Icemud's Organic SCROG! Grow 3.0

you have the SRF and Gypsum in there already, right?

If that's the case, go ahead and add a bit more SRF to the top needs to combine with the CA++

Yep.... mixed them into the topsoil each plant got:

1 shotglass of softrock phosphate
1.2 shotglasses of calcium carbonate
3/5 shotglass of gypsum


this should equal about a 6-5-3 ratio

also each plant got 1 1/2 shotglasses of lava sand.. :)

All of these additives were mixed into the top 1" of soil, spread evenly, and then watered. I also added a small amount of soft rock phosphate to my tea as well, and a slight amount of greensand.
Well after waiting all day, I finally got the last part of my re-mineralizing mixtures...the lavasand... came late in the day but now I finally can finish my topdressing of the mineral's and give the ladies there tea... I have been rather impatient because the PH of the tea was slowly creeping up from 6.6ph earlier to around 7.2PH when the lavasand arrived. I added around 2 capful's of lemon juice to bring the pH down slightly and that brought it right down to 6.4PH.. PERFECT!!! :) I watered each of the ladies until there drain holes were covered, emptied out the catch trays to allow better oxygen flow to the soil, and measured the runoff, right at 6.4 which means my soil is right on :) the ppm's of the runoff was way over 2000ppm, but I believe that was probably due to the addition of very fine powdered calcium carbonate, so I will be watching the ladies closely the next few days just to make sure there ok, but I believe they should be just fine...

I also set my HPS 600w (set to 400w) to come on for 3 hours of my daylight cycle to help boost the red/IR bands of light which will help assist faster growth. As mentioned earlier, every 2 weeks I will add an extra hour onto the HPS daylight cycle until it is covering the middle 6 hrs of the 12 hr cycle. (to simulate mid-day full spectrum and brightest intensity)

Here are some shots of the lava sand package, the topdress of lavasand, and after watering shots...

Today the girls get there first dose of dual spectrum lighting...

Running a 400w Ushio MH conversion and a 600w Ushio HPS (@400w)

Looking good!

Don't waste your time with pH. It's completely pointless and can only hurt you!

The tea is living, and the microbes will adjust the pH just the way they want it! Also, you've got a huge buffer with all that soil and all those minerals.

I highly recommend you just stop checking pH from here on out. It won't be the problem, if you have any.

Thanks Doc for the tip...yeah PH isn't really a concern with this grow, however, on my last grow, I did not PH at all, and used all organics, but ran into my soil reaching extremely low PH levels. This then locked out my plants and hurt my yield, so even though not necessary, I like to check just to make sure it is within a good proximity of the acceptable 6.4PH, and by using lemon juice to lower it, I shouldn't be hurting any of my microlife. I defintiely understand how the plant's root hairs can adjust local ph, but I would much rather have it close to acceptable, then to be more than 1PH away...much less work for the microteam :) I definitely agree with you that PH adjustment is not necessary (with a happy soil life) but I like to check anyways just to make sure my mixes are on track...
looking great

Thanks Cal CG!!! much appreciate the feedback and positive vibes!! stay tuned because this one I feel is going to be my best yet :)
Hey icemund great journal so far :high-five:
Im experimenting with my first organic grow, but i can only get hold of a company called plant magic organic nutrients/ soil and from what i can see the ferts range are pretty dam strong! Im a month in and using a 1/4 strength ( any more and it burns).
Il be keeping an eye on this one tho

Hey redeyes!!! thanks for stopping by my journal, and happy to see another Organic grower :) Check amazon for soil amendments and nutrients, I have found they have the best prices when it comes to things you can't find locally. Also, I have never used, but have seen many successful grows with Blue Planet Nutrients, one of our sponsors. I definitely would suggest looking into BPN, there are ton's of growers on this site which have used them to a great success. With organics, none of your nutrients should be that strong, since most are in unavailable form or only a small percentage is readily available for the plants, usually the rest takes time to break down to something that your plant can use.... Earthjuice is another brand that I have used and had great luck with..
Thanks Doc for the tip...yeah PH isn't really a concern with this grow, however, on my last grow, I did not PH at all, and used all organics, but ran into my soil reaching extremely low PH levels. This then locked out my plants and hurt my yield, so even though not necessary, I like to check just to make sure it is within a good proximity of the acceptable 6.4PH, and by using lemon juice to lower it, I shouldn't be hurting any of my microlife. I defintiely understand how the plant's root hairs can adjust local ph, but I would much rather have it close to acceptable, then to be more than 1PH away...much less work for the microteam :) I definitely agree with you that PH adjustment is not necessary (with a happy soil life) but I like to check anyways just to make sure my mixes are on track...

Bro....lemon juice won't change a damn thing! You've got all that soil and all those minerals!

Adding the limestone will bring your pH up, I don't care if you add a quart of lemon juice! Just re-dress the minerals once......or do nothing if using the kit.

Your medium's pH won't change with lemon juice....but you will kill microlife on a small scale with it.

Also, quit adding all the humic acids and stuff. Minerals, tea, ferts.....just watch what happens.
Hey there Icemud, Quick questions, how old are they today? and u need some more stem training to make them thicker they look to slim atm, how many fans do u have blowing at what speed and hows ur lst doing as well?

thanks GMP

Thanks for stopping by GMP!!! As of the last photo, they are only 2 weeks from clone transplant, day 14 veg.

what is stem training? never heard of it before?

LST is working great, each of the girls now has between 3-5 tops and I will continue LST for the next few weeks until the ladies overgrow these little 2 gallon pots, then they will be transplanted into smartpots #4 and I will continue LST until the girls hit about 20". At that point I have a V shaped Scrog screen that I will continue training until the screen is full, then flip to 10-14 to induce flowering (im running the gas lamp routine so my flowering daylight schedule is different than most).

As far as fans, I have one at pot/root level circulating air below the foliage and I have one overhead circulation fan blowing downwards towards the girls...right now its set to medium and once the girls get a little larger I will turn it up to full, but I didn't want to wind burn the little clones until they had build up a little more foliage :)

Really appreciate you stopping through my journal and for the advice.... your plants look fantastic !

Here is a photo from my last grow of what my V-Scrog should end up like when its all done :)
Hi Icemud! Id like to welcome you to the Mud Family and Mud Budz ;) you have some great ways of growing, id very much like to talk to you and maybe give you some rare seed blends i made to grow :)

Wow, thats a huge compliment and very much appreciated one!!! I saw your entry in the nug of the month, holy freaking cow!!! beautiful nug!!! I would feel honored to run some exclusive seed blends, but since I have never grown from seed before (only clone) I would probably have to do a test run with some, less rare seeds just to make sure i get good germination ratio's. I would feel honored thought :) I also have some seeds a Norcal Buddy gave me that is a new experimental grape strain from DNA, as well as some Hawaiian Sativa seeds that were gifted to me by another grower friend that visited :) I also have a few seeds I kept from killer batches my buddy grew, some cherry OG seeds, Lavender Kush seeds, and a few others that I never labeled.... I am looking to get a 2nd tent going as well, so I will have more room for perpetual grow as well as seed experimentation. I would love to share with you what I know, only on my 3rd grow, but well read :) Very much appreciate the Mud family welcome, being part Mud myself (Ice Mud)
Hey everyone....Today is day 15 of Veg, April 7th...

Not much to report today on the girls, they seemed to really have exploded since yesterday's compost tea, and soil remineralizing!!! tons of new neon green growth as well as super green healthy looking stems:) I gave the girls a foliar spray of the compost tea as the light's came on this morning and other than that have just sat back in admiration. I added some more sugar to my fermentation CO2 bottle because the CO2 bubble production seems to be quite weak, and I am thinking about adding a 2nd container to the mix to raise the PPm of Co2 a little higher, at least until I get the CO2 sheets I ordered. I tied down all new growth and stretched the girls even further with the LST and they seem to love bondage....LMAO!!! dirty dirty girls...lmao!!

Here's the photo for today, day 15 veg

Full Tent Views

Sour Bubble (BOG)

Blackberry Kush

Silverback OG

Holy Grail OG

Platinum Bubba
Fantastic job on the journal. You are great at getting us readers the details. The shots of the packaging is so helpful in learning what this stuff is for and also for making a good shopping list for my next grow.

Plants look great too!
Re: Icemud's indoor organic's, V-Scrog, dual spectrum lighting

I promise you'll be happier if you don't feed those plants much. Just the microbial tea and an occasional kelp and microblast should be more than enough.

Let the microbes do the work! Don't F it all up with salts!

I agree, if I am correct, you kill your micro mycorrhizae population by adding too much p on npk. the mycorrhizae give in take with the roots, the plant gives carbs, and they return the breaking down of p for plant needs, so if your p is over 6 you in turn give the plant p it needs and then some, and the myco then die off. I would stick with earth juice, as it works, and all the ratios are in balance to allow the microbs live happy, advance butes is good, but over priced for same results. sugar peak from earth juice in the bomb!
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