4th Outdoor Grow In Eastern Canada

Wow it has been busy around here these last few days. Today is Tuesday Oct. 1st.yuck. It has been 5 days since I last posted so you can guess what I was doing Sunday and Monday, yup you guessed it. Doing time in trim jail. I got all the pita Blue berry ladies down and trimmed. Two good plants and two so so ones, and miserable miss pink. The good news is everything still standing is looking really well. After trimming yesterday we tarped the 4 pineapple express, plants just to be on the safe side. I would like to keep them up as long as possible and I also fed them full nutes with calmagic, liquid cool bloom and two tsp unsulfured molasses. Thank god I wont be doing this much longer. Pics as soon as the weather clears and tarps come down, enjoy your day gang.Cheers. Just relaxin' and enjoying Dark Devil auto and Sugar Momma auto.....I feel good, like I knew that I would now...
Yes this one has been rough to say the least Duggan, but that light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. Yes pinky spread quite a bit of bud rot around making the trimming quite slow and tedious. After that mess trimming seemed actually enjoyable. Never thought I would ever say that....LOL :peace:
...kinda figgered' that's what you were up to...Good Stuff!... :high-five: ...gearing up to take down Critical Mass in just a bit...weather's pretty crappy here...cold and wet...will be an indoor trim today...my Bubba should be ready to jar in a day or two...thanks to you,and Duggs as well, for the support in Septembers POTM...always the bridesmaid...never the bride...:rolleyes::rofl:...oh well...gotta keep trying...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Well here is everything that has been happening in the 4th grow in eastern Canada. We trimmed Saturday, I trimmed Sunday, we trimmed Monday, I trimmed Today and everything is now done. All the Blueberry is dried and in the jars to cure. I was very disappointed with it and all the bud rot. I only ended up with 19.1 ounces. Everything that is drying is a lot denser then the bb so we will see what we get after I get that weed off the stocks. I am in a world of hurt so I am in the process of going on a nice trip, and no I won’t be going anyplace. Have a great day gang and here are a few pics I took when I remembered so snap a few. Cheers.
Thanks for the nice words Duggs, it was a long hard one especially with the health problems late seeds and that damn cyclone but we made it the worst is over, onward and upward. I will definitely let everyone know what everything is like, pretty hard to beat that pineapple express, if there is one that may have a chance it would have to be royal gorilla. Cheers. :passitleft:
sucks about the BB, but what are Ya' gonna do...glad Ya got it done and soon you'll be smokin' the fruits of your labour...:bongrip:...luvving' that third picture...:thumb:...I'd throw it in PHOTOTM...don't stand a chance if Ya' don't buy a ticket...take care, rest up...have a good one...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:....
Well here is everything that has been happening in the 4th grow in eastern Canada. We trimmed Saturday, I trimmed Sunday, we trimmed Monday, I trimmed Today and everything is now done. All the Blueberry is dried and in the jars to cure. I was very disappointed with it and all the bud rot. I only ended up with 19.1 ounces. Everything that is drying is a lot denser then the bb so we will see what we get after I get that weed off the stocks. I am in a world of hurt so I am in the process of going on a nice trip, and no I won’t be going anyplace. Have a great day gang and here are a few pics I took when I remembered so snap a few. Cheers.
Beautiful work...nice job dealing with the outdoor hazards thrown yr way!

Grow on!
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