Candida CBD, DWC And The Goliath West Hippie Grows

As I progress at 420 Magazine finally took the plunge into CBD and it’s time to make my own and thank you goes to @InTheShed for the seeds .
Dropped 3 seeds as I was going to keep a mother . 2 jumped out the hole on the 9th and 10th of September.
Added some of the PB Nutrients 2 mL a gallon on the 14th x 6 gallon cloner .
Green is Candida
Blue Blue Dream
123 is Candy Kush

Here is the Candida above ground

Taking off

Up potting to its final destination

That was five days ago here’s now pics unfortunately after I upped there grams gallon to six grams I ruffled there leaves .

Here’s the guys of the cloner , I use a double stick tape for the air assembly and will last through a whole grow .

Looks great! How tall do the Candida grow?
Looks great! How tall do the Candida grow?
I believe it’s the same as any grow as just how large I want her to be . I’ll Provably do six to seven weeks as I’m in need of CBD .
Nearly four weeks since busting out of the rockwool. Time to start with the numbers. Lazy as I’ve gotten I put the hydro guard in and left Z7 out . All three yeah the other candy kush also root gunk as we all know slows growth . I’ll put a pic at the end of the post .
#1 day 27 of life. #2
TDS 812 ppm. TDS 883 ppm
Water level down 1/4 gallon (same here
Water temp 73.4 f. 73.2 f
PH 5.6 making me lazier. 5.8
Canopy temp 75.8 f
Room temp 75.4 f
Room RH 55.9 lost my humidifier in need of new one .
Outside Temp 85 f
Outside RH 37% mornings are 90% is why I’m still in the safe zone .
Wind N 9 mph
3:39 pm

Mucked up

10/07/23 day 28 since life
The roots appear cleared up , the mistake most don’t do is flush the enzyme through the basket because if there is muck on the roots more than likely is in the basket also . I give these girls two more days before they take off again .

#1 Candida
TDS 752 ppm was 812 ppm? Falling
Water level Static
Water temp 72.3 f
PH 5.6 was 5.8 Rising

#2 Candida
TDS 863 ppm was 883 ppm Falling
Water level Static
Water temp 72.5 f
PH 5.8 Static

Canopy Temp 76.1 f
Room Temp 73.4 f
Room RH 55.4 %
Outside temp 66 f
Outside RH 33% what I’m dealing with
Wind N 13 gusting
Nutrients MC , MSA and 1-0-0 calmag
Protection Z7 & Hydroguard
Time of check 11:55 am

Trying to load yesterday’s pic , okay done .
Have a great weekend.

Nice clean up down there!

Candida likes to produce tons of lower flowers which won't be a problem since you're going to capsules, but a nice thinning before flip will really help with airflow at the bottom.
I noticed the lower limbs are as long as the top . I’ll get a pic tomorrow I can’t see it in that pic . Pretty thin right now from me letting the muck gunk in . In the pic we can see Z7 slowed bubbling way down cleaning the mess up . I tied the top down on the bigger girl in hopes they get closer since there one day apart .
10/08/23 day 29
Sunday hope everyone is having a great day.
Something is going on on the tops , maybe the light ? Candy loves it ?

#1 Candida
TDS 754 ppm was 752 Rising? That’s?
Water level static
Water temp 68.7 sure this slowed them
PH 5.8 Static

#2 Candida
TDS 834 ppm was 863 ppm Falling
Water level static
PH 5.8 Static

Canopy temp 73.2 f
Room Temp 70.5 f
Room RH 60.3
Outside temp 69 f
Outside RH 37% I have inkbird control and I have it set to 65% but I just have the humidifier barely on as two days to empty it , as I have saturated my girls before with the light on .
Wind S 6 mph
Time of check 11:35 am

I remember that Amy used to see her Candidas droop during the most intense sun of the day so that might account for it, but is something eating that lower leaf?
I came in yesterday morning and saw that but my portable microscope was dead . I hit the water with SNS 209 and saturated them with safer soap . I guess the 36” away with the Goliath is still too much . I’ll change the light a little later to the P 4000 so we can control the light as I’m not going for two pounds . It’s just the top nodes drooping the lowers are standing up to it . Or it’s the spider mites as I saw in the microscope.
In veg I would just hit the leaves with neem every 3 days and skip the water additives. Dunno about in water but I had aphids on my soil plants even after two weeks of daily watering with 209.
I believe I finally ended the spider mites , girls look much better but the safer soap made it look like calcium deficiency on the infected leaves . The candy kush has nothing on it not even a nip off a leaf and it’s next to them .


The girls look a little darker at lunch , i microscoped all over these girls and couldn’t find no more mites but found three dead gnats . I safer soaped them first before InTheShed guided me to the neem which I had to go back to town to get some and Atwood’s was closest . As I went through the Candy Kush grow every two weeks I added 209 but now I’m thinking the mites and gnats don’t like candy kush , nice . I sprayed Candy once in flower with the soap and fried my girls hairs and probably didn’t need it and the bud wash there where no bugs in it either . Here’s today’s pic .

Yeah, try to kill everything now so you don't have to use anything in flower if you can help it. If you do have to, try Dr Bronner's unscented castille soap spray (4Tbs/gallon) in flower at lights out.
I called the bug doc he’ll be here in the morning. I went out there 20 minutes ago and friggin ant covered in DE was killing over . As I found out before got to stop them on the outside also , so I’ll let him do his magic . Plus I’ll get the Castile soap , not positive but I think Atwood’s had it .
Sorry everyone good ole copd and smoking don’t mix . Thought after the first day no cough then second day no cough and same with the third day . Fourth morning coughing in my sleep and couldn’t hold my head up . Have been in the pool hop for last five days , faded out for two days but this ass don’t give up so still here.
Came home this morning to a nightmare every leaf was covered with mites little cob webs everywhere. Thanks to InTheShed I bought the pure castle soap and check before sitting down to write this . I turned the lights out and soaked them like being in a rain storm. Question though do I need to rinse this soap off like the safer brand?
The girls look horrible but there screaming save me which we are on our way . I turned the room temp down to 68f before I got sick and I believe that’s why all the mites were sunning with the light, the top of the leaves were covered . When I went back out to check just a few mites were in site and I plucked them nothing on the bottom sides . Heading out to get some pics of the damage wasn’t thinking earlier and forgot my temp phone , evident I passed out and broke my phone so I told mama to order some galaxy phones , must have been the biggest they have cause the checking account says $3700 to Verizon or maybe Snow got one to . Oh well shit happens all part of being old .



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