Cultivator's Perpetual Grows Return

Wow. Awesome looking plants. Very dialed grow.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Ye they are pretty tall an since I thinned the bottoms they ain't got as much to support em I ain't never done the bamboo the thing sounds time consuming what about leaving em until week 5 then opening em up a bit as you do then just throw a net over the tops

Details mate.

Farming is time consuming but done correctly its gives better results. all i do is put 4 or 5 canes in each pot then tie loosely the heavier flowers.

Thining the bottoms doesnt weaken support, it strengthens it mate. Less crap to hold, better aiflow. Difference is the weight is all at the tops where hou want it.
Thanks cult I no they ain't weaker cuz I thinned em out I ment cuz all the shit they had on before was wedging them into each other so they couldent fall over do ya think having longer buds is down to thinning plants out or more to do with strain I have grown this strain before an can't remember them being as long I take it all ya words of wisdom
It's a shame ya decided against the auto feed system I was hoping on that one lol
HAPPY 420 Cultivator :blunt:



Hey C I have a quick q... My kush is just about to start week 6. I gave her light feeds for half this week as you recommended. Noticed yday that the pistils are starting to change colour. Breeder sez it's a 9-10 week strain so I've based my feed cycle off that. Since the pistils are changing now should I switch to Overdrive week 6 instead of 7 or stick with the big bud for another week?
Hey C I have a quick q... My kush is just about to start week 6. I gave her light feeds for half this week as you recommended. Noticed yday that the pistils are starting to change colour. Breeder sez it's a 9-10 week strain so I've based my feed cycle off that. Since the pistils are changing now should I switch to Overdrive week 6 instead of 7 or stick with the big bud for another week?

Sometimes if you have been heavy on pk pistils can change early and i often have this issue. I give 5 to 7 days light feeding. 1/4 strength.

I dont use big bud or overdrive, its been a long long time since i used them. but if its 9-10 week strain i would try hold off another week if poss. Dont be in a rush to get next stage done. overdrive is primarily to pack density on and that mostly happens last 2 weeks of flower.

Without seeing pic is difficult to say mate. But try hold back as the overdrive will force plant to finish sooner and thats not necessarily a good thing.
Overdrive is used after bud blood I think you start it week 5. Bud blood is week 3-4. I think you should be fine using it now.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Sometimes if you have been heavy on pk pistils can change early and i often have this issue. I give 5 to 7 days light feeding. 1/4 strength.

I dont use big bud or overdrive, its been a long long time since i used them. but if its 9-10 week strain i would try hold off another week if poss. Dont be in a rush to get next stage done. overdrive is primarily to pack density on and that mostly happens last 2 weeks of flower.

Without seeing pic is difficult to say mate. But try hold back as the overdrive will force plant to finish sooner and thats not necessarily a good thing.

I'll grab a pic when I get home so you can see. My gut sez wait but it's been almost 1.5 years since I ran a photo so I'm second guessing myself at every turn. Thanks as always for sharing the wealth of knowledge you've stashed inside your head! :thumb::high-five:
Heres a few pics of my Alien flood an drain set up.

Transplanted the seedlings today. They look healthy but there were sprayed with powerful spidermite pesticide last week due too problems in this space which also spred to other rooms. I dont like pesticides but this was necessary. I dont recommend spraying seedlings or young clones at all if you can help it as it can cause mutations. The pesticide will be long cleaned from the plant by the end of the cycle.

The strain is Power Plant. Nutes for week 1 veg are as follows:

Ph Perfect gmb 1.5ec
B-52 1.5ml/l
voodoo juice 2ml/l
Roots excellurator 0.3ml/l
great white mycorrhizae applied direct to root ball
Sensizym 4ml/l (double dose as pebbles are reused)
superthrive couple drops per 4 litres

ph 5.8







30 plants under 9 600w hps with dimmable digital ballasts and 1m parabolic shades. large carbon filter attached to 12in 2300cfm rvk fan for extraction.

Plants are bent over to start training.

Oh and Alien hydroponics sent me a new brain unit as had issues with last one not flooding.
Great updates mate them dam spider mites are a nightmare I've sprayed with everything an brought a sulphur burner which they seemed to be wiped out an noticed last week there back in full force it don't help I got temps far to high but I'm 5 weeks into flower so don't fink there's a lot can be done I've come to the conclusion once ya get the bastards they allways there waiting to pop up
Can ya do a before and after trim pic
I supported my garden as you said I hope they fatten up there stacked but not that fat
Great updates mate them dam spider mites are a nightmare I've sprayed with everything an brought a sulphur burner which they seemed to be wiped out an noticed last week there back in full force it don't help I got temps far to high but I'm 5 weeks into flower so don't fink there's a lot can be done I've come to the conclusion once ya get the bastards they allways there waiting to pop up
Can ya do a before and after trim pic
I supported my garden as you said I hope they fatten up there stacked but not that fat
How big is your grow? I've had great luck with UV-B bulbs killing mites. Reptile UVB150 works great about $30 US. They will cover about 2x2 area per bulb. No spraying or mess.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
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