Flower Child Puts Seeds In The Soil Again 2013

Hi Flo :ciao: That is a lovely sight :)

Be patient :)

the sodium carbonate will raise the pH of your tapwater.
Hi Rico!:ciao:

Yes the sodium carbonate raises it a lot Out of the tap it ranges from 8 to 8.5.
And thank you- I think they're a lovely sight too- although a tad (ok more than a tad) crowded.

Still having some of this around helps me with what little patience i do have.:tokin:


Glad to hear there are no new spots. :cheer:

I'm with you - I think my second grow will be so much easier because I'll have some :joint: to calm my growing anxieties.

I think smoking your own homegrown must be one of the best feelings ever. I can't wait!
Thanks Dresney, I'm really hopeful they're over those darn things.

And you are right- Smoking what you grew yourself is pretty incredible- it's smoother, stonier, and tastes better. Oh and a lot less expensive too!

I think it's better simply because you get to customize every aspect- strain selection, what the plant is fed, how long a flush, the perfect time to harvest. Also, if you have enough to set aside for a nice long cure, the high and taste gets better and better as the months pass. The bud in the picture has been aging over 3 months, is still sticky, and smells incredibly sweet- I'm smoking it right now in fact. The strain is supposed to be 25% thc and based on the way I feel its awful close.;)
Thanks Tricomes- and you're close. It is wire- large gauge garden wire. It's quite light cause of all the foam padding- can't hurt the plants.
Baling wire may be what I need however once they start stretching- half of these girls are tallish strains. :laugh:
Splendid garden Flo!

Remember, one does not need fancy degrees to be doing science! I'm with you on that it's more likely the chemicals interfering with your plant rather than a high pH. I've never seen that kind of mottling before, maybe some more experienced growers here have, but maybe it is some kind of very uncommon toxicity. My reasoning being that people don't willingly feed their plants these types of chems that's been put in your tap water.
Hope I'm the one making sense now :)

I do spot one very vigorous girl right in the middle :thumb: how's the training coming along for you?
And keep your eyes peeled! My diesel showed her first pistils after 12 days, so yours should be coming anytime now! :)

On a last note; that bud is watering my mouth :goodjob::cheer:
I'm with you on that it's more likely the chemicals interfering with your plant rather than a high pH. I've never seen that kind of mottling before, maybe some more experienced growers here have

I had that happen, in the week after LST, on a few plants. I learned to stop giving them any nutrients while they recover from a bend. My 2nd LST didn't result in random mottling of fan leaves. But I'm not sure that's what is happening here, just sharing my experience. :)
Splendid garden Flo!

Remember, one does not need fancy degrees to be doing science! I'm with you on that it's more likely the chemicals interfering with your plant rather than a high pH. I've never seen that kind of mottling before, maybe some more experienced growers here have, but maybe it is some kind of very uncommon toxicity. My reasoning being that people don't willingly feed their plants these types of chems that's been put in your tap water.
Hope I'm the one making sense now :)

I do spot one very vigorous girl right in the middle :thumb: how's the training coming along for you?
And keep your eyes peeled! My diesel showed her first pistils after 12 days, so yours should be coming anytime now! :)

On a last note; that bud is watering my mouth :goodjob::cheer:
Thanks Henman! Your science makes perfect sense. In fact I decided I don't want to drink water like that either so a second brita filter is on its way for the kitchen.
The training is going well except for running out of horizontal space! But I knew that was going to happen- it will work out somehow. :hmmmm: I just keep having visions of that fanfolding in their future.:laugh: I rotate the girls periodically so they share the time right under the light. Those 2 tall ones in the middle, believe it or not, are the 2 youngest bombs. They are growing faster than the others and have about caught up. I think the reason for their vigor is that they are seeds i collected from the last grow and are the freshest seeds. They get tied down some more tonite.
Hey and thanks- just wish there was smell-o-vision so I could share that lovely aroma too! :yummy:
Subbed - Your organization makes the rest of us (me) look like highway journeymen. :bravo: Everyone's the same (general) height and they all get harvested around the same time. I admire how you keep the chaos to a minimum.

My 10th grow didn't go as well as your first - you're well on your way to being a master grower.
:welcome: and Thanks Kusharella! I've had a lot of help from the good folks here at 420 and I credit them with the way these plants look. I'd still be killing seedling if left on my own.:cheesygrinsmiley:

I had that happen, in the week after LST, on a few plants. I learned to stop giving them any nutrients while they recover from a bend. My 2nd LST didn't result in random mottling of fan leaves. But I'm not sure that's what is happening here, just sharing my experience. :)
Thanks Kusharella, I don't think its stress from the LST though, because the timing doesn't fit. The LST was well under way before the spots showed up. The only coinciding factor is that the spots showed up about the same time they started drinking more- they are almost up to a half gallon each.
If it is the LST the plants will have to just learn to grin and bear it- some of them will be too tall for the tent otherwise.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Hi Harley,:ciao: Nice to hear from you again! And thanks- these girls are way bigger and healthier than last time- I'm pretty happy with them.
Are you going to start another journal for the new room? I'd love to see what you've been up to! :)
Hi CherryHaze and thanks!:thanks: I only hope it stays relatively even. If I wasn't doing lot of tying down my plants would be scaring me right now. Half of them will only get 2 1/2 feet tall- the other 4 are supposed to be 4-6 footers but I hope to keep them as small as their shorter sisters. Time will tell.
Hi Harley,:ciao: Nice to hear from you again! And thanks- these girls are way bigger and healthier than last time- I'm pretty happy with them.
Are you going to start another journal for the new room? I'd love to see what you've been up to! :)

I will do another grow after the new year I want to try a different soil mix, one that has everything the plants need in it from the start so all that is need is to water but I'm finding that it is difficult to obtain all the necessary ingredients. How ever Scientific Soils has a soil that is formulated for Hemp so I may go that route if I can get it shipped here. As soon as I get the room finished I'll post some pictures and discuss some of the improvements over the old room.
You're doing a great job with your girls keep it goin':peace::thumb::goodjob::circle-of-love:
I've heard of those complete soil mixes before- don't know much about it though. It has to be a lot better for the plants, plus not having to mix nutes every week would be a treat!
I'll definitely be watching for your next journal. :thumb:
The girls were watered last night- averaging every 3 days now. I gave them 1/4 strength veg and flower nutes mixed 50-50 and a bit of cal-mag.
All of them happy but thirsty:


Then I took them all out of the tent to readjust their lst. Heres what I did to one of the baby bombs


And after:


I think I'm going to have to allow some vertical growth as they are wound around their pots as much as they have room for. It's starting to feel like a jigsaw puzzle to get them back in there without covering each other up.:scratchinghead:

Some Puzzle pieces: (the saucers are 17" for comparison)


And all of them back in the tent:


And last but not least, 4 of the girls have........PISTILS!!!


Happy Growing!:green_heart:
Wow, those are some bushy ladies! Love the before and after LST shots. Definitely motivates me and gives me a little more courage. :high-five:

That is going to be one full tent when the heavy buds come out! I can't wait to see them in bloom! :cheer:

And grats on your pistils! Isn't it so relieving to see them even with feminized seeds? My little Loretta got so bushy I lost track of where her lady nub was. I should go see if she has any hairs! To the cave!

Have some reps, Flo - you deserve them! :circle-of-love:
Great looking start, I will be following this :)
Hi MEKWT, Happy to have you follow along- the fun part is just starting!
Wow, those are some bushy ladies! Love the before and after LST shots. Definitely motivates me and gives me a little more courage. :high-five:

That is going to be one full tent when the heavy buds come out! I can't wait to see them in bloom! :cheer:

And grats on your pistils! Isn't it so relieving to see them even with feminized seeds? My little Loretta got so bushy I lost track of where her lady nub was. I should go see if she has any hairs! To the cave!

Have some reps, Flo - you deserve them! :circle-of-love:
Thanks for the reps Dresney! I'm pretty happy with the girls so far. Even though they are feminized seeds, its reassuring to see their little girl bits. Now I just have to wait for the other 4 to show their hairs. The two bombs that are a couple weeks behind, I am waiting on most anxiously. They were seeds I found in buds from the last grow and because they were pollenated by a bananna on a bud they are supposed to be all female. However, they are the fastest growing and are rapidly becoming the tallest plants- 2 male characteristics. I'm keeping them in the front row so I can keep a close eye on them.

LST will get easier the more you do it. I have found that except for their thick main trunk (that gets very tree like eventually- bend it early while you still can!), pretty much everything else will bend with a little light massage to soften the stem up. I just tell myself that if they were out in the wilds they would be moved and bent by the wind and animals, so lst is natural and even beneficial for them. (I sometimes sing "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson to motivate them. "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" :laughtwo:)
Very nice Flower you are doing a fantastic job the girls look so healthy and pistils already you rock girl:peace::goodjob::thumb::high-five::cheer::circle-of-love:
Thanks Harley!:thanks: As you have already discovered, a second grow go's a lot smoother since you know what to expect. Other than the bad water issue they have been easy plants so far. Height is my main challenge but I managed to keep them about 5" tall with lst till the flip. This morning they are 13" and I'm going to let them stretch for a while since I've pretty much run out of horizontal space. I looked at a calendar last night and I think harvest will be the last week in January. I can't wait to try the new strains out!:roorrip::bong::bongrip::hookah: :lot-o-toke::peace:
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