How long have you been growing for?

THC Onlyfans

Well-Known Member
Question came to mind when I started reading through the forums and yall sounding like scientists on growing. I've been growing for a year and still dont understand half what you are talking about. Is it just me or does it take a couple years or longer to fully understand all this.

So question,


Different people learn different ways, so what one person can learn from reading for x number of months can be the same as someone else not reading and just doing it for x months, while others do both. None is better than any other, it's just whatever works for each person.

I studied the topic for over 800 hours between Feb and Sep 2019, and now harvesting my first grow tomorrow, WOO! :)

If I were to make a suggestion to anyone wanting to learn more, with this or ANY topic really, it's just to spend time looking up anything you don't understand... until you do! :)

Happy New Year and thanks for contributing to bringing cannabis to the masses!
I have been growing for around 40 years. About 38 years outdoor and 2 years indoor. I bumbled my way through outdoors, got some great stuff and plenty of mediocre and not so great stuff. Since growing indoors and accessing this site am now reaping some great crops. Never stopped learning. And I am no scientist, lol.
No scientist, just a farmer. That’s been growing since 15 inside and out that over 50 years now. Learned thru growing, no internet or books to reference at that time. Just common sense gardening, As I got better at growing the yields increased and the buzz got better and better. I’m still learning and adjusting and dialing in for the best weed outcome. Lol PS never stop learning
Well, a hundred and eleven years ago...when I was ten...I traded my family's milking cow, for a handful of beans:rofl::rofl:

Christmas 2007, started in Miracle grow with some bag seeds under CFLs in a closet...I have 3 tents now, a 4x4, a 5x5, and a 4x8, and I still use the closet to veg, and I'm in FFOF now
I'm nearing year 2 of growing. I agree, there some posts here that only leave me scratching my head. Thankfully, there are many more that provide some valuable and easy to understand information. I read a ton before attempting my first grow and I continue to gobble up info and opinions from this site. At first, I had an issue with trying to decide whose advice to follow because there are so many different ways of doing things. But once you settle on how you want to grow and become familiar with who on this site is doing the same thing well, you can narrow your reading choices and learn quickly!
The more I read on this forum the more knowledge I've learned. Continuing to read up about all that's cannabis related has gotten me motivated to grow and harvest good bud! Failure is NOT an option! :snowboating:
I still remember the day I started and that was almost 20
Years ago. I started in an apartment with two friends directly out of high school in the summer of 2000. We were lucky to be mentored by a guy with a ton of experience and all the genetics. He set up our room and took half of the first harvest. We still had to pay for all nutrients lights air conditioning electric but he set us up right doing two 1lw lights with parabolic reflectors. A light per 4x4 tray 9 plants in Hugo’s on a slab. Flood and drain with gh 3 part simple style. I still see the guy who set us up twenty years ago good friend of mine now.
those were the days a bedroom could actually make money.
Keep reading and don’t always believe what you read here. Do your homework.
I still remember the day I started and that was almost 20
Years ago. I started in an apartment with two friends directly out of high school in the summer of 2000. We were lucky to be mentored by a guy with a ton of experience and all the genetics. He set up our room and took half of the first harvest. We still had to pay for all nutrients lights air conditioning electric but he set us up right doing two 1lw lights with parabolic reflectors. A light per 4x4 tray 9 plants in Hugo’s on a slab. Flood and drain with gh 3 part simple style. I still see the guy who set us up twenty years ago good friend of mine now.
those were the days a bedroom could actually make money.
Keep reading and don’t always believe what you read here. Do your homework.

I wish I had someone teach me the basics, I had to learn from scratch through trail and error and still learning now trying to get that first big harvest!
So much info on the internet I definitely need to take most with a grain of salt.
I'm starting to understand lingo and techniques more and more now so I know my knowledge is expanding, with soooo much more to learn and be excited about.
I wish I had someone teach me the basics, I had to learn from scratch through trail and error and still learning now trying to get that first big harvest!
So much info on the internet I definitely need to take most with a grain of salt.
I'm starting to understand lingo and techniques more and more now so I know my knowledge is expanding, with soooo much more to learn and be excited about.
You will never know it all. Never stop learning and remain teachable. Keep the ego in check. Too many egos in the grow game these days. Let your plants do the talking for you.
a bit before the day when people thought that emilys garden was the best version of hydroponics !! And ballast weighed like 30 lbs for your hid's . lol


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I've been growing over a year now but only indoor growing for just over 70 days. Still have a lot to learn as I wanna try Coco soon also start my perpetual. There's a lot of layers , more than just getting through the grow. Also I'm bud washing this run this is 4 plants(humble brag I'm proud):


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Have been growing plants of all kinds for 55 years. Every now and then I tried growing The Herb back in the 70s and 80s but either the plants were stolen by neighborhood kids, the plants died in between trips up to the property or some animal ate them. Did not try to grow inside because of the lighting issues of expense, heat and power consumption.

In June 2017 someone asked me to sprout a seed for him and I said I knew what kind of seed. After it sprouted he did not want it since he did not know how to grow so I kept transplanting. In July I spent several hours reading about being able to determine the sex of the flowers. In the fall I brought it into the back room and then built a small growing area in a room in the basement.

Asked people for seeds and a couple of them came over with known strains or bagseed. By November I had approx 12 plants and the work started on refurbishing a cabinet for the flowering stage. Since then I have put over 103 plants through the cabinet, probably about 6 from seed and the rest clones taken from the seed plants. Mostly clones which were clones off of clones.

It is a different form of the gardening hobby.
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