Hello fine people

Welcome to 420 magazine, sorry to hear about your disability. Hooray for science
Maybe @Jon can give you some grow tips & pointers. I'm sure you will find lots of help & friends, on 420 magazine :goodluck:
Welcome to 420 @iamhim . :welcome:
Glad to hear you are feeling better and hopefully the new treatments may be available to others as well.
These plants will definitely keep you happy and distracted.
Feel free to share and ask anything you want. I guarantee there will be someone here who can help or direct the help towards you.
Welcome to 420 magazine, sorry to hear about your disability. Hooray for science
Maybe @Jon can give you some grow tips & pointers. I'm sure you will find lots of help & friends, on 420 magazine :goodluck:
Thank you for the warm welcome!
I am happy to say that medical cannabis has allowed me the normalcy of life needed to begin viewing everything as things that happen for me rather than things that happen to me :) disability included. I am willing to take all the tips and advice I can get! :) my caretaker explains things to me sometimes but as my mobility begins to return he will be around less and less so I will need to develop my own understanding.

Welcome to 420 @iamhim . :welcome:
Glad to hear you are feeling better and hopefully the new treatments may be available to others as well.
These plants will definitely keep you happy and distracted.
Feel free to share and ask anything you want. I guarantee there will be someone here who can help or direct the help towards you.
Thank you! My state Medicaid did pay for these treatments, I believe they are available to most with extreme RA and resulting wasting and maybe even to those less progressed as preventative - so thank love that’s out there :)
Welcome to 420 Magazine @iamhim

Sorry to hear about your disability.
What kind of strains work best for you?

I know you said you are starting a grow journal so here is some general info.

Here's some helpful info.

Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

Journals in Progress

Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests
Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Hiiii! I have been a longtime lurker, am a disabled grower and thanks to new experimental treatments I finally feel healthy and comfortable enough to type and interact on my own! Hope to see y’all around. I am starting a grow journal right now!
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family @iamhim. Happy Growing! CL🍀
Welcome @iamhim! I am her! And let her know if you need anything, we are happy to have you! And as you have heard already prior, very sorry to hear of your disability but look forward to a new journal from you! Best of luck!
Welcome @iamhim! I am her! And let her know if you need anything, we are happy to have you! And as you have heard already prior, very sorry to hear of your disability but look forward to a new journal from you! Best of luck!

She is her lol! Seriously though Him, a lot of us here are disabled in one form or another and we all share the common thread that this plant and it’s cultivation have healing properties we haven’t found in western medicine or from doctors prescription pads. Something about having a hand in life makes you feel connected in ways pills never could.
She is her lol! Seriously though Him, a lot of us here are disabled in one form or another and we all share the common thread that this plant and it’s cultivation have healing properties we haven’t found in western medicine or from doctors prescription pads. Something about having a hand in life makes you feel connected in ways pills never could.
The truth in all of this. It's something powerful and really special. We are really blessed to be able to share this kind of love through all our trials with this community.
Hiiii! I have been a longtime lurker, am a disabled grower and thanks to new experimental treatments I finally feel healthy and comfortable enough to type and interact on my own! Hope to see y’all around. I am starting a grow journal right now!
Hey @iamhim love the name, hope your enjoying your weekend.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:
If you need a hand with anything I'm always around.
Here is a link to get you a discount from our Sponsors if you need any equipment.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:

Hey iamhim, :420: family. I am a disabled learning to grow grower. It's still hard for me to have a grow journal but I'm working on it. Good luck and keep growing and learning. :passitleft:
Welcome to 420, @WenworG :welcome:

Have you seen @Jon 's Wheel Chair Growing Thread?

Jon grows some impressive plants and I'm sure would be a great resource to you as you learn to grow.
Y’all have been the best!! Merry Christmas I know I’m a little late, came down with Type A Flu :’( feeling a bit better now
I already love the family here on 420magazine!
Merry Christmas iamhim!!! Hope you get better soon!
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