 58 Update
Some growth overnight on the bud spots. I want the Euphoria to stop stretching already. The Pineapple Kush did stretch a little bit last night. I hope that trend continues. All the plants look good right now. I am worried about humidity in the tent. We have had 100% humidity here for a few days, and my tent is spiking to ~60 during the 12 hours of darkness. When the lights come on it falls back down to ~48. I put a small dehumidifier in the tent, but it doesn't appear to be doing anything. It removes a small amount of water, but not enough to be effective. I wonder if I should invest in bigger intake fans. Also of note, the smell in the tent has fallen off significantly since the girls have started to flower. I'm going to raise my lights tomorrow.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow

Amnesia Auto
Day 59 Update
I did some more defoliation on the Pineapple Kush, getting really frustrated with her lack of height right now. I think it will really hurt her yield at the end. However, this is about the journey and not the results. All my other plants are doing well. I will be giving the Amnesia Auto the powder KoolBloom today instead of liquid. I will be raising my lights tonight, I think I found a solution that will work for bringing them up a bit. It might also help the Pineapple Kush stretch.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
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Amnesia Auto
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Day 60 Update
Hard to believe 60 days ago I put these seeds into jiffy pods and started setting up my tent. I fed the girls yesterday with KoolBloom. The Amnesia Auto got the powder, the rest got the liquid. The Pineapple Kush is looking a bit better today, still not as tall as I would like, but it is starting to open up. The Amnesia is still clear when I look through my jewelers magnifying glass. This is her 4th week with flowers, but likely her 5th week since starting to stretch. I think another 2 1/2 weeks and I might be harvesting her. I raised my lights today by about a foot. I hope that helps with light coverage a bit as my tent is quite small.

Pineapple Kush
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White Widow
Amnesia Auto
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Starting to get everything together for my next grow. I know it is early, but this hobby has been a blast so far. I want to start the seeds about a week or two before harvest. This will allow me some more time to play with before Christmas. I was thinking I would start them in jiffy pots and but a cheap grow light off amazon. Stick them in the crawlspace for the week. Not sure how well it will work. I think it should be fine for starting.
Should work fine just watch your temps, don't let them get to high.
Should be fine in the crawl space. It runs about 20c in there on a normal day. I am more concerned about the humidity levels in my tent at the moment. It spikes to 60 after water during the night period.
Day 61 Update
Things are progressing in the tent. Still getting humidity spikes to 60 during the night cycle, but it drops to around 40 during the day cycle. The Amnesia Auto has really changed her smell over the past 2 weeks. She went from being very skunky to a sweet smelling plant. Her buds are starting to thicken up a bit, and I think I might beat my goal with her by quite a bit. I was hoping to pull 3oz of bud from the 5 plants. Judging by the current bud sizes, I think I might have at least an ounce from the Amnesia Auto alone. So that bodes very well for hitting my goal with this grow. It is funny how things have been going with this grow. Initially the Pineapple Kush looked like she would be my best plant. The White Widow looked like it would be problematic. Now it is the exact opposite. Moving the lights up seemed to help, the Pineapple Kush did stretch a bit overnight.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Amnesia Aut
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Day 62 Update
Some rust spots on the Amensia Auto starting. I will dial back the nutes during next water. The other plants look great. Likely won't update tomorrow. Though I will be feeding the girls. They feel light now, but the leaves are all still pointing up.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow

Amnesia Auto
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Looking good. How close is the amnesia to being finished? Have you looked at her trichomes?

Trichomes are still clear. Still have a week or two to go I think. Tons of new calyxs forming under the buds over the past 2 days. I think she still has a bit of weight to put on.
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