Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed

Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Lol... Thanks Jimmy!! Youre a gun mate...
Shit if I come over to U.S and A Im gunna catch up with a few of you nut jobs:) Mate, I bet if we got baked and exchanged a few stories we d be hysterical.. My mrs hates it as it is as I have an old mate who we just get wrecked and talk crap about the tings we used to do and all this other funny shit..Good timez..
Thanks for stopping in buddy - Chat soon, Smokem...:high-five:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

;) will try it next photo shoot!! Thanks again Miwa..:thumb:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

* Lucy s FLOWER PICS *

Hey everyone, Thanks for taking the time to stop by.. I tried taking a few of her after lights went off, I took a few more but these will do for now, Ill add the others to my next pic upload.
Lucy is pushing out nice flowers with trichs on them already, my only concern is that her leaves are a lighter shade of green than Im used to, she still does have some darker leaves, its just now Im noticing more lighter colored ones on the branches.. I dont know if this is a problem, she is getting Nitrogen still, so Im not sure its due to that, it maybe bleaching?? I have my 600w far enough away to avoid burn and its even the branches slightly below the taller ones have the same lighter leaves?
My last grow I had the light the same distance or maybe just closer, and she was fine, Ill just see what she does. She is taking nutes from the lower leaves as per norm, and she is showing good spacing around each branch for bud growth and hoping that the top canopy of bud grows to a few inches each - If I manage that I should be sure to get close to a pound again.. I am really intrigued by the speed of her growth currently, it seems faster than my last couple? Or maybe I am just tripping:)
She s being fed Liquid Blue 15ml p/10L + Early Bloom and a little Seaweed, So I hope that this is enough to keep her going thru til harvest? Her roots are mad looking - some of her thick main roots up top surface look cool like a bonsai tree, But I do try to keep them covered with soil instead of having them exposed fully.
Ok, well here you go guys, a few snaps of my Lucy, flowering like a champion!!!

Starting to build buds now:)

So there you go, I hope to have some good snaps soon Im eagerly awaiting to see some calyxes swelling stacking on top of each other! WIKID... Take care and cheers again for dropping by, chat soon everyone. Smokemup..:thanks:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Hi Invi,
Thank you for your great optimism;) I am, as per usual, not sure and half stressing on my yield.. I seem to find myself in this state every flower period!! I see what Ive created so far, and apart from the breakage early on, she is nearly 100% what I wanted.
Due to the break tho, its caused a whole bunch of smaller branch shoots, and only a few more solid main branches.. So Ive spread out all her dominant branches into final positions, well, they wont be needing much adjustment from now - She has 15 good main solid vertical branches, so that 15 cola's of varying sizes, and yes, I too think that a few will be around 1ft.
After the cola's, I have a varying density top canopy of buds, their sizes are hard to judge as she s still only building her flowers up, but if these will bulk up in a couple weeks Ill have a better idea of what to expect?
Her leaves lightening up in color has me a little confused, PH is @ 6.8, Im feeding Early Bloomer/Vita Blue and every other feed I add some Seaweed. So she s still getting N, it may be her genetics, or maybe bleaching but its first time Ive had this issue and Im at the same distances from globe to plant tops? She is yellowing off her lower leaves as normal, every little shoot has pistils, I was thinking of trimming them off - BUT NO - Edward Scissor fingaz here needs to hold off at least 1 or 2 weeks, so if she has any stretch left in her I hope she will gain some height if she will.. But at present her majority height of all the branches is larger than with my previous girl, Kiksum, she was around 4.2-4.6ft tall, and Lucy is just above that at around 4.7 - 5.1ft tall.. So we will see how this part purple plant produces:):)
Take care and will chat soon mate.. Later buddy, Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

1.5+ pounds..... Hmmmmm... Well, we know that Kiksum gave me 16.5 Oz and another half oz of smaller trim. So, if Im to compare specs, as I said in previous post to Invi, Lucy is slightly larger in general, has flowered faster and has 15 main branches. If these cola's filll in like the C99xPR gals did, well yes, I AM 80% CONFIDENT I CAN GET SOME MORE 1ft Cola's..
But now I am of the thoughts that I can get my 1 pound from my plant as long as theres a good balance between main branches and then the top canopy of buds that grow best due to lighting/position.. I should get good penetration of light again, roughly 2/3rds of the plants height. Of course, it dissappates as it filters thru each leaf and the strength is reduced - But now she s spread out and basically set into her final positions its a matter of making sure that the branches cola's get as much light as possible all around them, and then the top level of fan leaves and such are cleared out enough to allow the top canopy to produce some decent buds across the whole top section, once I see buds forming a bit larger I may adjust their positions if they look to be going to gain abit more. There s unfortunately a fair bit of wasted growth, I was gunna remove it but I Ill leave most of it for now and maybe trim some later if needed. I dont want to stunt/hermie her or hinder her in anyway so just leaving them be..
Id like to thank you for your help buddy. been great to have you - KEEP ME STAY FOCUS - Unlike my camera work:) But Im gunna try the Ol' magnifying glass trick for some trich shots hopefully???
MERRY BUDDY WEEDEND MATEY!!! Take care and will chat with you soon ok - Be cool - Smokemupm8!:high-five:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Yeah I know buddy:)
Cheers, But Im a soil man.. Thats why my PH is at 6.8.. A PH of this high prob not so good for Hydro! I like soil, I always have being a country boy I like making/growing things and the old Mary Jane plant is apart from being great to smoke, IMO is also a very pretty plant!! I mean you think of the strains and colors out there among some of these plants, and then imagine standing before 16ft tall Ganja plants with buds like foot balls!! James The Green has them - MAN I ENVY HIS YARD!
Hoping he and his wife are ok actually, I havent heard from James in a while now??? But his journal is one of beauty..
But yeah, a tiny little seed, grown outdoors can grow into an immense smoking supply for months on end - 12 pounds from a plant is just friggin crazy! So this is why I like it fairly natural, my smokes always clean, good tasting and has a great high - even if my plant doesnt exude the smell of some hydro grown plants, they retain a good amount of THC or CBN to be keeping me stoned day in and day out for months on end smoking the same weed. I cannot say that for many other ounces Ive gotten from other sources! So I am happy with what I achieved up til now, I would really love Lucy to be a purple of some kind, that may explain her leaf coloring? But she still has nice thick purple lines running thru her stems so she is keeping me guessing thats for sure!
I was trimming a few leaves today and her trichs are abundant and are now definately starting to fill in among the branches, She is a fast mover, I dont know what the fastest strain flowering wise is but is it possible for a normal seed, soil grown plant to finish in 6 weeks of flowering? Her stretch seems to have slowed, so I should be ok to give her, her final trim up before end of flower soon..
The canopy of buds is going to be a mess of little nugs squashing together I think, Im having trouble arranging them but as said Ill wait til they build up some more.. TRICHS LOOKING YUMMO;);)
This is the most exciting part, watching your bush grow.. lol.. No, not that bush you rude bugger! Thanks again guys, and King Jon hoping all ur girls are doing well... Be cool.. Smokemupm8
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Been busy thats for sure.. Got a lot of trimming and arranging to do, Ive cleared out as much as I should need and set out branches accordingly, But until I start to see the buds buidling more Ill have a better idea of which ones will be the larger.
She is looking good, apart from as I said the lighter color green to her, her branches are strong and flowers plenty so im really hoping that this girl and my efforts can pull thru with another pound??
I have some more snaps to put up soon... Take care and happy harvesting;) Catch ya's, Smokemup..
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients


Well guys, heres a fw more snaps of my soon to be finished plant.. I am thinking that it may be a fast finisher as her growth is crazy, and maturation very quickly compared to the C99xPr's 65day flower period.. This Lucy, I am guessing maybe 45-50 days max?
She s yellowing leaves fairly quick, trichs are sparkling all over the tiny buds atm, am so keen to see her big buds!!
Ok well here s a few more snaps guys, thanks for the drive by...


Pics dont demonstrate her well, as usual, all who ve been here for my grows will know my situation when it comes to pics - NO - its not that I cant take a pic, in fact im a photography student! THAT SOUNDS Its due to the grow space and the ever so super quality lens of my camera phone :( They suk... Take care guys, and cheers for coming by.. Chat soon, Smokemup:welcome:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

looks good to me...i can tell whats up...right now i got light all the way to the dirt..but thats gonna change..this hash plant is in reveg and starting to stretch...those fans i cut off earlier is being replaced fast...i got the main top tied down and supper-cropped..trying to drive that middle up...looks like i'm averaging about 5 growing shoots to every growing shoot...and i got bout 10 growing shoots..she stays under LSTing til she hits the net...gotta get some horizontal growth..this net thing is fun..when you got a lot of room...Goooo Lucy..:)
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Yeah sweet mate glad you got it sorted!! And cheers for the cheerleading for Lucy;)
Doing a SCROG in essence, isnt far removed from my technique of LST, if the plant was started how I do, as long as you tethered a couple of the new branches, it should as you daid, produce more branching. And as I remove most of the growth below the top canopy it is nearly similar, all Id need to do was just as you said spread them out, dont know about S/cropng, but there s ways u can do it without cropping Im sure??
What size is your net - How many squares in it do you have - was it you that had 90? Either way, you shouldnt have to fill them all as if you Veg til plants big enough and have started training, well as long as you can get most branching below the net horizontally there should be plenty of room for buds to grow big:) Lucy is being weird,I am not used to this lighter green leaf color, it almost looks like Zinc or something, but she seems healthy, has plenty of good food, I mean, the leaves are yellow like the lower fans theres a difference between yellow and the lighter green fan leaves, I am waiting for the buds to grow some more - then I will trim her hard and leave mostly bud sites, unfortunately I have wasted growth - A CLONERS PARADISE!! I was going to strip them all out, as its wasting energy from Lucy as she tries to bud them..
WOULD IT USE MORE ENERGY HEALING AFTER REMOVING SOME SMALL BRANCH SHOOTS or LEAVING THEM ON TO FINISH UP?? I probably should have cleared some out during Veg but since I had the stem break and that I didnt want to stress her much more so Im doing my best with what I have.. Her 14 or 15 main branches I hope will hold some weight in them when they finish and this top canopy really needs to progress and gain in size, they have light all to them, Ive trimmed some leaf but they are getting light most of the way down so they may grow some ok smaller buds I hope - IT ALL ADDS UP;)
This soil mix Ive made, SUCKS!! It is really lacking now and it is not retaining much water at all - So im not sure what food she gets so Im feeding a bit more sparatic atm.. But I have to say, I am loving the looks of these bigger branches with their tiny sparkling trich packed flowers filling their way up the branches slowly growing in size and filling in the cola til the stem is no longer visible - I LIKE THAT..
I was adament that we'd not smoke as much weed this time, but shit - its happened again, the more ya got, the more ya smoke I guess?? Im weighing what I have, but lets ust say that Im already into the reserve stash I was hoping to cure for 6 mnths:( But I will have at least 4 Oz put away just for that cause, but yeah, we ve done about 6-7oz in about 9 weeks... Crazy.. See, but Ive quit smoking cigarettes and this is now where I get my fix so it probably explains that..
Ok well thanks again Miwa, and let me know what you rekn about healing vs finishing? Since she s grown so quick and is way different to most plants Ive grown she has me thinking and Im kind of being over protective and it can be a bad thing as Ive been known to screw up when I stress.. IM FOCUSSED - HOPE LUCY IS TOO:) Be cool buddy, chat soon ok and Ill drive by soon. Smokem..:high-five:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Miwa.. just thought Id put up a few pics of the bases of some of my girls, especially with Cindy, she was my tallest so far and Id removed the lower 1/3rd of her shoots/leaves, But up top she was massive, giving me the 2ft cola's.



On the last couple pics of Cindy s grow, I left her fan leaves on til harvest and I left around the same amount of leaves on the top canopy shoots as I have with Lucy this time, I am wondering if there is a direct correlation between leaving fan leaves on and the size of the bud growth where the leaf was attached? I stripped Kiksum, my last girl and she was smaller in stature - but a good harvest weight, Lucy has more leaves and is slightly taller = Growth weight HOPEFULLY AS GOOD!!
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

King John.. Hey matey!!
Thanks for your post mate.. What you said is fairly correct, tho there are a few people who say it needs to be at 6.7 -6.8 so the plant can absorb certain nutrients, Ive had a few charts posted in my previous journals as to which ranges certain nutes can be taken in by the plant..
Now, in saying this, I hardly ever used to concern with PH and hadnt had a meter until a couple yrs back.. And the grow I had at the time I checked with my meter and it ws about 6.4, and the plant was happy as a pig in shit:) But since reviewing these charts and convo's with others on here, most soil growers will recommend between 6.2 - 6.8, and I too am the same, I havent had many issues with my grows thus far - touch wood - apart from the major breakage of this grows main stem, and theyve all produced more and more each harvest.
Not sure if Ill better my last weight, but matching it will suffice:) Cant be greedy - But I do need weedy! lol..
I just removed a lot of small branches and leaves from Lucy s base before, probably about 9 branches removed in total and some yellowed leaves, hope she ll be ok.. Im going to try to leave her like my first girl here, Cindy, and leave her fans and leaves around the canopy again to see if there is any difference i can see in bud size. Ill have to compare and work an average but I think I have most aspects under control..
Its nearing the end of her grow she will be near ready in at least 4 weeks, so if these next few weeks show another increase in size I think she will be on track for a slightly faster over all grow, even tho I vegged her til over 3ft - She got to that mark in good time, So she has about 2ft of stretch since flipping her, doubt this will increase much. Most of the focus will be on the buds I think so her vert height will stay at 5ftH x4.5ftWx2.5ftD.. LETS SEE WHAT THESE SPECS ARE CAPABLE OF - I GOT 1pound FROM 4.5ftx4.5ft.... Winning guess gets a free ":goodjob:" Emoticon :)
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Thanks Dash:)
The pics above were from my first grow journal here, Cindy.. Her foliage and setup is similar to Lucy at present, so I hope that she will keep up the same growth rate and just bust her buds!! lol.. hope shes got some purple....
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients


Hey guys, how are we all??
Hope youre all merrily baked as I am.. Anyways, I took afew more pics of my Lucy and her flowers, She is gunna finish up faster than most Ive had I think. She just seems to be flying along atm...
Ive trimmed out leaves and spaced branches as best I could, tho I do have a few more leaves to remove today. Ok well heres my pics from lights out last night:


Her buds on the cola's are filling in and nearly touching each other, So there s only a week or two until she bulks up some more I hope:)
Thanks for dropping by and Ill have some more pics for you all soon. Take care, Smokemup..
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