Lady Vadalon - Soil - Bubba White Shark - Grow 2 - February 2014

I grow autoflowers, so I may not be much help here. :)

I do think your plants are looking pretty good tho.

KJC is a pretty busy guy, but I'm sure he'll stop by again soon to help out.

But pretty much everyone uses feminized seeds these days.

Most photoperiod growers grow out a few seeds, and pick a nice plant to make into a cloning mother.

You keep your mother plant in a veg state, and take clippings to veg out, and flower.

I didn't read your whole journal, so maybe you know this stuff already.

There are a lot of urban legends concerning feminized seeds, and hemmies.

I think it's not as big a problem as some growers seem to think.

There are a lot of seed banks that sponsor 420 mag.

Maybe you should start looking there. :)

All of the Bubba White Shark are clones. I like to clone :) and not to keen on seeds but, I know that is the only way I will be able to get strains that will work for my issues. To do seeds first :bitingnails: then clone :amen:. I will have to take a look at the seed banks that sponsor 420 mag. I know that KJC is very busy so Thank- you for the information. That is what I like about the community if, one person is busy someones else will jump in. And that is a good thing because a person gets more than one opinion. :thumb:
Good morning Lady V,

Yes, I'm using feminized seeds, until I start pollinating my own plants to get seeds. I don't think I'd be much of a cloner, even though I watch CO Finest video at least 10 times. :peace:

Good morning SABO,
Ya I have been paying attention to that when I am reading peoples threads and photos. That is what made me think why am I putting myself through all the drama of "Is it a boy or girl?" When I did the 10 day gender testing I may have screwed up my Querkel. Cannafan is going to take a look at my photos and see if she can tell. But, I may have made two of them hemmies. I hope not :bitingnails: The BWS are all clones. I would rather clone :blushsmile: than use seeds. When I do use seeds I am not going to use the rapid rooters. I make them to wet. I did not start loosing clones until I used them. But on the same side I may have kept them to wet and that is why they would always rot on me.

Grow green and stay happy :high-five:
My son and I moved the lights yesterday. I should have done it sooner but, live and learn!! The center is were the T8's were and we moved the LED's to the center and the stretching is new. But you can see the dip in the Scrog. Now that I think about it I think I misspelled stretching on the photo that was uploaded. Well, never claimed to not be human :) It will remain forever.

Here they are


I would start your plants that you are going to flower on 1/4 strength flowering nutrients and progressively over several waterings work up to full strength nutrients. Watch the tips of your leaves for yellowing and browning as this is a sign of nutrient burn.
Hey Lady V just caught up with your journal :D:rollit:

So I noticed no one responded to you when you said about getting an R/O setup. I really recommend this, your plants will love you for it as long as you follow a consistent nutrient system as with R/O water there is nothing else to feed your plant but what you put in it, which can be a great thing :) I run a small R/O buddy 100GPD (100 gallons per day) and I let it run till my tubs are full and take from that, but they work good if you can get it hooked up to a high pressure hose.

As for nutes, I prefer to not think of it as switching from veg to budding nutrients, I slowly "transition" over to budding nutrients. You need to know that during the transition your plant needs still a lot of nitrogen (and switching early you can see growers will have yellowed leafs 5-8 days into bloom) add a kick of phosphorus to your normal veg nutrients at a lower strength that your plant can handle and throughout the next 4-6 watering's switch to full bloom nutrients.

I would also add that going by the recommended dose of a fertilizer is not ideal, such as Cal-mg, foxfarm trio or anything. I like to start out at low strength and increase a little each watering to find the nutrient stress start to form and I run it like that or just under depending on where the plant is in her cycle. Once you find the "sweet spot" for the nutrients you can actually follow the labels dosing as far as how much more per week you should add, your plants will require more and more as they gain heavy bud sites and that would be the easiest way to follow all the brand out there I see people use, Advanced nutes, Foxfarms etc.

You will find every plant is diffrent and will like more or less and to maximize growth you want to push them all. I have to keep a notebook to keep up with it all and I still sometimes add the wrong amount ( wait did I already add that?) lol that's me.

I will try and keep up with your journal and your plants, looks like you will be harvesting around the time I will yay!:thumb:

Any questions feel free to ask me I will try and answer anything as best I can, I also have lots of experienced growers I talk to (my family and otherwise) That I can find out a lot of info I didn't know about :)

Thank you for the information!!! I have not fed my plants yet. But I was thinking in the next week or so, I will have to start. They just went to 12/12 on the 8th of April.
Not much new with the BWS I am going to water today. Yesterday, I noticed the tips of my plants starting to get some yellow on them. I am making the assumption that it is time to start feeding them? I do not was to mess this up. With the wire across them and the 10 gal pots flushing would be extremely difficult.
Yellow tips means nute burn.

The nutes are too high.

I'm not sure what you're feeding them, and what medium you use.

I saw you talking about flower nutes, and KJC telling you to start with 1/4 strength nutes.

M1DRAGONACE was also giving good advice. (As you slowly add bloom you remove equal amounts of grow.)
Hmm Nutrient burn with no nutrients? Hey Lady V have you ever tested the PPM or PH of your water source?

Most people will be surprised a lot of tap water is ok for cannabis as long as the soil can buffer the PH.

Also if you use certain Coco brands especially if you buy the discounted Large Block of it, I've found they are loaded with nutes and I prefer to flush them out with lost of water as I stick to my own nutrients :):thumb:
Hi Lady V,

Your plants are probably ready for their first feeding in flower. If the tips are yellowing, it's probably a sign that they are hungry. The plants are growing more rapidly now and burning more energy. I think after they get a nice meal they'll jump pretty good!
Toker69 Yellow tips means nute burn.

The nutes are too high.

I'm not sure what you're feeding them, and what medium you use.

I saw you talking about flower nutes, and KJC telling you to start with 1/4 strength nutes.

M1DRAGONACE was also giving good advice. (As you slowly add bloom you remove equal amounts of grow.)

I am not feeding them yet. Fox Farm Ocean is the soil.
I was reading your using well water.

That can be very high in mineral content.

Fox farm ocean forest comes with some nutes also.

I think the well water may have caused a mineral build up.

Do you have a PPM meter?

Well water can be real good, or real bad.

You won't know until you check.
Hmm Nutrient burn with no nutrients? Hey Lady V have you ever tested the PPM or PH of your water source?

Most people will be surprised a lot of tap water is ok for cannabis as long as the soil can buffer the PH.

Also if you use certain Coco brands especially if you buy the discounted Large Block of it, I've found they are loaded with nutes and I prefer to flush them out with lost of water as I stick to my own nutrients :):thumb:

Fox Farm Ocean is the soil and yep to the PH. I transport my water from my mom and dads well in 55 gal drums. I do not use city water. I do not want to flush!!! Yikes!!! I do not have the ability to lift a 10 gal pot full of soil. I use my shampooer for runoff but a FLUSH!!!

I hope that SABO is right. The thought of flushing makes me want to turn blue. mmm time for photo :)
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