OldMedman Goes Indoors

Man, what a journal! The story and grow are great! Oh boy, if I was at that X-mas party I would have started laughing; and when I found out it wasn't a joke, I would have been like you, angry. I can't wait for "the rest of the story".:popcorn:
Those buds are beautiful! Nice harvest. Looking forward to the smoke report.:bravo:

Hi Thanks tricome ! :)

Glad you like them both.;) That B Day party was awful. We will reach about the half way part of the story soon.....it goes on and on...Lots of new characters coming up.

Get to the smoke reports soon. Going to take the other 3 down very soon.
Have a good week end. :high-five:
I've been growing since '68, smoking longer than that. Does that make me an olde thymer? Hope it was ok to post my pic on your thread, but I've followed you for quite awhile [thanx for turning me on to air pots] and I've never felt any bad vibes here so I know that you're pretty mellow. If I ever doing anything to make you uptight, please be up front with me, you won't bring this old hippie down.;)

Yep, your an old timer ! :)
You called it right....I didn't mind the picture..if fact was very nice. Hint if you do something I don't like...I'll just ignore you. ;) But it would have to be something outrageous.:Namaste:

Great on the air pots....I thought I remembered seeing your Avatar before.

I love the air pots.... cost a bit at first...but they last forever.

Well, there's some reason for 420 banning it.....who knows? As you probably have noticed, I try to tip toe around those things we can't talk about. Man, glad your looking in. :high-five:
Hi OMM - My Blueberry in the end wasn't extremely potent either. I got a really nice quality, creeper high from it, but I did have to vaporize more of it. I really enjoyed it, (still have just a little left) but it wasn't as potent as I would have liked. I didn't figure out right away that I was just vaping more to compensate. Thing is, when I did vape enough I really liked the high. I wish it would have been stronger and it would have been a really great keeper. Still love the flavor, though.

Hope you get better potency out of the Sour Cream, Thai, etc. Nice harvests, and congrats! :high-five:

Take care my friend - hope you are having a great weekend!

Hi My Friend with the Rocket Journal! :circle-of-love:

Guess that's what I'll do too .....just vape allot to get the buzz. No way I would give it to the lady I sponsor. She would lose faith in me. :smokin:
Haven't tested the latest ones that came down. If any of them even come close to the Frisian Dew, I'll be happy. .
By the way, Hawaii increased the big plant total to 7 per person, So I can grow 14 at a time now. But where? Is my thought! Hope your pain is getting better Brother. :high-five:
This got me to thinking [always dangerous]. It has been my experience that putting it into jars and letting it cure for ~ 6 months or more increases potency [has to do with decarboxylation of the THC] so if you can afford to let is sit for awhile, it may get stronger. If not, and if you have some chemist in you, an ethanol extract that is re-extracted with pet ether [bp 30-60 degrees] would reduce the volume of the oil. If you have even more chemist in you, you could make THC acetate [instructions are on this website from the same book that I used when I used to grow Mad River Ganja back in the early 70's]. If you don't want to go all chemical with it, you could make some cannabutter and just eat enough to make it work]. It might make some fine edibles and would probably be better for pain than for getting high. Hell, you could even 'share a little tea with goldie.':)

My thinking is dangerous too! Don't feel bad ! :)
I could keep them around for a while...that's no problem. Come to think of it, I always wanted to try water curring....this may be the time.

I'm not a chemist....but THsea is! He's working right now with all the trim to make edibles, oil, cannabutter and other things. Ask him about something and he can give the chemical make up of it on the spot. Amazing young man. Tell him something once and it's in there forever. I am forever grateful for his help.
He'll be starting a grow soon....then I can help him trim. He really studies the make up of strains. In fact the stain review Journal is where you can usually find him. Thanks for the ideas. :high-five:
Hiya OMM!!! How are you this enjoyable holiday weekend? Just thought I would stop by and say " high " and see how things are with everyone over there!. Things are goin good on this end. :high-five:
Hi All ! A few pictures that THsea took with his EyeClopes. To bad one can not attach a tripod to it. These are all hand held. These are of the Wild Thai Bubblelicious and The Kandy Cush.






Not bad for a $29.95 hand held device!:high-five:
OMM, the first picture isn't one of your plants! Sorry for the mix up, I'll have the other pic's deleted from the device next time... That one is a picture I actually loaded to this site before. I knew it looked familiar! It's a close up of Maui Diesel.

I don't think the second is one of yours either. It kind of reminds me of the Plumeria from way back. But who knows! The last two definitely are your plants. I'm like 50/50 on thinking its the wild thai. Woo! Sorry for being so disorganized :) I'll set you up with good pics of each though.

EDIT! Here's the Critical Plus. Two 100x pics followed by two 200x pics.

Hiya OMM!!! How are you this enjoyable holiday weekend? Just thought I would stop by and say " high " and see how things are with everyone over there!. Things are goin good on this end. :high-five:

High back at you Girl!:love:

Just trucking along over here....all good. Happy Holiday to you too! :)
OMM, the first picture isn't one of your plants! Sorry for the mix up, I'll have the other pic's deleted from the device next time... That one is a picture I actually loaded to this site before. I knew it looked familiar! It's a close up of Maui Diesel.

I don't think the second is one of yours either. It kind of reminds me of the Plumeria from way back. But who knows! The last two definitely are your plants. I'm like 50/50 on thinking its the wild thai. Woo! Sorry for being so disorganized :) I'll set you up with good pics of each though.

EDIT! Here's the Critical Plus. Two 100x pics followed by two 200x pics.


Hi Buddy...you knew I would mess it up!!! :yahoo:

Those new ones look great!

They are all ready now! :yikes::yikes::yikes:

If I can get Jo's shopping done tomorrow......I will take them down. on Monday. Hint...are you busy Monday? :high-five::circle-of-love:
The Story Continues……………..The Trial.

Well I did have a Greek Lawyer…….all he ever said was “Not to worry, you won't have to serve any time”. Of course I admitted the Hash was mine and RS didn't know a thing about it.
The Greeks, had a strange law system set up, for big time crimes they used 7 judges. My trial was a 3 Judge trial. Of course none of them spoke English….Oh! Great!

There was an American Lawyer present…..just to make sure it was all legal.

By the way the court room was full...guess they wanted to see the American Criminal...It was in all the papers. Jezz.

The trial took about 10 minutes. My Greek Lawyer presented my case. Then the 3 Judges talked a bit. Then passed down their Judgment. I was given a one year sentence. Thank goodness they counted all my time waiting for the trial.

I hugged RS and away I went to the holding House…as they called it.

To be continued…….
The Story Continues.................The Terrible Christmas Party :phew::phew:

For months Ken and Barbie talked up their coming Christmas Party. All our good friends were going to be there, so we started planning. All Barbie would let us do was plan the dinner, which would be at our favorite Taverna. Before the party. We would all go down and pick which lamb we wanted to eat. They were skinned and hung outside the entrance. As they cooked it we all had a good Greek Salad and Ouzo bread. If you never heard of Ouzo, please Google it. It's not welcome on 420.

We had a hell of a good dinner and we were ready to do some serious smoking. It was a costume party. The Greeks at the tavern loved us.
I was Santa and RS was my Pixie helper. Damn she looked cute in that outfit!
People came as elves, Santa's helpers, reindeer and wrapped packages. I passed out some ridiculous and not so ridiculous gifts for all. Mo wasn't there....Christmas eve was one of his big nights.

After all that madness,.most of us removed what we could of our costumes and drove over to Ken and Barbie's house. We sat on the floor with our backs to walls with the Christmas tree in the corner. Just a good buzz going around.

GT , the person I thought that might be your dad was there. Big old strapping guy from somewhere in Dixie named John. He was with his two Hawaiian ladies.. thats right 2. They lived together, in a great Greek house, court yards and all..The girls were in the Air Force.
Christos Jr, was there slithering around the room too.

Finally everyone was partied out and were getting their things together. Ken was standing by the door waiting to say goodbye to us.

Thats when Barbie stood up with Christos Jr. and said "Wait everyone we have an announcement to make!". "I am going to divorce Ken and Christos and I are getting married!" Total silence. I looked at Ken and he was white as a sheet. He didn't know!

I didn't see or hear any congratulations at all. The place emptied in less than a minute.

People, me included tried to hug Ken. He wasn't having any of that.

Until that point I thought, I knew the depths of what bad things we humans do to each other. I was furious!

Two days later Ken drove his motorcycle into the side of a city bus. It didn't kill him, but he was in the hospital for a long, long time.

He will pop up again in the story.......to be continued.....

WOW, I would have possibly drove off of a cliff in that situation....Women...(well, some of them)...So much for Ken's self esteem
The story continues...............Three days of pure hell!

When I left the Courthouse, I was led to a police van that looked like an armored car.
There was a big crowd trying to get a look at me, what the hell, for a quarter gram of hash???

When we got to the "Holding House". It was only three rooms. It had a Dutch door, so you could open the top of it only. In side there were three rooms. The bath room had no sink only a hole in the concrete floor to go in...no toilet paper. The other two rooms were about 24 feet by 24 feet with no windows. It was the filthiest thing I had ever seen any where. Even Nam was not this bad. There were about forty men in each room. There were maybe 29 single bed mattresses on the floor in each room. The floors, walls, and mattresses were all black with filth. I thought to myself....I'll never lay on one of those things. After standing for about 12 hours I changed my mind. If you opened a pack of smokes, they were gone in seconds. Twice a day they would give us a scoop of uneatable rice...The prisoners were from all over the world....mostly mid-eastern. I was the only English speaking person in there. Well, there was Hans.

I finally found a bit of mattress to sit on. That's when I met Hans. He was a very sick German. He coughed up blood every once in a while. More filth for the mattress and floor. I went over and beat on the Dutch door. After a while the guard opened the door, listened to me, then slammed it in my face. Back over to Hans.. As the night wore on he slowly told me his story. He was a retired business man with nothing to do. A friend found him a job driving new Mercedes to the middle east. Then he would drive back in an old beat up car. This was his forth trip. When he reached the Greek border in the old VW bus he was driving. They tore it apart and it had a ton of hash inside. He honestly didn't know about it. I believed him. He had been in the holding house for over a month.
On the third morning I was there he died. They waited hours before they carried him out.

The second day. They read out everyone's sentences. They had me down for three years! Oh no you don't! They didn't even search us when we were put in, so I had some money. It took all of the money to bribe the guard to call my lawyer and tell him to call the Holding House and straighten things out. He did and they changed it to 34 days. Thank God! Not really knowing the language was hell too.

About 4 pm....a guess. We had an uproar.. In came a very rich Greek Black Marketer.
His wife and servants came in with dinner.. They treated this guy like royalty. Tell me that money doesn't talk. They cleared one of the rooms for.him. Talk about a crowed smelly room!

After he had dined....he came into our room and said "Let's eat!". We all got something to eat. This guy was a trip!. He must have bribed some powerful people and a lot of them.
The next morning the same thing happened. His wife and servants brought in Breakfast.We all ate again. I kept thinking of Hans laying there dead.

An hour later they let him out. He must have paid his sentence off.
Later that day they put me in the armored car thing and I was on my way to prison.
I remember thinking " If this was the Holding House.....what was prison going to be like?"

To be continued......
This got me to thinking [always dangerous]. It has been my experience that putting it into jars and letting it cure for ~ 6 months or more increases potency [has to do with decarboxylation of the THC] so if you can afford to let is sit for awhile, it may get stronger. If not, and if you have some chemist in you, an ethanol extract that is re-extracted with pet ether [bp 30-60 degrees] would reduce the volume of the oil. If you have even more chemist in you, you could make THC acetate [instructions are on this website from the same book that I used when I used to grow Mad River Ganja back in the early 70's]. If you don't want to go all chemical with it, you could make some cannabutter and just eat enough to make it work]. It might make some fine edibles and would probably be better for pain than for getting high. Hell, you could even 'share a little tea with goldie.':)

I'd just feed it to the rodent colony (I keep on the back porch to feed my reptiles and hawks), get a different jar from the freezer, and call it a day.
often....if something's just not up to snuff (for whatever reason) I'll do a "bag drop" where the "Tuner" kids hang out....Winn Dixie parking lot....Applebees..etc. I find that something I consider junk, tends to fry the average, casual burner.
*Never underestimate the hardness of a long-time-grower's head*
I just LOVE:love: the idea of looking down and WOW! A SACK!!!! :high-five::cheer::adore::cheer::)
YEAH...YEAH....I'm the guy that put the Liquid Clearlight in the Prom punch.......THAT guy.....
The one in the Dead show parking lot. Dressed as an evil clown....water pistol full of DMSO and 40,000mg. of fine CIA brain-fuck....squirting the faithful in the face :)
G-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g g-bye...off to God with ye!
THAT guy
and now that y'all know too much ....I'll send Owlsley to get ya
*gots to stop hijacking OMMs flow*****
**water cure improves nothing...zero..zilch. It will allow you to save a bud with mold. Cut out all the molded material you can....and into the jar of water. It ruins any taste...the bud is brown and crunchy-dry when you're all done....and I'd estimate 20-30% of the potency is lost. (during the water exchanges I'd guess)
good for a shoestring save on budz headed to the rat cage anyway....but not much else. I've aquired quite a bit of it over time....I've taken to giving it away. I hope I never again get to where I smoke that kind of thing out of need.
I foresee no Love from the OMM, for the water cured cannabis
Greenie and OG13

Here is the seed picture.......save it and blow up...to view it better. :Namaste:


I don't buy it.....the "1 in 10" odds don't compute, I would be getting a lot more males than just 5 in 10. I think it is propaganda to get us to buy fem seeds....not if I can help it. I still like seeds so I will deal w/ some males!:geek:
I don't buy it.....the "1 in 10" odds don't compute, I would be getting a lot more males than just 5 in 10. I think it is propaganda to get us to buy fem seeds....not if I can help it. I still like seeds so I will deal w/ some males!:geek:

Hey I'm just the messenger.........:ganjamon: No where did I say it worked..:popcorn::surf:

Were you in Systems Analysis? We used to say......Fast, Cheap, or Good, also.
OMM, I have a ? for you. If all that other stuff makes me an olde thymer, what does this make me? I remember my mother explaining to me what Peter, Paul, & Mary's "Puff the Magic Dragon' really was talking about, thinking Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" was cool, that Maynard G. Krebs was so square that he was cubed, and signs that said "No beatniks allowed" at restaurant in, of all places, Big Sur?

Hey Ganja ! Good question.

Now you are starting to sound like my oldest son. He wanted to know about Puff too. For sure He heard "Take Five" many times...I wore it out. I haven't heard of Maynard G. Krebs in years. I was in on just the end of the Beatniks...they all turned into Hippies anyway. Sacrilege = No Beatniks in Big Sur. Man I loved Big Sur back in the day. There was a little Inn there by a river that had the best breakfasts in the world. Of course I always had roaring munchies back then....ahh still do! Took many a young lady down there to just hang out. (smoke) :bong:
Probably somewhere between you and your son. Neil Cassady was was the most hep cat I'd ever heard of, 'On the Road' was an eye-opener for me as a kid and my draft # was 67. I took my ex to the very same inn in the 80's, restaurant still the same as it was in the 50's. First place I got high was in Pacific Grove [where I lived at the thyme] which is at the end of the peninsula between Monterey and Carmel. It's gone all Hollyweird in the last 40 years, oh well, such is 'progress.' Were you living in 'The City' at that thyme?

Hey My Friend.....this is starting to get weird. :popcorn:

I was just turning 40 about that time. Both my sons worked in the Fishery in Monterey about then too. They both quit..too much work for the money. I met a ex Vegas show girl that lived in PG and she was the only woman I ever met that liked sex just much as I did. :love:
Didn't last but about 9 months, She was a "If you love me, you would buy me that" kind of girl. Hummm she had 12 year old son.
My youngest son lived in PG with an older lady too. He worked for Clint Eastwood at his restaurant in Carmel. Vegas girl and I did a bit of out door loving in Carmel too. She was crazy. I had a redwood house on Del Monty Beach back then. Can you say party?
The lady I took to Big Sur for breakfast the most was half Spanish and Black, a small beautiful women. Those were the days......
I was stationed at Fort Ord and when I made E-7, I quit doing everything. I was gambling with a good retirement so no more any thing. Finally met Jo, the lady that I'm with now. Crazy world. :)
Hey My Friend.....this is starting to get weird. :popcorn:

I was just turning 40 about that time. Both my sons worked in the Fishery in Monterey about then too. They both quit..too much work for the money. I met a ex Vegas show girl that lived in PG and she was the only woman I ever met that liked sex just much as I did. :love:
Didn't last but about 9 months, She was a "If you love me, you would buy me that" kind of girl. Hummm she had 12 year old son.
My youngest son lived in PG with an older lady too. He worked for Clint Eastwood at his restaurant in Carmel. Vegas girl and I did a bit of out door loving in Carmel too. She was crazy. I had a redwood house on Del Monty Beach back then. Can you say party?
The lady I took to Big Sur for breakfast the most was half Spanish and Black, a small beautiful women. Those were the days......
I was stationed at Fort Ord and when I made E-7, I quit doing everything. I was gambling with a good retirement so no more any thing. Finally met Jo, the lady that I'm with now. Crazy world. :)

YAY JO!! She was the winner...I guess it was a long time coming huh OMM!! Jo sounds to be a very wonderful lady and you both seem to be a great pair. Anyhow, still enjoying every minute of the story time at your expense, along with many others and hope Jo and yourself are feeling and doing great...It amazes me with all of the things you have done in your life, and this is just a tiny bit of it that you speak of....Very few people really live life to the fullest, but I think you are one of them that has and will keep doing so...HOORAY for OLDMEDMAN...:bravo::bravo::bravo:
YAY JO!! She was the winner...I guess it was a long time coming huh OMM!! Jo sounds to be a very wonderful lady and you both seem to be a great pair. Anyhow, still enjoying every minute of the story time at your expense, along with many others and hope Jo and yourself are feeling and doing great...It amazes me with all of the things you have done in your life, and this is just a tiny bit of it that you speak of....Very few people really live life to the fullest, but I think you are one of them that has and will keep doing so...HOORAY for OLDMEDMAN...:bravo::bravo::bravo:

Thank You willoby! :high-five: Starting to realize I may have messed up the exact chronology of some of the dates involved, but it is in the right order. :) Foggy old stoner's head.:)
I always have believed this is the only life we will ever have.....so....you better do what you want to, before it's over. Much later on I may do a little story on Jo. She's the one I love and it looks like we will be together till the end. She bitches a lot, but it's mainly from all the pain she is in. She's my Girl! :love::love::love:
Can you say why super lemon haze wasn't "the one"?
I am looking for her too.
Cinderella has came the closest yet.
I think I will make some female pollen from both girls, cross pollinate and call them Super Lemon Cindy.
Should be killer. What r ur thoughts?
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