H00k Shitz Brix & A Couple Of Other Things: Girlz 2019

Hey fella's...still alive...my Dad however, passed away, middle of last week, so my head has been spinning, making arrangements and starting the process on his estate, which as you could imagine is complicated and at times very stressful,(think long distance calls with robot like humans who speak english as a second language)...thank goodness one of my sister's is joint executor and we're making headway...we're not going to deal with house till the spring...just not the time of year for that, although all the probate stuff has to be done...the service was today, and went very well with a good turnout...it's amazing that at 94, he still had so many younger friends...I guess maybe not, because he remained so active on different boards and executives, as well as golfing and curling, which is where he suffered a heart attack and then passed that evening in ICU while receiving pallative care, with us at his side...I've got good genes, hopefully I haven't put too many holes in them over the years... ;) chances are I'll be around for a good while yet...I've got a lot of catching up to do with everyone's journals and will be doing so as time permits...hopefully the worst is over and any progress we've made won't be slowed by all the different institutions...it's been a long day...see Ya'll l8tr...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Hey h00k - sending love and hugs. :hug:
So awesome you were able to be there with him when he finally went. It’s a profound thing to share. It’s a pretty surreal state of being we walk around in after the death of someone close, I’ll be thinking of you. Take care, man. :love: Glad you’ve got support with all the institutional business side of things.
Condolences, my brother. While there's never a good way to go, that one seems less "not good" than most, and would be my choice. That, or getting trampled by a herd of rampaging elephants just moments after completing a three-way with the Davies twins. But they only had a puppy, so that ship sailed long ago, while I was at the bus station.

You still in Canada or already jump the border?
Hay Hook how do you like the Doc Buds compared to LOS ? I am doing DBHBB on this grow and I plan to do LOS in my greenhouse this spring so I was wondering which you prefer and why. Also Thanks for stopping by my journal.
Hey h00k - sending love and hugs. :hug:
So awesome you were able to be there with him when he finally went. It’s a profound thing to share. It’s a pretty surreal state of being we walk around in after the death of someone close, I’ll be thinking of you. Take care, man. :love: Glad you’ve got support with all the institutional business side of things.
Thanks Amy...that it is...sad, but grateful there was no suffering
I'm finally subbed and ready to go ... :)

And sorry for your loss ...
Thanks SQl...hehehe...I was surprised to see so many push notifications.pretty ambitious reading!...glad Ya' made it, albeit a bit late ;) ...gonna be quiet here till the spring though...will be April before I get something popping...
Condolences, my brother. While there's never a good way to go, that one seems less "not good" than most, and would be my choice. That, or getting trampled by a herd of rampaging elephants just moments after completing a three-way with the Davies twins. But they only had a puppy, so that ship sailed long ago, while I was at the bus station.

You still in Canada or already jump the border?
Thanks old friend...true there's never a good way, but it was how he would have liked it...quick and painless...my Mother spent eight days in pallative care be fore she passed...that was really hard ...it's somewhat ironic I guess, he had just been given clearance by his doctor, for another visit to Mexico in February with my sister...he'll still be going though, to both coasts both with my sister and myself...;)
Was out for my walk today, and at one point a Bald Eagle circled overhead...that's some good juju right there...

,,,thanks again all...cheerz...:Namaste:...h00k...
I just went back in your journal and seen you did some Killer A5 X have you tried any of it yet I ordered some Killer A5 Haze seeds from ACE I got them from Seedsman but they are out now. I really hope they get more in. The description sounded really good and I could only get two seeds.
Hay Hook how do you like the Doc Buds compared to LOS ? I am doing DBHBB on this grow and I plan to do LOS in my greenhouse this spring so I was wondering which you prefer and why. Also Thanks for stopping by my journal.
I wouldn't say I prefer one over the other...they both require some work to get started, but then are easy to maintain throughout the grow...Doc's is somewhat structured on the feeding process, whereas with my soil, I can wing it and try some new things to experiment a bit...the final outcome I find similar...
I just went back in your journal and seen you did some Killer A5 X have you tried any of it yet I ordered some Killer A5 Haze seeds from ACE I got them from Seedsman but they are out now. I really hope they get more in. The description sounded really good and I could only get two seeds.
Yes I have, and it is very nice!...smells and tastes great and has got quite a kick to it!...I'm kinda a lightweight, especially when it comes to sativa's, so a little goes a long way for me... ;) :D...
There are 4 pheno's, and all seem to be good yielders, and the high varies a little between them...my one Killer yielded 18 zips and the other 10 zips...the one caveat, depending on the pheno you get... they can go 16 weeks, which mine did...however, Neiko's and Dugg's finished considerably quicker...even my A5XPanama went that long:rolleyes::oops::D...You won't be disappointed...

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