Unknown Strain Indoor/Outdoor - Soil 100% Organic

Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

Hey Gang, My good friend has had lots of luck with the cfl`s but does require alot. He used 4 cheap 4 bulb lite rods. The track lite rods/rails with the swivel/movable bulb sockets.( online lite shop`s or flea markets) They hold 4 conventional 60 watt bulbs so 240 watts at 120 v. This means and works that you can now wire 2 together to run off one plug/outlet. The 8 cfl bulbs at 26 or 30 watt = 208/240 watts at 120 less or equal to what. The fixture was rated for with 60w conventional bulbs. Do use care but this is simple wireing and if you have cabinet/ cheast that`s small. this allowes for flexability and LESS WIRES/KLUTTER. His veg box is 4ft long X 3ft deep X 4ft high. He found fired clay pots there donut shaped and hold 3 gals. of medium. There shape/size provides enought space for roots and allows them to be spaced and stagered how ever you need to utilize all space BONUS!! Two are hung on pulley to raise as needed but he ran two verticaily 1/3 way in on each side at center. As plants streatchs slide lower bulbs up rod. This gives 2 rows of 4 straight over head and 2 individuale 4 "spot light" bulbs you can direct into certian areas of plants. Thanks to pots spaceing, the fixtures adjustablity/flexablity and bulbs almost no heat you can jam them in there!! He has done individuale square`s of mesh to help seperate branches and at first sign of flower they go into 8ft X 8ft X 8ft crate! It has 4 400watt HPS and set temp/hum. The savings from cfl`s pays for one HPS!!! He also use`s CO2 whenever using lite, since adding CO2 3 growes ago. The only thing he changed was CO2 and increased yeild and gross weight. Maybe 25-30 gram/per/plant increase BUT!!!! Less shrinkage during cure, after one day weigh stash then after your done. He gained/loss less by adding CO2. The buds are harder and denser so instead of losing 10-15% weight/volume or more. Just something to share and if you have trouble with humidity starting out. Get quart square frige container add kitchen sponge add enough water that sponge can hold and 2 drops hydroperoxide.(wont get slimmy)Check every 12 hours add water/squezze sponge or put on lip. Then punch holes as needed if you need to lift 10% or till you get it correct. Hope all goes great, thanks for sharing!!

Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

yeah i think your right, it was prob from spilling some nute water on the new leaf and the cfl just burned i prob so ill wait a day before giving water see if there is any more burning while outside if so ill do a flush
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

I would do water only for the next couple times. Also get close to her , breath on here and tell her u love her. Just like a woman. They get funny sometimes.
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic



Thats Unknown this morning going 22/2 now
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

Oh had a nice little rain storm so she got somme good water to :) thinking of start this seed I forgot I had in my imporant things its a white russian fem seed

A friend of mine grew a white russian and came over with a fat bag it was so stickly there was resin on the plasic bag it self and the buds sticked to the wall lol I loved it
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

UPDATE 3-21-12 So she had a nice rain last night witch def help with the nute prob i had other than that everything is A okay and should be smooth sailing from here on out :)
Mystery my other girl is looking very healthy for a little ealire outdoor grow :)


Def can tell she was full of nice rain water :)


Looking like the Queen she is :)


And here is another side photo


And here is my mystery girl :) her roots are finally going into the pots water hold so should be some growth booming in next few days

Thanks for dropping by everyone :thanks:
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

Just wanted to say THANKS to everyone that has visited my page and keeping tabs :) we hit 1000 view a min ago! thanks again for the great community everyone! im touched and i cant wait for the later grows i will have to share :) :high-five:

Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

You guys are TOO cool. Here is something I just did,but it's still a question. I just transplanted two WWs that are three weeks into flower. Has anyone here ever transplanted that late? They are 30 in. high from a 3 lb. coffee can. I put them in 3 gal. pots . do you think this is gonna be ok? tx.....keep token.
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

You guys are TOO cool. Here is something I just did,but it's still a question. I just transplanted two WWs that are three weeks into flower. Has anyone here ever transplanted that late? They are 30 in. high from a 3 lb. coffee can. I put them in 3 gal. pots . do you think this is gonna be ok? tx.....keep token.

Well it should be as long as there roots take soil and u give them a little water to get them in there they should be fine maybe a little shock for the 1st day or 2 but should return to normal :) :goodjob:

FYI listening to pink floyd -shine on crazy diamond
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

tx. i put them in the same mix. I put bat guano and mycorrizlo in too. thought maybe those would help the root system some. Your experiment looks like its doin good.
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

You should be fine just give them sometime for roots it get ahold before going all out with nuit`s. If the roots were packed tight you could have placed in pale of clean water for 5 minutes. Just water, a PH check no need. Gently work the ball in the the water, lightly pulling while scrunching. This would have loosened them up saving her a few days work! A good soaking with worm cast tea & molosses and next 2 feeding cut back alittle.(2/3-3/4) Till the roots take hold you may experiance lock-up with roots inability to get all goodness to plant... if afaid of yeild lose. A mist bottle with very dilute nuit mix 3times a day on all leaves will help make up for the reduced nuit`s and this never gets to soil to build up!!!Plant will stress a little( druppy) for a day or two. The nuit`s thing may help by not componding any small things that WILL happen into big headache while plant recovers. Remember it`s called weed for a reson!! You can neglect her and she`ll still grow, but all the good intentions and the little extra here and there. Trying to spoil them you fry them or smoother them to death. Good luck and looking forward to some yummy bud pic`s. Take care!!!:peace: :goodjob: :morenutes:
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

Well the thing is the socket im using is from a lamp so Idk if it will fit, and I put her on a 24/7 light for a few days till she is more developed.
I know you can buy an adapter at like home depot or any hardware store that will accomodate that! My cousin has one he uses
Re: Unknown strain Indoor/Outdoor, Soil 100% organic

well the waters PH is at 6.0 its foxfarm happy frog soil, and i was using General Organics but i stoped giving her nutes cuz it wasnt rly helping her. so i guess i should wait a day and then see if there is any healing going on. ill take the same type of pics so its liek before and after xD hopefully she will start to grow again im gonna wait a day or 2 before i top her to make sure she is healthy again
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