Icemud's Grow 5.0 - Perpetual Grow - Gas Lamp Routine - Mineralized Soil


Really nice work tracking down all the genetics Ice!


OG forever!

I think it was the Blue Dream I smoked :) It always has me up on the internet reading and studying about something or working on projects at wee hours in the night :) lol.
well of all the methods ive studied,the cs seems the easiest & safest in general waiting weeks after harvest requires space,plant count,lots of time & no certaintee of pollen one i tried never made sacks after 12 weeks past harvest! making your own silver is cheap,easy and is safe as rainwater afaic, the storebought crap has other things besides pure silver,preservatives nitrate etc. the treated bud is unsafe, i have put my treated bud into edibles with no ill effects,less waste, its a faster method only adds a week or 2 to overall times depending on how long your "male " takes to nut up, im gonna try feeding the roots with cs next time with the up coming blue dream clones, perhaps we can work it side by side (virtual) and i can have you follow me step by step, all you need is 2 short pieces of pure silver (wire,bullion,trade coins,chain) has to be 99.9% pure , and a dc power supply (power pack,9volt batteries are the easiest) some aligator clips (4) speaker wire or whatever, and STEAM distilled water you have a ppm meter i think, you boil the water suspend the silver in the water and run it till you get at least 20ppm, store in a light proof jar,(i make and store it in a qt mason i wrapped and taped with aluminium foil, then a small spray bottle,mist the branches you want balls on (i do a whole small clone) & pollinate a second small clone, but if #s are a concern do it all on one plant,(i feel its better to pollinate an unaltered female ) the reason i use 2 small clones is i find it easier to just pull out the "male" and spray away from the girls and sex change the whole plant and the second female clone is in no way being manipulated by my mad scientist shit,and has stable genetics thus reducing the possibility of hermies (just my theory) its not proven to be any better i just "feel" its better
but i have done it where i spray parts of the plant and let it "self pollinate" and i get seeds from just the one plant literally it took me serious when i said "go eff yourself!" lmao
i saw a bottle of" dr some dumbname" cs spray at the hydro store it was like 20ml for 30bux!! and had a huge list of ingredients total ripoff all you need is little silver & water and patience! anyway i got your back on this icy you'll be a fem seed makin pro in no time:thumb:
Hey everyone!!! Update time!!! Well I was gone for 4 days on a mini vacation to see my family in Chicago and it was right during the stretch. I always get nervous leaving the girls unattended because of the ballasts and my fear of a fire, even though the ballasts stay pretty cool, I always still think about starting my apartment complex on fire and coming home to nothing. My other concern is the heat because even though my tent is vented well, the exhaust exits into the room that the tent is in and without my window fans pulling the heat out, the temps can get pretty hot so I decided to only run my HPS at 400w during my absence and I turned off the 400w CMH.

When I returned I was surprised on how much both of the og's stretched (the University Hills og and the SFV OG). Over the last 4 days they grew about 1' and now are about 4' plants from the top of the soil and 5' plants if you include the 5 gallon pots!!! wow these are some beasts!!! The tops of both OG's were brushing the glass on my HPS vented hood and even though it is air cooled, too close for comfort. No burnt leaves, whew... but still I know they will be growing more and with the buds that close it is just asking for burnt buds later. I decided to supercrop away and lower the tops away from the light, also to help the light reach the lower nodes. I added some hanging string and wires and supported the supercropped branches on these wires, since they will get heavy as they fill in and will need support. This really opened things up and I am really surprised on how many tops the 2 OG's have, they probably will be 1/4lb plants when all said and done!!! The 2 OG's are now showing pistils and early flowering signs so I know I am on the way to dankness!!!

The OGiesel didn't really stretch at all but is showing a lot of pistil development so I know she is well on her way to lovelyness.

The cherry pie and the GSC stretched about 6-9", not nearly like the OG's but still gained height and are sitting at about 3 1/2 to 4' tall with decent lower branching so they also should be some pretty heavy yielding plants. Also they are showing pistils and now well on their way to comes the exciting part.

The soil is pretty dry so I am getting some R/O water filtered and will be feeding them in the next 2 days. This feeding will be my earth juice tea so I will mix up 5 gallons of R/O water with:

80ml of EJ grow
60ml of EJ bloom
40ml of EJ catalyst
40 ml of EJ microblast

added to the EJ will be
40ml of 5:1 general organics cal/mag
2-4-0 hydrolyzed fish

This mix should sit me somewhere in the ballpark of 4-7-1 which will still supply some N to the soil for breakdown over time, as well as a boost of available phosphorus, and a slight amount of K.

Well here are today's photos of the giants !!!! I will do a separate post of my veg tent which also is showing some good progress.

Alright, so here is my veg tent update. I took a look at the girls and they all looked like they were doing quite well until I inspected my skywalker OG and blue dream mothers.... I saw tiny white dots all over the leaves. I also noticed this on the blue dream clone, but none of the other plants were being effected.. I believe this is damage from spider mites!!! ARRRGGGGG!!! Well I guess I wouldn't be a MMJ grower without dealing with spider mites at one point or another, but I thought I was keeping the ladies clean and sealed up, so I am not sure where they came from. I immediately doused the whole tent with SNS 217 Spider mite control, tops and bottoms of leaves, stems and even the top surface of the soil. I read that these little buggers are the bane of many growers and so I will be hitting them tomorrow with a garlic/neem/dr bonners mint soap mix with water, and then again with SNS in a couple days following that treatment. Hopefully this will help eradicate them, but I've never had spider mites yet so I am open to any and all advice. I also read that pyrethians are good to kill them so may even pick up a safer 3 in 1 spray to add to the mix. I also will be removing most of the effected leaves and trimming down the blue dream mother and skywalker OG to minimize their spread and help the sprays penetrate the foliage. Hope this helps... I gave my flowering tent a good spray of the SNS as well, I figured if they got to my veg tent, there is a good chance they will make it to the flowering tent as well so preventive measures are already in place.

I also mixed SNS 209 systematic control and SNS203 into the next feeding for the flowering tent and will do the same for the next veg tent feeding as well to help keep them at bay...letshope this works.

Good Weednesday Ice...dam got closed grow why don't you clean all the pesticide out and put some Lbs in there/...less expensive than pesticide and more efficient...:goodjob: on your grow..:thumb:

What is LBS? LadyBugs? I thought about it but I wasn't sure how well they would stay in the tent, even though its sealed, I open it quite frequently to check on the plants and wouldn't want them all over my house... but it is a consideration.
I just brought in about 5 overall... they hung out on the plants as long as there was some moisture for them to get to. They moved out when I removed males and hermies... I didn't catch it then. I had no pest issues at all while they were in there.
I stopped by the local garden center and since I have been happy with other Bonide products, I picked up 2 different types of mitecide sprays. I have been doing a lot of reading on spider mites and found that vigilance is the key to success in getting rid of the buggers so I decided to pick up 2 new sprays. Both are organic and one is a including neem extract, pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide which will be alternated with my SNS and also I picked up another spray called Mite X which is more of a control product and includes cottonseed oil, clove oil and garlic oil which also will dry out the mites and keep them from attacking.

Quoted from Wikipedi@
Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) is an organic compound used as pesticide synergist, especially for pyrethrins, pyrethroids, and rotenone. It does by itself have some if mediocre pesticidal properties.[1] However, when added to insecticide mixtures, typically pyrethrins, pyrethroid, and carbamate insecticides, their potency is increased considerably.[2] It is a semisynthetic derivative of safrole.[3]


I plan on rotating the 3 sprays for the next 2-3 weeks in my veg tent, but also will be using them in my flowering tent for preventative measures so that hopefully they don't migrate over to this tent. I also did a good vacuum of my carpets and will wipe down the veg tent in a few days with a bleach water solution to help rid the walls, floor and cracks of any remaining buggers. The mite infestation was bad, but not overtaking my grow yet so hopefully I caught it in time and will be able to get rid of them for good. Also by using the SNS soil drenches, hopefully they will leave my plants alone as the plants start to sweat the rosemary oil and other botanical extracts from the SNS. Lets cross my fingers.

I also hacked the living crap out of my 2 infected mothers which are the blue dream and the skywalker og, I chopped the plants basicly in half and took most of the infected parts off leaving only the small lower sites on the plant. I quickly tripple bagged the leaves and stems I cut off and tossed them in the trash. The small vegging clones (with the exception of the blue dream) seem unaffected but I have been spraying them anyways to prevent them from attacking and spreading.

Got my fingers crossed.

I also picked up a Calcium nitrate fert which is a 10-0-0 with 10% calcium and other chelated trace minerals. I will be using this in my foliar sprays and I am really curious the impact on the brix levels after the boost of calcium nitrate and other goodies.


Other than that I snapped a few photos of my flower tent before I sprayed the plants with the Bonide Spray. I hit them with the spray about 20 minutes before the lights came on to help prevent any burning of the plants. The plants are looking really good, nice healthy leaves and stalks and the plants have already adjusted to the supercropping yesterday and the tops have all curved upwards and are facing the light again :) Should make for some very thick cola's and secondary buds to develop.

I took some photos of my veg tent and a few close ups of the dead spider mites. I used my 30x lupe and held it in front of my digital camera on 3x zoom so I would say it probably is close to 90x magnification. I watched closely and the spider mites (the darker reddish dots) and they seemed to be stopped in place and not moving, so hopefully the sprays are working. I know it will be a long and tedious effort getting rid of them, but hey, its worth it :)

The round circles that are brown and semi clear are the eggs. I wanted to take some close up's for anyone who may see these things...beware :) I guess I will have to do closer inspections on a regular basis with my girls from now on. I thought thrips were tiny, wow these things are much smaller.


I still have to remove all of the dead leaves off the mother plants and I may clean up the pre98 bubba a bit to keep up the tent. I wanted to kill the majority of what is on the plant with the 1st round of sprays before removing the dead material to keep them from knocking off into my vegging clones. I most likely will do this tomorrow since so far the sprays have seemed effective as well as the trimming. That will open up the live leaves and will allow me to make sure I coat all surfaces since the sprays are only really effective if they directly hit the eggs and mites. I also read that one of the sprays is systematic which means it will absorb into the leaves and slowly keep them away. I hope all my efforts will work.

Here is my veg tent

Pre 98 Bubba


Skywalker OG


Blue Dream

Vegging clones
Back left- Blue Dream
Back middle-University Hill's OG
Back Right- OGiesel

Front Left- SFV OG
Front Middle- Cherry Pie
Front Right- GSC

Middle Cup left- OGiesel
Middle Cup right- about a 2 month old clone of the Pre98 Bubba, the same age as the big one in my looks like a good way to keep mothers alive for a while without taking up


I also took some photo's of my flowering tent after I watered the girls. They look happy and healthy and I looked at a few leaves and saw no signs of spider mites in my flower tent but I will still continue to be vigilant and keep up with maintenance.

Front Left- Cherry Pie
Back Left- GSC
Middle- OGiesel
Front Right- University Hills OG
Back Right- SFV OG


Front Right- University Hills OG
Back Right- SFV OG

Middle- OGiesel


Front Left- Cherry Pie
Back Left- GSC

Close ups of the New forming flowers
I was looking around the internet at the ingredients of the mite-x and found this

Cottonseed Oil.......0.40%
Clove Oil........0.20%
Garlic Oil.......0.10%
*Other ingredients...........99.30%

Other ingredients include: Sorbitol, Oleic Acid, Dodecanoic Acid, Stearic Acid, Molasses, Sucrose, And Water.

A fun fact about Sorbitol.... from wikipedia
Sorbitol is a sugar substitute. It may be listed under the inactive ingredients listed for some foods and products. Its INS number and E number is 420.
I tried to find info on Sorbitol and plant usage and there was very little, but it seems in a few scientific studies it helps increase shoot growth in plants and that is about all I could find.

Here is some info on Oleic Acid from wiki
As an insect pheromone

Oleic acid is emitted by the decaying corpses of a number of insects, including bees and Pogonomyrmex ants, and triggers the instincts of living workers to remove the dead bodies from the hive. If a live bee[10] or ant[11][12] is daubed with oleic acid, it is dragged off for disposal as if it were dead. The oleic acid smell also may indicate danger to living insects, prompting them to avoid others who have succumbed to disease or places where predators lurk.[13]

Very interesting...

Dodecanoic Acid is Lauric Acid
I couldn't find much at a quick glance but it seems to have antifungal properties. It also seems to stimulate certain processes in the plant but I honestly couldn't understand the research abstracts.

Steric Acid
I could not find anything on the net about how this benefits plants. It seems to have a lot of uses for coating things as well as a lubricant. My guess is that it helps the other ingredients to blend better together.

Clove I am not too sure some of the info on this makes me confortable. Copied from a site called pestcemetary
Clove oil is toxic to human cells, if ingested in sufficient quantity or injected it has been shown to cause life-threatening complications, including Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Fulminant Hepatic (Liver) Failure, and Central Nervous System Depression. The lethal oral dose is 3.75 g per kg body weight and ingestion is the most common way for these severe consequences to occur. Clove oil is toxic to the liver and nervous system and there have been reported cases of acute sickness and deaths with as little ingested as 8 ml. Clove oil is highly cytotoxic to human skin cells at concentrations as low as 0.03 percent. Eugenol is rapidly absorbed and metabolized in the liver when ingested, and 95% of the dose is excreted within 24 hours. - See more at: The Darker Side Of Eugenol Oil

The insecticidal properties of clove oil has been studied since the 1940s. Clove oil toxicity to different types of insects varies considerably. Very high application rates are needed to effectively control Coleoptera (weevils and beetles), moth caterpillars, lice and cockroaches. Some insects are affected quickly while others seem much more tolerant. Adding plant oils from mustard, coconut, seasame or sunflower seem to enhance the pesticidal properties. (Again no studies) German roaches seem to need the higher doses while American roaches do not, follow up studies found that Eugenol in high enough doses disrupts cell binding of octopamine which results in an insects death. - See more at: The Darker Side Of Eugenol Oil

Cottonseed Oil
This seems to have been used for a long time for control of mites and other pests and has been proven very effective. I didn't see any warning type information on this product so it seems to be the safer of the ingredients.

Garlic Oil
this has many good properties and is an antibacterial and also an effective treatment for killing ear mites in dogs. It seems to be safe for humans and have many benefits.
I also did a quick video update for a better look at the plants.

Nice video bro, I think you're gonna love the GSC. Everyone I smoke some with does :high-five: Everything looks fantastic Ice!!!

Thanks Curso!!! and congrats on your MotM win!!!! I've only smoked GSC 2x and both times I really liked it. I am extremely excited to see that my cookies looks like yours does as far as plant structure and leaves!!
i know you buy clove oil or oil of cloves as its known for tooth ache, ive used it a few times, you only need a tiny amount on a que tip then touch the tooth causing the problem and it takes the pain away in seconds, how ever the down side is it tastes like crap and burns like crap, but the gel type is a bit easier on the mouth, but it is some nasty stuff, but sold over the counter to help with tooth ache,

its basically a natural anesetic, it works wonders on tooth ache though, ive used it a few times when ive not been able to get to dentist or been up all night in pain, once i use it the pain goes within seconds, totally works and is a true saviour when you got tooth ache, but tastes like crap and leaves you dribbling like a baby, not something you want to swallow, numbs everything, smells and tastes like crap,

did i say it tastes like crap, its sold in the uk at all chemists so must be safe to use as its cheap to buy and dont need to be prescribed, i never knew something like that existed till i was at my moms in agony and my dad said go and buy some clove oil and put that on your tooth, so like an idiot i didnt read the instructions i paid for it and stood outside the chemist, opened the lid and poured it into my mouth so i could use it like mouth wash, well put it this way ill never ever ever be doing that again, just a tiny drop on a que tip is enough to stop the most severe or tooth ache, im pretty sure that stuff would be lethal on insects

after reading what you posted no wonder it burned my mouth and made my dribble all the way home, its one of the smells you just cant get rid off, so getting it on clothes leaves you smelling it everywhere you go, but i still use it from time to time, its the only thing that instantly cures tooth ache, its either called clove oil or another brand is called oil of cloves, i tried both and both the same, burn like hell and numbs anything it touches, it got rid of my tooth ache and it never came back, i keep a bottle in the medicince draw just in case i need it at night when i cant get to dentist
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