Mr Teddy's Greek Indoor Grow - Indicas - Soil - LEDs

:love: Amazing shape! Looking green and happy in mr Ts garden :cheer:

Nice update Teddy!! They look gorgeous!! I hope you enjoy the blueberry as much as we do. :bong:

:thanks: Ladies. Always good to hear from those who know that they are looking fine. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And Jade, I'm so sorry, I forgot to give praise to your plants in my list. :lot-o-toke: You know I love you really. :hug:

Gave them their kelp foliar spray just before lights out this morning. They are looking a little droopy after their water, but I'm sure they will bounce back like something that bounces. I'm getting quite excited about The Flip. The Red Shift. :laughtwo: I'm following SG's advice however - get the tops vertical and growing a little more first.

It's thick fog outside AND pouring with rain AND I've got to go out AND I've just noticed I have a flat tyre. Think maybe I'll just have another coffee first.....
Hey looking good Mr T! How long have they been in flower now? I just put mine in flower yesterday, bad move sinve they have out grown the space. Could you drop by my journal and give a tip or two? Dont know if i should remove fan leaves, or snear them down like you've done.
What do that benefit by the way? The blue strings you have all over the plants :)

Also I see you have a lot of "tops" or what they are called. I have 1 on each plant while you have many many.. is this a result in topping? And if you look at my plant from the top, is it easy to say it wont yeild much?

Glad you're doing fine! Sorry to steal your thread like this but no one answers and im kinda clueless what to do hehe
Also sorry to hear about your dog! Glad it didn't get worse!

Me and a friend was traveling in thailand 2 years ago, we hade driven our scooters way out of city by mistake, where there was only mountain roads and jungels with no light except from our bikes. We drove by a small gang of stray dogs along the way, seemed like they where just chilling at the side of the road. But as soon as we came past them 3 of them charged us. One dog that was very simiular to a rottweiler was 2 inches from my throat whenwe dodged past them. They kept hunting us for maybe 20-30 meters then stopped.

I have never ever been so close to death or that shaken up before. Lesson is, i dont mess with stray dogs, they are unpredictable and vicious!
Hey looking good Mr T! How long have they been in flower now? I just put mine in flower yesterday, bad move sinve they have out grown the space. Could you drop by my journal and give a tip or two? Dont know if i should remove fan leaves, or snear them down like you've done.
What do that benefit by the way? The blue strings you have all over the plants :)

Also I see you have a lot of "tops" or what they are called. I have 1 on each plant while you have many many.. is this a result in topping? And if you look at my plant from the top, is it easy to say it wont yeild much?

Glad you're doing fine! Sorry to steal your thread like this but no one answers and im kinda clueless what to do hehe

:ciao: Granz. Good to see you. And you are not stealing my thread - ask anything you want. That's how it works round here at 420. :) :circle-of-love:

OK, I'll tell you what I can. All the regulars here on this journal are terrific growers, so they might wish to chip in too, either here or at your place. On which subject, do put the link to your journal in your signature so folks can just click through. Go to the User CP at the top - Settings - Edit Signature and pop in your URL and a title for it. You'll get loads more visits. That's why no-one is answering you!

Everything I know I have learnt here. I would recommend that you read, read, read. Research is a great foundation and the generous, helpful, witty folk here are the cherry.

Firstly, my three girls are not yet in the flowering cycle. I'm still vegging. I am following SoilGirl's advice (check out her journal for some brilliant and instructive photos) and not switching to 12/12 for another week or so to let the tops grow a little more. 44 days now under 18/6.

What I have been doing is known as Low Stress Training (LST). This is a technique to maximise the light across all the bud sites. My "blue string" is gardening tie. (People use wire, pipe-cleaners, ribbon, it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't dig into the stems). First I put it around the main stem at the bottom to reduce root disturbance and then I pulled and tied down the opposite branch. As shoots grew I tied them down around the pot, always with the objective of opening up the plant and exposing bud sites which otherwise would be shaded and therefore only produce popcorn (tiny flowers).

Lordy Lordy - I might actually be sounding as if I know what I'm talking about. :rofl:

The overall aim is for a flat top of tops, each therefore getting the maximum light available.

During this process I topped the plants - or, given that I have more experience outdoors in my garden, "pinching out". This is simply removing the new growth at the top of a budding site. This encourages the plant to become bushier (which is why I'm growing Indicas) and each topping doubles the buds. I have - again on the fragrant SoilGirl's recommendation - done that once on all the lower buds and three times on the top buds. That's why my girls look OK (although not as good as SoilGirl's fingernails).

Removing the big fan leaves is something many people do. Again, the objective is to get light to the lower buds. I've done a little of that but also just bent a load of them down by hand, below lower bud growth. The gardener in me says they are the plant's engine and I like a lot of cc's in my car. But if you look around you'll see plants where almost ALL the fan leaves have been stripped and that seems to work too.

We all have to find what's right for us and, importantly, what's right for the plants. Different strains react differently - again check SoilGirl's journal for an interesting discussion on this. In my case, Mazar has responded less well to LST, wanting to grow in one direction only, whereas Blueberry delights in a bit of training. Which is great knowledge for me for the next round.

So it's all about maximising yield and tailoring your girls to your grow space. And having fun doing it. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Now I'm going to have supper and then I'll pop over and see your girls. Post again here with the link to your journal and I'm sure you'll get more, and more experienced, advice.

Thanks for giving me the chance to pass on the knowledge. I'm learning too, and each day is a new opportunity. Ask anything else you want!
:circle-of-love: Mr Teddy
Your plants are looking so wonderful Mr. Teddy! I'm honestly a bit jealous! :love: You're doing a wonderful job in this journal so far.

I really don't have anything to add to the above post, which I loved reading by the way. You definitely know what you're talking about now :)

and LOL, thank you for referencing me so many times, I'm a little bit embarassed, - I'm no master by any means I just like to help out haha - I know the theory parts great! The practice - that's what I'm getting to hahaha. But yes, I hope anyone who's interested in the whole debate around different training methods or true (no bottles) organic soil growing will join us at my journal, whether it's just to lurk, to add to the discussions, ask for my help, or just chat lol. :love:

Take care Mr. Teddy, I love the pics, can't wait to see the yields you get off those plants. :circle-of-love::volcano-smiley:
G'day Mr. Teddy and I hope you and your household are warm and cozy on this fine day - or late evening in your case. I had a delightful early afternoon enjoying a smooth blonde coffee and reading through your lovely Journal. Finally caught up. First, I am very thankful that Teddy is ok. The mere sound of his distress call must have just ripped your hearts out. Way to stand your ground Teddy boy!!! What a stud subwoofer! Obviously the feral dog left the scene - what a cheeseball putz! All paws to you Teddy bear!

Now, I must also admit that halfway through this last page, you inspired me to get off my arse. I have learned soooooo much from this community and there is so much information to consider and process and in my epiphany driven state of taking in your fine journal, I paused my reading and liking, cleaned off my entire desk, fetched a office binder w/ notepad pocket book and began my own handwritten 420 Notes Journal. Then came back where I left off on your post and continued to here :)

You are doing a fantastik job Teddy. Your efforts are admirable and I thank you sincerely for sharing them with all of us. Looking really good sir and all the best to you. Oh, and btw, love your unbroken Roman nose! Just POSH! :)

:Namaste: + :green_heart: + :blunt:+ :popcorn:
Your plants are looking so wonderful Mr. Teddy! I'm honestly a bit jealous! :love: You're doing a wonderful job in this journal so far.

I really don't have anything to add to the above post, which I loved reading by the way. You definitely know what you're talking about now :)

and LOL, thank you for referencing me so many times, I'm a little bit embarassed, - I'm no master by any means I just like to help out haha - I know the theory parts great! The practice - that's what I'm getting to hahaha. But yes, I hope anyone who's interested in the whole debate around different training methods or true (no bottles) organic soil growing will join us at my journal, whether it's just to lurk, to add to the discussions, ask for my help, or just chat lol. :love:

Take care Mr. Teddy, I love the pics, can't wait to see the yields you get off those plants. :circle-of-love::volcano-smiley:

Kala Kristourina, SG. And forgive my pronunciation please. And it may be Kalo. Languages with genders always freak me out. English - even American English - is just so way ahead. :)

Thoroughly enjoying the soil debate at your place. You and your living soil and Predator Mites. It's going to turn into The Quatermass Experiment soon. (Google it, kids. It was The Scariest Movie Ever for my generation.)

It's funny how much you realise you've learnt when you start to write it down. And, like regular gardening, there's always more......
:thanks::love: x

G'day Mr. Teddy and I hope you and your household are warm and cozy on this fine day - or late evening in your case. I had a delightful early afternoon enjoying a smooth blonde coffee and reading through your lovely Journal. Finally caught up. First, I am very thankful that Teddy is ok. The mere sound of his distress call must have just ripped your hearts out. Way to stand your ground Teddy boy!!! What a stud subwoofer! Obviously the feral dog left the scene - what a cheeseball putz! All paws to you Teddy bear!

Now, I must also admit that halfway through this last page, you inspired me to get off my arse. I have learned soooooo much from this community and there is so much information to consider and process and in my epiphany driven state of taking in your fine journal, I paused my reading and liking, cleaned off my entire desk, fetched a office binder w/ notepad pocket book and began my own handwritten 420 Notes Journal. Then came back where I left off on your post and continued to here :)

You are doing a fantastik job Teddy. Your efforts are admirable and I thank you sincerely for sharing them with all of us. Looking really good sir and all the best to you. Oh, and btw, love your unbroken Roman nose! Just POSH! :)

:Namaste: + :green_heart: + :blunt:+ :popcorn:

Now ain't that the nicest post ever? :thanks: and glad you're enjoying the ride, colorfuldays. Love anyone who's nice about me AND my dog. They get points and likes and reps and good good Greek vibes. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I know - it's astonishing what one learns here on 420. Notebook is a good idea. I cut and paste because I got fed up thinking "Now where was that post about soil/topping/mites/temperatures/etc? Ah I think it was about 100 pages back on Lester's journal."

Thank you my friend. All good, nothing bad.


So today I took the looong bus journey to the nearest town to pick up Mrs T's mended motorbike. I sat next to a chicken all the way. Very calming. I'd given the girls their foliar spray of Kelp at 6.45am just before lights out and when I got back they were looking delicious. I must say that both the outdoor plants this summer and now these three really respond to it with lush, rich green foliage and perky tops. They are stretching up now so I'm thinking maybe on Christmas Eve I should celebrate by turning the flowering red spectrum on and going 12/12. Tell you what, I'll take some snaps tomorrow and see what you think.

:love: to one and all.

Pip Pip! Mr Teddy
:laughtwo: even American English.. it really should be called something else right? Perhaps "Amglish" - such an ugly-sounding word, surely it would glide right off our harsh American tongues :rofl:


I'll be waiting for those pics! Sounds like you had a fun ride with those chickens. :)
:laughtwo: even American English.. it really should be called something else right? Perhaps "Amglish" - such an ugly-sounding word, surely it would glide right off our harsh American tongues :rofl:


I'll be waiting for those pics! Sounds like you had a fun ride with those chickens. :)

I think it should just be called what it is - American. I've done a lot of work in the States and it is a different language. It is a wonderfully expressive language, which sparks that old argument about whether language shapes thought or visa-versa? I was told by a client in Washington that he was "jazzed" by my work. I had no idea what he meant. The only clue was that he was smiling. Did he think I made it up as I went along? And what sort of jazz? Trad.? West Coast Cool School? Late Coltrane? And a lovely girl with the most seductive southern drawl told me that she adored my voice and she wished that she had an accent. :love: :rofl:

Ok, wait no longer. Here come the pics.


That's the question. I'm thinking Christmas Eve would be an appropriate moment to turn the star over Bethlehem up to full force and go 12/12. But that's just the old Catholic in me. :cheesygrinsmiley: What I'm trying to show you in these pics is how they are all stretching now. They've had a growth spurt the last few days and many of the stems have grown about 1". Tie down again? Stick and let 'em stretch? Or twist into flower?

Tent temp is a fine 25-30C. Humidity is usually mid to high 40s but today the dry bright sunlight and very stiff breeze seem to have brought it down to the late 20s. No amount of wet towels and water change it. :yikes: But all three are healthy and vibrant. I have no health concerns. (Well, apart from my own little problem, you don't need to know :laughtwo:). No sign of pre-flowers yet.

Tent first, then some pics in Mrs Teddy's sunlit quilting studio:


Here's MasterKush:




And Blueberry:


Don't they look simply divine darling in the natural light? Oh, I'm so looking forward to growing outdoors again next year.

If I don't hear otherwise, I'm turning the Christmas lights on on Christmas Eve. May I be the first - and probably only one - to wish you Kala Christouyenna.

:ciao: Pip Pip! Mr Teddy x
Choice update Mr Teddy. Likewise Kala Christouyenna to you as well as a very happy Cannabis filled winter solstice! Although you should be in the day after by now :) Special day for us in high latitude since we start gaining light again in about 6-8 days. Ahhhh, the sunshine and reminders that spring is next. I share your excitement and anticipation to grow outside this spring. Your last grow with Frisandue was awesome. I love your pictures in this update that are in the sunlight. Makes we want to curl up w/ some furry paws next to the plants and take noon napper! All the best to your sir! Cheers

:Namaste: :high-five:
Awesome update Mr. Teddy! :) hahaha I loved the jazzed little intro. It reminds me of my friend who was recently telling me about this language that was made up recently for pure efficiency and function; supposedly it helps you think 10x faster or something like that by cutting out all of the little fillers in our sentences that make it take too long, like suffixes or prefixes, conjunctions, etc. Idk whether he made that up lol, he's definitely been known to do that. :laughtwo: but its definitely food for thought. I feel like the things we take for granted in life, like language, should be more scrutinized and improved upon. I get that we can't just switch the entire world to a new super-language overnight, but I don't think we should settle for older, less efficient ways of life just because its the way things are either haha. What an interesting age humanity is in; its like we've been torn between new ideas/change and the old ways since the dawn of industrialization, yet now, with modern science and technology, the old ways have all either evolved or are dying off, with the only laggards being the daily practices of millions.. (language and religion for example) it'll be interesting to see how these things change across the world during my life haha. it's looking like my country is going to speak more and more Spanish, and will be less and less religious. but you never know, maybe in 2016 we'll elect president ted cruz and church attendance and English will become mandatory. :laughtwo:

as to what to do next, I usually base my growing decisions like that off of how much bud I have in my stores lol. If I'm low, flower asap. If not, I veg as long as I can. If you think your frisian dew and passion can keep you and Mrs. Teddy happy for another 3 months, I'd keep vegging and training for 2-4 more weeks. If not, I'd let them keep going vertical and flower them on xmas (I'm going to switch to 12/12 on xmas day I think! :xmas:) - but keep in mind, while they're going vertical, those fan leaves I keep talking about defoling up towards the top could become a major dilemma, shading countless lower nodes. In the end its up to you to do what you want with those though.

The plants look great!! Really, they look like you've been growing plants like that for decades lol. Those are going to be some amazing buds. take care! :love:
Thank you for your most kind words, colorfuldayze. :circle-of-love: And yes, wherever I've lived I've felt a deep pleasure when the year begins to turn from darkness to light. But here particularly because there is so much to look forward to in spring. I've been fortunate and travelled to many places and seen great beauty. But I'm most blessed to end up living in a spot which for me is the tops. Homer said that the gods themselves took their holidays where we live. (Or did the local tourist board say that?). Either way, it's a good line.
Hullo SG. :circle-of-love:

I see you just nailed another soil-bug question at your place. You've really taken to the living soil haven't you? All that research and then the doing - I really admire you for it and it's inspiring.

When it comes to language and that difficult word progress, I think one should be careful what one wishes for. "What's done is done and cannot be revoked"

When it comes to the girls because of your excellent and pragmatic advice, and after a quick calculation involving nugs and weeks, I shall switch, like you, at Christmas. :thanks:
And I promise that tomorrow at watering I shall place the scissors in my trembling hand and remove some of those big ol' bruisers. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Today we played watering and defoliating. It was fun.

MasterKush before:


And after:


Blueberry before:


And after:


Mazar before:


And after:


I did take some off. I really did:


Tomorrow the star over my stable will shine and there shall be a host of red spectrum heavenly angels and there shall be a darkness over the face of the tent for 12 hours. Please feel free to bring gifts. Especially gold frankincense and myrrh. Especially gold. It holds its value in the long term.

:circle-of-love: Mr Teddy x
:laughtwo: "I really did!" :laughtwo:

Well lets hope a little goes a long way haha. I do see that you helped expose a few mid/upper nodes, but the defol is more for the benefit of the low,low ones. Oh well, I applaud the effort hahaha. I don't blame you not wanting to bother the leaves too much, they're gorgeous :) do you ever keep some leaves in a cup of water? Whenever I remove big beautiful fans I do, sometimes they keep their vibrance for 4-5 weeks, lmao we eat with pot leaves on our dining room table. Christmas in Colorado! :laughtwo:
defoliation decreases yield so you should be careful. it's a good technique to prevent mold from colonizing and to limit the stretch/overall size of your plants.
Lol lol lol..... There's things in life that are certain, death and taxes.... Then there's things your not allowed to talk about, religion politics and defoliation, lol...
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