Zee - Durban Relief & Fainting Goat - 2016

Hey guys I need some help from the DIY crowd. I'm going out to Denver for 5 days again and I need to construct a reservoir to feed my plants while gone. I got myself a 5gal bucket, ball valve, and 6ft of 3/4" tubing. Last night I cut a piece of tubing, ran it through the hole I drilled in the bottom of the bucket and connected the ball valve. I'm waiting on the silicone to dry now to continue but the other end of the tubing is plugged up and I plan on drilling holes for the water to drip onto each pot. My question is one will this work and should I put a air stone in the bucket to keep the solution aerated? Thanks for any insight friends!

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without looking for details..
1. if you water them today.... how many days until you need re watering?
2.Sounds good
And a bucket with water and wicks going from bucket to plants.. ( water high up 3-6 wicks in each pot depending on size) works too
without looking for details..
1. if you water them today.... how many days until you need re watering?
2.Sounds good
And a bucket with water and wicks going from bucket to plants.. ( water high up 3-6 wicks in each pot depending on size) works too

I'm not going out of town for about a week. So I'll finish my project tonight and run it in the garage to see how many days it will run for. Basically "dial" it in if you will. Just wanted to get ahead of it now so I know what to do.

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Here is an update on the soil girls. Everyone is starting to bush out nicely with great color. Very happy so far.

How am I doing guys?

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:party:Fantastic!! :bravo:

Thank you very much! I'm so glad I signed up on here I've learned so much that's for sure. Today I did the first of 2 defols (not crazy but enough to see through) One of the guys helping out suggested it for the big girl about a week about a week ago and she really responded well. So I did the rest today I'll do one more sometime in flower (have to check exactly when) and my scrog should be in this weekend. Hopefully we'll see.

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So I took a 5 gal bucket, 3/4" tubing, a ball valve, 3/4" plug and some silicone and made drip system for my soil grow. Doesn't look great but it's sure holding water. My "plan" is to run the tubing over the top of the pots and drill holes where appropriate. Should I feed them the day I leave and just fill the bucket with PHd water for while I'm gone or put the nuets in there as well? I have an extra aerator I can put in there as well if I need too. Thoughts?

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How've you been Zee? Looks awesome! I would just throw water in there for when you head out. Get the girls pumped for a nute feeding after you return. But that's just one mans opinion.

I definitely think you planned your grow out better than myself haha. All your plants are about the same size which means an even canopy of hella buds. All of my plants are different ages and different heights. Makes light distribution tricky. What lights are you currently using?

Super jealous you have a Gorilla Grow tent. I've never heard a bad review from them. I especially like how they have height extensions. I live in a small apartment but with super high ceiling. A 10-11ft tent would make excellent use of free space. Any opinions on the quality/delivery?

Hope you and the girls are doing well.
How've you been Zee? Looks awesome! I would just throw water in there for when you head out. Get the girls pumped for a nute feeding after you return. But that's just one mans opinion.

I definitely think you planned your grow out better than myself haha. All your plants are about the same size which means an even canopy of hella buds. All of my plants are different ages and different heights. Makes light distribution tricky. What lights are you currently using?

Super jealous you have a Gorilla Grow tent. I've never heard a bad review from them. I especially like how they have height extensions. I live in a small apartment but with super high ceiling. A 10-11ft tent would make excellent use of free space. Any opinions on the quality/delivery?

Hope you and the girls are doing well.

Hey man yes the girls are doing awesome I'm very happy so far. All of them are pretty much the same exact size except FG#1 she's just a beast. I'm hoping to instal my scrog this weekend before I head to the motherland. Lol Thank you for answering my question and I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do. Just leave them on a slow drip and I have a buddy that can come water them if need be so I'll be straight either way.

I chose to go with the KIND K series. I have the L300 in my 2x2.5 and the L450 in my 2x4. This will technically be my first grow all the way through using them but I'm very happy so far. There is an outline on the website that explains how to introduce the lights to your plants that I would strongly suggest following. My first grow I ignored it "because it was only 300watts" lol fried em rite up. Rookie move but I learned from it and this grow I followed it exactly how it's outlined and I'm getting great results. They are however, a little pricey. I believe the 450 was almost 800 bucks and I should technically have the 600 in that tent it was just too much money. You could just continue to follow my journal until we see the yield/quality and then make a decision from there this way you have some evidence behind it. This website prohibits me from posting pictures of the light or I'd show you but it's very well made and keeps my tent at 78F with two fans, rises slightly with the carbon filter on tho.

As far as the tent goes, I love them. My big tent is a regular Gorilla and the small one is the Gorilla LITE line. The big one comes with a two foot extension and already sits at 7ft tall without it. The lite line doesn't come with it but I just bought and installed one on mine so now it's 2x2.5x7 and fits my one DWC system on a milk crate with PLENTY of room for work/growth. (My next grow I'm going to get a single top fed bucket system bc it would work amazing in there. I bought the wrong set up but it's working fine for now.) Anyway like I said I love em. Very well-made product witch both are the same company too btw. Now I've never used any other tent before so I don't have anything to compare it too but my opinion is this.....I did a lot of research before I bought anything and the prices were not too much different between brands. I'm the type of guy that will spend the extra couple bucks knowing I'm getting a quality product instead of trying to save with a cheap foreign alternative. Just my personal opinion.

Hope this helps my friend!

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Hey guys I need some help from the DIY crowd. I'm going out to Denver for 5 days again and I need to construct a reservoir to feed my plants while gone. I got myself a 5gal bucket, ball valve, and 6ft of 3/4" tubing. Last night I cut a piece of tubing, ran it through the hole I drilled in the bottom of the bucket and connected the ball valve. I'm waiting on the silicone to dry now to continue but the other end of the tubing is plugged up and I plan on drilling holes for the water to drip onto each pot. My question is one will this work and should I put a air stone in the bucket to keep the solution aerated? Thanks for any insight friends!

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How funny I was just in Denver. Returned on Monday. Was gone also for 5 days, was so worried but my buddy took good care of them. Sorry not any help for DIY but just wanted to wish you a great time in Denver. I had a blast. Try Table 6 if you want good American comfort food with a twist!
How funny I was just in Denver. Returned on Monday. Was gone also for 5 days, was so worried but my buddy took good care of them. Sorry not any help for DIY but just wanted to wish you a great time in Denver. I had a blast. Try Table 6 if you want good American comfort food with a twist!

Absolutely! I love it there, we were just there 3mo ago. I too found a buddy who is going to come take care of the girls for me so I should be ok. The system I built will work I know it I just don't have time to fine tune it and get it dialed in before I go. I'll mess with it another time. I'll be sure to check out table 6 as well! Thanks again

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Zee - Durban Relief & Fainting Goat - 2016

Everything is filling out very nicely. Tomorrow I'm going to be going into the bloom transition feed Schedual. Thinking about skipping out on the scrog and waiting until my next grow this way I have room to tent to all the girls as it's clearly going to get crowded. One is on chopping block witch will leave me with 4 solid, healthy and selected plants. I also took a clone from FG #1 (first attempt we'll see). Let's see what else .
Oh my autos are clearly starting to stretch. About 2 inches in last 2 days. So this weekend when they get their next round of fresh water/nuets I'll start introducing the bloom slowly. (The autoflower's feed Schedual still confuses me I think that's rite??) That's all I got for now I'll post pictures this weekend. Trying to give them time to fill in so everyone can notice a difference.

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Ok so here is my Sunday update and my plans over the next few days bc I have a packed week this week with vaca and work I might not get to the app much wso here goes. The autos are doing ok no real changes there. Going to wait a few more days, let them get just a little more height and start training them SLIGHTLY. Side note: I want that tent as close to natural growth as possible so I can get familiar how the plant grows with out all the fun stuff we do. With my soil grow......I did the defol a few days back and they've really bounced back so far I'm really happy with the results and glad I did it. I haven't messed with them much since until yesterday they got a full feed soak, then today they got another round of LST and 12/12 tonight! I wanted to wait longer for veg unfortunately it's just not looking like my time frame would allow it so rather than risk of having to harvest premature I went with the shorter veg time to insure a finalized crop! This part I'm still a little confused on....Continue my VEG nuets for the next week? Two week? When should I start introducing the bloom nuets? I know if it's done too early it will reduce stretch witch is what I do not want. Any help would be awesome. So that is where I'm at guys. Any insight to help me with the transition would be great. Here is some updated photos guys let me know what ya think! Enjoy your Sunday everyone
~Stay blazed~



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