5'X5' One Plant Scrog Pounder With LED

Hey CO Finest, what type gauge do you put in your C Vault?
Are you going to do a new journal with your 1600?

This is what I use most of the time. I have three different kinds but this is my favorite

Hey Co. How far apart are your two LED's over your 5x5. Did you center then both ways?
I have the 144x3 over monster equal distance apart from the walls and each other to cover equal foot prints.
Ok DIY tent is installed. I will have lights and plants in later today and will do pic of setup.

I have a video of it all covered I will post in about a hour.
Thanks CO Finest, so just a simple RH/TEMP, cool.

That's real good use of space, keep this up and your bedroom will be in the living room, lol. And that's not a bad thing.
Thanks CO Finest, so just a simple RH/TEMP, cool.

That's real good use of space, keep this up and your bedroom will be in the living room, lol. And that's not a bad thing.

LMAO.. I was thinking of moving into the garage..
D DAY!!! In 18hours in counting it is going down. Huge Monster Train party and crop time. Stay tuned the party will be posted.... In the mean time here is some of the last pic of her in the Scrog.
Here is a pic of the strawberry blue I was emailed about. Clones coming off of her soon.
Man.. That's gonna be a serious harvest. Is actually pay to be part of that chop!!! I will definitely be around for those numbers and to see whose hand cramps up first.. LOl
LMAO.. All you can eat,smoke and cramp. BBQ starts at 4pm to get the food and naps in before the hand cramps lol.
LMAO.. All you can eat,smoke and cramp. BBQ starts at 4pm to get the food and naps in before the hand cramps lol.

Hahaha... Rest up brother.. You're gonna have a long day.
I'll miss the old gal, such is the cycle of life. I've gotten invaluable knowledge following Monster Train Wreck, great job on the journal as well. Congratulations Professor, all the love and hard work you put into her and she's rewarding you with a gift. Can't wait for the video/photos! How about some measurements for the biggest COLA? Have fun at the harvest :party:
P.S. Anxiously waiting for final tallies.
I love harvest day... It means tomorrow we make some hash from fresh frozen!!

And no doubt that monster should give some monster piles of resin.

i usually wait a couple weeks at least before i turn trim or clippings into any type of hash. how do you make your hash?

Yes you can just add a uv bulb with any flower light. The best uv bulbs i have found are ones you can find at a pet store for desert reptiles. You can get then in cfl and T8 bulbs. Now they only should be turned on for two too three hours only during light time.

so does the uv light shut off after a few hours on with the led lights?
i usually wait a couple weeks at least before i turn trim or clippings into any type of hash. how do you make your hash?


I put all of my good trim and most of the popcorn in a ziplock freezer bag or plastic container and stick them in the freezer while they're still fresh and green. I leave them in there overnight or 24 hours minimum, then I'll break it up gently by hand and run it through my bubblebags with RO ice and RO water. I do 2 runs and make oil for edibles out of all but the best. I spread it out in an unused pizza box and let it dry a few days at least then it's ready to store/cure or consume. I have a couple stacks of those NO-GOO containers and still have a couple grams I've been saving in one of them.
Ok I am still awake. Started cutting Monster and her 5 kids out of flower room about 9pm last night. Started trimming around 10pm. All done about 6am. Clean up done around 8am. I Just got done doing edit on video and saving now to start the upload. I will post video first and for you that can not view please let me know and I will type the break down after video if needed. Having a hard time typing for some reason lol. I would like to thank you all for joining me threw this grow. It was a long fun time. I hope I helped answer ? some of you may have had to help with your grows. I may have said before Monster train was not going to be a flower grow when I was vegging her. She was only going to be a mother and I was going to let her die of old age so that is the reason why she was done in a 7 gallon pot. I decided to throw her into flower to do a scrog monster grow for one main reason and that was to show fellow growers that were looking to learn a few things.From some of the feed back I have gotten from this grow I decided to go even bigger to show how I do things in my other two rooms I do not show. I will be posting the master plan very soon on the new grow in the Mars 1600 journal. You will see how I will push plants to grow huge dry weight. Speaking of weight I will still do a few more post here to give you all true numbers on dry weight and some other things. My hats off to you all and once again thank you all for joining the Monster Train scrog grow.
P.S I think she just might be over a pound.....
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