1st grow - Growing to keep sane

the reason I was looking into it is I can get a few beans from a grower in the area... I've come up with a way to hear my plants through the night and day without raising my shed heat above 40 degrees f... I have a heat lamp bulb that I have in the grow boxes that keep the temp at a comfortable 78 degrees a plant level and at the exhaust vent it's 88 not near the plant itself. however I am curious if I can cause a recirculation effect causing minimal drop in temp keeping the plant comfortable and using less energy... got my wheels spinning if I come up with a sketch plan i'll post
the reason I was looking into it is I can get a few beans from a grower in the area... I've come up with a way to hear my plants through the night and day without raising my shed heat above 40 degrees f... I have a heat lamp bulb that I have in the grow boxes that keep the temp at a comfortable 78 degrees a plant level and at the exhaust vent it's 88 not near the plant itself. however I am curious if I can cause a recirculation effect causing minimal drop in temp keeping the plant comfortable and using less energy... got my wheels spinning if I come up with a sketch plan i'll post

I have confidence in your skills sir! Looking forward to seeing what you have going there. :thumb:
the reason I was looking into it is I can get a few beans from a grower in the area... I've come up with a way to hear my plants through the night and day without raising my shed heat above 40 degrees f... I have a heat lamp bulb that I have in the grow boxes that keep the temp at a comfortable 78 degrees a plant level and at the exhaust vent it's 88 not near the plant itself. however I am curious if I can cause a recirculation effect causing minimal drop in temp keeping the plant comfortable and using less energy... got my wheels spinning if I come up with a sketch plan i'll post

I would also like to see what you have going on there. My plants seem to be fine, but my temps were always in the 60°-69° range, but lately the nights are cold and they been dropping to around 58° when lights out. Now the smart thing would have been maybe to set the light cycle throughout the night, but then I couldn't check my babies near as often as I do. I find that my evening ritual anymore is to just sit in the garage with a stogie with the cabinet doors open starring at them beautiful lil plants... lol boy this hobby can consume your every thought. It probably doesn't help that my one and only source is no longer able to supply me. So basically I been dry for 3 weeks now and won't be having anything until my harvest. Looking at January sometime I believe... then a cure... so...
I would also like to see what you have going on there. My plants seem to be fine, but my temps were always in the 60°-69° range, but lately the nights are cold and they been dropping to around 58° when lights out. Now the smart thing would have been maybe to set the light cycle throughout the night, but then I couldn't check my babies near as often as I do. I find that my evening ritual anymore is to just sit in the garage with a stogie with the cabinet doors open starring at them beautiful lil plants... lol boy this hobby can consume your every thought. It probably doesn't help that my one and only source is no longer able to supply me. So basically I been dry for 3 weeks now and won't be having anything until my harvest. Looking at January sometime I believe... then a cure... so...

Hi Draxlin, you sound like you love your plants as much as all of us! :thumb:
Keep in mind that lower temps can cause a slow down of growth though. Do you have a small heater that you can put on a timer to come on and off periodically to help your temps stay up a bit?
I had to actually tap into a furnace duct to get my grow room heat to stay above 62 so I wouldn't slow things down. And we haven't even hit the really cold months yet. LOL

Edit: just want to be sure that if you do use a small heater, check your wattage. Some of them, especially some of the small ceramic heaters are pretty high on watts and you don't want to overload circuits!
Hi Draxlin, you sound like you love your plants as much as all of us! :thumb:
Keep in mind that lower temps can cause a slow down of growth though. Do you have a small heater that you can put on a timer to come on and off periodically to help your temps stay up a bit?
I had to actually tap into a furnace duct to get my grow room heat to stay above 62 so I wouldn't slow things down. And we haven't even hit the really cold months yet. LOL

Edit: just want to be sure that if you do use a small heater, check your wattage. Some of them, especially some of the small ceramic heaters are pretty high on watts and you don't want to overload circuits!

I sure do love them green little monsters. I was thinking of getting something like a Lasko MyHeat Personal Mini Space Heater, but was concerned with putting it in the cabinet. It's small, low wattage, but I don't want to burn the place to the ground... so I've been hesitant to order.

Sorry USMC0420grow - don't mean to hijack your journal.

Update -> bit the bullet and ordered a black one. reading the reviews it sounds fairly safe and as if it will be perfect for my cabinet. I'll just throw it on a 8 stage timer I have laying here ;). It will be here tomorrow as it's gonna be a cold motha this weekend!
ok as soon as I have a sketch plan up for my recirculating thermal heater... I'll post it. Canna I need to check your blog to see your up close pics of males and females do you have upclose pics of the hermies? I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my biggest plant... I'm not sure if it's male or female almost 100% it hasn't hermied, maybe i'm not familiar enough with how they grow...
ok as soon as I have a sketch plan up for my recirculating thermal heater... I'll post it. Canna I need to check your blog to see your up close pics of males and females do you have upclose pics of the hermies? I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my biggest plant... I'm not sure if it's male or female almost 100% it hasn't hermied, maybe i'm not familiar enough with how they grow...

Yeah, there are some close ups. Real close. LOL
Here's the link:
420 Magazine ® - Sexing plants/ Hermies/pollen/breeding - Blogs
It's in two parts, first the post on Female sexing and one below it on males.
Hope it helps!
Thought I would post these for ya USMCO:
First one is a very early male stamen.
Then early female pistils


Then a male that started to turn female and developed pistils.

Then early male pollen sacs

There are some much better pics of the male pollen sacs on the blog link.
I had to edit this a couple times, the pictures didn't sequence with what I wrote. LOL
see I look at yours and I think my plant is male then I look at these
Is Your Plant Male or Female? | Michigan Medical Marijuana FAQ
GrowingClosets.com domain name is for sale. Inquire now.
mine look like female preflowers i'll get a pic tonight

That would be great if you could get a pic! Then we could evaluate for sure. :thumb:
When I first started trying to determine sex of the plants I was confused by what I was seeing too.
Kind of like hunting morel mushrooms, once you actually see one, you know what you're supposed to be seeing.. and they all start popping up around you. :)
ok here are the pics of the plant in question
this is the plants growth and height

the rest of these i'm going to explain my plans to heat and the theory behind it...

first this was the recovery room slash nursery it is now double the height. i'm going to use it as a vegging room. I originally built it to expand. It was originally just the upper portion.

Ok so hot or warm air is less dense that cold air there for heat rises. to make sense of this view the example with dots
the dots will represent air molecules

Warm air

Cool Air
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .

warm air rises to attempt to make room for the air molecules to space out.
what I want to do is collect the warm air in my upper compartment of my veg room and vacuum it into a filter and transfer it down to the lower compartment causing my plants warm cozy air that is clean for them to breath an use for growing.
I think you're pretty much the same boat as me. My cabinet was flipped to 12/12 this past Saturday. On Sunday my smaller plant was already showing female! The bigger bush has developed some little teeny weeny ball shaped growths on the crotch of the stems. If you look at cannfan's first reference picture you can see that there is a tiny stem from the crotch to the ball. My understanding is that is a common trait of the male genitailia for sexing. I'm still holding out hope mine is female, because mine don't appear to have that little stem. Rather they appear to be sitting directly off the stock/crotch. Which I've read that if they sit directly on the stalk like I see on mine, they could be female calyx forming. The caylx has to form before the pistals emerge. Basically give it more time. You should have 3-4 weeks from flipping to flower to safely determine the sex, without worry of polinization.

So like I've been told... Give it time you will know male or female for sure soon. It is supposed to be pretty evident once they really rock out. I can tell you this is my first grow and my one female was easily identified.
lol I know hoping to wake up and see pistils... but if not I have plants spaced 7 days apart the next plant should start showing signs in a few days then another in 14 and so on and so forth...
those are pollen sacs on those pics. It's a male. :straightface:

The 4th pic looks like a male stamen forming. Is that the same plant? If not, give it a couple more days to be sure.
I would remove the definite male plant from your grow area. You don't want that guy gettin' too friendly with the ladies....that spells trouble. LOL
Sorry for the bad news .....
I think your engineering idea is going to work. It's a very similar idea to what my brother did to my outdoor wood stove to keep warmer and fresh air going, instead of drawing cold air from outside to the furnace fan, he piped it to draw the warmer air from the basement. Made almost a 10 degree difference in the heat getting into the house. Does that make sense? LOL
Will be watching how it turns out for you. LOVE DIY'ers!
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