Hello 420

Jungle Joseph

Well-Known Member
Hello fellow growers, I've started growing indoors and experimenting with different substrates, nutrients etc. The babies are looking good, but one of them has topped itself. Going to grow it for a while and see what happens. Not very good with technology. Tips would be appreciated. Thanks all.


Welcome @Jungle Joseph

It looks like you are off to a good start. If you start a grow journal we will be able to follow along and help if you need it or just have a question. Here's the link.

Also, after you have over 50 post you can vote or enter our contest to win free grow stuff. Here's that link.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Welcome. By saying the plant topped itself do you mean the top shriveled and died on its own or something else happened?
Thanks. I used jiffy pellets for the first time to germinate the seeds and the mutant got trapped inside the mesh. Didn't realize for a few days, thought it had failed. So I carefully removed the mesh (no more jiffy pellets for me) and planted it. When it got going it looked a bit funky. Doesn't look damaged. Hope it's not a hermie but I'll persevere with it for now.
Also, how high is your light from your plants? It looks like I see the beginning stages of the plants trying to reach for the lights.
The two in the small pots? I had them under cfl to germinate, that's when the stretch happened. Learning lessons to improve my skills is why I'm here. Might be a little high (pun intended lol) at the moment. Specs say 30cm from canopy but it burned my first plants at that height so I'm experimenting with light intensity, height etc.
Welcome @Jungle Joseph

It looks like you are off to a good start. If you start a grow journal we will be able to follow along and help if you need it or just have a question. Here's the link.

Also, after you have over 50 post you can vote or enter our contest to win free grow stuff. Here's that link.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
I've started a journal, I'm hopeless with technology, probably posting in the wrong place lol
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