TheRoach's First - Soil - Aurora Indica - Organic Grow - 600W

The controversy has sparked a great conversation. Maybe that's all they wanted to do. Just check your email's for the posts that got hung for treason. (EDIT: I guess it's hanged, technically)
Other than maybe the odd complainy sponsor, I don't think there's any problem with anything diy here. I hope not! My life is diy. If it wasn't for diy, civilization on my lonely isle would collapse. The garbage dump is by far the best store here, followed by the thrift store. After that there's nothing but distant mail order. It's DIY, or DIE.
Other than maybe the odd complainy sponsor, I don't think there's any problem with anything diy here. I hope not! My life is diy. If it wasn't for diy, civilization on my lonely isle would collapse. The garbage dump is by far the best store here, followed by the thrift store. After that there's nothing but distant mail order. It's DIY, or DIE.

Bleak, but powerfully inspiring. My eyes got wet after reading that. :bravo:

Are you brewing your own tipples yet?

I've had post removed for an external ref link. Apparently they think Youtube is dangerous? Or they just didn't like the content? I got an email saying it was not a "trusted" site. ;)

It's true, unless you know how to modify your 'hosts' file, youtube bombards you with paid advertisements, none of that money will ever reach 420's pockets. I block google's spam. So in a way it's fair. Ever since google took over tube a while ago, it's just become crappy.
Bleak, but powerfully inspiring. My eyes got wet after reading that. :bravo:

Are you brewing your own tipples yet?


Of course! I've been making wine and cider and beer for many years. I also accidentally, and then on purpose, made a lifetime supply of really great vinegar as well. I do want to make a still- not for drinking purposes but mainly so I can make ethyl alcohol for tinctures, and general industrial purposes.
Thanks Vlad. I think it is because when you just post the link it can lead you offsite and to ads. If you use the "embed video" link it bypasses the ads?

embedded video in your post is acceptable, that way just the video is shown without the ads.
Of course! I've been making wine and cider and beer for many years. I also accidentally, and then on purpose, made a lifetime supply of really great vinegar as well. I do want to make a still- not for drinking purposes but mainly so I can make ethyl alcohol for tinctures, and general industrial purposes.
nice, I want a still to make vodka and for industrial purposes. I want one made of borosilicate glass.

Other than maybe the odd complainy sponsor, I don't think there's any problem with anything diy here. I hope not! My life is diy. If it wasn't for diy, civilization on my lonely isle would collapse. The garbage dump is by far the best store here, followed by the thrift store. After that there's nothing but distant mail order. It's DIY, or DIE.

Thats inspiring brother!

Well now I know what happened. I´m sorry to hear thats the way it is.

I have transplanted 9 out of 15 clones from the cloner into 1 liter pots. I am using the 1/3 wormcastings, 1/3 rice hulls, 1/3 peat moss soil mix. I have to go and fetch the rock dust, shrimp shells, rabbit food and kelp fert later this week. This friday I will harvest some more AI buds.
It's awesome to see you taking such a grassroots organic approach Roach. :) I'm very jealous of your propagator, and am sure the soil mix will rock. Keep up the great work. :circle-of-love:
The birds have vanished down the sky.

Now the last cloud drains away.

We sit together, the mountain and me,

until only the mountain remains.

Li Po, "Zazen on Ching-t'ing Mountain
I havent updated in a while. The 6 clones from the cloning machine are almost done rooting, the remaining nine have transplanted into soil.

Here is group shot of the clones and mothers:


The Aurora Indica Clones in the fabric pots have hardened and are growing fast under the HPS:


Some more flowers getting ready for harvest, AI#3;


The flowering room is getting crowded!


The clones in the fabric pots are the first wave of what was supposed to be a perpetual grow; because of the many free mistery plants I wont be able to start a true perpetual set up until they are finished flowering.
So once the clones from wave 1 finish flowering I will call this journal complete. Should be a couple months from now.
My next journal will document the process of setting up the perpetual grow until first harvest.
Thank you for watching, there is more coming!
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