Contest By Herbies Seeds!

Herbies Seeds

420 Sponsor
Hey, wanna some Runtz Punch? 😎

It’s a perfect strain for breaking tolerance in any seasoned stoners 😉

I bet you do! ;)

So here's the deal - to enter this contest and become one of two winners of 1 pack x 5 seeds of Runtz Punch by Herbies Seeds you have to describe your best grow ever right here 🌱🌱🌱

It’s our first contest on 420 Magazine and we’re super excited about this 🤩

Important details (please read carefully before leaving a comment):
  1. Prizes: 1 pack x 5 seeds per winner (Runtz Punch by Herbies Seeds, 2 winners)
  2. All entries must be done no later than November 17, 00:00 PDT and the results will be announced on November 18
  3. Two winners will be chosen by Herbies Team
  4. One entry per member
  5. Tag @Herbies Seeds in your story comment
  6. Members must have a minimum of 50 posts
  7. Please be sure that your country is on our shipping list
  8. Contestants and then winners don't pay for anything
  9. The contest will be moderated by @Herbies Seeds
We wish you all good luck! 🏆

Herbies 💚
I went to Amsterdam in 1997. I was fast determined to get stoned but also to buy some magic beans and grow at home. I knew nothing about strains but when I went to Sensi Seed Bank I chose something called Black Domina because it sounded cool.
Well at home I planted all the beans and grew them out. A friend came by and asked for a clone so I gave him one from the saddest looking plant since he was just going to place it in a window anyway and I already took clones from the more vigorous plants. Some weeks later I got the heads up about other grower that knew me getting busted and singing like a bird so everything had to go in the trash same day.
I was sad but after moving to another town I visited my friend and in his window I saw a small squat plant struggling under weight of what looked like sugar cubes. It had massive fan leaves for its size. That was the clone I gave him.
I asked for a clone of that and after re-veging it became a mother to legendary weed that I grew and we enjoyed for years.

@Herbies Seeds Thank you for the giveaway
Hey, wanna some Runtz Punch? 😎

It’s a perfect strain for breaking tolerance in any seasoned stoners 😉

I bet you do! ;)

So here's the deal - to enter this contest and become one of two winners of 1 pack x 5 seeds of Runtz Punch by Herbies Seeds you have to describe your best grow ever right here 🌱🌱🌱

It’s our first contest on 420 magazine and we’re super excited about this 🤩

Important details (please read carefully before leaving a comment):
  1. Prizes: 1 pack x 5 seeds per winner (Runtz Punch by Herbies Seeds, 2 winners)
  2. All entries must be done no later than November 17, 00:00 PDT and the results will be announced on November 18
  3. Two winners will be chosen by Herbies Team
  4. One entry per member
  5. Tag @Herbies Seeds in your story comment
  6. Members must have a minimum of 50 posts
  7. Please be sure that your country is on our shopping list
  8. Contestants and then winners don't pay for anything
  9. The contest will be moderated by @Herbies Seeds
We wish you all good luck! 🏆

Herbies 💚
Question? How are the winners determined via rule #3? My best plants I've grown was a Runtz Muffin from Barneys!! Do I need to post up pics of a previous Barneys Farm Runtz Muffin grow?? Anyways that was some of my best grown plants!!

I like any Runtz Cross.. I guess that's my best grow story. As I don't mention most of my grows or plants on this site. Just usually when I have a grow journal. @Herbies Seeds
Hello @Herbies Seeds.

While this post may seem "self-serving" here goes!

It's really hard to say what qualifies as my "best grow ever." However, one of my best recent grows just happens to be with one of your seeds, a Black Cherry Punch that I purchased from you earlier this year.

The initial plant was very impressive. She was super healthy and ended up being one of my favorite hits! I did a smoke report on her HERE.

But what really blew me away were the results I got from the 2 clones I grew from her. I did LST training on one of them and the other was left to grow naturally.

The untrained one ended up smaller than the trained one, but both of them were straight fire that, IMO, outshined their mom!

Untrained Black Cherry Punch clone at the end of life:


Trained Black Cherry Punch clone at the end of life:


I let the trained one flower for 100 days. So when I took her down she had plenty of amber trichomes!

The two clones yielded 8+ ounces once dried.

This is some fantastic weed. Super tasty and highly effective!

Since I consider myself one of the "seasoned stoners" you mention in your intro, perhaps a Runtz Punch is just what I need right about now.

If given the opportunity I would do my best to show them at their best!

Thank you for giving us this contest.

@Herbies Seeds
@Herbies Seeds , what a great contest. Kind of funny this starts now when I'm starting 2 GG Auto's today that were part of my recent Herbie's order. Hopefully, it will turn out to be my best grow ever.
But for now my best grow ever, was the last grow I did. I discovered SIP Buckets & wow, was I impressed. I grew an Aurora Indica with around 6 weeks of Veg that pulled over 20 oz. It was just amazing to me. I tried to pull a pound from one plant for 5 years & never could. First grow in a SIP & I got 1.25 lbs. I'm hooked on SIP's.... lol. I'm doing the 2 GG Auto's in SIP's too. One in Coco & One in FFOF using Geo Flora Nutes for comparison.
This Aurora Indica inspired several members to try out SIP's. One member, @Azimuth even started a SIP Club thread it's gotten so popular. Here is the Aurora Indica I grew. Still smokin' on her today !

@Herbies Seeds , what a great contest. Kind of funny this starts now when I'm starting 2 GG Auto's today that were part of my recent Herbie's order. Hopefully, it will turn out to be my best grow ever.
But for now my best grow ever, was the last grow I did. I discovered SIP Buckets & wow, was I impressed. I grew an Aurora Indica with around 6 weeks of Veg that pulled over 20 oz. It was just amazing to me. I tried to pull a pound from one plant for 5 years & never could. First grow in a SIP & I got 1.25 lbs. I'm hooked on SIP's.... lol. I'm doing the 2 GG Auto's in SIP's too. One in Coco & One in FFOF using Geo Flora Nutes for comparison.
This Aurora Indica inspired several members to try out SIP's. One member, @Azimuth even started a SIP Club thread it's gotten so popular. Here is the Aurora Indica I grew. Still smokin' on her today !

Yowza! That's a lot of weed Buds!

I see the SIPs beginning to trend here on 420 and it's clear why that is happening! :Rasta:
Hmm hard to pick between my grows. My Black Domina from a few years back had my biggest yield of 1723g, but I’m real proud of my recent Golden Tiger - Ace Seeds. @Herbies Seeds

I think the main reason why I picked this plant was because I followed through on the plant to finish. Lost my dog, out of a job for a while and wasn’t in a good mental place, but i was determined on this one. It took 8 weeks of veg and then another 18 weeks to finish flowering. This was also my first real attempt at growing a straight up 100% Sativa, 380g(wet) 139g dried. I had their KILLER A5 HAZE growing as well, but I let it get away on me. (Still an awesome smoke, even after my mess up) Not that I didn’t have moments with Golden Tiger as you can see all my fan leaves shrivelled up on me, but she got fat. She smells like rotten mandarine oranges and taste close too it with a hint of spice, and is super sticky. Not too trippy after 2 bowls but 3 or 4 and you’re in for a fun ride. Just make sure you have food/snacks nearby because you’re gonna wanna demolish something and a lot of that something. Good on my inflammation in my legs after a shift at work and well see how it does for a golf game tomorrow ;)

Mine is the one I've got going right now, a The Black from BC Bud Depot. I've grown it from cuttings lots of time but this round there are several major improvements. I grow in a cabinet and just retrofitted an old TV armoire to house my current grow and the height of my flower box has nearly doubled to 36" (1m) :laughtwo: .

Next, the new spacious room has allowed me to go to flower with  much larger pots, so I'm now up to using 2 gallon buckets! :laughtwo:

But, like @Buds Buddy mentioned in his post, for me it's the SIP structure that is the real game changer. It's a fully organic grow and I've never had the stacking of buds or the health and vigor of a plant in my life.

This is the second plant to go through the flower box but the first had a mite issue and never really did very well. It was a Northern Lights #5 so I was a bit disappointed but I've got another of it coming up next.

Thanks, @Herbies Seeds for your sponsorship of our great community. It's because of the support of our sponsors that we have this great space to explore all things cannabis.
I’ve got to say that my best grow ever was my very first grow, back in the 1970’s in Humboldt County. I made a greenhouse and planted some seeds of various kinds, Indica and some Sativas. My soil was excellent, consisting of a sandy loam fortified with soil from an old chicken coop. I had one plant that I had to cut into 4 pieces to get it through a standard door! I enjoyed that cannabis for over a year. It was really fun to grow and started me on a long and satisfying hobby I’ve enjoyed for over 45 years!
Thank you for this contest @Herbies Seeds -
My best grow is the one I'm harvesting now. I only grow outdoors in soil and finish up in my Green house. The first three grows were not great but I learned. At 71 I have to learn pretty quick. I used homemade organic soil and finally tried proper fertilizer - what a difference. Really looking forward to next year, more seeds, more experiments!!!
I had a pretty good golf game today even with all the winds. Golden Tiger was not my jam, but it was for my golf buddy. Thankfully I also brought Gorilla Zkittlez and she is PERFECT for golfing as I’m mellow, focus and loose. Too jittery on Golden Tiger, and too bad I was driving or I might of had an amazing game had I smoked through all 18 Holes. I’m not gonna complain cause it was shorts and t-shirt fucking golfing weather in Fucking November in Southern Ontario. Could of done without the wind though but fuck today was great:dreamy:
I'm getting out for 18 holes on Monday. Temps are predicted to be 78F!:yahoo:

I can't play after I smoke. Only tried it once and "complete disaster" is a mild description of what happened. :laughtwo:
I'm getting out for 18 holes on Monday. Temps are predicted to be 78F!:yahoo:

I can't play after I smoke. Only tried it once and "complete disaster" is a mild description of what happened. :laughtwo:

Now I’m no golf pro either so each and every game feels like a small disaster :laughtwo: Although as soon as I toked on some of my Gorilla Zkittlez, I was playing the best golf in ages. Almost opened all first 3 holes on the back 9 with a par and into some nasty wind. I always say I won’t play this awful game ever again. . . unless I get at least 1 par. I had I believe 5 or 6 yesterday, and so I wish you a good game come Tomorrow and may the golfing gods and Mother Nature play nice with you too
Question? How are the winners determined via rule #3? My best plants I've grown was a Runtz Muffin from Barneys!! Do I need to post up pics of a previous Barneys Farm Runtz Muffin grow?? Anyways that was some of my best grown plants!!

I like any Runtz Cross.. I guess that's my best grow story. As I don't mention most of my grows or plants on this site. Just usually when I have a grow journal. @Herbies Seeds

Hey there!

We believe that everyone has their own best grow story and it could be different - one could bring crazy yield, the other one could end up with a dead plant but wonderful emotions. It depends! So that's why we haven't added any additional requirements - everyone is welcome to share their stories about best grow and describe, why it is "the best". We will pick 2, which will be liked by the most of our team after voting 🙂

And we will of course share our feedback on why those stories have been chosen.

I’ve got to say that my best grow ever was my very first grow, back in the 1970’s in Humboldt County. I made a greenhouse and planted some seeds of various kinds, Indica and some Sativas. My soil was excellent, consisting of a sandy loam fortified with soil from an old chicken coop. I had one plant that I had to cut into 4 pieces to get it through a standard door! I enjoyed that cannabis for over a year. It was really fun to grow and started me on a long and satisfying hobby I’ve enjoyed for over 45 years!

Hi there! If you want to enter the contest you should tag @Herbies Seeds in your post :)
Well I'll try it again, correctly, @Herbies Seeds Thanks!

I’ve got to say that my best grow ever was my very first grow, back in the 1970’s in Humboldt County. I made a greenhouse and planted some seeds of various kinds, Indica and some Sativas. My soil was excellent, consisting of a sandy loam fortified with soil from an old chicken coop. I had one plant that I had to cut into 4 pieces to get it through a standard door! I enjoyed that cannabis for over a year. It was really fun to grow and started me on a long and satisfying hobby I’ve enjoyed for over 45 years!
Hey, wanna some Runtz Punch? 😎

It’s a perfect strain for breaking tolerance in any seasoned stoners 😉

I bet you do! ;)

So here's the deal - to enter this contest and become one of two winners of 1 pack x 5 seeds of Runtz Punch by Herbies Seeds you have to describe your best grow ever right here 🌱🌱🌱

It’s our first contest on 420 magazine and we’re super excited about this 🤩

Important details (please read carefully before leaving a comment):
  1. Prizes: 1 pack x 5 seeds per winner (Runtz Punch by Herbies Seeds, 2 winners)
  2. All entries must be done no later than November 17, 00:00 PDT and the results will be announced on November 18
  3. Two winners will be chosen by Herbies Team
  4. One entry per member
  5. Tag @Herbies Seeds in your story comment
  6. Members must have a minimum of 50 posts
  7. Please be sure that your country is on our shipping list
  8. Contestants and then winners don't pay for anything
  9. The contest will be moderated by @Herbies Seeds
We wish you all good luck! 🏆

Herbies 💚
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