1st DWC/Hempy Harlequin Joe - Pot of Gold - NYSD - BB - ATF '13

have you got some super thrive? when cloning and dealing with stressed plants ihave notfound a better product, its full of b vitamins and plant derived horomones,and some stuff they keep secret,anyway ive seen it fevive plants that were all but gone, its a must have in my book!
the ladies look toot shaweet! its been a long time since i had very small flowering plants i forgot how charming they are! well done bruh!

I would recomend Canna Rhizotonic as well! Full of "B" goodies!! :peace:
you know i "am a ho zon" for good deals

What's that? I always wondered where Hozona got his name. Are the 2 things related?

Today is week 6 in flower for the girls in the EmGarden DWC... anyone have any ideas on how bud development will change during these last few weeks?

I know! I know!!... They will get bigger!! :)

LOL :biglaugh: :rofl:

They are gonna respond fine. You won't do anything bad. I think the worst that will happen is you might see some foxtailing, but that's still more flowers!

Hmmm, When I was checking on the plants before lights out, I noticed how ridiculously frosty blueberry is. Has anyone grown bb? I know it's supposed to be a fast finisher, but how fast is it really ?

I'm growing some BB now. I didn't think she was an especially fast finisher, but I'm not impressed with this pheno either. Probably won't keep this one. I popped 3 seeds, but got only 1 female. I'll pop some more later on, but for now I'll probably not grow BB after this crop. She does smell nice and crystal up nice though. My pheno is a little heavy on the sativa part of the hybrid and the buds are a little airy.

we'll be putting UFOs into the closet over the next month for a second flower area as well :)

the never ending grower question... "how can I increase my flowering area?" :morenutes:

Hey BID, no superthrive, but I do have General Organics "Roots" and I've been crushing and disolving B vitamin as well. Just as a test, I removed the humidity dome over one set of clones, within about 2 hours, they were fully wilted and drooping, I tried misting and that didn't help... I just put them back under a dome to see if they revive...

I second the recommendation for ST. There is a reason it's been around since the 60's. :winkyface:
There really isn't "A" B vitamin. There are several. I'm sure there are other products with all, or most, of the things in ST. Probably some even have more stuff, but how expensive are they? ST is from an age before companies tried to milk growers for every penny they can get. ST lasts a LONG time. Even a small bottle will last a commercial grower a year.
Yeah, ST is on my wishlist for next month :)

And I like blueberry, but have to agree... this one was a runt from the start, probably the sickest of the sicle clones I got, her or GCS, I'd have to really debat that... she is crystaly, but if her little clone doesn't start showing me something before the Harlequin Jo mom is ready for her first clipping (I'm guessing within a week), then she's gone as I'd rather have an HJ2 that will thrive in that mini-dwc :) I know this one from Gage Green is both decent in thc and cbd content, even a week from finish it's fairly smooth, fairly stoney and decent for pain.

Yep, more flower space, but for us, that was always the plan. I can (as you know) legally grow 15, next year she'll get her card too, so we'll have a 30 count. This being said, I'll always break the numbers due to seedlings and I will be breeding, but as far as bigger plants go, I want to try to stay fairly close to our numbers, just to avoid any headaches. We're planning on basically 3 indoor flower areas and hoping to add a greenhouse within a year, for this as well as fruit and veg. But we definitely also want to use LED on the other units to save on elect and heat... there's no way I can run a second HPS in there, even if both were in cooltubes. But yeah, I could be happy spending my days training a few hundred of these plants, but for now, I'll try to keep it at 15 plants or less that are past seedling stage :)

I'm hoping they get bigger, lol... I know they won't hit their max because I will end up harvesting more of them before they're all "ready", due to the choice of grow equipment or dispensary funds... long run, the grow equipment is the better thing to spend cash on, but it has definitely cut into meds, so I'll end up harvesting most of these stunty girls over this new few weeks I'm sure... but all the bagseed and dynasty have been moved over, clones of Dynasty are down to root, soon to be follower by Harlequin Jo clones and a bunch of seeds are down to pop, so it's all good :)

Thanks for catching up, feedback is always a wonderful thing, but around here, the best things are the knowledge available and the community that's ready and willing to help, guide, be a sounding board or just hang out and be cool folks... gotta love :420:

A Fine weed to you Rune and I hope your day is a great one:)
around here, the best things are the knowledge available and the community that's ready and willing to help, guide, be a sounding board or just hang out and be cool folks... gotta love :420:

You said it all right there brother! :Namaste:
Drive by. I see you asking about the Blueberry. Depends on who the breeder is. Ever notice every vender damn near has a strain like White Widow. You can bet they aren't the same. Everyones different. But if you got some of DJ Shorts BB it's fast. I had a friend that grew it only and it's great weed. Under 8 weeks. You know when I first started growing wasn't a lot of options to grow inside. You had a hard time finding HID ligting geared for growing, so everyone used them old flickering T12 lights. I made a cool box for mine. Kind of like a tanning bed with walls of bulbs. Works great. Let me know what happens with your Marion Berry. GL, +++'s
and Keepem Green
Heya Wood, I was asking about that marion berry strain you mentioned in your journal... I was wondering if it tasted anything like actual Marion Berries, the fruit from up here in the Northwest... As far as which blueberry strain I have, no clue. I picked it up as a clone from one of the dispensaries on the Puget Sound.

Hiker, true dat.... this is a great community, which is a rare thing these day :)

Many thanks sir Fish... hope you're feelin better today :)
My bad. Hey you know any hempfest type get together you have up there, you can get Stoney Gardens Seeds from. Pretty sure they make the circuit up north in Washington. I guess those are the berries she named after. Well afew months and I'll know Keepem Green
Cool, thanks for that info Wood... one dispensary when we moved up here in April had some pittbull, but no one else has since then and no one has had clones. I liked it and my girl loved it, so I've been trying to figure out where to get seeds. When you check the breeder's site, she says "come to Oregon and apply for a reciprical recommendation", but that's far from easy to do right now, hempfest type things, that's a different story :)

Yeah, in case you haven't run into them yet, though it's hard to imagine in Oregon, when I was there for 2 years, they were everywhere, but there's a wonderful berry that grows there in Oregon called the Marion Berry, it reminds me of a cross of raspberry, blackberry and.... hmmm, boysenberry maybe... it's real nice. So when I saw the name of that strain, I had to wonder how close the taste was. You can believe I'll be waiting for That smoke report... I could see some edibles made with that plant and those berries being awesome if the flavor is right.

Thanks for stopping by Wood :Namaste:
Heya Spimpster, welcome over ami... Things are far from done, but I'm not sure how I'll break them up yet... I will be starting another journal about cooking and edibles and such, but this one will probably keep going until the bag seed is harvested :)
Heya Spimpster, welcome over ami... Things are far from done, but I'm not sure how I'll break them up yet... I will be starting another journal about cooking and edibles and such, but this one will probably keep going until the bag seed is harvested :)

Cooking and edibles?? Cant wait. Just so happens Im a Chef. :):) Very iterested to learn how to use meds in cooking so I can create some dishes!
Sub'd too look like I'm always playing catch up ... oh well

Good Purpsday
Cooking and edibles?? Cant wait. Just so happens Im a Chef. :):) Very iterested to learn how to use meds in cooking so I can create some dishes!

Some of my first jobs were in restaurants ... almost did culinary school, but realized how married to the place you have to be, so now, it's a personal passion. I can definitely show you a lot of ways to cook with cannabis, right now, I'm getting oil and kief from my dispensary and more rarely, glycerine tincture and I use those, but once I have the bigger plants rolling, I'll start making it myself instead of buying any. If you get the basics down, you can cook with it properly in the majority of dishes, just have to make sure there's enough fat content for the cannabinoids to disolve into and that the temps stay low enough to not vaporize the cannabinoids either, so keep it below 350*f or lower and cook covered when you can, and generally you're golden. It'll be fun... might start that one next month :)

Sub'd too look like I'm always playing catch up ... oh well

Good Purpsday

Welcome welcome to this strange ride ;)
Happy Frieday rune:)
freakin Marion Berry? what will they think of next LOL.
now quit pickin at them girls til they are done! shaking my finger at you :)
Happy Friedday to you Rune
Believe me Fishy, if I wasn't still having to shuffle funds to get grow things running and therefor not being able to afford enough from the overpriced dispensaries, I wouldn't be messing with the girls yet, buuuuuut.... I ran out of meds days ago and won't be able to get any until next week unless a small deposit hits my paypal, so I'm having a take a bit here and there... that said, I have so many small plants and late seeds sprouting that the tent will not have any issues with replacement occupants later, lol.

I'm pretty sure one of the trained bagseed I threw in was showing me some first pistils yesterday, so as soon as she confirms a she, she's getting upgraded from the 2L hempy, I'm just not sure if she should go into a 1gal or a 2 - 3 gal (plastic trash can based) hempy. I was worried it was going to be another male because of it's very vigorous growth compared to the others. I also had one of the ak47 x uk cherry cheese x sour kush seeds finally break the top of the rapid rooter last night a bit before lights out, so I have another seedling to move into a party cup today... hopefully a few more, lol :)

Thank you, thank you Chop... I hope you have a skunk-a-licious day as well ;) :Namaste:
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