All Organic High Brix

It's rare that I'm at a loss for words but all I can say is AMAZING!!!!


I've already planted my veggie garden and juts put 6 seeds in for my "indoor" garden but I'm going to start assembling the stuff I need and start adding them all asap to what I have growing. I think I'm going to focus on mineralizing the soil and adding the teas for now and see how that goes....not perfect but should be an improvement????

Thanks so much for posting and being on the leading edge

Doc all i can say is wow n why? The girls are beautiful but why must you set the bar so high lol. I really love i have ran across you and being able to communicate with you. Now i have shut down until i can afford to grow like you. I want to be like you when i grow like a lil kid eventhough im still quite young. So you say you would use the supersoil as a fertilizer really? And what would you recommend if i went with the hydrolysate fish in my teas for fert will i need anything else and i Will be using the natures own microbe brew? I also would like to stick to foliaring with teas so what would you recommend? Tea recipes.any other additives? Sorru bout asking for so much?

Thanks for the kind words! :thanks:

Hmmm.....what do I recommend. Seriously, at this point I'm in flux about medium and ferts. Mineralizing the soil is the key. Keeping the soil energy up can be done in many ways and certainly the fish hydrolysate is a great way to do that. There are other ways too. At this stage of the game it's all about experimentation.

Here's what I'm noticing about my garden right now:

The smaller pots are giving me trouble! My Blue Dreams are in smaller, 3 gallon pots. I did that because I wanted to control the size of the plants, but they still got freakishly large. There were a lovely shade of green the day before easter, but now they're looking pretty punky, showing signs of starvation! The used up all the energy in the soil and the small pots can't really store enough energy the way I was feeding the soil, so I've had to modify that. The plants in the larger containers are still green and happy.
So, the takeaway is use large pots!

I'm fixing the Blue Dreams (I hope) by adding some good old fashioned salt-based ferts a time or two and re-dressing with rock powders. There's a picture of that a few posts up. Normally, I'd just cull the sick plants and move on, but I'm really wanting to learn a few things, so I'm experimenting.

If I were you, I'd do the following:

1.)mineralize soil
2.)Add humus to the soil (alaskan forest humus or equivalent)
3.)Use large pots
4.)water with natures' own, and an organic fert of some sort, fish hydrolysate would be just fine. I do not recommend brewing the tea with the fish ferts in it.....I did that once and there was no foam. Add it at after it's brewed.

Foliar feed with the fish....but stop when the buds start to get going. Re-dress with rock powders and micro's at the first sign of imperfection in the leaves.

The heavy duty foliars I'm using are friggin powerful, and I'm still learning how to use them, IE when to use bloomit vs Amaze, how much PGR, etc. I'm workin' on it.

It's rare that I'm at a loss for words but all I can say is AMAZING!!!!


I've already planted my veggie garden and juts put 6 seeds in for my "indoor" garden but I'm going to start assembling the stuff I need and start adding them all asap to what I have growing. I think I'm going to focus on mineralizing the soil and adding the teas for now and see how that goes....not perfect but should be an improvement????

Thanks so much for posting and being on the leading edge


MIneralizing the soil is a HUGE improvement. Use a large pot, make sure to have all the micro's in there by using something like Azomite or a Montromorillianite diatomaceous earth, brew microbial teas and feed the soil with some sort of organic fert once in a while and you'll be very happy.

Make sure you use an organic fert that must be broken down by the microbes: Biosol Forte, Fish Hydolysate, Alfalfa Meal, Cottonseed Meal....something like that. Perhaps add the alfalfa to the soil and let it cook with the rock powders for a month and feed with the fish? That would work.

The microbes ate up all the food in the 3 gallon pots! I used straight Black Gold potting soil, unammended, right out of the bag and they ran out of food! So, larger pots with a bit more energy is best.

Here's a thought:

These soil tests I run are assumed to be outdoor farming, not indoor container gardening. I'm thinking for small containers, the soil needs a bit more energy than it does outside, because the roots can only travel to far in search of food. Again, the large pots rock, the small ones lag.
Hey there doc, what a wonderful day to harvest yesterday!! But I was thinking, would airpots work in place of larger pots since they prune the roots? Or do you think that there wouldnr be enough food in those either? Im talking for around a 2 or 3 gal airpot. :Namaste:

You're asking the same question I'm asking bro! My working diagnosis at this point is that the plants needed a larger mass of soil, IE larger pot. I don't think it is a rootbound issue, but I don't could very well be that an airpot would help.

Doc when you do a detailed smoke report can you mention the yield difference between this grow and your last.

Also if you check you rootballs could you give us an idea of how they look compared to last grows.

Thank you, those nugs look like I could eat them. I would love to smoke some hash or oil from those precious buds :welldone:

If you live in CA, please PM me. Perhaps something like what you suggest could happen? I'm very excited to see the roots and I should get some pics up tonite. I'm about to shower off and head to the room to do some more trimming.

Yield is definitely higher this time, because the buds are heavy beyond belief....nothing but swollen calyxes. They are more sticky than what I've dealt with in the past too. Our plants are resin producers. They are not roses, or ornamental flowers. You want sticky, dense, buds....and who the hell cares what they look like? (these look good too)

I am very happy with this grow! Next one will be even better.
First Doc, let me just stay that those seem to be some amazing buds! :welldone:

Hmmm.....what do I recommend. Seriously, at this point I'm in flux about medium and ferts. Mineralizing the soil is the key. Keeping the soil energy up can be done in many ways and certainly the fish hydrolysate is a great way to do that. There are other ways too. At this stage of the game it's all about experimentation.

Here's what I'm noticing about my garden right now:

The smaller pots are giving me trouble! My Blue Dreams are in smaller, 3 gallon pots. I did that because I wanted to control the size of the plants, but they still got freakishly large. There were a lovely shade of green the day before easter, but now they're looking pretty punky, showing signs of starvation! The used up all the energy in the soil and the small pots can't really store enough energy the way I was feeding the soil, so I've had to modify that. The plants in the larger containers are still green and happy.
So, the takeaway is use large pots!

I'm fixing the Blue Dreams (I hope) by adding some good old fashioned salt-based ferts a time or two and re-dressing with rock powders. There's a picture of that a few posts up. Normally, I'd just cull the sick plants and move on, but I'm really wanting to learn a few things, so I'm experimenting.

If I were you, I'd do the following:

1.)mineralize soil
2.)Add humus to the soil (alaskan forest humus or equivalent)
3.)Use large pots
4.)water with natures' own, and an organic fert of some sort, fish hydrolysate would be just fine. I do not recommend brewing the tea with the fish ferts in it.....I did that once and there was no foam. Add it at after it's brewed.

Foliar feed with the fish....but stop when the buds start to get going. Re-dress with rock powders and micro's at the first sign of imperfection in the leaves.

The heavy duty foliars I'm using are friggin powerful, and I'm still learning how to use them, IE when to use bloomit vs Amaze, how much PGR, etc. I'm workin' on it.

Mineralizing the soil is a HUGE improvement. Use a large pot, make sure to have all the micro's in there by using something like Azomite or a Montromorillianite diatomaceous earth, brew microbial teas and feed the soil with some sort of organic fert once in a while and you'll be very happy.

Make sure you use an organic fert that must be broken down by the microbes: Biosol Forte, Fish Hydolysate, Alfalfa Meal, Cottonseed Meal....something like that. Perhaps add the alfalfa to the soil and let it cook with the rock powders for a month and feed with the fish? That would work.

The microbes ate up all the food in the 3 gallon pots! I used straight Black Gold potting soil, unammended, right out of the bag and they ran out of food! So, larger pots with a bit more energy is best.

Here's a thought:

These soil tests I run are assumed to be outdoor farming, not indoor container gardening. I'm thinking for small containers, the soil needs a bit more energy than it does outside, because the roots can only travel to far in search of food. Again, the large pots rock, the small ones lag.

All very interesting and useful information! Obviously I have a keen interest in your findings...

The soil energy with the small 3 liter pots could be why my plants haven't got the same sheen that yours did. I've been watching the girls closely and decided to fertilized them last night with hydrolyzed fish/seaweed fertilizer a bit ahead of schedule. They were still looking great though...I guess I had a feeling.

Once I see how they respond to this feeding I'll have a better idea how best to proceed, but it sounds like I'll be stepping up the fertilization schedule.

One thing I'll add on brewing teas is that each ingredient added or removed changes the balance of microbes and fungi. One of the books I was reading talked about the balance shifting from microbe dominated with EWC alone, microbe/fungi balanced with the addition of a fish emulsion, and fungi dominant which the addition of hydrolyzed fish. Alfalfa changes the balance as well...when you start combining things it's anyone's guess what you'll end up with. That's why I like Nature's Own, it takes the guesswork out of it! :thumb:

First Doc, let me just stay that those seem to be some amazing buds! :welldone:

All very interesting and useful information! Obviously I have a keen interest in your findings...

The soil energy with the small 3 liter pots could be why my plants haven't got the same sheen that yours did. I've been watching the girls closely and decided to fertilized them last night with hydrolyzed fish/seaweed fertilizer a bit ahead of schedule. They were still looking great though...I guess I had a feeling.

Once I see how they respond to this feeding I'll have a better idea how best to proceed, but it sounds like I'll be stepping up the fertilization schedule.

One thing I'll add on brewing teas is that each ingredient added or removed changes the balance of microbes and fungi. One of the books I was reading talked about the balance shifting from microbe dominated with EWC alone, microbe/fungi balanced with the addition of a fish emulsion, and fungi dominant which the addition of hydrolyzed fish. Alfalfa changes the balance as well...when you start combining things it's anyone's guess what you'll end up with. That's why I like Nature's Own, it takes the guesswork out of it! :thumb:


I like what you're sayin' bro!

I just smoked some Lemon Paki that was harvested on Monday. It's still in need of another 2 or 3 days on the wire before it goes into the turkey bag. You can get it going if you hold the lighter to it.

It tastes like steam, with a mild lemony-kushy taste.....very subtle but it's there. After the first hit my lips taste sweet and it gets stronger. A half hour after sharing about a gram with my wife, I have no cotton mouth and my lips and tongue taste sweet, almost like tobacco.

I've never tasted weed like this....either that of I'm having a brain disorder? My wife said the same thing. I've got to get this around to my stoner friends.

The effect: total creeper. It begins like a Sativa, clear headed, ultra clean.....and then your entire head gets warm and relaxed where a big smile feels like you're very relaxed. Then, about a half hour after that the body high kicks in but the head high stays strong right with it. I'm about an hour and 10 minutes into it.....this post is taking a while.

OK...downloading the pics. There's a shot of the tea foam, a bunch of bud porn and the usual stuff. A few pics really came out nice. I'll let anyone reading this decide which one they like, if any, but I definitely have a couple favorites.














The soil was fed throughout the grow, the plants get the color change as a normal part of senescence, in other words, that's kinda how it's supposed to look when it's approaching its genetic potential.
You had International AG labs test your soil? Could you please take a pic of the letter and post it? What kind of soil?

Yes the soil test was from ag labs. The test was from outdoor as I am going to put some outdoor as well this year. I said the crop was tomatoes like u suggested. I will post u a picture as soon as I get chance.
Doc, I don't know if this has any significance to you but I thought this was interesting so I thought I would share it.

Mineral balance seems to influence cannabinoid production. Krejci (1970) found increases related to unspecified "poor soil conditions". Haney and Kutcheid (1973) have shown the influence of soil K, P, Ca and N concentrations on Illinois Cannabis. They report a distinctly negative correlation between soil K and plant delta-9-THC content, although K-P interaction, N and Ca were positively correlated with it. These minerals were also shown to affect the production of CBD, delta-8-THC and cannabinol (CBN), although the latter two compounds are now thought to be spontaneous degradation products of delta-9-THC. Kaneshima et al. (1973) have demonstrated the importance of optimal Fe levels for plant synthesis of THC. Latta and Eaton (1975) reported Mg and Fe to be important for THC production, suggesting that these minerals may serve as enzyme co-factors. Coffman and Gentner (1975) also corroborated the importance of soil type and mineral content, and observed a significant negative correlation between plant height at harvest and THC levels. Interestingly, Marshman et al. (1976) report greater amounts of THC in Jamaican plants growing in "organically" enriched (vs. artificially fertilized) soils.
<<<<Chewing on a Carrot.....Ehhhh Whats up DOC!!! Lmao... I had to say it cause it make me crack up thinking about it :) All I gotta say about those buds is SsssswwweeeeeeeTTT!!!! ....I think I caught a buzz just looking at those photos!!!
Doc, I don't know if this has any significance to you but I thought this was interesting so I thought I would share it.

That's all very interesting! There's not enough information in what you posted to really draw any conclusions, but I can definitely say the following:

If you let the microbes feed the plants, you'll have a fantastic product. Not too much, not too little....just right. THC, CBN, CBD....all of that sorts itself out just fine.

With high brix growing, most of the "food' in the soil is unavailable to the plant, so in a sense the soil is "poor." The plants sends work orders to the microbes, which go out and do their thing, feeding the plant.

My Lemon Paki is crazy good this time. There's no comparing the flavor to anything I've smoked before. It tastes like weed-infused steam....smooth as breathing warm water vapor. The high is so damn clean, but powerful, and it leaves your lips coated with a sweet taste.

However, all of that aside, I'm not growing for THC content! I'm growing for taste, smell, pleasure in smoking and overall effect. I've used this analogy before, but I'd much rather sip a top shelf Anejo tequila than a tumbler of Everclear! The latter is much more "potent," for sure. But the tequila tastes delicious!

That's how I look at weed. It's not a means to get F'd's a pleasure like a fine wine, or distilled liquor and a fine cigar all at once. So far, the high brix road seems to produce the best tasting product. It's also plenty potent.
My seer rock dust and caco3 arrived today. Didn't know if you had seen it before here's what it says on back of the tub anyway :

Seer rock is 420 million year old scottish volcanic rock (420!! million years) freshly crushed to release a huge range of minerals and trace elements to remineralise your soil and compost.

Seer rock dust boosts fertility to grow bigger, tastier, healthier, organic vegetables and fruit. Rock dust is digested by micro organisms and worms to deposit worm cast rich in minerals to increase the mineral, microbial activity and natural fertility of the soil.

The CaCO3 is 4.8% Mg and 30.39% Ca

Both of these product was recommended by ag labs but I would value your views too.

Thanks again
My seer rock dust and caco3 arrived today. Didn't know if you had seen it before here's what it says on back of the tub anyway :

Seer rock is 420 million year old scottish volcanic rock (420!! million years) freshly crushed to release a huge range of minerals and trace elements to remineralise your soil and compost.

Seer rock dust boosts fertility to grow bigger, tastier, healthier, organic vegetables and fruit. Rock dust is digested by micro organisms and worms to deposit worm cast rich in minerals to increase the mineral, microbial activity and natural fertility of the soil.

The CaCO3 is 4.8% Mg and 30.39% Ca

Both of these product was recommended by ag labs but I would value your views too.

Thanks again

What's the name of your limestone?
Hey Doc would field marking lime work? It reads non caustic pulverized limestone. It also has a silica warning but no information on calcium%.
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