Auto Grow

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03-22-2014,-06:12 PM #10
420 Member

Join Date
Feb 2014
Re: Auto Pounder Grow
Hello, I've never personally grew that particular strain but I have grown with auto-flowering plants for close to 2 years now and I would like to share my experiences with you.

A pound with any cannabis plant is a growers dream! unfortunately ( and I am un fermillier with your strain) I do not think you will get vary close to 16 dry ounces, Trust me I don't like bursting bubbles but I have experienced and seen many auto-flowing cannabis grows.

One thing I can tell you the success rate of a auto-flowering plant is a lot harder to achieve then a Photo-period cannabis plant, Its not really harder but people go about growing them as if they were growing a photo-period plant and they are not.

I will try and hit all the key points that has made my auto-flowers produce close to 4-8 ounces most of the time ( my preferred auto-flower is the Pineapple Express)

Any type of High stress will murder your yield plain and simple, This plant is flipping through several growth stages (like the Photo-period) only difference is Auto-flowers do this much faster and while Super-cropping and topping etc works for Photo-period plants (mainly because they have time to recover!) It does not work for Auto-flowering plants, believe it or not letting it grow straight up and introducing no stress will land you Thick Dense and heavy colas.

The next point I want to make is Plant your auto-flowering plant in the pot it will be in its entire life! The root structure of a auto-flowering plant is much different then a photo-period (at first) in the fact that it sends its tap root straight down! and during this time you will get some good growth and you don't want to stop that by stressing it. Good advice would be a taller pot, this allows more time for the tap root to find its way to the bottom. ( I have a hydroponic Pineapple express started 2 days ago and just went into cube, Your more then welcome to come check it out in a week or so ill have pics of the tap root)

I can not stress enough how transplanting will hurt this plant, Once the tap root is established if you transplant she will start growing down all over again really screwing up ur plant.

Finally DO NOT start blooming nutrients un till you see bud formations, as the plant will start stretching and going through rapid growth but this is NOT the beginning of budding.

This is a type of plant you want to water it and forget about it till the next watering and let it grow. (even LSTing to one side is going to dramatically slow her growth down)

Please remember this is all information I have acquired while trying to grow auto's the first auto that I grew only give me an ounce because I did not know all of this and there was and still is vary limited info on the matter. So don't believe it just cause I said it, try it out yourself and come up with your own conclusion.

Ok that about wraps it up, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Ill be poking around your journal to see how you are doing

Hope everyone has a great day!here is some great info passed down to me from a grower on here a year a so ago.he posted this on page 1 of my auto pounder grow;) I applied all this info to the 3 autos on this grow.hope this helps some1 some day.peace;)hope this helps some auto growers grow bigger plants with bigger yields;)
Also like to say u can also follow all the instructions above but top ur auto very young at the 3rd node .no LST.just top once at 3rd node and let grow.this will ensure a big fat bushy lady and u will archive a masterpiece of an auto with a masterpiece 2 methods to go at folks .give it a try u won't be disapointed ) happy growing every;)
Well quick note.been to check on the autos tnite and give them a drink and noticed on all plants bud formation has been snipped away from the top of the plants.hit auto ultimate bad removing about 10 bud sites .this makes me sad all my hard work and some1 hurting my ladies.sure this will set all plants back a bit in pace due to shock. Not a happy gardener:(
Thanks alot golfer;) i have not used those pots I'm just using normal pots.u could cut the bottom of the pot off and sit in a bigger deeper pot and shouldn't show any stress this way;)
Good day all its bag seed update so here we go. 6 weeks of flower today
.been swelling well in this last week .leaves yellowing a lot and dropping off bottom of plants.but all leafs around all bud sites are happy healthy green so I'm positive there enough good leaf on her to see her till the end of her life .here she is;)
And canopy shots.will update this lady in a weeks time.happy growing every;)
I have a feeling the buds of this plant are going to be huge in 2 weeks time she is under 600 hps with a new bulb a few weeks ago.that's when she will get the chop in 2 weeks 2 and a half week at max. as a family holiday is coming up.time was against me from day 1 but she looks like she will reward me for the love I have given her;) good day all:)
Also got to mention 3 days ago i did do back building on all buds of this plant I do this to all my flowering ladies:) .if u havnt heard of this just look up LA,s back building ;) good day all
I see ur point ganjazz I can leave her 2 and half week more that's the max I'm sure she will deliver the goods fatten right up these last few weeks.thanks for the kind works mate;)
Also like to say u can also follow all the instructions above but top ur auto very young at the 3rd node .no LST.just top once at 3rd node and let grow.this will ensure a big fat bushy lady and u will archive a masterpiece of an auto with a masterpiece 2 methods to go at folks .give it a try u won't be disapointed ) happy growing every;)

Thats some good info/advice ,together with post from M1DRAGONACE :thumb:

Will be a reminder for next auto grow, probably stressed my plants, there week 8 and should be ready in 8-9 weeks.
Did LST, little defol and transplanted 2 times.

Two plants stayed rather small,2 still not good into flower, and other have bud growth very uneven.
Thanks mate .we all make mistakes as we are still learning.what makes u a better run mate ur armed and ready to grow some monster autos .or doing a good job mate keep it up;)
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