Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

hey woods its been so long since ive been here i skiimed through and i spotted some knowledge so i gotta go read up on what i missed
good job keep it up and i just remeberd that your wife didnt want you to grow again after the mazar and look at you now :bravo:
oh and i steped up to a 150w hps so im gonna make a new journal or change the old one so keep an eye out for the new box shes real preaty
Also, since you took the bottom leaves when you went to 12/12 you were close to right that they would have gone anyway. I like to let the plant suck them dry but if proper nutes are given it's not a big deal. Your plants are great! Little problems here and there is part of the grow.
Spent this morning with my coffee and some Blue Dream reading this journal...nice grow Woodsman!! I love NL - especially as a cross.

I've never grown myself, and recently thought about it, but it's just too damn easy to get high quality cannabis in Northern Calif. that I can't justify the time investment.

Keep showing the picts - you're an inspiration to those of us that have yet to try.

You don't know how lucky you are !! But I just like growing stuff for the hell of it !! A flower garden just don't get me high !! I would'nt be surprised if my cactus's are a record size for NE. Got one that need to be transplanted into the desert, just south of flagstaff. But because mj is so damm expensive, and if i grow it, i know what i'm smoking !! I know what medium, ferts, and i know it was flushed to my speks.. And i know it's the best phenos !! I do hear what you're saying though. It's like working at the winery, and making wine at home !! Ha !! Wish i could afford to come there and buy a little spread outside town !! :grinjoint::grinjoint:
OK, here's my 2 cents. Not a good idea to cut a healthy leaf from a plant. The plant is just going to try and replace that leaf and you want it concentrating on other growth.

You don't cut leaves or limbs off a tree while it's growing in summer so why do it here. Do you trim roses mid season before the flower buds develop? How about trimming up a tomato plant - not? When you switch to 12/12 the plant also uses those leaves as a spare fuel tank and they will drop off soon enough.

I am MountainHigh, the taskmaster of greenery...I rack my girls and chop them as they see (err I see) fit....:ganjamon: and they go :yahoo:. Time to load my vape.

To be honest, I think a controlled cutting while LSTing is far more beneficial than not, I guess my opinion hasn't really changed, it was tuck before cut...my current girl just needs cut with her current growth rate, tucking hasn't been working. I noticed I had alot of sweating (transpiring) leaves already, she mostly sorted them and kept them apart but her new tops are really close to others (no stretch yet on them) and I didn't and I don't want powdery mold....:bongrip:

If you plant is scraggly anyway...sure, don't remove anything, but if they don't get sun they don't produce plant sugars and are just leeches on the plant...don't cut anything that will get light...:bong:

I do not subscribe to the clearing of fan leaves, that I see alot, just the ones below the canopy that are obviously (by color and number of fingers....) weak...:smokin:

Those are my two cents. :grinjoint: But generally when people say they cleared away below the canopy, it is usually way too much IMO. Sure makes watering easier too. :ganjamon:

To be honest, one of these days I may find a plant I love and is easy to clone and will start running side by side tests for different suggestions people make, just to see for myself...like a MythBuster...PotBuster!!! I should be from Missouri...I take suggestions real well, but do not agree with anyone without sensing it myself...

:peace: from the mountains.
You don't know how lucky you are !! But I just like growing stuff for the hell of it !! A flower garden just don't get me high !! I would'nt be surprised if my cactus's are a record size for NE. Got one that need to be transplanted into the desert, just south of flagstaff. But because mj is so damm expensive, and if i grow it, i know what i'm smoking !! I know what medium, ferts, and i know it was flushed to my speks.. And i know it's the best phenos !! I do hear what you're saying though. It's like working at the winery, and making wine at home !! Ha !! Wish i could afford to come there and buy a little spread outside town !! :grinjoint::grinjoint:

I know I have it good. I also happen to know growers/dispensary suppliers and can be assured its organic grows that are well cared for and properly flushed/dried/cured. As Woodsman pointed out, I'm a "youngster" at 42 with 3 kids still at home. Between them, and my interests, I really don't have the time to spend to give a grow the proper care/attention. Might try next winter when things "slow down" as the rain sets in...but otherwise I am thankful for CA Prop 215/SB 420 and the ability to just drop by a legit (police dept. issued special permits to the collectives/dispensaries) dispensary that has a choice of HIGH quality strains.

But again, :adore: to Woodsman and the rest of you growers out there!!

I wouldn't cut the head off just yet! Too many unintended consequenses. Cutting her hands and feet wouldn't work either. She'll just kick my ass and slap me silly on the 2 for 1 split! Max production is not what I look for in a woman. I let mine grow naturally. LOL! The rest can be fun though!


I consulted one of our most respected growers at 420 mag. about this, when my hps shit the bed , about 1/2 way thru the 12/12 cycle, and was advised to my relief that some folks grow with mh the entire grow and have great results. And as it turned out, he was right !! I noticed no difference in production, Next time i'm trying complete darkness for the last two wks. . :grinjoint:

You know ever since I read about the dual spectrum usage in flower, I've noticed that many of you are doing this! I know someone mentioned it to me when I went out and upgraded some of my 26w to the 40w CFLs, MostlyCrazy maybe? Two weeks of darkness? Sounds a bit long, but I learn new stuff everyday here.

Phew.........Just got done reading thru the pages. great journal. The 'fatleaf' looks like just a diff Pheno to me. There are alot of similarities between them, and only a few slight differences. I always like to get a few different Phenotypes if possible, and if I can I'll save a cutting off of my fav for later breeding. I guess you'll know for sure when their done, eh?

I was also checking out the pics of deficiencies on page 70, and have an Idea. I recently had a plant in coco do pretty much the same thing. Notice the red stems and how the leaves are yellowing from the tips in, and the veins stay green longer. I would bet that your plants have depleted the calcium in the soil to a critical level by now, and need suppliments. For mine I used cal-mag max (I know i sound like a broken record by now) but You'd probably want to go with an organic version. something with the iron, magnesium, and other micros if possible. When I supplimented with the calmag I knew it was working once the yellowing stopped moving up the plant, and the leaves darkened up. Also, most calmag type products contain a little nitrogen too (Calcium Nitrate if i'm not mistaken.) so that'll help too. Sorry if someone already suggested this, maybe I missed it.

...anyways I liike your journal, theres some funny stuff in here!! I cant wait to see how your NL5 turn out. So far my fav NL is the #9 - That strain beat the hell out of the others in my garden!!

Good luck man!!! I know I'm a little late, but I just pulled up a chair, grabbed the Popcorn, and medicated, so I think I'll stick around for a while.

Jasonlee, welcome my new friend to the Zoo! I really appreciate the fact that you and others lately have gone to the trouble of reading this entire journal! I have done that also lately (and before joining this site) with some of the journals myself. It is a daunting task especially since I am not a speed reader. Great bathroom material though!

I am really praying that all three make it to the end so I can have three different kind of smokes out of one strain! Like you said, Fatleaf is probably a different phenom, but not 100% sure about that yet. Could be they just mixed another seed in with my order by mistake? No one's perfect! The leaf design was very different earlier in her life, but lately she has 'thinned' a bit.

This is interesting though, all three have a completely different smell to them when you rub their stems. One is skunky, one smells like my kitty's piss, and the other is more of the crushed pine needle smell, or like terpentine. Can't remember off hand which was which. It's that short term memory loss! LOL

About the Cal/Mag, interesting you should mention that since I do have pH issues wouldn't that be 'par for the course'? One of my terrific friends here at 420 has offered to let me have some cal/mag. I don't think I'll be able to afford a pH test kit this grow. Hopefully for the next one. I'm still trying to figure out how I can get all the soil I'll need for the 'outdoor grow'.. It was no problem when I didn't really care what I used before, but now, I'd be dooming myself to mediocrity if I just used the same old peat, sand, manure and potting soil for Walmart which is much more affordable. How much would 3 to 5 10+ gal pots of FFOF or Happy Frog cost me? A lot of $$$ and I still will need a tester and some additional nutes to be successful. Whew, very daunting for me!

Worse yet is my situation now if I'm having nute burn (leaf tips). I could not purchase the distilled water that I would need.. I have about 10 gallons of soil in the three plants and that times three is 30 gallons or even if I used only twice the amount, that's twenty gallons of water! We do have an artisan spring nearby where folks fill up jugs for drinking water, but I won't know the pH of it and if I used it, who knows what will happen? maybe for a flush it is not so important. Someone let me know about that, please!

Jason as far as the funny stuff goes, like I mentioned to Slowpuffer earlier, it just terrific to be able to mix the humor in with the serious stuff!

Again welcome Jason to the Zoo and I know the rest of us will enjoy your company my (our) new friend!

You can pick up your new ID card right here I've got several extras (but they have my photo on them) they look like this :Rasta: so if your like me, it's a huge improvement.

A group shot of the rest of us....

:ganjamon: :grinjoint: :Rasta: :cool: :loopy: :hmmmm: :rofl: :cheer: :popcorn: :smokin:

So you will fit right in!
One of the most beautiful places I have ever been was only once when I was a child. My dad drove us up into the White Cloud mountain range in spring. Hundreds of ice cold deep blue mountain lakes surrounded by the full majesty of the Rockies as you climb and then descend hundreds of switchbacks into a deep pine forest. That is one wild mountain range. Driving up and out of the tree line into alien work of grey shale. Would love to go there and sit up there in the thin air and spark one...I am sure one hit and you would be wasted. :yahoo:

That is one of my long term goals, is to get healthy enough to hike again even if I need a walking stick for balance.

:peace: brother, thank you for reminding me of some really good times I have had hiking and enjoying nature. :thanks:
The most beautiful site i ever witnessed was the sunsets on the Florida keys !! Those cliffs between Polos Verdes And Long Beach, Ca., are not to shabby either. :yahoo::yahoo:
Don't worry about done deeds. Personally I like the underbuds as a change of pace from my colas. They seem to be more of a downer than the top and that probably directly related to the light they were exposed to. There are advantages to the trim up but it's a guessing game and I tend to trust mother nature more than my pruning skills.

I agree and if the grow had better lighting I would never have removed living leaves.

hey woods its been so long since ive been here i skiimed through and i spotted some knowledge so i gotta go read up on what i missed
good job keep it up and i just remeberd that your wife didnt want you to grow again after the mazar and look at you now :bravo:
oh and i steped up to a 150w hps so im gonna make a new journal or change the old one so keep an eye out for the new box shes real preaty

Can't wait to see it buddy, I too have not been to your place for awhile, sorry about that, Been having to 'cut back' a little to spend more 'quality time' with my wife. Great to see ya here though!

I do hear what you're saying though. It's like working at the winery, and making wine at home !! Ha !! Wish i could afford to come there and buy a little spread outside town !! :grinjoint::grinjoint:

Great comparison.

I am MountainHigh, the taskmaster of greenery...I rack my girls and chop them as they see (err I see) fit....:ganjamon: and they go :yahoo:. Time to load my vape.

To be honest, I think a controlled cutting while LSTing is far more beneficial than not, I guess my opinion hasn't really changed, it was tuck before cut...my current girl just needs cut with her current growth rate, tucking hasn't been working. I noticed I had alot of sweating (transpiring) leaves already, she mostly sorted them and kept them apart but her new tops are really close to others (no stretch yet on them) and I didn't and I don't want powdery mold....:bongrip:

If you plant is scraggly anyway...sure, don't remove anything, but if they don't get sun they don't produce plant sugars and are just leeches on the plant...don't cut anything that will get light...:bong:

I do not subscribe to the clearing of fan leaves, that I see alot, just the ones below the canopy that are obviously (by color and number of fingers....) weak...:smokin:

Those are my two cents. :grinjoint: But generally when people say they cleared away below the canopy, it is usually way too much IMO. Sure makes watering easier too. :ganjamon:

To be honest, one of these days I may find a plant I love and is easy to clone and will start running side by side tests for different suggestions people make, just to see for myself...like a MythBuster...PotBuster!!! I should be from Missouri...I take suggestions real well, but do not agree with anyone without sensing it myself...

:peace: from the mountains.

I agree about the fan leaves and I did leave some on the lower main colas of the three plants. the others were already getting yellow and some where already dieing do to the lack of light getting to them.

I agree 100% ;-)

Ms. Fox nice to see you here! Thanks for coming by. You may have only seen the last pic of Fatleaf that I took the other day outside. If that is so then yup it looks like I just went crazy with the scissors like many newbies do! :hmmmm:

I'm doing a SOG type grow and with the minimal lighting that I have available, they're is just not enough penetration to the lower portions of the plants. There is 'total shade' under the canopy. Yes they look odd when taken out of the tent and are sitting there in the sun all naked looking! Otherwise in their normal 'tent' environment they have a solid canopy mass.

Your expert advise is most welcome Ms. Fox, and I would really appreciate you stopping by whenever you can!

Moutain High, I bow to your supior wisdom on the subject.

As do the rest of us..

:adore::adore::adore: :Rasta:

Also, since you took the bottom leaves when you went to 12/12 you were close to right that they would have gone anyway. I like to let the plant suck them dry but if proper nutes are given it's not a big deal. Your plants are great! Little problems here and there is part of the grow.

I guess I could have just let them die off themselves, but thought there would have been too much energy wasted ... to late now!

I know I have it good. I also happen to know growers/dispensary suppliers and can be assured its organic grows that are well cared for and properly flushed/dried/cured. As Woodsman pointed out, I'm a "youngster" at 42 with 3 kids still at home. Between them, and my interests, I really don't have the time to spend to give a grow the proper care/attention. Might try next winter when things "slow down" as the rain sets in...but otherwise I am thankful for CA Prop 215/SB 420 and the ability to just drop by a legit (police dept. issued special permits to the collectives/dispensaries) dispensary that has a choice of HIGH quality strains.

But again, :adore: to Woodsman and the rest of you growers out there!!


Howdy my friend, ya with kids around it's not easy (I don't have any myself), I can imagine some folks are being more open about it in the family (home). It's tough when much of society looks at the whole thing as 'immoral or illegal' the kids while they are your responsibility and you raise them the way you want them to be raised, are out in the world and hear and learn things from others as well. I know that out here in mid America where it is still frowned upon, You surely don't want your little 6 or 7 yr old going to school and telling everybody that Daddy's got a big garden growing in the basement or the closet!
Hey what's up COmmj buddy! :Rasta:

We need young growers to carry on the tradition. Pretty soon us old timers will be too weak and fragile to lift the five gallon pots. Soon after that we'll be going to that huge grow room in the sky where there are no pH worries and the trichs are like 1/4 inch long so you can see the color easier without cheap a** microscopes from Radio Shack. They've got acre plots of land up there that are all FFOF soil and Hydro areas that you don't have to change the water. While we're up there relaxing and sipping our favorite beverage on the veranda with pretty native girls watching are crops grow, you youngsters would be taking up the slack down here.:grinjoint:

Thank you 420warrior you are most welcome to come and join us, just pull up a stump and throw a log on the fire whenever you like. Mind you though, when your done reading all one million pages, you will probably look like this.....:Rasta::adore::rofl:

Then you'll need to take a few hits of this :passitleft:
You make heven sound so good !!:yahoo: :nicethread:
The most beautiful site i ever witnessed was the sunsets on the Florida keys !! Those cliffs between Polos Verdes And Long Beach, Ca., are not to shabby either. :yahoo::yahoo:

Yeah I have seen those cliffs a few times, I use to live in San Diego for awhile, beautiful place.....til I couldn't afford it and had to move to "The Box" (El Cajon)... trust me it is a box...vile little place. I plan on living in Hawaii someday...(pipe dreams baby...never know when fate might smile and give you a gift though so do not stop dreaming) so I should see some similar sunsets and maybe sunrises....:grinjoint:

One of the most awe-inspired moments I have seen I was waking on an ill-advised late October camping trip in the Mogollon Rim area in Arizona near Bear Canyon Lake. I woke and walked down to the lake through dense fog and stood on a peninsula out into the lake a bit. The sun crested the mountain as I stood there and drove rays of light through the fog/clouds (depending on where you are :ganjamon:) and lit the whole lake up in a glorious light with shadow being cast into it from the trees on the mountain, I stood there captivated as it lifted off the entire lake. Was rather spiritual.... I so wanted to roll a doobie but it was 33 degrees and my fingers didn't work, just wasn't gonna happen. The reason I was even up was I had just got done shivering for many hours and just couldn't do it anymore....silly stoners...light sleeping bags suck when it is really cold and well no way we 3 dudes would cuddle to stay warm so we all suffered... :grinjoint:

Woods, I bet as a truck driver you got to see so many beautiful and wonderful places. What was your Most beautiful spot...(think of the wife brownie points you could make by telling her that anywhere she is) :nicethread:

:peace: brother
Yeah I have seen those cliffs a few times, I use to live in San Diego for awhile, beautiful place.....til I couldn't afford it and had to move to "The Box" (El Cajon)... trust me it is a box...vile little place. I plan on living in Hawaii someday...(pipe dreams baby...never know when fate might smile and give you a gift though so do not stop dreaming) so I should see some similar sunsets and maybe sunrises....:grinjoint:

One of the most awe-inspired moments I have seen I was waking on an ill-advised late October camping trip in the Mogollon Rim area in Arizona near Bear Canyon Lake. I woke and walked down to the lake through dense fog and stood on a peninsula out into the lake a bit. The sun crested the mountain as I stood there and drove rays of light through the fog/clouds (depending on where you are :ganjamon:) and lit the whole lake up in a glorious light with shadow being cast into it from the trees on the mountain, I stood there captivated as it lifted off the entire lake. Was rather spiritual.... I so wanted to roll a doobie but it was 33 degrees and my fingers didn't work, just wasn't gonna happen. The reason I was even up was I had just got done shivering for many hours and just couldn't do it anymore....silly stoners...light sleeping bags suck when it is really cold and well no way we 3 dudes would cuddle to stay warm so we all suffered... :grinjoint:

Woods, I bet as a truck driver you got to see so many beautiful and wonderful places. What was your Most beautiful spot...(think of the wife brownie points you could make by telling her that anywhere she is) :nicethread:

:peace: brother

Wow that sounds like one of 'those moments' you never forget! Nice Recollection! I was picturing it in my mind. No, not picture of the three of you 'cuddling for warmth' in the tent! The scenery I meant!

What were some of my favorite places? Hmmm so many! When I lived in Idaho for a year I drove for a company that covered the Western US and Western Canada. Farthest east I got was Fargo ND. and Winnipeg. In the south the farthest east would have been Aurora CO. and Albuquerque NM. Never got south of Los Angeles to San Diego though. Farthest north was Whitecourt Alberta near the beginning of the Alaska Highway.

Most wonderful places, rides, views, hmmmm. You asked for it. I may not be able to stop! This is one of my favorite things to 'think' about since there is only the wife to talk to about it!

The drive from Edmonton, Alberta up into and through Jasper Nat. Park and the entire run from there to Vancouver, BC is without question the most beautiful scenery Mountain Scenery I have ever scene. - Now of course there are different types of scenery, Mountains, Deserts, Coastal, Forest, etc,- As far as Mountains go, I'd have to include the trip through Banff, when going from Calgary to Vancouver and the trip over Crossnest Pass on Canada Route 1 over the Rockies just north of Glacier/Waterton Nat Parks. The Canadian Rockies are so different that the US Rockies. Only Glacier has a similar feel to them. And it is because of the glaciers that they are unique. I the Stated I used to love driving from Missoula MT. through the Lolo Pass on Hwy 12 down to where I lived in Lewiston Id. For the breathtaking forest and river beauty of the Bitteroot Mountains and the Lochsa River. Lewis and Clark went this way. The drive up through Rogers Pass (did this very often) from Great Falls MT. to Missoula MT. on Hwy 200. the Montana 'Big Sky' panorama heading north from Monida Pass on #15 just to the west of Yellowstone was impressive. Moving westwards...to some extent the Polouse region of Western Washington through to the very volcanic landscape of the Columbia River near Boardman, WA. and then on through to Portland. The stretch I mentioned through the Polouse region of W. Washington is so remote and out of the way for most folks unless you lived around there. Living in Lewiston was always a challenge and took forever to get anywhere! The nearest Hwy was #90 in Coeur d'Alene, ID. two hours away!

The trip from Lewiston heading to points south like to Los Angeles or SF, Reno etc. while beautiful, was also the most dangerous. Especially in winter! But even in nice weather the many mountain grades along the way and Until you get to Winnemucca, NV. it was all two lane! Just a brief jump onto #84 west of Boise for about 15 minutes. Hwy 95 from Lewiston to Winnemucca was the longest and most grueling drive ever! And that's in good weather! In the snow, Oh my! driving south along the Salmon River between Grangeville, ID. and New Meadows, ID. and on down to hwy 84 was something that only a few of us brave souls know about! In a car, no problem, but hauling sitting on a rig that weighs up to 94,500 lbs (drove a set of doubles) up and down ice covered roads in blizzard like conditions for 12 hours straight is nothing short of, and I used to think it was like a bomber pilot in WWII flying missions over Germany. What was always fun (not) was having to put chains on in the middle of a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night and temps in the single digits! Oh I could go on about that run! The problem was, we (there were around a hundred trucks in the company) were always on a tight schedule.

I used to enjoy the open road driving from Butte MT. through southern MT. to Billings and then south on 90 t #25 and on down through Wyoming to Denver. Here's an interesting bit. From Park City MT. south on 310 into Wyoming to a town called Greybull, WY. which is between the Big Horn Range to the east and Yellowstone to the west. Well this was the first time I ever heard of Vermiculite. Yup I used to haul the stuff from a place where they actually mined it. I remember that the mud around where I would get the stuff (Big Lot) would stick to your boots so bad that you had to scrape it off with a stick. When walking around the truck while they loaded me. I would have about twenty lbs of the stuff on each boot!

OK, I know I've rambled and kind of got off the original question of what some of my favorite scenery or drives were. I warned you!

I really liked the ride from just south of Provo in Utah on #6 down through Moab then #191 and 491 to Cortez CO. (Four Corners region) and on down to Albuquerque then east to Flagstaff on #40.

Coming from Winnemucca to just before Reno and taking the same old 95 again south through the deserts of Nevada was one of my favorites, So desolate, and I've loved the area very much since then. This would be are normal route down to Los Angeles from the north (unless I was coming from Vancouver, Seattle, or Portland). I've described that drive over at Bay's thread coming down through #5 in Oregon down into Northern Cal. where NCal lives. That is also one of the best 'drives' ever! From Redding, Cal south it's just a haul nothing special about the central valley except the good truck stops and seeing nice legs in the little four wheelers that would pass us on #5!

When I lived in the Bay Area, Skyline Drive (#35) in the Redwoods just behind where I lived was awesome on my motorcycle. And all the drives from the Central Valley up into the Sierras, #108, #88 and #4 just ot name a few! Well I'm sure I missed at least a dozen more and later I'll feel sorry about not mentioning them!

I warned you folks! Thanks Mountain for giving me the opportunity to share these amazing memories with you all. I've not told these things to many people. I have a photo album of pics I took along my way that year. Mostly from the drivers seat!

By this time that I'm done, all of you will have gone on to other things most likely, hope you'll come back and read this!:thanks: from the bottom of my heart!
ya dont worrie about it not much is going on over there any way same here spending time with the kid latley and she just wants to type for me well more like randomly smashing my key board
ill probly let everyone know once i get some pics up actually ill put a pic notice in my sig to make it easy

Good luck my friend!
Update - Flower Day 31

Well #4 and Big Girl are doing fine lately, it's Fatleaf that is of concern right now. I had mentioned that my leaves were looking pale last week i believe. So on their last feeding (late last week) I also added a small dose of fish emulsion to the mix. I've been watching the grow closely and over the last three days Fatleaf seems to have deteriorated while #4 is pretty much looking satisfactory, and Big Girl looks fine. Today the leaves on Fatleaf were definitely on the downward slope. I brought Fatleaf out onto the back deck upper 50's but sunny (so warmer in the sun) I first poured a gallon of distilled water through her (slowly). Then I took another gallon and added 1/2 dose of fish emulsion and because I may have a low pH (no meter). Reading up on N def in 'mid stage blooming' plants can be the result of low pH (in soil). Raising pH and adding N -fish emulsion was mentioned- as needed for recovery. Used a dose of Lime to raise the pH.

Pics below




Fatleaf is the most developed of the three plants. This is her main cola at just over 4 weeks.

Our kitty Sara is babysitting Fatleaf while she's 'under the weather'.

Please let me know if I've taken adequate steps to recover this plant. I figured as an adult, I can do the research and solve the problem. As an inexperienced indoor grower, who knows? I could have just dealt her the final blow! Comments please.
How long has it been since she's had nitrogen ?? Or maybe mag. ?? Just guess's !! :yahoo::nicethread::nicethread:
How long has it been since she's had nitrogen ?? Or maybe mag. ?? Just guess's !! :yahoo::nicethread::nicethread:

I would say a week for the N. I added some fish emulsion to my FFTB on the last feed because I felt the leaves were a little pale. Mag. Well also a week because I added some lime with the nutes (there is Mag in the lime along with Cal. I believe).
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