HomeGrownNLD's First Grow - 220W T-Neon - 2014/2015

Plants demand more from the soil and nutrients as they grow. Issues may not appear when the plant is feeding lighter because they have a lower demand.
I've never seen all that info (including ph) on water. Nice! Still to low on the PH side tho.

Here's a thought... you might consider using 3/4 bottle and 1/4 tap. If your tap is at 8 and your bottled is at 6, you might get nearer with a mix like that.
6.5 is ideal for soil. If you are at 6.0 then you are not absorbing any Phosphorus (which gets absorbed at 6.5-7), so it could be the start of a deficiency. Check the chart below. It could also just be that your pH is off and needs to come up some to prevent micronutrient lockout


Yes I'am just using regular soil. For my next round I'll probably will be buying some proper soil. I did add some clay pellets for the aeration. Ill also will be replacing the pots for next round with airpots or smartpots.

And thanks good to hear from experienced growers that they look good.
He's/She's in soil... 11L pots.
Kinda small.
I see your tent size is your challenge.
You might want to go with 2x5Gal pots instead of 3x11L. This would give you enough root room to grow a much thicker and taller plant. I suspect you'd see more harvested product off of 2 larger plants rather than 3 smaller ones.

It's a He :). I started of with 4 11L pots but one of them wouldn't come up so I removed that one. For my next grow I will be using a bigger pot. 2 plants should be enough if I SCRoG them as I really need a even canopy. It seems I have 2 phenotypes as 2 are pretty much the same size wise as the other is about 50% taller.

I have also looked into a Mars II 400w LED, just need to convince my wife that I really need one lol. Or is 400w to much for a 60x60x160 tent?
You guys are absolutely right about the lights lol. It will most likely be the old series Mars 300w LED that I will buy, it's a little cheaper as the 2 series. If they satisfy me I will buy a second one.

I also started to do some pruning of the lower buds that didn't receive much light and weren't likely to produce anything more than popcorn.

Some upskirt pictures:

Hope I did alright?
It's been a couple of days since the last update. But that doesn't mean that the ladies didn't get any attention. We are currently at day 33 of flowering. The buds are thickening up and the first signs of maturity are spotted. I currently give them PH 6.5 the runoff is about 6.4 and 6.5. However I think I overdid my feeding (EC 2.4) I'am bringing that down to max 1.8 currently I just give her plain 6.5 water.

Without further ado, the ladies.

I have also started using LA's backbuilding technique on some of the top's, will probably do the rest of them spread out over a couple of days as I don't want to upset the ladies to much.
Hey there fellow Dutchy ;) I just dropped 3 seeds from GHS, The Doctor :) Subbed for sure, it's nice to have a sneak peak :)

pH is a bitch .. are you sure about your tap pH ? I thought it ought to be around 7 in the Netherlands .. 7.9 is awful high ...
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