1st Grow Bomb Bagweed

Oh, the vent and cooltube is def coming but for the week I got family here, it is too short notice and I will have to go with the CFL's. Hopefully wednesday night I can fire my light bach up. I really do have to do some research on a diy cool tube. Maybe even a DIY carbon scrubber(it's getting dank and the plants r still so small). I found a 150 cfm inline with a scrubber for 129.00 by the time I invest my time and buy the supplies it would prolly be just as well to buy this set-up. Anybody know how many amps a 4" 150 cfm fan pulls?

If you know the watts it uses and the voltage it is rated at then you can calculate it. Volts x Amps = Watts so Amps = Watts / Volts.

I'll PM you about how to make your own high quality scrubber and refill it for cheap. Even the pre-made ones wear out over time. You can see a few pics of a DIY scrubber in my journal via the link in my sig. It was pretty easy to make and is VERY effective.
munki and haze thats a ton
No problem man. Just post what you end up doing. Always like to see how others tackle our common issues.
Propa Gator, Munki, thank you bro's. Don't want to highjack Stully's wonderful thread, will def be looking at a 400 watt HPS. Had some on sale at the local gro shop for ~$200.00, dual bulb units.

Stully, I have already vented the room with a 6 inch inline duct fan. Still fighting to keep room temp in the mid to high 70's. I think a supply fan in conjunction with the exhaust fan would help.
Remember that fans actively move air but can only passively cool. You can only approach the intake or outside ambient temperature. If it is 80 degrees outside, that is the lowest you can get without an active cooler like an evaporative cooler (swamp cooler) or refrigerant, phase change cooler like an AC. If you have low relative humidity, the swamp cooler will cool for much less $ than an AC will. High humidity, AC is your only option. Dehumidification may also need to be added. That gets expensive to run. My heart goes out those growing in the South Eastern US during the summer!
Don't know if they can be trusted, but I found a police auction website with great prices on all types of grow equipment. I gotta get ventilation, but just can't get the scratch for it right now. Plus I don't want to put holes in the walls(rental) so i'm actually thinking about building a self contained cabinet about 7'h x 6'w x 3' d. I got it all drawn out. Iwill post blueprints if I can get my scanner to work. I would be able to put in the garage and with with a cool tube and an exaust system I think it would do well. I would definately need to get it done by flower time as there is no way for my curent set-up to remain in the temp range without letting light leak in. I am doing a test run with some new circulating fans right now in my closet. I am able to maintain about 83 degrees with a small crack in the door. But it is a relatively cool day today. Oh by the way, the beaster seeds I put in the pellets are all up and out, and one more MC has popped up. I got like a 90% germ rate with the quick start pellets. I guess my days of paper towels are done. I never really liked the paper towel thing anyway! IMO too stressful to the seedlings. Ok so were at about 85 degrees now. I think I should be allright. Thinking about adding some co2 via seltzer water to help the plants cope with the heat. i don't think it's gonna get much above 85.
Propa Gator, Munki, thank you bro's. Don't want to highjack Stully's wonderful thread, will def be looking at a 400 watt HPS. Had some on sale at the local gro shop for ~$200.00, dual bulb units.

Stully, I have already vented the room with a 6 inch inline duct fan. Still fighting to keep room temp in the mid to high 70's. I think a supply fan in conjunction with the exhaust fan would help.

Brother, no such thing as high-jacking my thread! It is open to any and all conversation. The more the merrier. Also I got my 400w HPS for $50 off craigslist. The bulb was worth that. It's worth a look. Police Auctions Online at PropertyRoom.com is also a good place. Might want to get it sent somewhere else just in=case.
Bought by proxie, sent to another maybe. Cops lie but aren't allowed to let weed or poison out of sight. I suspect they feel likewise about grow equip. I like cab grow and do it, your plan sounds like a winner. Good luck with the bucks and happy ventilation. Seltzer water is very expensive CO2. Kudo to Craig and his list, but caution there too; anyone can use it.
Went out and got the lumber to frame the cab tonight. Couldn't get the plywood because I don't have a truck. Got some 2x3's relatively cheap. Should be able to get the frame knocked out tomorrow and hopefully will get the plywood with a work truck this week sometime. All the vent needs are at home depot except the fans and the scrubber. Hopefully within the nest 2-3 weeks, I can have everything I need to move my grow to cab, but the kids gotta eat so I got to make some extra cash for my play things. I planted the beasters in their homes tonight(also the last MC) they seem happy, but the closet might get cramped pretty soon, but should heve the cab done by that time. I will post picxs of every step of construction and keep a detaile cost list. I hope to get it all done under $300. With the majority of the cost going to ventilation. I will be using a darkroom vent (homemade) for air intake. Will detail the building of that as well(they're pretty handy little things and they work great). Still haven't wrapped my head around the airtight and light tight door yet. But with every brainstorm, I get closer and closer. I will update with pics later in the week, with my construction pics as well. Lil Kim is getting pretty big.
I cut my stuff down in the Hodepo parking lot to haul it in my car. Poor people have to be resourceful. I'm having a good time watching you deal with common problems. You're feeding kids you're a young man, you'll find a way.
Active exhaust passive intake dimminishes need to hermetically seal. Mylar flaps on the doors stop light, but absolute light tight is not stricktly necessary. The moon shines inconsequently on outdoor grows. Yup, I spout more heresy, lets see who jumps on me and how hard. My point is that MJ don't need perfect, just pretty good. It's a weed that wants to grow, any excuse will do.
I cut my stuff down in the Hodepo parking lot to haul it in my car. Poor people have to be resourceful. I'm having a good time watching you deal with common problems. You're feeding kids you're a young man, you'll find a way.
Active exhaust passive intake dimminishes need to hermetically seal. Mylar flaps on the doors stop light, but absolute light tight is not stricktly necessary. The moon shines inconsequently on outdoor grows. Yup, I spout more heresy, lets see who jumps on me and how hard. My point is that MJ don't need perfect, just pretty good. It's a weed that wants to grow, any excuse will do.
So deep and sooooo true, my timer quit on me weeks ago and some days its a perfect 12/12 some days not lol! but the girls are still growing!:rollit::smokin:+reps for propa for keeping it real
Hey guys thanks for the tips. You shoulda seen me leavin home dep with plywood tied to the roof of my car. 10 miles and hour with the blinkers on. Rush hour traffic on one of the busiest highways in the city. Hilarious!! But I got it done. I got the frame done and starting to sheath it. I am not really concerned too much about the air tightness, but i want to hold sound as well as possible. So far so good. I'll get pics soon. gator plus rep for the kind reality.
I framed the new room out tonight. So far got $17 in the 1x3's and $6 in the osb, $11 in nails and screws and about 2hr time.

the biggest of 5 beasters

smallest of the bagweed un-named

jan Brady about 3 week

Lil Kim about 1 month old

family thing

another family pic

what do you guys think??
Hey guys thanks for the tips. You shoulda seen me leavin home dep with plywood tied to the roof of my car. 10 miles and hour with the blinkers on. Rush hour traffic on one of the busiest highways in the city. Hilarious!! But I got it done. I got the frame done and starting to sheath it. I am not really concerned too much about the air tightness, but i want to hold sound as well as possible. So far so good. I'll get pics soon. gator plus rep for the kind reality.

Also, I am more concerned with light escaping than entering. If I'm gonna put the time and effort into, I might as well make it as stealth as possible. I have windows in my garage door, it would look kinda strange with a huge cabinet sending out piercing beams of light. Tryning to stay low key.
hey thanks alot guys. Really appreciate the support. The only reason I've come as far as I have is because of this forum and the great people in it. Such a wealth of knowledge. Gator thanks for the rep. And king I won't have an overabundance of room, but with some LST I think I will be fine. Also, only 5 are guarenteed female. I will probably try to keep my grows right around 10 plants in the future.
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