420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By ProfessorFlora

Hey 420. Well, it happened again. Last year around about the same time there was a little accident in which I killed all of my seedlings which where germinated in coco. They all broke ground but then after a couple of days, simply keel over and die. I believe it is called damping-off which happens when seedlings are over-watered or started in conditions which are too damp. I thought I was prepared for that this time and made sure that the medium wasn't too wet and that the temps and humidity were perfect. Still they dropped, all eight like little dominoes. What's anoying is that I've started several seeds in coco with success since then and up until now, mostly forgotten about last year's disaster. Oh well, we brush ourselves off and start again. This time we try not to kill them lol. This is what I meant when I said to beez that the plans have changed slightly. Instead of eight, we currently have two which we will take some cuttings from later in veg and try what I set out to achieve after getting to know these two first....

One was a little bit purple but has since gone green and fingers crossed, these two have gotten past the falling over stage. They don't look like they are going to fall whereas the other all pointed their two little leaves upwards before dropping.

So there you have it. Either not much has happened yet or too much has happened too soon. Depends how you look at things. I promise I'll sort this out and we'll all have a great time.

Hey 420. Well, it happened again. Last year around about the same time there was a little accident in which I killed all of my seedlings which where germinated in coco. They all broke ground but then after a couple of days, simply keel over and die. I believe it is called damping-off which happens when seedlings are over-watered or started in conditions which are too damp. I thought I was prepared for that this time and made sure that the medium wasn't too wet and that the temps and humidity were perfect. Still they dropped, all eight like little dominoes. What's anoying is that I've started several seeds in coco with success since then and up until now, mostly forgotten about last year's disaster. Oh well, we brush ourselves off and start again. This time we try not to kill them lol. This is what I meant when I said to beez that the plans have changed slightly. Instead of eight, we currently have two which we will take some cuttings from later in veg and try what I set out to achieve after getting to know these two first....

One was a little bit purple but has since gone green and fingers crossed, these two have gotten past the falling over stage. They don't look like they are going to fall whereas the other all pointed their two little leaves upwards before dropping.

So there you have it. Either not much has happened yet or too much has happened too soon. Depends how you look at things. I promise I'll sort this out and we'll all have a great time.

What a shame professor :( least you didn't do them all bud think positive still
3 days above dirt and we are still alive and kicking. I'm going to give these two the chance to form something resembling a root ball before we put them anywhere near a larger pot. I'm not quite sure what route they will take just yet but there final destination will be a 5 gallon fabric pot.
It's still early days but I'm already feeling much happier. I do like a dramatic intro but I'd like things to run a little smoother from now on lol....
3 days above dirt and we are still alive and kicking. I'm going to give these two the chance to form something resembling a root ball before we put them anywhere near a larger pot. I'm not quite sure what route they will take just yet but there final destination will be a 5 gallon fabric pot.
It's still early days but I'm already feeling much happier. I do like a dramatic intro but I'd like things to run a little smoother from now on lol....
Very healthy looking babies!
Very healthy looking babies!
Thank you Stankonia. I think we are in the clear with these now. I'm looking forward to getting them into some bigger pots and letting them spread their roots.
Hey 420. Today we have another new face though this time we are using some homemade potting mix as the medium....

The mix is some coco and clay pebbles mixed in with some moss, wood chips and kitchen waste compost. It was then left in the garden for around 4 months to cook and hopefully will now support plant life.
I intend to keep this plant back for a little while and possibly keep it as a mother in the future. I will probably use this one for some clones to retry my original plan as well which is actually a better idea than doing it with eight plants from seed.
She has only had plain water so far and I hope to be able to keep her going without mixing any nutrients and instead keep her fed organically. That should be fun.

Here are the two original seedlings at day 5 from seed. Both seem to be growing at almost the normal rate. I'm being super cautious as you can probably imagine and I think that I am actually under-watering them slightly. Better that than the alternative I say.
I expect these to burst into life any moment and when they do they will meet their future environment. For now they will remain in the nursery while they gain their strength....

Happy growing everyone.
Hey Prof! You got things going nicely over here, to bad about the bump in the road you had with the first go with the seeds but these current little ones a looking quite good! Subbed up my friend!
Hey Prof! You got things going nicely over here, to bad about the bump in the road you had with the first go with the seeds but these current little ones a looking quite good! Subbed up my friend!
Lol, you've witnessed a few of my "bump in the road's". They happen but I must admit, this one hurt more than most. Still, it could have been much worse.
Good to have you aboard, N.
Hey 420. Today we have an update from a few days ago and we also have today's actual update.

A few days ago I decided that it was safe enough to put the young veg plants into some larger pots. They had roots coming out of the bottom and sides of the cardboard pot I had them in before so I just re-planted the whole pot. They are in pond pots which are about a litre in volume and I've also added some extra pebbles to the mix to keep the root zone super aerated. There are roots just beginning to emerge today so the plants are settling in well. Here they are on day 8 from seed....

Here are the pond pots....

I also decided to introduce them to their new environment. They look a little lost at the moment lol....

So that was then and today we are still doing well. The plants are both looking pretty good though a little bit splotchy. That's nothing to worry about though and is just the result of settling in. Here they are today, sunning it up under the Mars TSL-2000 which is set at its lowest dimmer setting....

Currently I am using MegaCrop as a nutrient source but have been contacted by GeoFlora and asked if I'd like to try their line for the comparative. Naturally I jumped at the offer to run a sponsors product and will swap from MC to GF as soon as it arrives. I will still be using coco I think. Anyone use GeoFlora and Coco yet? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Well that's me caught up so it's time to do the rounds and see how many GSC journals I can catch up with over the next couple of days.
Happy growing everyone.
Looking good, Prof.

I'm currently trying to learn about lights. Your light looks really far away from your seedlings. Shouldn't they be closer?
They are off to a good start Prof! Will be interesting to see how the GeoFlora does in coco, Professor Flora growing with GeoFlora sounds like a good combo to me!
I use GeoFlora from time to time as a top dress and also add it into the hole at up pot.

I actually have a sativa in a tiny pot. The plant is 3 feet tall top heavy ready to fall over and yellowing. I added a little GeoFlora VEG to the surface top dress. Plant looks great.
Hard to believe actually.
Should work great in your medium. I doubt there's anything left in that soil I'm using in that tiny pot. As soon as I added the GeoFlora - boom she looks great.
That Geoflora sounds good! I hope shipping is uncomplicated.
Congrats on the transition from seedlings to young plants, Prof. They appear to be halfway off their starting blocks and racing away.
Sorry to hear about the loss of some seedlings bud but the remaining plants look happy & the growing season is just starting with plenty of options to play with :green_heart:
Looking good.
Thanks Dano.
Looking good, Prof.

I'm currently trying to learn about lights. Your light looks really far away from your seedlings. Shouldn't they be closer?
Hey HG.

You are correct. The light is probably close to being twice as far away as it should be. The thing is that I tested this light out on some of my other plants and they all started to show signs of light stress so I'm just being cautious. I'll move it closer each day until it is at the right height. I won't turn it up though until flowering.
They are off to a good start Prof! Will be interesting to see how the GeoFlora does in coco, Professor Flora growing with GeoFlora sounds like a good combo to me!
Cheers N. It does sound interesting and I hope that it works. I would feel a little safer if I were using soil. Also the flip from MC to GF sounds like it could catch me out. We'll just have to try it and see.
I use GeoFlora from time to time as a top dress and also add it into the hole at up pot.

I actually have a sativa in a tiny pot. The plant is 3 feet tall top heavy ready to fall over and yellowing. I added a little GeoFlora VEG to the surface top dress. Plant looks great.
Hard to believe actually.
Should work great in your medium. I doubt there's anything left in that soil I'm using in that tiny pot. As soon as I added the GeoFlora - boom she looks great.
I really hope it's as simple as that for me. The only experience with organics I've had has been with Biobizz which I quite enjoyed. I found that when things went wrong though they were often pretty bad.

Was that tiny sativa flowering or just in veg?
That Geoflora sounds good! I hope shipping is uncomplicated.
Congrats on the transition from seedlings to young plants, Prof. They appear to be halfway off their starting blocks and racing away.
Thanks DD. It does sound good and I never thought I'd ever get to try any being in the UK. I should probably hold off the party until it actually arrives lol.
Sorry to hear about the loss of some seedlings bud but the remaining plants look happy & the growing season is just starting with plenty of options to play with :green_heart:
Thanks Fuzzy. These things happen every now and then but the main thing is that we're still here and having fun.
Hey HG.

You are correct. The light is probably close to being twice as far away as it should be. The thing is that I tested this light out on some of my other plants and they all started to show signs of light stress so I'm just being cautious. I'll move it closer each day until it is at the right height. I won't turn it up though until flowering.

Thanks for the info, Prof. What are the signs of heat stress that you saw?

Cheers N. It does sound interesting and I hope that it works. I would feel a little safer if I were using soil. Also the flip from MC to GF sounds like it could catch me out. We'll just have to try it and see.

I really hope it's as simple as that for me. The only experience with organics I've had has been with Biobizz which I quite enjoyed. I found that when things went wrong though they were often pretty bad.

Thanks DD. It does sound good and I never thought I'd ever get to try any being in the UK. I should probably hold off the party until it actually arrives lol.

I'm with you on the GeoFlora. I'm looking forward to trying it but we'll see if it actually makes it here. If it doesn't get here then I'll just have to use MegaCrop, which is fine as well as I've had no issues with it.
That sativa is a clone I took. Put her in a small pot to tame her height. Didn't really matter these dont need a lot of water or a lot of nutrients. She's in a seedling pot not much bigger than a solo cup and 3 feet tall.

I've used megacrop outside and GeoFlora in my containers as an amendment.

I'm organic so MC not really my cup of tea. But outside in the ground it was helpful.

I just used a whole bag in about 400 gal of water and poured it on. lol With plants in the ground there's a lot of buffering going on. Pretty hard to mess up unless I pick a bad place for the patch.
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