Grow #2

Looks like she's liking the soil mix and nutes :high-five:

If you start to trim the lowest smallest growth during vegetation mode, you can end up with easier to trim plants with plumper and longer buds...light penetration from T-5 and cfl's will go to work better for ya' too. Just sticking my two wooden nickles in :smokin:

Hope things getting better, take care amigo.
Well D2 got chopped on May 7th at 50 some days I do believe. She had some nice buds on her and more than I thought.


After she was dry I'm not sure of what I had but I can guess between 32 and 45 grams dry. I'm happy with that, it will go a long way to help me out, even though I know it would have been more if I would have let her go not even ten more days. You live and learn but now I don't have to buy any smoke for a while so that will save me some cash. I only took one photo of just 16 grams {what I have left} and I had more than double that amount. I have been smoking good with my buddies and shareing with family.


Ok I can't forget to tell you how she smokes, I can wrap it up in one word "Smooth". It has a real mild flavor but a smell that fills a room if you know what I mean. The high is relaxing but not a couch lock either. It's better than most of the green going around town. :cough:{at the dispenceries for like 15-20 bucks a gram}:cough:

I have learned many things from the wonderful people here at 420 and got to say Thank You All for all of your help and support. You don't need alot of money or space to grow a decent amount of herbs for personal use. I have a couple of things that might change and hopefully improve for the next round. I could improve a few imperfections and spend a little money, I want to change a couple things around any way.
Looks like she's liking the soil mix and nutes :high-five:

If you start to trim the lowest smallest growth during vegetation mode, you can end up with easier to trim plants with plumper and longer buds...light penetration from T-5 and cfl's will go to work better for ya' too. Just sticking my two wooden nickles in :smokin:

Hope things getting better, take care amigo.

What's good with you Sisco?

I knew I was forgetting to do something last time. :Rasta: I'll have to remember that for the next round. Thanks for that tip Sisco. Yea things are getting alot better my mom and dad are both getting healthier by the day.

Have a good one my amigo..
Hey L1U congrats on your harvest and more importantly the great news about your parents :woohoo:

Do you have anything growing now? I hope you keep a journal going... take care :peace:

I'm happy that a week after my mom's surgeyshe was out in the woods shrooming... I gave her some of my harvest on Mother's day and she said it was better than her caregiver's meds.:thumb: So I am quite proud of myself and my skills at growing. All my friends were very impressed with this green as well, they all was like how much you pay for this it's the Bomb. So I played on and told them that one of my homie's was growing so nobody gets any ideas and wants to run up in the spot.

Yes I do have a few babies started and will get a new journal up soon. Thanks for all your support Blue.
Nice Harvest Light one Up! :Rasta:

Nice looking buds. They even look like good smoke. Now your set of a while.


Good, good news about your folks! :Namaste:

It's decent smoke I've had better but also worse so I can't complain. She had so many red hairs it was crazy, and could have been frostier but that's what happens when you chop early.

I was happy to see them back up and moving again so that is a Good Thing.

Have a great day OMM!!
Nothing like your own smoke, and when it comes out like yours, heaven. Very nice job and congrats on the successful harvest. Bless x2 + rep
Nothing like your own smoke, and when it comes out like yours, heaven. Very nice job and congrats on the successful harvest. Bless x2 + rep

How ya been Sonzor, your rite on that one my friend. Nothing like your own smoke.:tokin: I was just happy to have a grow finish with a

Thanks for the reps buddy..

This journal is now complete. Things I have learned from this is grow.

1. Always have proper air flow.
2. Always have proper air flow.
3. Use nutes at least once a week.
4. Let you plants mature before picking them.
5. Trim throughout the vegative stage.

Thank You all for all of your support and comments throughout this Journal..

Much Love to all of you!!!!!
Very nice, sounds like you gain some more knowledge for the next grow and looking forward to following along. Great job, Enjoy. Bless...
Great grow and great journal my friend, hope you have a new journal on the horizon!

I'm glad to have your support and advice Blue, Yes I do and it is already statred. The link is in my signature.

Great Grow Bro!

Like Blue said, hope you have another coming soon. :yummy:

I already have one started my friend, I hope to have your support there as well OMM.

Very nice, sounds like you gain some more knowledge for the next grow and looking forward to following along. Great job, Enjoy. Bless...

Thank You Sonzor It was nice to actually have a grow finished and my own meds. I hope to see you in my new journal.
Well I wanted to say Thank You to :420: for this site. Without the people here at :420: I would have not have met so many good hearted people from around the world . Nor would have even learned a skill that will last a life time.
Each of you have a gift and are special in your own right, for that I am glad I call you all my Friends tonight.

With that being said this journal is Finished and Closed.

I have a new Journal started click HERE to add your comments and helpful hints!

Much Love to all of you!!
Legislation to end Federal Marijuana Prohibtion

​The first bill ever introduced in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition is coming on Thursday, June 23. Historic, bipartisan legislation which would end the United States' war on marijuana -- and allow states to legalize, tax regulate and control cannabis commerce without federal interference -- will be introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

Co-sponsors of the bill include Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.)

The legislation would limit the federal government's role in marijuana enforcement to cross-border or interstate smuggling, allowing people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal.

Leading critics of the war on marijuana will explain the legislation's significance for state and national marijuana policy at a national press teleconference on Thursday.

A group of police and judges who fought on the front lines of the failed War On Drugs is announcing its support for the legislation, which is called the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011.

"Clearly the 'war on drugs' has failed, and nowhere is that more clear than with respect to marijuana," said Neill Franklin, a former Baltimore narcotics cop and executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). "It baffles me that we arrest nearly 800,000 people on marijuana charges in this country each and every year at taxpayer expense when we could instead be taking in new tax revenue from legal and regulated marijuana sales.

"Making marijuana illegal hasn't prevented anyone from using it, but it has created a huge funding source that funnels billions of dollars in tax-free profits to violent drug cartels and gangs," Franklin said. "More and more cops now agree: Legalizing marijuana will improve public safety."

Photo: Jimmy Carter Library & Museum
Former President Jimmy Carter: "Maybe the increased tax burden on wealthy citizens necessary to pay for the war on drugs will help bring about a reform of America's drug policies"
​Last week marked the 40th anniversary of President Richard Nixon's declaring war on marijuana and other drugs. In an op-ed in the New York Times last week, timed for the 40th anniversary, former President Jimmy Carter called for reforming marijuana laws.

The legislation also comes on the heels of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which released a report on June 2 calling for a major paradigm shift in how our society deals with drugs, including calling for legal regulation of marijuana. The report sent a jolt around the world, generating thousands of international media stories.

The Commission is comprised of international dignitaries including Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations; Richard Branson, entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group; and the former presidents of Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Switzerland. Representing the United States on the Commission are George P. Shultz, Paul Volcker and John Whitehead.

More than 46 percent of Californians voted last year to legalize marijuana in their state, and voters in Colorado, Washington and possibly other states are expected to vote on the issue next year. In the past year, five state legislatures have considered legalizing marijuana, including California, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Washington state.

Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical use, but the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) continues to arrest people under federal law, and U.S. Attorneys have in recent months sent threatening letters to state policymakers in an apparent attempt to meddle in state decision-making.

Rep. Frank's legislation would end state/federal conflicts over marijuana policy, reprioritize federal resources, and provide more room for states to do what is best for their own citizens, according to the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project (MPP).

You can write to your Representatives by using this handy form; just enter your state and zip code, and mention that you support the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011:

Or, if you'd prefer, you can use MPP's pre-written letter, which will automatically go to your representative when you fill out the form, by clicking here.

What: Tele-Press Conference on the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

When: Thursday, June 23, 2 p.m. EST/11 a.m. PST

Call-In Info: 1-800-311-9404; Passcode: Marijuana

• Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
• Rob Kampia, executive director of Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)
• Aaron Houston, executive director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)
• Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
• Bill Piper, director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA)

Please call or email your person in Congress to support this Bill!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too! :cheer:

I’m moving this to completed journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please start one here:
Journals in Progress

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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