10 Plant Grow With 3 x Mars Hydro LED & Autopot

I read that book. It's very good

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Awesome. Just got new humidity down to 57. Lowest its been. Those things should be working for humidity.
Plants been sprayed with home made spray. Leaves looking a little oily. Should one spray with fresh water now to rinse or leave it.
2 days after scroging.
looking like a good save to me from the stretch problem.
Just to add 2 Florecent tubes from below and Bob's your uncle!!!

a friend in need is a friend in deed!!! a friend with weed is better!!
Re: 10 Plant Grow With 3 x Mars Hydro LED & Autopot

Holy shit Deville first time I've popped by and holy your girls are amazing. Good job keep it up. Makes me want to tear mine down and start over such slow progress over here.

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Welcome Darkscotia. any idea why your progress is slow?

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If this guy makes Murica great again I promise not to renounce my US citizenship :)

Nice Monsters mr. DeVille
Hopefully it happens soon so rest will follow suit.

a friend in need is a friend in deed!!! a friend with weed is better!!
Did some bending work today to even the canopy. Humidifier seems to do the job. Nothing else to report

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Re: 10 Plant Grow With 3 x Mars Hydro LED & Autopot


DAY 54

Today it was time to fill up the tank again. I filled 150 liters, added 350ml of Canna Bloom A & B. Today I also added a half bottle of Canna boost accelerator. You're supposed to add it around 3 weeks before harvest. You're supposed to add quite a bit of it, but I did not follow the recipe at all. Half a bottle this run, half a bottle next run.


Canna boost accelerator

I ph'ed the water to 6.0, then raised the lamps another time. Next time is going to be the last one, then I'm finally out of roof. Wonder how much more they'll stretch. As you can see they're filling the room nice now


Look at all those buds starting to grow in there. Beautiful!

The dehumidifier doesn't seem to work at all, so that was a waste of space. Will try to figure out what's wrong with it. It just get's hot but the water-tank never fills up. The timer has worked like a charm. I have a smart-grow-room now. Quite comfy to be able to check the light remotely.

Took a few photos with real camera gear. They look much better than the ones with the phone. Sadly I don't have a wide-angle lense to capture the entire room properly. Look at those buds starting to grow :)


Pure power plant



Have been bending a little bit more here & there. Canopy quite even now. Plenty of bud-sites. Am looking forward to the first harvest which will be Northern lights in about a month from now.

Over and out

DAY 54

Today it was time to fill up the tank again. I filled 150 liters, added 350ml of Canna Bloom A & B. Today I also added a half bottle of Canna boost accelrator. You're supposed to add it around 3 weeks before harvest. You're supposed to add quite a bit of it, but I did not follow the recipe at all. Half a bottle this run, half a bottle next run.


Canna boost accelrator

I ph'ed the water to 6.0, then raised the lamps another time. Next time is going to be the last one, then I'm finally out of roof. Wonder how much more they'll stretch. As you can see they're filling the room nice now


Look at all those buds starting to grow in there. Beautiful!

The dehumidifier doesn't seem to work at all, so that was a waste of space. Will try to figure out what's wrong with it. It just get's hot but the water-tank never fills up. The timer has worked like a charm. I have a smart-grow-room now. Quite comfy to be able to check the light remotely.

Took a few photos with real camera gear. They look much better than the ones with the phone. Sadly I don't have a wide-angle lense to capture the entire room properly. Look at those buds starting to grow :)


Pure power plant



Have been bending a little bit more here & there. Canopy quite even now. Plenty of bud-sites. Am looking forward to the first harvest which will be Northern lights in about a month from now.

Over and out
Looking great . now the fun really starts . .

First grow: Skoondawg's Soil - South African Bag Seed - HPS & CFL SCROG Cabinet 2016/17
Thank you so much everyone. truly appreciated

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Today I re-potted the clones. 3 of them had a shitload of roots, 2 of them were clearly dead, while the rest of them had no signs of roots whatsoever, but they did look quite alive so I planted them anyway. The ones who survive this re-potting will become mother-plants for future grows. Survival of the fittest indeed.


It's a week since the seeds went into the ground. Conditions in grow-room has been extremely stabile and things are progressing pretty much as expected. Decided to wait a few more days before I separate the two Northern lights that was planted in the same pot. I want to make sure the roots have developed a little bit so I don't shock the plant. They look so fragile.

Thinking about watering the plants in about 5-7 days - Dependig on how fast the water evaporate from the soil. This is the first time I grow cannabis in soil. Previously only worked with hydro. So far I don't notice any difference. In Hydro things started going really fast as soon as the roots reached the nutrient repository. Guess in soil the progress will be like an even upwards curve.

What do you think folks? Do they look ok for 7 days?











I'm defiantly sitting this one in!! Looks great!! I am in the process of switching from HPS TO LED . Clean grow!! Can't wait to see those northern lights!!

Grow With Me - My Grow Journey
On a side-note:

I don't see many people in here that uses the same nutrients as me. I wonder why is not Canna more popular? It would be interesting to hear what you guys use. I will list mine under here. Please note that I use no feeding schedules whatsoever. Whenever I fill my tank, I will fill the correspondent amount of nutrients. (If I fill 100 liters of water I add nutrients for 100 liter)

For vegg I use:

First two weeks:
Canna Rhizotonic (1/4 of recommended doses)
Build roots and reduces stress on the plants

The rest of the vegg period:
Canna Hydro Vega A
Canna Hydro Vega B

I use 1/4 of the recommended doses the first 4-6 weeks
I use 1/2 of the recommended doses the remaining vegg period

For bloom:
First 3 weeks:
Canna Hydro Flores A
Canna Hydro Flores B
Canna Rhizotonic

All at 1/4 recommended doses

Mid period:
Canna Hydro Flores A
Canna Hydro Flores B

At 1/2 of the recommended doses

Canna boost accelerator (Half a bottle)

End 1/2 period:
Canna Hydro Flores A
Canna Hydro Flores B
at 3/4 of the recommended doses

Canna Pk 13/14 at the recommended doses

End 2/2 period:
Canna Cannazym at the recommended doses
Will dissolve dead roots and turn them into nutrients for the plants.

Clean water ph'ed to 6.0

So why do I use their Hydro nutrients in soil? Simply because I used to grow in hydro and have several liters left from that period. I don't really notice anything different and my plants have no deficiencies at all. So I guess Hydro nutrients works well for soil too.

Then the commercial text for the Hydro Vega & Flores A & B

  • With CANNA HYDRO you can grow with precision. Growers have an optimum control over what their plants are offered. It does require more know-how than growing in soil for example, but higher yields can be achieved due to the fact that the nutrition absorption can be better arranged. Like this, immediate adjustments can also be made when something is about to go wrong.
  • There are no damaging ballast substances in HYDRO nutrition because this will have an immediate negative influence on the plant’s development.
  • CANNA HYDRO comes in a hard and soft water version. In order to make the nutrient supply as accurate and complete as possible, this distinction must be made. Among other things, water quality has an effect on the availability and the supply of nutrients. For example, there are more nutrients dissolved in hard water compared to soft water (e.g. magnesium and calcium) and more acid is needed to set the pH. This in turn influences the availability of the other nutrient elements.
Welcome Cannalicious :)

I can tell you right away that you'll never regret abandoning HPS. It's the best choice I ever made. The difference in results before and after LED are actually quite insane. I made the switch after one grow in a tiny tent with air-cooled HPS. I almost doubled my yield in that tent after the switch. When I was going to invest in new gear for this grow, I knew from the start that it had to be LED.

I'm defiantly sitting this one in!! Looks great!! I am in the process of switching from HPS TO LED . Clean grow!! Can't wait to see those northern lights!!

Grow With Me - My Grow Journey
Welcome Cannalicious :)

I can tell you right away that you'll never regret abandoning HPS. It's the best choice I ever made. The difference in results before and after LED are actually quite insane. I made the switch after one grow in a tiny tent with air-cooled HPS. I almost doubled my yield in that tent after the switch. When I was going to invest in new gear for this grow, I knew from the start that it had to be LED.

Yessss!!! This is what I want to hear!!! And I'm jumping on the band wagon!!

Grow With Me - My Grow Journey
Re: 10 Plant Grow With 3 x Mars Hydro LED & Autopot

May i know what is the haning distance you are using? :goodjob:

DAY 54

Today it was time to fill up the tank again. I filled 150 liters, added 350ml of Canna Bloom A & B. Today I also added a half bottle of Canna boost accelerator. You're supposed to add it around 3 weeks before harvest. You're supposed to add quite a bit of it, but I did not follow the recipe at all. Half a bottle this run, half a bottle next run.


Canna boost accelerator

I ph'ed the water to 6.0, then raised the lamps another time. Next time is going to be the last one, then I'm finally out of roof. Wonder how much more they'll stretch. As you can see they're filling the room nice now


Look at all those buds starting to grow in there. Beautiful!

The dehumidifier doesn't seem to work at all, so that was a waste of space. Will try to figure out what's wrong with it. It just get's hot but the water-tank never fills up. The timer has worked like a charm. I have a smart-grow-room now. Quite comfy to be able to check the light remotely.

Took a few photos with real camera gear. They look much better than the ones with the phone. Sadly I don't have a wide-angle lense to capture the entire room properly. Look at those buds starting to grow :)


Pure power plant



Have been bending a little bit more here & there. Canopy quite even now. Plenty of bud-sites. Am looking forward to the first harvest which will be Northern lights in about a month from now.

Over and out
Clones day 27

Just a couple of photos of the 7 chosen clones to continue the competition to become mother-plants. We started with 10 clones. 3 of them are dead so far. Since clones already is quite morbid I decided to add an extra element to it all. Enjoy!


Clones of: Big-Bud, Northern lights & Pure power plant and skulls

And here is one extra for the Mars-Hydro gang with their lamp in it.
This is a Homebox Evolution Q80 tent and a Mars Pro 160 lamp


Non of these skulls are real. The 4 in the back are however extremely well done copies of the real deal. The skull-pots are quite cool as well, but not very realistic

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