Cultivator's Return - Multiple Grows

Hi cult just a quick question mate. I run my clones under 4 x 15w fluros on 24hrs til they root then 18/6 until tents finished and they go under 2x600w hps. Ive never had an issue until my last run. My clones started flowering under the fluros for some reason. Had to re veg them once they wemt in tent and they took off nicely. Only thing i can think is i need to replace 15w globes so they continue to veg. Would this be correct? Thanks in advance. Your knowledge and help on this site is 2nd to none.
So whats going on everyone?

I have been mega busy and updates have been sparse but I will try get them more regular now as things settle down for me.

First I had started a new grow. 3 tents each with 8 plants each and 1 600w mh to get things started in each tent. I hadn't been to grow and was assured everything was fine but the plants have out grown their space. I will cut them back and add 3 600w has to each tent to accelerate their growth and get them flowered. This is the green poison im talking about. Theres also a couple dozen still in small pots that are ridiculously stretchy but I will cut them back and pot them up and they will be cool.

Just realised I don't have any pics of the bigger plants but I will get some up tomorrow.

Then we have my 9 light room, its looking good at 6.5 weeks in. I don't think these will go past 9 weeks.

And I have just pruned up the Amnesia and Armageddon at 3 weeks.

I have couple vids that will show better. I will post them shortly.
Yeah. I mean theres strategy to it but I don't worry if I snap a branch or 2. different in a smaller space where you have the time to be neat. I don't look at it as a plant to plant basis. I just look to see if canopy is full and even. So some plants produce more than others but as long as the status quo is met its good. I hate gaps in the canopy as thats wasted light and wasted electricity but I don't want it over full.
Thanks for the kind words again everyone. Im soft at heart and def been run down lately.

So good news on the podcast, im arranging to start it for definite in 2 weeks time. I will run live on a sat or sun and time still to be decided. I haven't decided whether or not to run it on iTunes as a radio style podcast or youtube as a video style. Im useless with technology but spoke with a friend of mine today who is a pro athlete and does his own podcast. He has given me some excellent pointers.

Firstly my podcasts will be free in the beginning but after im thinking of charging £1.99 per month or $1.99 per month once its running. How would people feel about that and would you pay for the content? Its not even about money but he made some very valid points to me today. The main one being that I have spent a long time perfecting my craft and he believes that alone is worth some compensation if im going to share more information. I personally feel a little uncomfortable with it but im interested in what you guys thoughts are on that.

Id fill my podcasts with lots content and 'how to's'. Also interview people from diff parts of the industry. In Europe im very well known and feel I have a lot to bring to the table. Ive brought my journals here for 9 years for free and enjoyed most of it and made some great friends and learned an awful lot myself. However im not in good health and its time to start really sharing my knowledge more in case the worst ever happened. It would be good to leave something positive behind that people can learn from and grow from and avoid the many pitfalls that come with growing this plant, especially at a commercial level where there are traps everywhere including thieves, police and even jealous twats that want to have a piece of your hard earned paper.

I have a good idea of how I will run it now and I won't hide my face. If I do it, I do it for real and im actually really excited about it. So please give me some more feedback on the type of show you want and what you would pay, if anything and id be very grateful if you asked other members or friends here on the forum to add some feed back to the discussion.

Im going away for a week tomorrow to try and heal up and destress so I might not be online as I don't know if there will be internet where im staying. If there is I will be here but if not you will hear from me next week.


Hi Cult !

First of all I hope you will recover fully from how you are feeling. Have you already started taking Cannabis Oil like you said you would in one of your previous threads ?

Second thing is I would definitely pay to see your podcasts but only if done through Youtube as I do not use itunes. You should try and do something like THE GROW BOSS does. I don't know if you've ever heard of him. He's in Las Vegas and charges 80$ for a one hour skype or phone consultation where you can ask all your questions and send your pictures prior to the chat and he will advise you on what's best (he wrote a book as well called "The grow guide" that's very user friendly with many pictures. I did one time and never would do it again but that's just because he's the most unpleasant person to ever speak to which I know you aren't like that by the way you write here and talk in your videos. I could help you develop a strategy for that if you need some advice and I'm sure many other people will let you know of ideas they would have in that field.

Have a blessed day chief !
Heres a few pics of some Amnesia Haze I started from seed. They are 23days into 12/12. Looking great. However I may have to take these down at 8 or 9 weeks as im losing the grow spot they are at which is a bummer. they look amazing but need at least 11weeks of flower to be at their best. 8 or 9 weeks is way too early but my hand may be forced. Anyway see what happens.

Also my podcast will go live on Sunday 29th April and will be available on iTunes, SoundCloud and Youtube. I will post more details at the end of the week. It will be free content so please join me or listen later and give me a like if you would please. Remember im also on instagram as cultivator420. I will continue to deliver content and help out on 420mag also, this will just be an expansion of what I do already. I like to share what ive learned in 18years growing, 19 sorry, so long lol. World is so different now and you new guys have it so easy, info is easy to access now, just make sure you take it from people with the real experience and not the book worms!
Will definitely be tunned in. You should really think about doing paid phone consultations like THE GROW BOSS (How To Grow Marijuana | The Grow Boss). Just to give you an example I would be willing to pay 80$ for an hour chat where you would answers questions personally and I'm sure a lot of people would. I know you like helping out but getting paid for knowledge is only fair. ✌️
Its def an interesting option. id never thought of that. But hes a Donkey. Everything is $$$$ for him. I don't like the way he does business. Ive seen him on youtube and he has some knowledge but in England the word id use is, WANKER.

Well to resume my 80$ chat I had with him was awful !!! I sent him an email that was about 2000 words long with many pictures etc... and when I talked to him and said ok did you read my email he just said "No I haven't but just go ahead and ask your questions" I started saying what I had for equipment which was in the email and he started off by saying "Ok so you have too much light for that 4 x 4 tent and I would return it back and buy T5's and then was so negative about everything I was saying. I asked him what he would advise I do for treating my room and he just bluntly replied "his job is not to advise me but to answer purely questions regarding marijuana growing I was so dissapointed and all his knowledge is strictly in soil and no coco but still gave me advise of going 50ppm week 1 100ppm week 2 etc... I can't imagine the outcome I would have got if I listened to him. So yes I like the word WANKER to define the person he is. What totally made it for me is when I read his book and there was a paragraph where he said "it's as useless as the bible you read" Not a freak of religion but still comon have some respect for others.
lol. sounds like a real nice guy! good marketing does people wonders. How did it work? was it a Skype call or something? and you took him into the grow room? Id blow him out of the water.

Ok so first of all I went on his page and clicked the pay 80$ for phone consultation which took me to paypal where I did payment and once I was done he would send me an email asking me when was best time and day for me to be free to talk. I gave him the next day at 3pm Los Angeles time. You have the option to skype him or call him on his direct number at the shop. I skyped since I thought that would be better to show him my room etc but he didn't seem interested as I had no grow yet but only my setup. If I were you I would definitely do it by skype and if the person doesnt want to show their face then they just dont put the cam up in their face. But you should use a software that records the callers skype screen so that you then can post on your youtube. I'm sure that will increase your audience tremendously. But you should market the fact that you are the Numero uno grower for coco in the world ! Tons of people are growing in coco and still seem to struggle finding good quality and knowledgeable videos. Grow pot cheaply is good but he's not present enough in my opinion. Sent him two emails and never got an answer back but he seems like a great guy. Hes probably real busy. You could do a grow in coco book as well ! Just saying... doesnt have to be 300 pages. Grow boss has his book (in a magazine format) only about 50 pages with tons of pictures) I can mail it to you if you want as I dont really like it since its specific to soil and you could do the same but for coco. I'm sure you would have fun doing it and could make some dinero $
yeah send me it. im writing a book and its taking way longer than I thought it would but only because im a perfectionist and its not about money, its about doing it right. I don't need money and thats not my motivation. If you understand how many plants ive grown then it makes sense im financially sound. growpotcheaply learned from me! He was on my earlier journals here and I taught him the basics, he went on to do his own thing which is good.

Im not so egostitical to say im number 1 in the world with coco growing but I tell you this, there isn't many people in front of me. Its not even a pissing contest, its just fact. I love what I do and im constantly evolving and learning also. there are people on this forum who know me in the real world who I think didn't have a clue at what I really know. Im a nerd at heart and im passionate about what I do.

I give so much away for free and I think its only right that I do something with the knowledge ive acquired over the years that has a little financial return. im not greedy but no other trade would just give away ll their secrets and skills for free.
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