From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Thanks for the answers stealthgrow - if you ever decide to sell that setup - let me know! I saw in a post you were thinking about upgrading. I myself would have used a tent, but I need the "look" of a locker instead of a tent for my growing purposes.

Also - if you get a chance - would you measure how big your "cloning" section of your deluxe is? As in, from floor to the shelf inside the cabinet? I was looking to purchase the LED Superflower 3.0 (your Trinity is a 3.0 LED Deluxe and a 3.0 LED Superflower combined, and since I have the Superstar, I would just get the Superflower to pretty much match it, albeit with a smaller first cabinet). I was also looking at the Supernova - but the "flowering" area looks to be about the same as the deluxe, with maybe an extra 8-9" of space. I'd like to have smaller "vegetating" plants in the Superstar, and then move them to the flowering chamber once I flip the 12/12 LED lights on to flower them since they can flower in a much larger space in the Superflower.

No worries for the answers Superstar.;)
I'll measure the cloning section today when I do my weekly work in the grow. From memory though I think its almost exactly 2ft of height in the cloning section. When you hang the T5 lights you lose a couple of inches, but there is definitely enough room for clones and seedlings etc. I see the need for the cloning/seedling section if stealth and security is an issue, but I don't even use that section anymore and have decided to remove the shelf altogether.
As you can see in this journal, I setup a veg section outside of the closet, and its working out great. Much easier to maintain in my opinion.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hi everyone:ciao:

I went to my grow today for the weekly reservoir changes and maintenance, so that means its update time.;)

The critical closet is on day 49 of flower, and they received their last feeding today. Next weekend I'll start the flush, but I might make two harvests out of the plants again this round. I'll take all the tops and then give the lower buds an extra few days to ripen under the direct light from the LED's.
The Critical on the left side of the closet is further along and is more ripe, but the plant on the right has the bigger cola's. We'll see how she finishes out. Overall though, its looking like its going to be a very nice harvest in a couple of weeks.;)

Critical Closet Stats.
Day 49 of flower
PPM= 482--Started to lower the nutes in preparation for flush.
PH= 5.9
Air Temp= 83F
Water temp= 73F
RH= 53%
















The OG Kush and small Critical closet is doing great. Today is day 21 of flower for this closet and the OG Kush is doing much better this round than the previous grow of the same strain. Both the OG and the Criticals have baby buds all over and the stacking has already started. The stretch seems to be pretty much done in the OG Kush, but I'm hoping the Criticals still have a few more inches to grow, but I did flower them pretty early. I took some cuttings of the OG Kush today because If this plant turns out nice, I'd like to maybe give her another round, the harvest yield will have to improve over last round though. Never hurts to keep the strain alive just in case.;)
I did some defoliation under the trellis net today because we are 3 weeks into flower. The OG Kush was actually already doing this on her own, she had a ton of dead leaves at the bottom of the plant. Cleaned her all up and also trimmed up the two criticals. Gonna pretty much just leave them alone now until harvest.

OG Kush & Critical Closet Stats.
Day 21 of flower
PPM= 600
PH= 5.8
Air Temp= 82F
Water Temp= 73F
RH= 46%





The OG Kush

The Criticals (left of my arm)





The Closets.

The Veg area is doing fine, I actually took the plants out of the solo cups to look at the roots, and none of them are root bound. You can see the roots but they aren't all over yet, and they have plenty of room for further growth. Sorry no pics of the roots.
All the seedlings have been topped once, and the Mystery strain, which is the biggest plant, has been tied down in a couple spots and also doing some LST on other branches. The second biggest seedling is the Chunk, I supercropped her 2 main branches a couple of days ago, and they stayed bent over perfectly. The plant is fully recoverd at this point, I got a couple good pics of it below.;)
The Sour Diesel and the Bubblelicious are both doing well, and so is the last Critical clone I took.
You can also see how I rearranged the veg area to allow space for the covered tray for the OG Kush clones I took today.







That's all for another week, I hope you all enjoyed the update and have a great weekend. Questions and comments are always welcome. Stay medicated my friends.;)

P.S-- To Superstar LED, I measured the cloning section of my closet and total height is 18 inches.:thumb:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hey Stealthgrow - thanks for the answers - I love that veg setup you have with the T5 lights just in the shelf system - I think I might do something like that. You said you took out the shelf in your Trinity from the one cabinet - which would essentially give you two of the exact same cabinets (which would be the Superflower 3.0 LED) - in the pics you posted above, the shelf is still in the one cabinet. Are you planning on taking it out, or did you already? Did it come out easily? I might take the shelf out of my Superstar LED if possible.

It looks like you are using peat pellets in the new veg setup? Not rockwool? How are you giving them nutrients? Are the vegging plants getting the nutrients from the peat pellets? I will probably end up doing some type of setup like you have where I have the vegging plants under a shelf like that. Do you use a heating pad to keep them warm? I noticed you have the dome on some of them.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hi again Superstar.

No I haven't removed the shelf yet, but I am going to after the upcoming harvest in a couple of weeks. I don't need that cloning section, and the extra headroom in the closet can't hurt. The shelf is only held up by a few simple brackets and some insulation tape, so it will be fairly easy to remove.

How I planted my seeds and how I get my clones is mentioned earlier in this journal but here is the main jist of it copy and pasted in.;)

I went to Home Depot's garden dept. and picked up some Pro-Mix coco designed for planting seeds and seedlings or clones. It has a very mild nutrient content that is time released, it seems to be working very well, and minimal feeding involved for the first couple of months until I put them into the closets.

What I did is put a good layer of clay pebbles in the bottom of the net cup, then filled up the rest of the netcup with the pro mix coco. Then I filled solo cups(with a couple holes in the bottom for drainage) half full with the coco, put the netcups into the solo cup on top of the coco so the netcups sits level with the rim of the cup and filled in the sides with the coco. I then just planted the seeds directly into the coco. I got lucky and ended up with 100% germination.

All the red solo cups that are in the pics above have netcups in them also, so that when its time to put the plants into the reservoir I can gently remove the netcups from the solo cups and put them directly into my closets with minimal stress to the plants.

Its a little hard to explain but I think you get the picture.;)

The Tray with the dome has the 6 OG Kush clones I cut yesterday in it. The clones need the dome to contain the moisture and keep them alive. I use the Foliar spray on the clones that came with the nutrient package with the closets originally. I think its called B5, but anyway its the green bottle. I give the clones a good spray down,and also the dome lid itself.
Your right about me not using the rockwool cubes for my clones, I now use root riot cubes. They are not expensive, and they get the job done, rockwool is fine also though.

You going to start a journal? Would love to see what you got going. Don't be shy if you have any other questions man.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

That's awesome - does the transition from the red cups with net cups go into the hydro system ok? So you don't use rockwool anymore, just the potting mix?
Also - do you have a link to the stuff you use from Home Depot? There are tons of different results when I searched for "pro mix coco" on the website.

When the seeds sprout and start growing roots in the red solo cups, do you feed them nutrients at all, like you would in the hydro system, with a spray bottle or anything? I know you said the soil mixture has some time released nutrients in it, so do you just water them daily until they are so big/have roots/etc?

I use that same foliage spray (the B-1 green) on my plants as well - I have a 32 oz spray bottle that I used to mix some of that B-1 (1/4 strength) and 5.5 ph'd water. Not sure how often to spray them, but they seem to be doing pretty good. I was even thinking of buying another pump and making a small hydro system to feed the smaller plants before they go into the flowering chamber. Do the plants you have on that plastic shelving smell at all? That's another concern I have, and one of the main reasons I went with the supercloset. Smell and Sound, etc.

I have a spot next to my cabinet that I can easily make into a germing and cloning space that should look very similar to yours when completed. I can save a lot of space if it works out! I might start a journal, I'll be watching this one for sure. I think I've read through all of your other journals - great stuff!
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hi SS.

The seedlings are planted in about a 50/50 mix of the seedling coco and hydroton pellets.
When I take clones they are in the root riot cubes until they root, and then I put the root riot or rockwool (either way would work) cubes directly into the 50/50 coco, hydroton mix. The coco really holds the water well, so I only visit the grow every 2 days for watering. They have gone 3 days between watering with no problems before also.

I haven't done a transition from the solo cups to the closet reservoirs yet, but after the Criticals are harvested its top priority. What I plan to do is not water for a few days and really let the coco dry up. That way when I take the plants out of the solo cups the dry coco will hopefully just fall away with a little shake. If they are not 100% free of coco I'm not too worried, it will just sink to the bottom of the reservoir and get sucked out by the pump when I do the weekly water changes, or it will just sit there till the post harvest closet cleaning.

Here's a link to the exact coco I use for the clones and seedlings. PRO-MIX Gardening | IT'S ALL BEAUTIFUL

I have just started adding a little of the "grow" nutrients, and a little cal/mag, but very mild, like 125 PPM. The foliar spray I just mixed yesterday for the new clones, but I also sprayed the seedlings for good measure. The young plants didn't look deficient yet, and its been over a month now since they were planted, but they are getting bigger so I wanted to give them a little something extra.l

The vegging plants really don't really smell at all. I've found that they don't really smell until flower, and the further into flower the stronger the smell. If you can set up a veg area outside the closet, I would suggest it. I just took the two T5 lights that were meant for the little cloning section of the closet, and zip tied them to the shelving unit. Voila! ;)
Its easier to maintain, and when the closet is harvested and available for another grow, your ready for a quick transition to flower another round again.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Subbed better late then never I guess lol looks awsome stealth I haven't looked at all the pages was this grow easier than your last one I followed that one pretty closely.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Hi McNasty, Welcome. Yeah, this grow has gone very smooth, and I was able to get the rotation set on the closets to get a harvest every 5-6 weeks. 2 Weeks from harvest on the Critical closet.;)
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Do you keep those T5 lights that you ziptied to your shelfing unit on 24/7? Or did you connect them to your timer to do the 18/6? I would assume if you germinated there, you use some sort of heat mat as well? Right now I still germinate inside the cabinet so it stays nice and warm with the heat mat.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Do you keep those T5 lights that you ziptied to your shelfing unit on 24/7? Or did you connect them to your timer to do the 18/6? I would assume if you germinated there, you use some sort of heat mat as well? Right now I still germinate inside the cabinet so it stays nice and warm with the heat mat.

Hi Superstar.

I put the T5's on a timer and set them for 18/6 cycle. I do use the heating mat when cracking the seeds but stopped weeks ago.;)

Your setup is very nice!! love it subscribed!!!!:nicethread:

Thanks for the compliments and welcome Liono. Harvest is less than 2 week away now for one of my closets, so your just in time.;)
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Looking great stealthgrow, and nice info your paying forward. I don't think Superstar knows how to give reps yet so I'm sending some for all of the great help.
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Looking great stealthgrow, and nice info your paying forward. I don't think Superstar knows how to give reps yet so I'm sending some for all of the great help.

Hi 60cal, thanks for the reps man.:high-five:
re: From Seed to Smoke - RQS Critical & OG Kush - LED - DWC Scrog

Oh yeah - I forgot one thing - you said "I have just started adding a little of the "grow" nutrients, and a little cal/mag, but very mild, like 125 PPM." - do you mix that up and then pour it into those red solo cups to feed them? That's the problem I'm running into - I'm three weeks exactly today from germinating, and all 5 plants (no idea what strain, seeds given to me by someone else) have around 4-5 sets of true leaves, and fairly large roots - probably 8" or so. They are all still only 3-4" tall, and from some of your journals, yours have larger leaves 3 weeks in. I'm just curious about feeding, how much to feed, etc. I use the same DWC you have in your Trinity, which I have them in...

My PPM goes up gradually but the pH stays level at 5.9 in my system... from looking at other posts, PPM going up means they are just drinking water? Maybe the nutrient mix is too high at this point... it was 335 just an hour ago when I checked.
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