Cola Monster's Perpetual Solo Cup Grow Feat: ViparSpectra's P2000's x 2

Afternoon SO! :high-five: Question for ya if I may? What type of supplements are you using in conjunction with the @GeoFlora Nutrients Bloom? I can't recall what @Emilya Green told me to pick up during the bloom phase.:lot-o-toke: Was it Bud Candy by chance?
I hope so because I just bought a quart at my local hydro store but haven't opened it yet since I wasn't sure if that's what she said. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Cola Bud Candy would have been a fine choice but I went with Sweet Candy on Em's recommendation. That once a week isn't supposed to kill my micro herd off. It's working so far. Bud Candy looks great for an organic grow!
How's it going mates?:passitleft:

I wanted to chime in real quick to say hi first and secondly to dispel the myth that I quit the forum which just isn't the case although I will be away for a short time in order to address some personal health issues that have cropped back up in my life recently. I would never just up and leave my 420 family behind without having a rational minded explanation at hand which I don't of course since I have zero problems with anyone at 420 Magazine. I have nothing but cannabis love and the utmost respect for all of you here!:love::hug::high-five:

Now as I informed Rob in private the reason for me abruptly signing off last week was because I suffered another mini-stroke according to my research that was brought on by not only the bright light and intense heat outside but my computer screen of all things. I was sitting at my computer trying to embed a video to my journal which I was having difficulties doing for some odd reason and boom out of the blue my vision started going blurry and with me getting dizzy to where I couldn't even stand up or keep my balance and why I signed out for the first time in years and then contacted my physician to make an appointment to hopefully deal with this problem if at all possible. Supposedly looking at a computer screen for long periods of time can cause some people with prior vision problems (me it's glaucoma) to have an ocular stroke and my physician warned me about years ago but didn't really think twice about it until experiencing it first hand which in the end is/was my bad for not listening.

Unfortunately this is my future as long as it lasts in which I didn't want to bother any of you good folks here at 420 Magazine with my personal health problems and especially since there is nothing anyone can do to help with my medical conditions and I hope all of you understand.
I've always been a very quiet and private person who keeps to myself and as such I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer as the saying goes bringing everyone down when you should all be living your lives in peace and harmony growing your gardens of green.
I really hope that makes sense like it did in my head since both my reading and writing skills have been affected by the strokes I had a few years ago with me having to read things over and over again until it finally sinks in and the same goes for my writing skills as well in which the words no longer flow like they used too and why I try my best these days to avoid people all together in real life so as not to come off as an imbecile which is how I feel sometimes when I can't find the words to describe what it is I'm talking about.

And please no sad face emojis or anything like that since I, like all of you I expect, know that we all live and then die which is all part of the cycle of life in which when I pass away someday I want those who knew me best to celebrate my life on this earth not mourn my death.:Namaste:

Have a great night my friends and take good care. Be back soon!
Hoping for the best Mr. Monster. 😑
...seems to me, we all go packsack once in a while for whatever reasons...when it's for health reasons, it's always a cause for concern...I've always appreciated your contributions to the mag, and hope your health issues improve, so you can continue to do wishes CM...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...
I would never look at it as you bothering me if you needed someone to talk to about things. I hope you get feeling better; this place seems weird without you around. :)
I second that!

Best wishes brother. I hope you feel better soon
Hoping for the best Mr. Monster. 😑
Thinking of you CM. Sending best vibes.
...seems to me, we all go packsack once in a while for whatever reasons...when it's for health reasons, it's always a cause for concern...I've always appreciated your contributions to the mag, and hope your health issues improve, so you can continue to do wishes CM...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...
Love your work and privileged I had you in my journals . Best wishes Cola Monster
I hope the docs get a good handle on what's happening in that incredible noggin of yours CM, but all we'll do is miss you so take your time healing. We'll be here whenever you think it's okay to stop by again.


Thanks for all the :love: and support everyone, it warms my herb loving heart having kind decent folk like yourselves in my corner.:high-five:

And on that note, here's a long photo update of the girls from both my indoor and outdoor gardens in which my outdoor gals suffered a bit during this last heatwave but in the end pulled through like the troopers they are.:ganjamon:

Thanks again everyone and have a wonderful night!:green_heart:
Thanks for all the :love: and support everyone, it warms my herb loving heart having kind decent folk like yourselves in my corner.:high-five:

And on that note, here's a long photo update of the girls from both my indoor and outdoor gardens in which my outdoor gals suffered a bit during this last heatwave but in the end pulled through like the troopers they are.:ganjamon:

Thanks again everyone and have a wonderful night!:green_heart:
WOW-WOW-WOW Those are Beautiful. :thumb:
Hi Cola Bud Candy would have been a fine choice but I went with Sweet Candy on Em's recommendation. That once a week isn't supposed to kill my micro herd off. It's working so far. Bud Candy looks great for an organic grow!
Morning Stone,
My apologizes for now responding sooner which I hope you understand.;)

I'm returning the Bud Candy that I purchased last week at my hydro store and going with the Sweet Candy like yourself which so far seems to be working great although I think I've been over feeding my girls by using it twice a week instead of once.
My plants need to be watered everyday and sometimes twice on really hot days so I figured two feedings a week wouldn't hurt. (knock on wood)

Hope all is well my friend and have a great day!:Namaste:
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