JustMeds Kilimanjaro Mist Cloner & Quad Tub RDWC No Airstones - 2017

Noticed this morning that the serrations on the edge of the leaves of one of the clones is curling up. That is an indication the RH is to high. They need to tough it out for few days as I think the gals in the tent are in their final days. Then I can get them into a more controlled environment.
Those are my crash test plants for proving this system out. I am surprised I am getting anything with what I put them through.

Congrats on the new area. Be nice to spread your wings a bit I am sure. Catalina is looking great.
Clones are looking good. I opted from changing res tonight. I just topped it off with water. Tomorrow I will dump and change it.

Thinking I may top them in the cloner as they all get big enough.
Here is some updated pics of the clones. Think I may have to do some root pruning on the one in front left to slow her down. She is just blowing up.

I started at 1/5 then switched it to 1/3 minutes on/off. They seemed to like the 1/3 better. The timer can be set to anything for on off times then it just keeps running that cycle forever.
If you got the same one I did I think you will like it once you get used to setting the times. Little strange at first then it makes sense. Just holler man. You help so many people feels good to be able to help you.
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