Lady Vadalon - Soil - Bubba White Shark - Grow 2 - February 2014

OK, I put two photos together this is day 7 into bloom The photos look like rubbish..

I was reading your using well water.

That can be very high in mineral content.

Fox farm ocean forest comes with some nutes also.

I think the well water may have caused a mineral build up.

Do you have a PPM meter?

Well water can be real good, or real bad.

You won't know until you check.

I really have not had an issue with the well water. All I have is a pool kit to check PH. Well water is 7 and that is normal. I do not have anything fancy. Normally, I water by weight of pot but now I have been sticking my finger in the soil. I can do a small flush and can add 1/4 of the amount of nutrients to help replace that is being flushed out. I try to keep PH 6.0----6.8
Personally I wouldnt flush. The nutrient burn is very slight and doesnt show signs that it will progress. I guess flushing it wont hurt anything but it does put the plant is shock usually to get that kind of water. Your plants are healthy and so I would not do anything to change that. I feel with such a low amount of nutrient burn any accumulated salt to cause that small amount of burn will leave the root zone naturally through regular watering. My plants have small nutrient burns on them after I pushed over 3000 ppm after a steady climb. Now they are on their way down and are at 800-1000. Anyways the point is no I dont think you should flush and as a principle I wont flush unless the burn is wide spread on about 15% of the leaf or if you took all of the burns together and it would equal 2 fanleaves. For now I would say to monitor the situation and if it worsens by at least quadruple what is there now then flush but a few random tips isnt a issue.
Personally I wouldnt flush. The nutrient burn is very slight and doesnt show signs that it will progress. I guess flushing it wont hurt anything but it does put the plant is shock usually to get that kind of water. Your plants are healthy and so I would not do anything to change that. I feel with such a low amount of nutrient burn any accumulated salt to cause that small amount of burn will leave the root zone naturally through regular watering. My plants have small nutrient burns on them after I pushed over 3000 ppm after a steady climb. Now they are on their way down and are at 800-1000. Anyways the point is no I dont think you should flush and as a principle I wont flush unless the burn is wide spread on about 15% of the leaf or if you took all of the burns together and it would equal 2 fanleaves. For now I would say to monitor the situation and if it worsens by at least quadruple what is there now then flush but a few random tips isnt a issue.

They have not had any nutrients added at all and the tips are all like the photo. SO I only did a small area of the tent. To post :)
So your saying the soil is hot? Well if thats the case the burn still isnt to bad even if it was the tip of almost all of your leaves as a flush wont allow those burnt tips to turn green again. Flushing is up to you but usually that is only done as a o shit save the plants moment or somepeople flush after the switch to leech out any veg nutes and again at the end to try and encourage the plant to use its reserve nutrients in order to get a better less harsh smoke. I still dont feel that if they were my plants that I would flush just yet but I would monitor the situation. I know when you see something like that its hard not to overreact but dont do that just yet. Your plants are lovely and you are doing a good job. Ultimately it is up to you to flush but personally I still wouldnt. Just dont give anything until new growth shows and its all green.
OK. PH of soil is sitting at a 7.0 So, I am going to do a light flush now and stay on it. It is now or never.
Alright good luck then

We did not do a total flush. 10 gal pots we ran 6 gal water PH at (6.0--6.8) through all of them. They were dryer than I thought. When the water hit the soil air was coming out. So, we just watered until the air bubbles stopped on each plant. Personally, I think that they were to dry. A few days will tell.

Thank-you for the help :high-five:
Anytime you need it. If they were really dry then giving them extra water is fine. I just dont prefer a flush because you are leeching nutrients out of the soil you paid good money to have in it. So I try to use it as a last resort unless it actually is needed before then.
Anytime you need it. If they were really dry then giving them extra water is fine. I just dont prefer a flush because you are leeching nutrients out of the soil you paid good money to have in it. So I try to use it as a last resort unless it actually is needed before then.

Your right, the flushing does take the nutrients out of the soil. I am sure that they will be fine. Saturday they will need water once more and I am going to start them on 1/4 strength. I had been giving them 1gal a day of PHed water. I had to put the heater back in the tent. I noticed that the stems were turning purple. It is still getting cold at night. I was hopping that the warmer air from the other tent would be enough but, it wasn't. Well, so much for working with journal 3 today. I/we were going to transplant the Swiss Cheese. I was not sure that my son was going to come over. Like al little beaker he homed right in :)

Thank-you once more EveryOne for the help
Lady V, your apparent knowledge & detailed journals are very impressive:thumb:,

I am intermediate at best, and I am just starting to grow "known" strains.

Unfortunately, my 4 piles of "labeled seeds" was spilled into one pile of 4 strains.

do you think you might be able to ID: Purple Kush, Northern Lights, OG (kush), or Sacramento. from a leaf & plant pic, the plant is vegging.

let me know by clicking LIKE here, and I'l post the pic, or if you prefer PMsg, thats just as good, thank you!!
Lady V, your apparent knowledge & detailed journals are very impressive:thumb:,

I am intermediate at best, and I am just starting to grow "known" strains.

Unfortunately, my 4 piles of "labeled seeds" was spilled into one pile of 4 strains.

do you think you might be able to ID: Purple Kush, Northern Lights, OG (kush), or Sacramento. from a leaf & plant pic, the plant is vegging.

let me know by clicking LIKE here, and I'l post the pic, or if you prefer PMsg, thats just as good, thank you!!

You can post maybe, someone more experienced can answer your question. This is my second grow and if it was not for the 420 community I would not be this far along :) Then I can learn from your question. I just read the threads and grow BIG Ears/ Eyes and try to pick up on as much as I can. If, I do not fully understand something I ask and ask and ask.. :) Everyone here is nice and helpful.
Great, thank you, for I know it might not be possible w/ signs from flowering.


do you think we might be able to Eliminate or ID: Purple Kush, Northern Lights, OG (kush), or Sacramento strains, from these pics?

I can confirm that leaves look very similar to my Purple Kush that is flowering now. A pic of the 2 plants, side by side is last,

the confirmed purple, is on the left, the one on the right, is the plant in all 3 pics.

I could not begin to guess with my limited strain knowledge being about zero,

thank you Lady V & anybody that might help us.:thanks:


Great, thank you, for I know it might not be possible w/ signs from flowering.

do you think we might be able to Eliminate or ID: Purple Kush, Northern Lights, OG (kush), or Sacramento strains, from these pics?

I can confirm that leaves look very similar to my Purple Kush that is flowering now. A pic of the 2 plants, side by side is last,

the confirmed purple, is on the left, the one on the right, is the plant in all 3 pics.

I could not begin to guess with my limited strain knowledge being about zero,

thank you Lady V & anybody that might help us.:thanks:
How is your PH? I was thinking about your question. These are all Hybrid and from known strain seeds. You should be able to pick them out after they have buds on them from full photo shots. To me they all look the same at this stage. I totally get the zero thing only to well. I am trying to keep detailed journal of the good, the bad and the ugly :) so I have a reference to go back to latter if needed. And if people know not to make mud pies out of your garden all the better..LOL :) I really like the stocks on your plants!!!
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