Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4 x Super Skunk x Grape Crush

Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Great looking screens! Every time I stop in I get more fired up about completing my grow room (the hired help is a lazy pothead lol). Hopefully I'll be adding another grow to my signature in the next couple weeks.

Which leads me to a question... How high above the screen will the plants grow? I'm trying to figure out how tall I need to build my grow tent.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hi OMM. Thank you my friend. Both strains are doing pretty well so far. I'm getting the urge to do one strain per screen just for the uniform look of things but the comparisons still interest me at this point.:peacetwo:
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Thanks JohnGalt.

I think I hired the same worker a while back. I don't think he's actually lazy just different priorities when there's THC involved, lol.

I would go as tall as you can in your available space because some strains will double or more in size when stretching and thats a terrible time to find yourself forced to trim tops.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Thanks Staffy, hope they stay green.:smokin:

no prob dude, i think youll be very happy, i know i would :).
would you mind tellin me how you do your flushing in the end. how many days before? at what color the trichs are, u know? its my first time and my medi bud , ive got roughly 2 -3 weeks left.
thanks bud
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

I'm using Botanicare so I'm not sure it even needs a flush (organic)but I started with water and molasses only, about a week and a half ago. Only on two of the widows. The one in the back still has weeks left, I think. And so do the mangos on the right of the screen. Trichs were probably less than 50% cloudy when I started.
I believe most folks like to flush with water only for the last week or two. Probably depends as much on the nutes being used as it does on grower preference. Some don't flush at all, Miracle Grow users included.
If you're using synthetic nutes you might want to do an actual flush, with 3x the amount of water per pot size to get things cleaned out before going to water only. Clearex works well from what I've read. Might be a good idea if you find your plants finshing faster than expected.
I'm sorry if this sounds a little vague, it's an area where there's lots of room for different methods. You might get a better answer from some of the more experienced growers here on 420.

ooops, my comments re my plants are for my other journal, sorry. Forgot which one I was typing in. (and I'm straight) lol Just ignore the first paragraph.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

ok cool bro thanks you. ummm i just wanted to say, i dont know if it is totaly true, but i have read it, well organic nutrients are exactly organic because nearly everything in the nutrients have been altered for a specific reason, so really does not make it pure organic and still need to flush even when using organic nutes. now i dont know if it is totaly true, but to me is sounds pretty good to me. just thought i would pass on what i have read.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Yeah I hear you. I've read similar theories from folks with a lot more experience than me. I think it's a matter of organic origins rather than chemical. I suppose there has to be a certain amount of alteration or fish ferts, for example would be deadly in a week. There are probably binders or emulsifiers added to most retail organic nutes as well. I don't consider my grow anywhere near 100% organic just leaning in that direction.

I've got some supplements in the mix that will still be there during my flush period. But I have been using baking soda for ph up and I want to clear that. I consider a flush to be of benefit even if it's not perfect so it seems like a good practise.
Thats what the forums are all about. I'm always :tokin::peacetwo:open to respectful discussion.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

cool dude. baking soda for ph up, thats awesome, never heard of that. how does that work? does it work well?
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

It works well but requires a good flush now and then because the salts can build up. In a pinch it's better than giving them the wrong PH, in my opinion. I use less than 1/8th of a teaspoon to 4 liters. If I required a heavier dose I would go with a bottle of ph up and probably will for my next grow just to avoid unnecessary flushes.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

You're welcome.

Do you have a way to check your PH?
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

hey mmmmick I just got all caught with this great grow you got going on again.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Hey dachwon, welcome back.

How're things?
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Life good, just popped back up on here to troll around and get some good ideas.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

You're welcome.

Do you have a way to check your PH?

ya i have one of those things that you stick in the soil and it reads it with the needle, not the best and sure not most accurate but all i could afford really.
Re: Mmmmick HGL 126W Demo SCROG 4xSuper Skunk x Grape Crush

Should work fine, I used a reagent kit and colour chart for a while. I think the kit was off by .5 lol, I thought my pen was trash.
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