First Grow - Advice Welcome

Hell. DL I quite for three weeks during this grow. Had to bring the tolerance down. I gave in though and Had to hit the dispensery.gave in after the car accident. I even bought a new piece to enjoy my girls in. Try looking at all your shit and not being able to smoke. Bummer, but gonna be worth it.
Hell. DL I quite for three weeks during this grow. Had to bring the tolerance down. I gave in though and Had to hit the dispensery.gave in after the car accident. I even bought a new piece to enjoy my girls in. Try looking at all your shit and not being able to smoke. Bummer, but gonna be worth it.

lol exactly . i just try to picture what my new ladies are going to give me . the damn leaves on the afghan skunk are crazy big like 8 inches long and 3 inches across .
Got a question. If you guys Remeber about two weeks ago I asked about purple stems. The Proffeser told me not to worry about it. So I didn't. Now I am seeing purple leaves. Not a deep purple. But light in color. This tends to be more on the underside of the leaves. I know colder temps can cause this or low P. I started her flush early last week, and I'm gonna continue with a few more waters. No nutes.

Also got a good look at trichomes again today. I would say 60 to 70 percent cloudy, still got some clear ones though. She's smelling mighty ripe. 70 degrees and sunny with a breeze. Get A good whiff if the wind blows right. Love it. I will take some pics if you guys wanna see.

I think she's almost ready. Like I said before I'm gonna get a few good buds off this one, but mostly popcorn. Which I am ok with. Especially being my first time. Stoked I got this far.

Anyone got any input on this. If not its ok, but if you do please feel free to chime in. Thanks.
Ok so the first is the people stem. The other two pics are of the underside of one of the main colas. Seems to be just the bottom of the leaves. So I dunno. To late to try and fix it if it is a deficiency . 7 weeks into flower

I knew some one would say that. Gotta have pics.
they look fine to me, at this stage with harvest not far away there's not much you need to worry about except bud rot and mites and I'm not seeing that at all.
to me they are finishing cycle is coming to an end . my northern lights x big bud purpled in the last few weeks .
Your pics uploaded on the 16 shows the jungle bunny may have few more weeks to go.

And devils lettuce, your pics indicate a molybdenum deficiency I believe. Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial. The molybdenum pic looks almost identical to your pic for the color and shading.
Thanks lab. I think the jungle bunny can go for another 4weeks. As long as weather holds out. We shall see. Got any suggestions on the purplish. Underside of the leaves.

KJC can you post the pics of trichomes again. I know there's one some where in this journal but I can't find it. Lol
So just wanted to let you guys know that I got another loop today. This one has two diffrent light variables. Has regular LED lights, and then a uv black light. It really gives you a clear view of the trichomes. My last one was just to hard to focus.

So in conclusion. This new one has brought more Amber trichomes to my attention. Also tons of cloudy ones too. Its literally so clear you can see the milky substance inside them. I just think it's really neat. Wish pics weren't as hard to get I would show you guys. Basically I don't have a steady enough hand to do it. Just wanted to share my new experiences. Thanks.

Thanks DL. I needed that I'm at about half and half. Man I wish I could get a pic of my trichomes. This new loop has showed me more of the trichomes, most cloudy, some clear, and Amber. If I had 20 trichomes lined up, 12 would be milky,and 3 Amber color, and 5 clear. I was shocked. So I'm really debating harvest tomorrow on the girl in the box.

I would love to chill and smoke with everyone following my journal. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much.
Thanks DL. I needed that I'm at about half and half. Man I wish I could get a pic of my trichomes. This new loop has showed me more of the trichomes, most cloudy, some clear, and Amber. If I had 20 trichomes lined up, 12 would be milky,and 3 Amber color, and 5 clear. I was shocked. So I'm really debating harvest tomorrow on the girl in the box.

I would love to chill and smoke with everyone following my journal. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much.

do like i did ,, take the loupe and focus the camera lens thru it and then take the pic .. i was doing it with a cell phone .
If you can get a pic of the purple underside of the leaf, it would be helpful.

If you have a few bucks laying around they sell a USB microscope that takes images, I believe they sell for as little as 40 bucks. I bought a Celestron for around 85 bucks.

Celestron Digital Microscope Pro

damn high scientist lol
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